-- Stateful.lua
-- Enrique García ( enrique.garcia.cota [AT] gmail [DOT] com ) - 19 Oct 2009
-- Adds stateful behaviour to classes. Based on Unrealscript's stateful objects
--[[ Usage:
require 'middleclass' -- or similar
require 'middleclass-extras.init' -- or 'middleclass-extras'
-- create a normal class, and make it implement Stateful
MyClass = class('MyClass')
function MyClass:foo() print('Normal foo') end
-- add a state to that class using addState, and re-define the method
local Hidden = MyClass:addState('Hidden')
function Hidden:foo() print('Hidden foo') end
-- create an instance, and test the different behaviour when changing the state
local obj = MyClass:new()
obj:foo() -- prints 'Normal foo'
obj:foo() -- prints 'Hidden foo'
-- There's much more! States are inherited by subclasses. States can inherit from other states.
-- States can be stacked
-- There are hook methods (ex: exitState) called when the state information of an object changes
assert(Object~=nil and class~=nil, 'MiddleClass not detected. Please require it before using Stateful')
--[[ Stateful Mixin declaration
* Stateful classes have a list of states (accesible through class.states).
* When a method is invoked on an instance of such classes, it is first looked up on the class current state (accesible through class.currentState)
* If a method is not found on the current state, or if current state is nil, the method is looked up on the class itself
* It is possible to change states by doing class:gotoState(stateName)
Stateful = {}
-- helper function used to call state callbacks (enterState, exitState, etc)
local function _invokeCallback(self, state, callbackName, ... )
if state == nil then return end
local callback = state[callbackName]
if(type(callback)=='function') then callback(self, ...) end
-- returns the instance's state with the given name. Errors if state not found
local function _getStateFromClass(self, stateName)
if stateName == nil then return nil end
local state = self.class.states[stateName]
assert(state~=nil, "State '" .. tostring(stateName) .. "' not found")
return state
-- looks for a state on the instance stack. Returns the state + position on the stack
-- if stateName is nil, it returns the top of the stack + stackSize
local function _getStateFromStack(self, stateName)
local stack = self._stateStack
local stackSize = #stack
if stateName then
local state
for i=1, stackSize do
state = stack[i]
if state.name == stateName then
return state, i
return stack[stackSize], stackSize
local function _assertString(value, name)
assert(type(value)=='string', name .. " must be either a string")
local function _assertStringOrNil(value, name)
local tvalue = type(value)
assert(tvalue=='string' or tvalue=='nil', name .. " must be either a string or nil")
-- looks for a method "going up" on the stack
local function _lookUpMethodstatefully(self, methodName)
local stack = rawget(self, '_stateStack') -- needs rawget here, else infinite loop with class methods
if stack then
for i = #stack,1,-1 do -- reversal loop
local method = stack[i][methodName]
if method ~= nil then return method end
-- makes instances to use the stack before "moving up" on the ladder
local function _modifyClassDictionaryLookup(theClass)
local classDict = theClass.__classDict
local prevIndex = classDict.__index
local tpi = type(prevIndex)
classDict.__index = function(instance, methodName)
local method = _lookUpMethodstatefully(instance, methodName)
if method then return method end
if tpi=='function' then return prevIndex(instance, methodName) end
return prevIndex[methodName]
-- adds a _stateStack method to instances, before calling initialize
local function _modifyClassAllocate(theClass)
local oldAllocate = theClass.allocate
function theClass.allocate(theClass, ...)
local instance = oldAllocate(theClass, ...)
instance._stateStack = {} -- adds a stateStack to all instances
return instance
-- Changes a class by:
-- * adding a 'states' field to it
-- * re-defining the class __index method so it looks on the state stack before 'going up'
local function _modifyClass(theClass)
theClass.states = {}
-- makes sure that the subclasses are stateful, and they inherit states
local function _modifySubclassMethod(theClass)
local prevSubclass = theClass.subclass
theClass.subclass = function(aClass, name)
local theSubClass = prevSubclass(aClass, name)
-- the states of the subclass are subclasses of the superclass' states
for stateName,state in pairs(aClass.states) do
theSubClass:addState(stateName, state)
return theSubClass
-- re-define includes so it accepts 'stateful mixins'
-- stateful mixins can add states to a class. They must have a 'states' field, with mixins inside them.
