同步操作将从 fengmingshan/KT_7 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
Define two major kinds of canvas: Nature (Nature_Canvas) & SpurtCanvas (Spurt_Canvas).
Nature_Canvas presents nature effects such as rain, snow and ash;
Spurt_Canvas is a more comprehensive canvas that mainly deals three visual effects:
1. paints spatters of blood, ash, smoke, flying trails, etc.;
2. shows halos (when hero casts superpower or gets hitted, etc.);
3. generates some particle-like bullets for certain monsters and heroes.
import pygame
from random import random, randint, choice
from database import DMG_FREQ
from util import getPos
# =========================================================================
# =========================== Natural Canvas ==============================
# =========================================================================
class Nature():
drops = [] # 储存运动的单个对象(雨、雪、雾团等)
wind = 0 # 风向(速)
bg_size = () # 窗口的宽高
canvas = None # 实际绘制对象的透明画布
def __init__(self, bg_size, stg, num, wind):
self.drops = []
self.bg_size = bg_size
self.wind = wind # 自由变量,可以用作多种用途。
self.canvas = pygame.Surface(bg_size).convert_alpha()
self.canvas.set_colorkey( (0,0,0) ) # set black as transparent color, generally make the canvas transparent
self.rect = self.canvas.get_rect()
self.rect.left = 0
self.rect.top = 0
if stg==1:
self.addAsh( num, (250,200,0,200), False )
self.dropType = "ash"
elif stg==2:
self.snowDrop( num, (10,30,30,210), [16, 20, 24] )
self.dropType = "snow"
elif stg==3:
self.addAsh( num, (10,0,20,160), False )
self.dropType = "ash"
elif stg in (4,7):
self.rainDrop( num )
self.dropType = "rain"
elif stg==5:
self.snowDrop( num, (255, 255, 255, 160), [4, 5, 6, 7] )
self.dropType = "snow"
elif stg==6:
self.wind = [0,self.bg_size[1]//2] # 对于第6关,有一个特别的聚集点,作为每次刷新时的初始点(初始值:左侧中间)
self.count = 60 # 计时器,每隔一段时间(倒计时变0)重置一次火花
self.addAsh( num, (255,230,20,210), True )
self.dropType = "spark"
self.dropType = "ash"
def rainDrop(self, num):
for i in range(0, num, 1):
thickness = choice( [1, 2] )
length = choice( [24, 34, 44] )
startPos = [ randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] ), randint(-self.bg_size[1], 0) ]
speed = choice( [30, 36, 42] )
drop = Rain( thickness, length, startPos, speed, self.bg_size )
self.drops.append( drop )
def snowDrop(self, num, color, spdList):
for i in range(0, num, 1):
radius = choice( [3, 6, 9] )
startPos = [ randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] ), randint(-self.bg_size[1], 0) ]
speed = choice( spdList )
drop = Snow( radius, startPos, speed, color, self.bg_size )
self.drops.append( drop )
