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此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin
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official project TeamCity (simple build status) Maven Central GitHub license Revved up by Develocity

Kotlin Programming Language

Welcome to Kotlin!
It is an open-source, statically typed programming language supported and developed by JetBrains and open-source contributors.

Some handy links:

Kotlin Multiplatform capabilities

Support for multiplatform programming is one of Kotlin’s key benefits. It reduces time spent writing and maintaining the same code for different platforms while retaining the flexibility and benefits of native programming.

Editing Kotlin

Build environment requirements

This repository is using Gradle toolchains feature to select and auto-provision required JDKs from AdoptOpenJdk project.

Alternatively, it is still possible to only provide required JDKs via environment variables (see gradle.properties for supported variable names). To ensure Gradle uses only JDKs from environmental variables - disable Gradle toolchain auto-detection by passing -Porg.gradle.java.installations.auto-detect=false option (or put it into $GRADLE_USER_HOME/gradle.properties).

On Windows you might need to add long paths setting to the repo:

git config core.longpaths true 


The project is built with Gradle. Run Gradle to build the project and to run the tests using the following command on Unix/macOS:

./gradlew <tasks-and-options>

or the following command on Windows:

gradlew <tasks-and-options>

On the first project configuration gradle will download and setup the dependencies on

  • intellij-core is a part of command line compiler and contains only necessary APIs.
  • idea-full is a full blown IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition to be used in the plugin module.

These dependencies are quite large, so depending on the quality of your internet connection you might face timeouts getting them. In this case, you can increase timeout by specifying the following command line parameters on the first run:

./gradlew -Dhttp.socketTimeout=60000 -Dhttp.connectionTimeout=60000

Important gradle tasks

  • clean - clean build results
  • dist - assembles the compiler distribution into dist/kotlinc/ folder
  • install - build and install all public artifacts into local maven repository
  • coreLibsTest - build and run stdlib, reflect and kotlin-test tests
  • gradlePluginTest - build and run gradle plugin tests
  • compilerTest - build and run all compiler tests

To reproduce TeamCity build use -Pteamcity=true flag. Local builds don't run proguard and have jar compression disabled by default.

OPTIONAL: Some artifacts, mainly Maven plugin ones, are built separately with Maven. Refer to libraries/ReadMe.md for details.

To build Kotlin/Native, see kotlin-native/README.md.

Working with the project in IntelliJ IDEA

It is recommended to use the latest released version of Intellij IDEA (Community or Ultimate Edition). You can download IntelliJ IDEA here.

After cloning the project, import the project in IntelliJ by choosing the project directory in the Open project dialog.

For handy work with compiler tests it's recommended to use Kotlin Compiler Test Helper

Dependency verification

We have a dependencies verification feature enabled in the repository for all Gradle builds. Gradle will check hashes (md5 and sha256) of used dependencies and will fail builds with Dependency verification failed errors when local artifacts are absent or have different hashes listed in the verification-metadata.xml file.

It's expected that verification-metadata.xml should only be updated with the commits that modify the build. There are some tips how to perform such updates:

  • Delete components section of verification-metadata.xml to avoid stockpiling of old unused dependencies. You may use the following command:
sed -i '' -e '/<components>/,/<\/components>/d' gradle/verification-metadata.xml
#Linux & Git for Windows
sed -i -e '/<components>/,/<\/components>/d' gradle/verification-metadata.xml
  • Re-generate dependencies with Gradle's --write-verification-metadata command (verify update relates to your changes)
./gradlew -i --write-verification-metadata sha256,md5 -Pkotlin.native.enabled=true resolveDependencies

resolveDependencies task resolves dependencies for all platforms including dependencies downloaded by plugins.

Keep in mind:

  • If you’re adding a dependency with OS mentioned in an artifact name (darwin, mac, osx, linux, windows), remember to add them to implicitDependencies configuration or update resolveDependencies task if needed. resolveDependencies should resolve all dependencies including dependencies for different platforms.
  • If you have a local.properties file in your Kotlin project folder, make sure that it doesn't contain kotlin.native.enabled=false. Otherwise, native-only dependencies may not be added to the verification metadata. This is because local.properties has higher precedence than the -Pkotlin.native.enabled=true specified in the Gradle command.

