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acm-terminal.el 31.18 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Gong Qijian 提交于 2023-12-06 19:41 . Add functions acm-terminal-[de]active
;;; acm-terminal.el --- Patch for LSP bridge acm on Terminal -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2022 Gong Qijian <gongqijian@gmail.com>
;; Author: Gong Qijian <gongqijian@gmail.com>
;; Created: 2022/07/07
;; Version: 0.1.0
;; Last-Updated: 2023-12-06 19:41:42 +0800
;; By: Gong Qijian
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "26.1"))
;; URL: https://github.com/twlz0ne/acm-terminal
;; Keywords:
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Patch for LSP bridge acm on Terminal.
;; ## Requirements
;; - [lsp-bridge](https://github.com/manateelazycat/lsp-bridge) ddf03f3(2022-08-22) or newer
;; - [popon](https://codeberg.org/akib/emacs-popon)
;; ## Installation
;; Clone or download this repository (path of the folder is the `<path-to-acm-terminal>` used below).
;; ## Configuration
;; ```emacs-lisp
;; (require 'yasnippet)
;; (yas-global-mode 1)
;; (require 'lsp-bridge)
;; (global-lsp-bridge-mode)
;; (unless (display-graphic-p)
;; (add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-acm-terminal>")
;; (with-eval-after-load 'acm
;; (require 'acm-terminal)))
;; ```
;;; Code:
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'acm)
(require 'popon)
(defvar acm-terminal-min-width 45
"The minimum width of the candidate menu in characters.")
(defvar acm-terminal-max-width 100
"The maximum width of the candidate menu in characters.")
(defvar acm-terminal-doc-continuation-string "\\"
"The string showing at the end of wrapped lines.")
(defvar acm-terminal-doc-min-width 40
"The minimum width of the candidate doc in characters.")
(defvar acm-terminal-doc-max-width 80
"The maximum width of the candidate doc in characters.")
(defvar-local acm-terminal-candidate-doc nil
"Latest docstring.")
(defvar-local acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start 0
"Start of doc scrolling.")
(defvar-local acm-terminal-current-input nil
"Curent input.")
(defface acm-terminal-default-face
"Default face for Terminal.")
(defface acm-terminal-select-face
"Default select face for Terminal.")
(defun acm-terminal-line-number-display-width ()
"Return width of line number bar."
(if (bound-and-true-p display-line-numbers-mode)
(+ (line-number-display-width) 2)
(defun acm-terminal-nsplit-string (string width &optional cont)
"Split STRING into substrings of length WIDTH.
If CONT non-nil, append it to each substring except the last, also, keep the
substring lenght, e.g.:
(fn \"foobarbazq\" 3 \"↩\") => (\"fo↩\" \"ob↩\" \"ar↩\" \"q\")
(fn \"foobarbazq\" 3) => (\"foo\" \"bar\" \"q\") "
(let* ((cont (or cont ""))
(cont-width (string-width cont))
(insert string)
(when acm-markdown-render-timer
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'window-body-width) (lambda (&rest _) width)))
(goto-char (point-min))
(while (not (eobp))
(setq last-column (current-column))
(when (eq ?\t (char-before (point)))
(let ((tab-width (- (current-column) last-column)))
(backward-delete-char 1)
(insert (make-string tab-width ?\s))))
(when (and (not (eolp)) (<= width (current-column)))
(unless ;; Backward if there is not a pagebreak line
(and acm-markdown-render-timer
(let ((props (text-properties-at (1- (point)))))
(and (memq 'display props) (memq 'markdown-hr-face props))))
(backward-char cont-width))
(insert cont "\n")))
(mapcar (lambda (line)
(truncate-string-to-width line width 0 ?\s))
(split-string (buffer-string) "\n")))))
(defun acm-terminal-default-background ()
(or (face-background 'acm-terminal-default-face)
(pcase (face-background 'default)
("unspecified-bg" "white")
(`,color color))))
(defun acm-terminal-init-colors (&optional force)
(let* ((is-dark-mode (string-equal (acm-frame-get-theme-mode) "dark"))
(blend-background (if is-dark-mode "#000000" "#AAAAAA"))
(default-background (acm-terminal-default-background)))
;; Make sure menu follow the theme of Emacs.