# spark should be a boolean.
def addAsh(self, num, color, spark):
for i in range(0, num, 1):
if spark:
radius = choice( [2, 4, 6] )
drop = Spark( radius, color, self.wind, self.bg_size )
radius = choice( [2, 4, 5] )
drop = Ash( radius, color, self.bg_size )
self.drops.append( drop )
# 供外部调用的更新drops对象的接口
def update(self, screen):
self.canvas.fill( (0,0,0,0) ) # 填充透明的黑色(覆盖上一次的绘画记录)
for each in self.drops:
each.move( self.wind )
each.paint( self.canvas )
if self.dropType == "spark":
self.count -= 1
if self.count <= 0:
newSide = choice( [0, self.bg_size[0]] ) # 随机选择一条出现的边
self.wind = [ newSide, randint(20,self.bg_size[1]-100) ]
self.count = 60 # 倒计时重置为60
self.wind = 0
elif self.dropType == "snow" and random()<0.01:
self.wind = -self.wind
screen.blit( self.canvas, self.rect )
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Rain(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, thickness, length, startPos, speed, bg_size): # 参数:雨线的粗细;雨线的长度;雨滴的起始位置
self.thickness = thickness
self.length = length
self.speed = speed
self.head = startPos
self.bg_size = bg_size
def move(self, wind):
if self.head[1] < self.bg_size[1]: # 尚在屏幕内,继续下落
self.head[1] += self.speed
self.head[0] += wind
self.head[1] = 0 # 触底则重置到顶端
self.head[0] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] )
self.tail = [self.head[0]-wind, self.head[1]-self.length] # 尾部减掉了风速,以保持雨丝倾斜
def paint(self, surface):
pygame.draw.line( surface, (255,255,255,160), self.head, self.tail, self.thickness ) # 抗锯齿的单个线段
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Snow(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, radius, startPos, speed, color, bg_size): # 参数:雪花的半径;雪花的起始位置
self.r = radius
self.speed = speed
self.pos = startPos
self.color = color
self.bg_size = bg_size
def move(self, wind):
if (self.pos[1] < self.bg_size[0]) and (0 < self.pos[0] < self.bg_size[1]): # 尚在屏幕内,继续下落
self.pos[1] += self.speed
self.pos[0] += wind
self.pos[1] = 0 # 出界则重置到顶端
self.pos[0] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] )
def paint(self, surface):
pygame.draw.circle( surface, self.color, self.pos, self.r)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Ash(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
def __init__(self, radius, color, bg_size): # 参数color:推荐带上透明度RGBA;参数speed:为一个二元组
self.r = radius
self.color = color
self.bg_size = bg_size
self.pos = [0,0]
def move(self, wind):
if (-10 < self.pos[0] < self.bg_size[0]+10) and (-10 < self.pos[1] < self.bg_size[1]+10): # 尚在屏幕内,继续滚动
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
def reset(self): # 初始化本ash的所有状态
# 随机选择一条出现的边:
newFrom = randint( 0, 3 ) # 0表示从上,1表示从左,2表示从下,3表示从右
if newFrom == 0:
self.pos[0] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] )
self.pos[1] = randint( -10, 0 )
self.speed = [ randint(-2,2), randint(1,2) ]
elif newFrom == 1:
self.pos[0] = randint( -10, 0 )
self.pos[1] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[1] )
self.speed = [ randint(1,2), randint(-2,2) ]
elif newFrom == 2:
self.pos[0] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[0] )
self.pos[1] = randint( self.bg_size[1], self.bg_size[1]+10 )
self.speed = [ randint(-2,2), randint(-2,-1) ]
elif newFrom == 3:
self.pos[0] = randint( self.bg_size[0], self.bg_size[0]+10 )
self.pos[1] = randint( 0, self.bg_size[1] )
self.speed = [ randint(-2,-1), randint(-2,2) ]
def paint(self, surface):
pygame.draw.circle( surface, self.color, self.pos, self.r)
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Spark(Ash):
def __init__(self, radius, color, startPos, bg_size):
self.newPos = startPos
Ash.__init__(self, radius, color, bg_size)
def move(self, newPos):
if newPos:
self.newPos = newPos
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
if self.speed[1]<24:
self.speed[1] += 1 # 竖直速度增加,以实现下落效果
def reset(self): # 初始化本spark的所有状态
self.pos = [ self.newPos[0], randint(self.newPos[1]-2, self.newPos[1]+2) ]
if self.newPos[0] <= 0:
self.speed = [ choice([2, 3, 4, 5, 6]), choice( range(-8,4,1) ) ]
elif self.newPos[0] >= self.bg_size[0]:
self.speed = [ choice([-2, -3, -4, -5, -6]), choice( range(-8,4,1) ) ]
# ========================================================================
# ============================ Spurt Canvas ==============================
# ========================================================================
class SpurtCanvas():
spatters = None # 储存运动的单个血滴,或冲击波边界圆
pebbles = []
canvas = None # 实际绘制对象的透明画布
rect = None
halos = None # boss出现时的全屏阴影画布,包括英雄的受伤反馈、冰冻效果等。
txtList = []
def __init__(self, bg_size):
# Initialize the spurtCanvas part.
self.spatters = pygame.sprite.Group()
self.pebbles = []
self.pebbleImg = {
"pebble": pygame.image.load("image/stg2/pebble.png").convert_alpha(),
"jadeDebri": pygame.image.load("image/stg0/jadeDebri.png").convert_alpha(),
"eggDebri": pygame.image.load("image/stg1/eggDebri.png").convert_alpha(),
"metalDebri": pygame.image.load("image/stg6/metalDebri.png").convert_alpha(),
"boneDebri": pygame.image.load("image/stg3/boneDebri.png").convert_alpha()
self.canvas = pygame.Surface(bg_size).convert_alpha()
self.rect = self.canvas.get_rect()
self.rect.left = 0
self.rect.top = 0
self.txtList = []