Using -dev versions

We publish -dev versions frequently.

For -dev versions you can use the list of available versions and include this maven repository:



Kotlin is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See license folder for details.


Please be sure to review Kotlin's contributing guidelines to learn how to help the project.

[![official project](https://jb.gg/badges/official.svg)](https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/ALL/JetBrains+on+GitHub) [![TeamCity (simple build status)](https://img.shields.io/teamcity/http/teamcity.jetbrains.com/s/Kotlin_KotlinPublic_Compiler.svg)](https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/buildConfiguration/Kotlin_KotlinPublic_Compiler?branch=%3Cdefault%3E&buildTypeTab=overview&mode=builds) [![Maven Central](https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/org.jetbrains.kotlin/kotlin-maven-plugin.svg)](https://search.maven.org/#search%7Cga%7C1%7Cg%3A%22org.jetbrains.kotlin%22) [![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-Apache%20License%202.0-blue.svg?style=flat)](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) [![Revved up by Develocity](https://img.shields.io/badge/Revved%20up%20by-Develocity-06A0CE?logo=Gradle&labelColor=02303A)](https://ge.jetbrains.com/scans?search.rootProjectNames=Kotlin) # Kotlin Programming Language Welcome to [Kotlin](https://kotlinlang.org/)! It is an open-source, statically typed programming language supported and developed by [JetBrains](https://www.jetbrains.com/) and open-source contributors. Some handy links: * [Kotlin Site](https://kotlinlang.org/) * [Getting Started Guide](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/getting-started.html) * [Try Kotlin](https://play.kotlinlang.org/) * [Kotlin Standard Library](https://kotlinlang.org/api/latest/jvm/stdlib/index.html) * [Issue Tracker](https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/KT) * [Kotlin YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7uiEZIqci43m22KDl0sNw) * [Forum](https://discuss.kotlinlang.org/) * [Kotlin Blog](https://blog.jetbrains.com/kotlin/) * [Subscribe to Kotlin YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP7uiEZIqci43m22KDl0sNw) * [Follow Kotlin on Twitter](https://twitter.com/kotlin) * [Public Slack channel](https://slack.kotlinlang.org/) * [TeamCity CI build](https://teamcity.jetbrains.com/project.html?tab=projectOverview&projectId=Kotlin) ## Kotlin Multiplatform capabilities Support for multiplatform programming is one of Kotlin’s key benefits. It reduces time spent writing and maintaining the same code for [different platforms](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-supported-platforms.html) while retaining the flexibility and benefits of native programming. * [Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile](https://kotlinlang.org/lp/mobile/) for sharing code between Android and iOS * [Getting Started with Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile Guide](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/mobile/create-first-app.html) * [Kotlin Multiplatform Benefits](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/multiplatform.html) * [Share code on all platforms](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-share-on-platforms.html#share-code-on-all-platforms) * [Share code on similar platforms](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/mpp-share-on-platforms.html#share-code-on-similar-platforms) ## Editing Kotlin * [Kotlin IntelliJ IDEA Plugin](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/getting-started.html) ([source code](https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/tree/master/plugins/kotlin)) * [Kotlin Eclipse Plugin](https://kotlinlang.org/docs/tutorials/getting-started-eclipse.html) * [Kotlin Sublime Text Package](https://github.com/vkostyukov/kotlin-sublime-package) ## Build environment requirements This repository is using [Gradle toolchains](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/toolchains.html) feature to select and auto-provision required JDKs from [AdoptOpenJdk](https://adoptopenjdk.net) project. Alternatively, it is still possible to only provide required JDKs via environment variables (see [gradle.properties](./gradle.properties#L5) for supported variable names). To ensure Gradle uses only JDKs from environmental variables - disable Gradle toolchain auto-detection by passing `-Porg.gradle.java.installations.auto-detect=false` option (or put it into `$GRADLE_USER_HOME/gradle.properties`). On Windows you might need to add long paths setting to the repo: git config core.longpaths true ## Building The project is built with Gradle. Run Gradle to build the project and to run the tests using the following command on Unix/macOS: ./gradlew <tasks-and-options> or the