(when (or force (equal (face-attribute 'acm-terminal-default-face :background) 'unspecified))
(set-face-background 'acm-terminal-default-face (acm-frame-color-blend default-background blend-background (if is-dark-mode 0.8 0.9))))
(when (or force (equal (face-attribute 'acm-terminal-select-face :background) 'unspecified))
(set-face-background 'acm-terminal-select-face (acm-frame-color-blend default-background blend-background 0.6)))
(when (or force (equal (face-attribute 'acm-terminal-select-face :foreground) 'unspecified))
(set-face-foreground 'acm-terminal-select-face (face-attribute 'font-lock-function-name-face :foreground)))))
(defun acm-terminal-get-popup-position ()
"Return postion of menu."
(if (and acm-menu-frame (eobp))
;; The existing overlay will cause `popon-x-y-at-pos' and `posn-x-y' to
;; get the wrong position when point at the and of buffer.
(let ((pos (popon-position acm-menu-frame))
(direction (plist-get (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction))
(size (popon-size acm-menu-frame)))
(cons (car pos)
(if (eq 'top direction)
(+ (cdr pos) (cdr size))
(1- (cdr pos)))))
(let ((pos (popon-x-y-at-pos acm-menu-frame-popup-point)))
(if (eobp)
(cons (car pos) (1+ (cdr pos)))
(defun acm-terminal-popon-visible-p (popon)
(when (popon-live-p popon)
(plist-get (cdr popon) :visible)))
(defun acm-terminal-make-popon (text pos &optional window buffer priority)
"Create an invisible popon with TEXT at POS of WINDOW.
See `popon-create' for more information."
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'popon-update) #'ignore))
(popon-create text pos window buffer priority)))
(defun acm-terminal-make-frame (_)
"Advice override `acm-make-frame' to make an invisible popon."
(let ((pos (acm-terminal-get-popup-position)))
(acm-terminal-make-popon (cons "" 0) pos)))
(cl-defmacro acm-terminal-create-frame-if-not-exist (frame _frame-buffer _frame-name &optional _internal-border)
`(unless (popon-live-p ,frame)
(setq ,frame (acm-terminal-make-frame nil))))
(defun acm-terminal-max-length (return)
"Advice to adjust the max lenght."
(min (+ return 2)
(- (window-width)
(+ (- (car (window-inside-edges)) (window-left-column))
(defun acm-terminal-menu-render-items (items menu-index)
(let* ((item-index 0)
;; The max length is calcuated base on the format
;; bellow (see `acm-menu-max-length'):
;; {label}\s{annotation}
;; but in Terminal we render the items in a different way, so the
;; calculation format should be:
;; {label}\s{annotation}\s
;; without changing the format, then we should add 1 when using
;; `acm-menu-max-length-cache'.
(max-length (1- acm-menu-max-length-cache))
(annotation-not-exits (cl-every (lambda (item) (string-empty-p (plist-get item :annotation))) items)))
(dolist (v items)
(let* ((icon (cdr (assoc (downcase (plist-get v :icon)) acm-icon-alist)))
(candidate (plist-get v :displayLabel))
(candidate-length (funcall acm-string-width-function candidate))
(annotation (plist-get v :annotation))
(annotation-text (if annotation annotation ""))
(annotation-length (funcall acm-string-width-function annotation-text))
(candidate-max-length (- max-length annotation-length 2))
(padding-length (- max-length (+ candidate-length annotation-length) 2))
(icon-text (if icon (acm-icon-build (nth 0 icon) (nth 1 icon) (nth 2 icon)) ""))
(quick-access-key (nth item-index acm-quick-access-keys))
;; Render deprecated candidate.
(when (plist-get v :deprecated)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length candidate) 'acm-deprecated-face 'append candidate))
;; Build candidate line.
(setq candidate-line
;; icon-text
(when acm-enable-quick-access
(if quick-access-key (concat quick-access-key ". ") " "))
(if (zerop padding-length)
(if (> padding-length 0)
(concat candidate (make-string padding-length ?\s))
(truncate-string-to-width candidate candidate-max-length
0 ?\s)))
" "
(propertize (format "%s \n" (capitalize annotation-text))
(if (equal item-index menu-index) 'acm-terminal-select-face 'font-lock-doc-face))))
;; Render current candidate.
(if (equal item-index menu-index)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length candidate-line) 'acm-terminal-select-face 'append candidate-line)
;; Hide doc frame if some backend not support fetch candidate documentation.