# Initialize the haloCanvas part.
self.alphaCap = 240
self.haloWidth = 28
# For the sake of game's running effect, 5 at most are allowed to be added in one period.
# Their value follows this format: [running Boolean, current alpha, current fade speed, Basic fade speed, color(rgb)].
# layout: -----------------
# -----------------
# || ||
# -----------------
# -----------------
self.halos = { "monsHalo":None, "hitHalo":None, "frzHalo":None, "holyHalo":None, "deadHalo":None }
self.canvList = []
# create surface array
self.canvList.append( self.createHaloRect( 0, 0, bg_size[0], self.haloWidth ) ) # TopFrame
self.canvList.append( self.createHaloRect( 0, bg_size[1]-self.haloWidth, bg_size[0], self.haloWidth ) ) # BottomFrame
self.canvList.append( self.createHaloRect( 0, self.haloWidth, self.haloWidth, bg_size[1]-2*self.haloWidth ) ) # LeftFrame
self.canvList.append( self.createHaloRect( bg_size[0]-self.haloWidth, self.haloWidth, self.haloWidth, bg_size[1]-2*self.haloWidth ) ) # RightFrame
for each in self.halos:
if each == "monsHalo":
rgb = (40,40,40)
fadeSpd = 5
elif each == "hitHalo":
rgb = (250,10,10)
fadeSpd = -5
elif each == "frzHalo":
rgb = (120,120,250)
fadeSpd = -1
elif each == "holyHalo":
rgb = (250,250,10)
fadeSpd = -3
elif each == "deadHalo":
rgb = (255,255,255)
fadeSpd = -3
# Provide a encapsuled way to represent a halo effect around the edge of the screen.
# radRat should be a List that contains 4 numbers (pixls), indicating 4 different layers of halos.
# fadeSpd can be either positive or negative, indicating how should overall alpha value of the halo changes.
self.halos[each] = [False, 0, fadeSpd, fadeSpd, rgb]
def addSpatters(self, num, rList, cList, rgba, pos, falling=False, xspd=[], yspd=[], back=False):
'''This method provide a encapsuled way to represent a spattering effect from a center point to all directions.
Falling decides whether using normal spatters or falling spatters.'''
for i in range(0, num, 1):
radius = choice( rList )
cnt = choice( cList ) #[10, 12, 14] )
randPos = [ randint(pos[0]-1, pos[0]+1), randint(pos[1]-1, pos[1]+1) ]
speed = []
if not falling:
if xspd and yspd:
speed = [ choice(xspd), choice(yspd) ]
speed = [ choice([-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]), choice([-3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3]) ]
if xspd and yspd:
speed = [ choice(xspd), choice(yspd) ]
speed = [ choice([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]), choice([-4, -3, -2, -1]) ]
spatter = Spatter( radius, rgba, randPos, cnt, speed, falling=falling, back=back )
self.spatters.add( spatter )
def addSmoke(self, num, rList, fade, rgba, pos, xRange, speed=[0,-1]):
for i in range(0, num, 1):
radius = choice( rList )
randPos = [ randint(pos[0]-xRange, pos[0]+xRange), randint(pos[1]-2, pos[1]+2) ]
if len(rgba)<=3:
rgba = [ rgba[0], rgba[1], rgba[2], 240 ]
smoke = Smoke( radius, rgba, randPos, fade, speed )
self.spatters.add( smoke )
def addWaves(self, pos, color, initR, initW, rInc=1, wFade=1):
wave = Wave( initR, color, list(pos), rInc, wFade ) # 最后两项:半径增长速度&圆环变细速度
self.spatters.add( wave )
def addAirAtoms(self, owner, num, pos, speed, sprites, cate, btLine=0):
if cate=="fire":
colorSet = [(255,69,0,255),(80,20,20,255),(255,158,53,255)]
cntSet = [50, 54, 58]
elif cate=="freezing":
colorSet = [(120,120,160,255),(200,200,240,255),(160,160,200,255)]
