// judge <problemid> [timeLimit [memoryLimit [checkerPath]]]
#include <algorithm>
#include <windows.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <direct.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <io.h>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
string quote(const string & s)
return "\"" + s + "\"";
void unzip(const string & id, const string & path)
ifstream config("config.ini");
string command;
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command, ' ');
getline(config, command);
int p = command.find("<id>");
while (p < command.size())
command.replace(p, 4, id);
p = command.find("<id>");
p = command.find("<path>");
while (p < command.size())
command.replace(p, 6, path);
p = command.find("<path>");
void download(const string & id, const string & path)
ifstream config("config.ini");
string command;
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command);
getline(config, command, ' ');
getline(config, command);
int p = command.find("<id>");
while (p < command.size())
command.replace(p, 4, id);
p = command.find("<id>");
p = command.find("<path>");
while (p < command.size())
command.replace(p, 6, path);
p = command.find("<path>");
const char RESULT[5][20] = {"Accepted", "Wrong Answer", "Time Limit Exceed", "Memory Limit Exceed", "Runtime Error"};
struct Result
int resultid, timeUsed, memoryUsed;
string problemid, checker, timeLimit, memoryLimit;
map<string, Result> result;
int totalTime, maxTime, maxMemory, accepted;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2 || argc > 5)
puts("judge <problemid> [timeLimit [memoryLimit [checkerPath]]]");
return 1;
problemid = argv[1];
if (argc <= 3)
string s;
ifstream config("config.ini");
config >> s >> timeLimit;
config >> s >> memoryLimit;
if (argc >= 3) timeLimit = argv[2];
if (argc >= 4) memoryLimit = argv[3];
string pwd = getcwd(NULL, 0);
string path = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid;
if (argc >= 5)
checker = argv[4];
if (checker == "1")
if (system(("compile " + quote(pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\checker") + " " + quote(" -I \\\"" + pwd + "\\\"")).c_str()))
puts("Checker Compile Error!");
return 1;
checker = pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\checker.exe";
checker = quote(checker);
if (system(("compile " + quote(pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\" + problemid)).c_str()))
puts("Compile Error!");
return 1;
if (_access(path.c_str(), 0) == -1)
path += ".zip";
if (_access(path.c_str(), 0) == -1)
download(problemid, quote(pwd + "\\data"));
while (_access(path.c_str(), 0) == -1);
unzip(problemid, pwd + "\\data");
while (_access((pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid).c_str(), 0) == -1);
path = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid + "\\*.in";
intptr_t handle;
_finddata_t findData;
handle = _findfirst(path.c_str(), &findData);
if (handle == -1)
puts("No data found!");
return 1;
string executableFile = pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\" + problemid + ".exe";
if (!(findData.attrib & _A_SUBDIR && strcmp(findData.name, ".") == 0 && strcmp(findData.name, "..") == 0))
string name = findData.name;
int p = name.rfind(".");
name = name.substr(0, p);
string inpath = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid + "\\" + name + ".in";
string outpath = pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\" + name + ".out";
string anspath = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid + "\\" + name + ".out";
if (_access(anspath.c_str(), 0) == -1)
anspath = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid + "\\" + name + ".ans";
if (_access(anspath.c_str(), 0) == -1)
cout << "Please enter answer file suffix for the test point " << name << ": ";
string ans_suffix;
cin >> ans_suffix;
anspath = pwd + "\\data\\" + problemid + "\\" + name + "." + ans_suffix;
if (_access(anspath.c_str(), 0) == -1)
cout << "Unable to find the answer file for the test point " + name << endl;
system(("judger " + quote(executableFile) + " " + quote(inpath) + " " + quote(outpath) + " " + quote(anspath)
+ " " + quote(timeLimit) + " " + quote(memoryLimit) + " " + checker).c_str());
ifstream res("judger.out");
int t;
res >> t;
result[name].resultid = t;
if (!t) ++accepted;
res >> t;
result[name].timeUsed = t;
totalTime += t;
maxTime = max(maxTime, t);
res >> t;
result[name].memoryUsed = t;
maxMemory = max(maxMemory, t);
} while (_findnext(handle, &findData) == 0);
path = pwd + "\\problems\\" + problemid + "\\judge.out";
ofstream res(path);
res << "Tests: " << accepted << " / " << result.size() << endl;
res << "maxTime: " << maxTime / 1000.0 << " s" << endl;
res << "totalTime: " << totalTime / 1000.0 << " s" << endl;
res << "maxMemory: " << maxMemory / 1024.0 / 1024 << " MiB" << endl;
for (auto k : result)
res << endl;
res << "Test " << k.first << endl;
res << "result: " << RESULT[k.second.resultid] << endl;
res << "timeUsed: " << k.second.timeUsed / 1000.0 << " s" << endl;
res << "memoryUsed: " << k.second.memoryUsed / 1024.0 / 1024 << " MiB" << endl;
return 0;
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