(when (and
(not (member (plist-get v :backend) '("lsp" "elisp" "yas")))
(acm-frame-visible-p acm-doc-frame))
(add-face-text-property 0 (length candidate-line) 'acm-terminal-default-face 'append candidate-line))
;; Insert candidate line.
(insert candidate-line)
;; Delete the last extra return line.
(when (equal item-index (1- (length items)))
(delete-char -1))
;; Update item index.
(setq item-index (1+ item-index))))))
(defun acm-terminal-markdown-render-content (orig-fn)
(cl-letf* ((orig-face-attribute (symbol-function #'face-attribute))
((symbol-function #'face-attribute)
(lambda (face attribute &optional frame inherit)
(if (and (popon-live-p frame)
(eq face 'markdown-code-face)
(eq attribute :background))
(funcall orig-face-attribute face attribute nil inherit)))))
(funcall orig-fn)))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-render (doc &optional width)
"Render DOC string."
(when (and (stringp doc) (not (string-empty-p doc)))
(let ((width (or width (1- acm-terminal-doc-max-width))))
(lambda (line)
(add-face-text-property 0 (length line) 'acm-terminal-default-face 'append line)
(acm-terminal-nsplit-string doc width acm-terminal-doc-continuation-string)))))
(defun acm-terminal-menu-render (menu-old-cache)
(let* ((items acm-menu-candidates)
(menu-old-max-length (car menu-old-cache))
(menu-old-number (cdr menu-old-cache))
(menu-new-max-length (acm-menu-max-length))
(menu-new-number (length items))
(menu-index acm-menu-index))
;; Record newest cache.
(setq acm-menu-max-length-cache menu-new-max-length)
(setq acm-menu-number-cache menu-new-number)
;; Insert menu candidates.
(when acm-menu-frame
(let ((lines (split-string
(acm-menu-render-items items menu-index)
;; Adjust menu frame position.
(acm-terminal-menu-adjust-pos lines))
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :visible t))
;; Not adjust menu frame size if not necessary,
;; such as select candidate just change index,
;; or menu width not change when switch to next page.
(when (or (not (equal menu-old-max-length menu-new-max-length))
(not (equal menu-old-number menu-new-number)))
;; Adjust doc frame with menu frame position.
(when (acm-terminal-popon-visible-p acm-doc-frame)
(acm-terminal-doc-adjust-pos acm-terminal-candidate-doc)))
;; Fetch `documentation' and `additionalTextEdits' information.
(cl-letf (((symbol-function 'acm-frame-visible-p) 'acm-terminal-popon-visible-p))
(defun acm-terminal-menu-adjust-pos (&optional lines)
"Adjust menu frame position."
(pcase-let* ((`(,edge-left ,edge-top ,edge-right ,edge-bottom) (window-inside-edges))
(textarea-width (- (window-width)
(+ (- edge-left (window-left-column))
(textarea-height (- edge-bottom edge-top))
(`(,cursor-x . ,cursor-y)
(prog1 (acm-terminal-get-popup-position)
(when lines
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :lines lines)
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :width (length (car lines))))))
(`(,menu-w . ,menu-h) (popon-size acm-menu-frame))
(bottom-free-h (- edge-bottom edge-top cursor-y)))
(let ((x (if (> textarea-width (+ cursor-x menu-w))
(- cursor-x (- (+ cursor-x menu-w) textarea-width) 1))))
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :x x))
;; top
((<= bottom-free-h menu-h)
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction 'top)
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :y (- cursor-y menu-h)))
;; bottom
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction 'bottom)
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :y (+ cursor-y 1))))))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-get-page (lines start height)
"Get doc page.
LINES Doc lines
HEIGHT Doc frame height
START Start line"
(let* ((taken-lines (seq-take (nthcdr start lines) height))
(height-diff (- height (length taken-lines))))
(if (< 0 height-diff)
(append taken-lines
(let ((blank-line (make-string (length (car taken-lines)) ?\s)))
0 (length blank-line) 'acm-terminal-default-face 'append blank-line)
(make-list height-diff blank-line)))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-top-edge-y (cursor-y menu-h doc-h &optional doc-lines)
"Return the y-coordinate of doc at left/right top edge, set :lines if possible.