cntSet = [36, 42, 48]
elif cate=="corrosive":
r = choice( [5,6,7] )
color = choice( [(80,60,80,255),(120,100,120,255)] )
initPos = [ randint(pos[0]-2, pos[0]+2), randint(pos[1]-2, pos[1]+2) ]
atom = Vomitus( r, color, initPos, speed, sprites, self, owner, btLine+8 )
elif cate=="physical":
r = choice( [6,7,8] )
colorSet = [(255,210,160,255),(255,200,140,255),(255,240,180,255)]
cntSet = [68, 72, 72]
color = choice( colorSet )
initPos = [ randint(pos[0]-1, pos[0]+1), randint(pos[1]-1, pos[1]+1) ]
cnt = choice( cntSet )
atom = AirAtom( r, color, initPos, cnt, speed, sprites, self, owner )
for i in range(0, num, 1):
r = choice( [2,3,5] )
color = choice( colorSet )
initPos = [ randint(pos[0]-1, pos[0]+1), randint(pos[1]-1, pos[1]+1) ]
cnt = choice( cntSet )
atom = AirAtom( r, color, initPos, cnt, speed, sprites, self, owner )
def addFlakes(self, num, wind):
for i in range(0, num, 1):
if wind>0: # 向右
posX = randint(-180, self.rect.width-120)
speed = (2,7)
posX = randint(120, self.rect.width+180)
speed = (-2,7)
r = choice( [6,8,10,12] )
posY = randint(-self.rect.height,0)
flake = Flake( r, [posX, posY], speed, (250,250,250,250), (self.rect.width,self.rect.height) )
def addPebbles(self, item, num, type="pebble"):
# type: "pebble", "eggDebri", "metalDebri", "boneDebri"
cent_x, cent_y = getPos(item,0.5,0.3)
for i in range(num):
# 默认向右
pebble = self.pebbleImg[type].copy()
speed = [ randint(0,2), randint(-12,-7) ]
start_x = randint(cent_x, item.rect.right )
start_y = randint(cent_y, item.rect.bottom)
# 一半概率转向左
if random()<0.5:
pebble = pygame.transform.flip(pebble, True, False)
speed[0] = -speed[0]
start_x = cent_x*2 - start_x
rect = pebble.get_rect()
rect.left = start_x - rect.width//2
rect.top = start_y - rect.height//2
# surf, rect, speed, 掉落下限, 弹起次数
self.pebbles.append( [pebble, rect, speed, item.rect.bottom+5, 1] )
def addTrails(self, rList, cList, rgba, pos):
radius = choice( rList )
cnt = choice( cList )
spatter = Spatter( radius, rgba, list(pos), cnt, [0,0] )
self.spatters.add( spatter )
def addExplosion(self, pos, initR, initW, rInc=1, wFade=1, waveColor=(255,160,30,250), spatColor=(2,2,2,220), dotD=(16,18,20), smoke=True):
'''Specially for explosive flame effect. A formulation
note that the default parameters are standard for BIG FIRE explosion like crimson dragon in chpter1'''
self.addWaves( pos, waveColor, initR, initW, rInc=rInc, wFade=wFade )
self.addSpatters( 8, [3,5,6], dotD, spatColor, pos )
if smoke:
self.addSmoke(3, (4,5,6), 1, (40,20,20,120), pos, 4)
def update(self, screen):
self.canvas.fill( (0,0,0,0) ) # refill transparent black to overwrite former paints.
for each in self.spatters:
# 处理pebble
for peb in self.pebbles[::-1]:
peb[1].left += peb[2][0]
peb[1].top += peb[2][1]
if peb[1].bottom >= peb[3]: # 落地
if peb[4]>0: # 弹起
peb[4] = peb[4]-1
peb[2] = [ peb[2][0], randint(-9, -6) ]
else: # 删除
peb[2] = [ peb[2][0], min(peb[2][1]+1,5) ] # fall状态,速度+1
self.canvas.blit( peb[0], peb[1] )
# 显示文字
for txt, pos in self.txtList:
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = (self.rect.width-rect.width)//2 # 根据canvas宽度,设定居中
if pos=="BOTTOM":
rect.top = self.rect.height-30
elif pos=="TOP":
rect.bottom = 30
self.canvas.blit( txt, rect )
# Paint the whole canvas
screen.blit( self.canvas, self.rect )
def addHalo(self, haloType, startAlpha):
if haloType not in self.halos: # Check to ensure type is in self.halos.
