🔱 Nepxion Coroutine is a coroutine-driven distribution framework based on Kilim + Promise JDeferred + Zookeeper + Spring Boot, support Nepxion Thunder, Dubbo, Motan 基于规则配置的集成RPC调用的协程分布式调用的聚合框架
最近更新: 5个月前🔨 Nepxion Skeleton is a generic codes and files generator based on freemaker for any text formats, and provides skeleton of Spring Cloud with docker deployment 基于Docker & Spring Cloud的代码和文件的脚手架生成平台
最近更新: 5个月前🔨 Nepxion SkeletonUI is a web framework based on Vue for Nepxion Skeleton project 脚手架生成界面
最近更新: 5个月前🚩 Nepxion Banner is a colorful banner display component which can show an ascii image and project informations like versions, links and so on, based on Taobao Text 彩色旗标生成器
最近更新: 5个月前🎯 Nepxion Permission is a permission system based on Spring Cloud with Nepxion Matrix AOP framework and Aquarius framework, and add permission control to microservice APIs 基于Spring Cloud的微服务注解式API权限框架
最近更新: 5个月前🎫 Nepxion Zxing is a general code picture generator based on google zxing framework, support QR code and EAN code for file and byte array formats 基于Google Zxing的二维码/条形码创建和扫描组件
最近更新: 5个月前