CURSOR-Y y-coordinate of cursor
MENU-H height of menu frame
DOC-H height of doc frame
DOC-LINES text lines of doc"
(if (> doc-h cursor-y)
;; +---------y-------+--+
;; | | | |
;; | | | |
;; | +------+ | |
;; | | | | |
;; | +-menu-+~~doc~~+ |
;; | a| :.......: |
;; +--------------------+
(prog1 0
(when doc-lines
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines (seq-take doc-lines cursor-y))))
(if (> doc-h menu-h)
;; +--------------------+
;; | y-------+ |
;; | | | |
;; | +------+ | |
;; | | | | |
;; | +-menu-+--doc--+ |
;; | a| |
;; +--------------------+
(- cursor-y doc-h)
;; +--------------------+
;; | +------y-------+ |
;; | | | | |
;; | | +--doc--+ |
;; | | | |
;; | +-menu-+ |
;; | a| |
;; +--------------------+
(- cursor-y menu-h))))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-adjust-pos (&optional candidate-doc)
"Adjust doc frame position."
(pcase-let* ((`(,edge-left ,edge-top ,edge-right ,edge-bottom) (window-inside-edges))
(textarea-width (- (window-width)
(+ (- edge-left (window-left-column))
(textarea-height (- edge-bottom edge-top))
(`(,cursor-x . ,cursor-y) (acm-terminal-get-popup-position))
(`(,menu-x . ,menu-y) (popon-position acm-menu-frame))
(`(,menu-w . ,menu-h) (popon-size acm-menu-frame))
(menu-right (+ menu-x menu-w))
(doc-w nil)
(doc-h nil)
(doc-y nil)
(doc-lines nil))
;; l:menu + r:document
((>= textarea-width (+ menu-right acm-terminal-doc-max-width))
(setq doc-lines (acm-terminal-doc-render candidate-doc))
(if (eq 'bottom (plist-get (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction))
;; right bottom
(setq doc-h (- textarea-height cursor-y))
(setq doc-y (1+ cursor-y)))
;; right top
(setq doc-h cursor-y)
(setq doc-y (acm-terminal-doc-top-edge-y cursor-y menu-h (length doc-lines) doc-lines)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :width acm-terminal-doc-max-width)
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x menu-right)
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y doc-y)
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines
(if (<= (length doc-lines) doc-h)
;; doc <= frame
;; doc > frame
(seq-take doc-lines doc-h))))
(let* ((fix-width (min acm-terminal-doc-max-width (- textarea-width 1)))
(list 'right-bottom (- textarea-width menu-x menu-w) (- textarea-height cursor-y))
(list 'right-top (- textarea-width menu-x menu-w) cursor-y)
(list 'bottom fix-width (- edge-bottom edge-top menu-y menu-h))
(list 'left-bottom menu-x (- textarea-height cursor-y))
(list 'left-top menu-x cursor-y)
(list 'top fix-width menu-y))))
;; Find the largest free space in left/top/bottom/right
(pcase-let* ((`(,rect ,rect-width ,rect-height)
(car (seq-sort (lambda (r1 r2)
(> (apply #'* (cdr r1)) (apply #'* (cdr r2))))
(if acm-terminal-doc-min-width
(lambda (r)
(>= (cadr r) acm-terminal-doc-min-width))
(rerender-width (- (min fix-width rect-width) 1)))
(setq doc-lines (acm-terminal-doc-render candidate-doc rerender-width))
(setq doc-h (length doc-lines)) ;; Update doc height
(setq doc-w (1+ rerender-width))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines doc-lines)
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :width doc-w)
(pcase rect
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (- menu-x doc-w))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y (1+ cursor-y)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (- menu-x doc-w))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y (acm-terminal-doc-top-edge-y
cursor-y menu-h doc-h doc-lines)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (if (>= (- textarea-width menu-x) doc-w)
(- textarea-width doc-w)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame)
:y (let ((offset 0)
(y (if (< menu-y cursor-y)
;; menu on top
(- menu-y doc-h)
;; menu on bottom
(- menu-y doc-h
(if (eq 'bottom (plist-get (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction))
(setq offset 1)
(if (< y 0)
(prog1 0
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame)
:lines (seq-take doc-lines (+ doc-h y offset))))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (if (>= (- textarea-width menu-x) doc-w)
(- textarea-width doc-w)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y (+ menu-y menu-h
(if (eq 'top (plist-get (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines (seq-take doc-lines rect-height)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (+ menu-x menu-w))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y (1+ cursor-y)))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :x (+ menu-x menu-w))
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :y (acm-terminal-doc-top-edge-y
cursor-y menu-h doc-h doc-lines))))))))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-hide ()
(when (popon-live-p acm-doc-frame)
(setq acm-doc-frame (popon-kill acm-doc-frame)))
(acm-cancel-timer acm-markdown-render-timer)
(setq acm-markdown-render-doc nil))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-try-show (&optional update-completion-item)
(when acm-enable-doc
(let* ((candidate (acm-menu-current-candidate))
(backend (plist-get candidate :backend))
(candidate-doc-func (intern-soft (format "acm-backend-%s-candidate-doc" backend)))
(when (fboundp candidate-doc-func)
(funcall candidate-doc-func candidate))))
(setq acm-terminal-candidate-doc candidate-doc)
(setq acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start 0)
(if (or (consp candidate-doc) ; If the type fo snippet is set to command,
; then the "doc" will be a list.