following command on Windows: gradlew <tasks-and-options> On the first project configuration gradle will download and setup the dependencies on * `intellij-core` is a part of command line compiler and contains only necessary APIs. * `idea-full` is a full blown IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition to be used in the plugin module. These dependencies are quite large, so depending on the quality of your internet connection you might face timeouts getting them. In this case, you can increase timeout by specifying the following command line parameters on the first run: ./gradlew -Dhttp.socketTimeout=60000 -Dhttp.connectionTimeout=60000 ## Important gradle tasks - `clean` - clean build results - `dist` - assembles the compiler distribution into `dist/kotlinc/` folder - `install` - build and install all public artifacts into local maven repository - `coreLibsTest` - build and run stdlib, reflect and kotlin-test tests - `gradlePluginTest` - build and run gradle plugin tests - `compilerTest` - build and run all compiler tests To reproduce TeamCity build use `-Pteamcity=true` flag. Local builds don't run proguard and have jar compression disabled by default. **OPTIONAL:** Some artifacts, mainly Maven plugin ones, are built separately with Maven. Refer to [libraries/ReadMe.md](libraries/ReadMe.md) for details. To build Kotlin/Native, see [kotlin-native/README.md](kotlin-native/README.md#building-from-source). ## <a name="working-in-idea"></a> Working with the project in IntelliJ IDEA It is recommended to use the latest released version of Intellij IDEA (Community or Ultimate Edition). You can download IntelliJ IDEA [here](https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download). After cloning the project, import the project in IntelliJ by choosing the project directory in the Open project dialog. For handy work with compiler tests it's recommended to use [ Kotlin Compiler Test Helper](https://github.com/demiurg906/test-data-helper-plugin) ### Dependency verification We have a [dependencies verification](https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/dependency_verification.html) feature enabled in the repository for all Gradle builds. Gradle will check hashes (md5 and sha256) of used dependencies and will fail builds with `Dependency verification failed` errors when local artifacts are absent or have different hashes listed in the [verification-metadata.xml](https://github.com/JetBrains/kotlin/blob/master/gradle/verification-metadata.xml) file. It's expected that `verification-metadata.xml` should only be updated with the commits that modify the build. There are some tips how to perform such updates: - Delete `components` section of `verification-metadata.xml` to avoid stockpiling of old unused dependencies. You may use the following command: ```bash #macOS sed -i '' -e '/<components>/,/<\/components>/d' gradle/verification-metadata.xml #Linux & Git for Windows sed -i -e '/<components>/,/<\/components>/d' gradle/verification-metadata.xml ``` - Re-generate dependencies with Gradle's `--write-verification-metadata` command (verify update relates to your changes) ```bash ./gradlew -i --write-verification-metadata sha256,md5 -Pkotlin.native.enabled=true resolveDependencies ``` *`resolveDependencies` task resolves dependencies for all platforms including dependencies downloaded by plugins.* Keep in mind: - If you’re adding a dependency with OS mentioned in an artifact name (`darwin`, `mac`, `osx`, `linux`, `windows`), remember to add them to `implicitDependencies` configuration or update `resolveDependencies` task if needed. `resolveDependencies` should resolve all dependencies including dependencies for different platforms. - If you have a `local.properties` file in your Kotlin project folder, make sure that it doesn't contain `kotlin.native.enabled=false`. Otherwise, native-only dependencies may not be added to the verification metadata. This is because `local.properties` has higher precedence than the `-Pkotlin.native.enabled=true` specified in the Gradle command. ## Using -dev versions We publish `-dev` versions frequently. For `-dev` versions you can use the [list of available versions](https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/kotlin/bootstrap/org/jetbrains/kotlin/kotlin-compiler/maven-metadata.xml) and include this maven repository: ```kotlin maven("https://maven.pkg.jetbrains.space/kotlin/p/kotlin/bootstrap") ``` # License Kotlin is distributed under the terms of the Apache License (Version 2.0). See [license folder](license/README.md) for details. # Contributing Please be sure to review Kotlin's [contributing guidelines](docs/contributing.md) to learn how to help the project.


Kotlin 是一个基于 JVM 的新的编程语言,由 JetBrains 开发。 展开 收起






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