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Dockerfile.UBUNTU-amd64.Toolkit 1.93 KB
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ARG HElib_tag
FROM $HElib_tag
ENV container docker
LABEL maintainer="Flavio Bergamaschi <flavio@uk.ibm.com>"
# Docker Container for Ubuntu FHE IDE and Example Code Toolkit
# The code-server runs on HTTPS port 8443 so expose it
EXPOSE 8443/tcp
# Set root user for installation
USER root
# Set noninteractive installation
RUN export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# Install code-server so we can access the IDE from a container context...
RUN curl -fsSL https://code-server.dev/install.sh | sh
# Create a directory to hold the VSCode user data
RUN mkdir -p /opt/IBM/IDE-Data
RUN chown -R fhe:fhe /opt/IBM/IDE-Data
# Create a directory to hold the user's FHE workspace to contain project/sample code
RUN mkdir -p /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace
RUN chown -R fhe:fhe /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace
# Set fhe user for the remaining of the installation
USER fhe
WORKDIR /home/fhe
RUN mkdir /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/.vscode
COPY --chown=fhe:fhe ./IDE_Config /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/.vscode
RUN mkdir -p /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/examples
RUN cp -rp /opt/IBM/FHE-distro/HElib/examples /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace
# Copy over additional examples into the FHE-Workspace from the github checkout on this host
COPY --chown=fhe:fhe ./samples/ /opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace/examples/
# Install VSCode extensions
RUN code-server --user-data-dir=/opt/IBM/IDE-Data/ --install-extension ms-vscode.cpptools --force
RUN code-server --user-data-dir=/opt/IBM/IDE-Data/ --install-extension ms-vscode.cmake-tools --force
# set code-server to create a self signed cert
RUN sed -i.bak 's/cert: false/cert: true/' /home/fhe/.config/code-server/config.yaml
# Update VSCode user settings
RUN echo "{\"extensions.autoUpdate\": false}" > /opt/IBM/IDE-Data/User/settings.json
# Set the default command to launch the code-server project as a web application
CMD ["code-server", "--bind-addr", "", "--user-data-dir", "/opt/IBM/IDE-Data/", "/opt/IBM/FHE-Workspace", "--auth", "none", "--disable-telemetry"]
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