(and (stringp candidate-doc) (not (string-empty-p candidate-doc))))
(let ((doc (if (stringp candidate-doc)
(format "%S" candidate-doc))))
;; Create doc frame if it not exist.
(acm-terminal-create-frame-if-not-exist acm-doc-frame acm-doc-buffer "acm doc frame")
;; Adjust doc frame position and size.
(if (string-equal backend "lsp")
;; NOTE: It is imposible to do it as in the GUI:
;; Insert doc first, then render in timer.
(acm-cancel-timer acm-markdown-render-timer)
(setq acm-markdown-render-timer
0.2 nil #'acm-terminal-doc-adjust-pos doc)))
(acm-terminal-doc-adjust-pos doc)))
(pcase backend
;; If backend is LSP, doc frame hide when `update-completion-item' is t.
("lsp" (when update-completion-item
;; Hide doc frame immediately if backend is not LSP.
(_ (acm-doc-hide)))))))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-scroll-up ()
"Scroll text of doc upward."
(when (popon-live-p acm-doc-frame)
((`(,doc-x . ,doc-y) (popon-position acm-doc-frame))
(`(,doc-w . ,doc-h) (popon-size acm-doc-frame))
(acm-terminal-doc-render acm-terminal-candidate-doc (1- doc-w)))
(- (+ acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start doc-h) next-screen-context-lines))
(when (< scroll-start (length total-lines))
(acm-terminal-doc-get-page total-lines scroll-start doc-h))))
(when taken-lines
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines taken-lines)
(setq acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start scroll-start)))))
(defun acm-terminal-doc-scroll-down ()
"Scroll text of doc down."
(when (popon-live-p acm-doc-frame)
((`(,doc-x . ,doc-y) (popon-position acm-doc-frame))
(`(,doc-w . ,doc-h) (popon-size acm-doc-frame))
(acm-terminal-doc-render acm-terminal-candidate-doc (1- doc-w)))
(+ (- acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start doc-h) next-screen-context-lines))
(when (<= 0 scroll-start)
(acm-terminal-doc-get-page total-lines scroll-start doc-h))))
(when taken-lines
(plist-put (cdr acm-doc-frame) :lines taken-lines)
(setq acm-terminal-doc-scroll-start scroll-start)))))
(defun acm-terminal-hide ()
(let* ((candidate-info (acm-menu-current-candidate))
(backend (plist-get candidate-info :backend)))
;; Turn off `acm-mode'.
(acm-mode -1)
;; Hide menu frame.
(when acm-menu-frame
(setq acm-menu-frame (popon-kill acm-menu-frame)))
;; Hide doc frame.
;; Clean `acm-menu-max-length-cache'.
(setq acm-menu-max-length-cache 0)
;; Remove hook of `acm--pre-command'.
(remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'acm--pre-command 'local)
;; Clean backend cache.
(when-let* ((backend-clean (intern-soft (format "acm-backend-%s-clean" backend)))
(fp (fboundp backend-clean)))
(funcall backend-clean))))
(defun acm-terminal-update ()
;; Adjust `gc-cons-threshold' to maximize temporary,
;; make sure Emacs not do GC when filter/sort candidates.
(let* ((gc-cons-threshold most-positive-fixnum)
(keyword (acm-get-input-prefix))
(previous-select-candidate-index (+ acm-menu-offset acm-menu-index))
(previous-select-candidate (acm-menu-index-info (acm-menu-current-candidate)))
(candidates (acm-update-candidates))
(menu-candidates (cl-subseq candidates 0 (min (length candidates) acm-menu-length)))
(current-select-candidate-index (cl-position previous-select-candidate (mapcar 'acm-menu-index-info menu-candidates) :test 'equal))
(direction (when (popon-live-p acm-menu-frame)
(plist-get (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction)))
(bounds (acm-get-input-prefix-bound)))
;; Hide completion menu if user type first candidate completely.