-- for each key,value inside mixin.state:
-- if the class has a state called 'key', make it implement value
-- else create a new state called 'key' and make it implement value
local function _modifyIncludeMethod(theClass)
local oldInclude = theClass.include
theClass.include = function(theClass, module, ...)
local states = module.states -- make sure that states are not overriden
module.states = nil -- temporarily removing states from the module
oldInclude(theClass, module, ...)
if type(states)=="table" then
for stateName,moduleState in pairs(states) do
local state = theClass.states[stateName]
if state == nil then state = theClass:addState(stateName) end
state:include(moduleState, ...)
module.states = states -- add states back to module
return theClass
-- true if state is on the stack, false otherwise
local function _inStack(self, stateName)
for i=1, #self._stateStack do
local state = self._stateStack[i]
if state.name == stateName then return true end
return false
-- the state at the top of the stack
local function _getTopState(self)
return self._stateStack[#self._stateStack]
local function _setTopStateWithoutCallbacks(self, nextState)
local stackSize = #self._stateStack
local position = stackSize == 0 and 1 or stackSize
self._stateStack[position] = nextState
local function _setTopState(self, newStateName)
local prevState = _getTopState(self)
local prevStateName = prevState~=nil and prevState.name or nil
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'exitState', newStateName)
local nextState = _getStateFromClass(self, newStateName)
_setTopStateWithoutCallbacks(self, nextState)
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'enterState', prevStateName)
-- The State class; is the father of all State objects
Stateful.State = class('Stateful.State')
--[[ Changes the current state.
If the current state has a method called onExitState, it will be called, with the instance as a parameter.
If the "next" state exists and has a method called onExitState, it will be called, with the instance as a parameter.
use gotoState(nil) for setting states to nothing
This method invokes the exitState and enterState functions if they exist on the current state
Second parameter is optional. If true, the stack will be conserved (the top state will be replaced).
Otherwise, all the states on the stack will be popped (with the corresponding callbacks being executed).
function Stateful:gotoState(newStateName, keepStack)
_assertStringOrNil(newStateName, 'newStateName')
if(_inStack(self, newStateName)) then return end
if not keepStack then self:popAllStates() end
_setTopState(self, newStateName)
--[[ Changes the current state, by pushing a new state on the stack.
If the pushed state is already on the stack, this function does nothing.
Invokes 'pausedState' on the previous state, if existing
The new state is pushed on the top of the stack and then
Invokes 'pushedState' and 'enterState' on the new state, if existing
function Stateful:pushState(newStateName)
_assertString(newStateName, 'newStateName')
if(_inStack(self, newStateName)) then return end
_invokeCallback(self, _getTopState(self), 'pausedState')
local nextState = _getStateFromClass(self, newStateName)
table.insert(self._stateStack, nextState)
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'pushedState')
_invokeCallback(self, nextState, 'enterState')
return nextState
--[[ Removes a state from the state stack
If a state name is given, it will attempt to remove it from the stack. If not found on the stack it will do nothing.
If no state name is give, this pops the top state from the stack, if any. Otherwise it does nothing.
Callbacks will be called when needed.
Returns the length of the state stack after the pop
function Stateful:popState(stateName)
_assertStringOrNil(stateName, 'stateName')
local prevState, position = _getStateFromStack(self, stateName)
if prevState ~= nil then
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'exitState')
_invokeCallback(self, prevState, 'poppedState')
table.remove(self._stateStack, position)
if position == #self._stateStack + 1 then
_invokeCallback(self, _getTopState(self), 'continuedState')
return #self._stateStack
--[[ Empties the state stack
This function will invoke all the popState, exitState callbacks on all the states as they pop out.
function Stateful:popAllStates()
local sl = self:popState()
while sl > 0 do sl = self:popState() end
Returns true if the object is in the state named 'stateName'
If testStack true, this method returns true if the state is on the stack instead
function Stateful:isInState(stateName, testStack)
local state = testStack and _getStateFromStack(self, stateName) or _getTopState(self)
if state~=nil and state.name == stateName then return true end
return false
-- Returns the name of the state on top of the stack or nil if no state
function Stateful:getCurrentStateName()
local state = _getTopState(self)
return state ~= nil and state.name or nil
--[[ Adds a new state to the "states" class member.
superState is optional. If nil, State will be the parent class of the new state
returns the newly created state, or the existing one if it existed
function Stateful.addState(theClass, stateName, superState)
assert(includes(Stateful, theClass), "Invalid class. Make sure you used class:addState instead of class.addState")
assert(type(stateName)=="string", "stateName must be a string")
local existingState = theClass.states[stateName]
if existingState then return existingState end
-- states are just regular classes. If superState is nil, this uses State as superClass
local superState = superState or theClass.State
local state = superState:subclass(stateName, theClass)
theClass.states[stateName] = state
return state
-- When the mixin is included by a class, modify it properly
function Stateful:included(theClass)
if includes(Stateful, theClass) then return end
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