((and (equal (length candidates) 1)
(string-equal keyword (plist-get (nth 0 candidates) :label))
;; Volar always send back single emmet candidate, we need filter this condition.
(not (string-equal "Emmet Abbreviation" (plist-get (nth 0 candidates) :annotation))))
((> (length candidates) 0)
(let* ((menu-old-cache (cons acm-menu-max-length-cache acm-menu-number-cache)))
;; Enable acm-mode to inject mode keys.
(acm-mode 1)
;; Use `pre-command-hook' to hide completion menu when command match `acm-continue-commands'.
(add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'acm--pre-command nil 'local)
;; Adjust candidates.
(setq-local acm-menu-offset 0) ;init offset to 0
(if (zerop (length acm-menu-candidates))
;; Adjust `acm-menu-index' to -1 if no candidates found.
(setq-local acm-menu-index -1)
;; First init `acm-menu-index' to 0.
(setq-local acm-menu-index 0)
;; The following code is specifically to adjust the selection position of candidate when typing fast.
(when (and current-select-candidate-index
(> (length candidates) 1))
;; Swap the position of the first two candidates
;; if previous candidate's position change from 1st to 2nd.
((and (= previous-select-candidate-index 0) (= current-select-candidate-index 1))
(cl-rotatef (nth 0 candidates) (nth 1 candidates))
(cl-rotatef (nth 0 menu-candidates) (nth 1 menu-candidates)))
;; Swap the position of the first two candidates and select 2nd postion
;; if previous candidate's position change from 2nd to 1st.
((and (= previous-select-candidate-index 1) (= current-select-candidate-index 0))
(cl-rotatef (nth 0 candidates) (nth 1 candidates))
(cl-rotatef (nth 0 menu-candidates) (nth 1 menu-candidates))
(setq-local acm-menu-index 1))
;; Select 2nd position if previous candidate's position still is 2nd.
((and (= previous-select-candidate-index 1) (= current-select-candidate-index 1))
(setq-local acm-menu-index 1)))))
;; Set candidates and menu candidates.
(setq-local acm-candidates candidates)
(setq-local acm-menu-candidates menu-candidates)
;; Init colors.
;; Record menu popup position and buffer.
(setq acm-menu-frame-popup-point (or (car bounds) (point)))
;; `posn-at-point' will failed in CI, add checker make sure CI can pass.
;; CI don't need popup completion menu.
(when (posn-at-point acm-menu-frame-popup-point)
(setq acm-frame-popup-position (acm-frame-get-popup-position acm-menu-frame-popup-point))
;; Create menu frame if it not exists.
(acm-terminal-create-frame-if-not-exist acm-menu-frame acm-buffer "acm frame")
(plist-put (cdr acm-menu-frame) :direction direction)
;; Render menu.
(acm-menu-render menu-old-cache))
(defvar acm-terminal-advices
'((acm-frame-init-colors :override acm-terminal-init-colors)
(acm-hide :override acm-terminal-hide)
(acm-update :override acm-terminal-update)
(acm-doc-try-show :override acm-terminal-doc-try-show)
(acm-doc-hide :override acm-terminal-doc-hide)
(acm-doc-scroll-up :override acm-terminal-doc-scroll-up)
(acm-doc-scroll-down :override acm-terminal-doc-scroll-down)
(acm-menu-max-length :filter-return acm-terminal-max-length)
(acm-menu-render :override acm-terminal-menu-render)
(acm-menu-render-items :override acm-terminal-menu-render-items)
(acm-markdown-render-content :around acm-terminal-markdown-render-content))
"A list of (ORIG-FN HOW ADVICE-FN).")
(defun acm-terminal-active ()
(mapc (pcase-lambda (`(,orig-fn ,how ,advice-fn))
(advice-add orig-fn how advice-fn))
(defun acm-terminal-deactive ()
(mapc (pcase-lambda (`( ,orig-fn ,_ ,advice-fn ))
(advice-remove orig-fn advice-fn))
(unless window-system
(provide 'acm-terminal)
;;; acm-terminal.el ends here
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