return False
if haloType=="monsHalo" and self.halos[haloType][0]==True: # MonsHalo should not be overlapped.
return False
self.halos[haloType][0] = True
self.halos[haloType][1] = startAlpha
return True
def createHaloRect(self, x, y, width, height):
surf = pygame.Surface( (width, height) ).convert_alpha()
rect = surf.get_rect()
rect.left = x
rect.top = y
surf.set_colorkey( (0,0,0) )
surf.fill( (0,0,0) )
return (surf, rect)
def updateHalo(self, screen):
for each in self.halos:
if self.halos[each][0]==False: # 首项标志为False,则跳过
# 变化透明度
if 0 <= self.halos[each][1]+self.halos[each][2] <= self.alphaCap:
self.halos[each][1] += self.halos[each][2]
if self.halos[each][2]>0: # 如果是增加透明度的过程,在最深阶段不应立即删除,要有一个反向淡化的过程。
self.halos[each][2] = -self.halos[each][2]
self.halos[each][2] = self.halos[each][3] # reset the fade speed
self.halos[each][0] = False # 完成,关闭标志
# render the frame with relevant color
r, g, b = self.halos[each][4]
for pair in self.canvList:
pair[0].fill( (r, g, b, self.halos[each][1]) )
screen.blit( pair[0], pair[1])
def level(self, dist):
for each in self.spatters:
def lift(self, dist):
for each in self.spatters:
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Spatter(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
'''Spatter 同时也是最基础的溅射质点类,在其基础上可衍生出许多其他类。
def __init__(self, radius, color, pos, cnt, speed, falling=False, back=False):
self.r = radius
self.color = color
self.pos = pos
self.speed = speed
self.cnt = cnt
self.falling = falling
if back:
self.oriCnt = self.cnt
self.move = self.move_back
def move(self):
# 若还有cnt,则进行移动,且减cnt。
if self.cnt > 0:
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
self.cnt -= 1
# falling类型还要下落
if self.falling and self.speed[1]<4 and not self.cnt%4:
#if self.pos[0]>0:
# self.pos[0] -= 1
# self.pos[0] += 1
self.speed[1] += 1 # 竖直速度增加,以实现下落效果
# 否则,该质点应该消散。半径减1.
elif self.r > 0:
self.r -= 1
# 最后,当半径也减至0,将该点删除。
del self
return True
def move_back(self):
# 若还有cnt,则进行移动,且减cnt。
if self.cnt > 0:
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
self.cnt -= 1
elif self.cnt > -self.oriCnt:
self.pos[0] -= self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] -= self.speed[1]
self.cnt -= 1
# 最后,将该点删除。
del self
return True
def paint(self, canvas):
pygame.draw.circle(canvas, self.color, self.pos, self.r)
def level(self, dist):
self.pos[0] += dist
def lift(self, dist):
self.pos[1] += dist
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Smoke(Spatter):
# 参数color:推荐带上透明度RGBA;参数speed:为一个二元组;fade是颜色淡化的度,初始化时将被设为cnt。
def __init__(self, radius, color, pos, fade, speed):
Spatter.__init__(self, radius, color, pos, fade, speed)
def move(self):
# 若颜色消失,则删除
if self.color[3]<=0:
del self
return True
# 否则,质点移动且颜色淡化
elif self.color[3]>0:
self.color = (self.color[0], self.color[1], self.color[2], self.color[3]-self.cnt)
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
# ----------------------------------------------------------
class Wave(Spatter):
# increm是半径增大的幅度,capR是半径的最大值。
def __init__(self, initR, color, pos, rInc, wFade):
self.cnt = rInc
self.speed = wFade
Spatter.__init__(self, initR, color, pos, rInc, wFade)
self.width = initR
def move(self):
# 如果在最大半径以下,则r继续增大。
# 需要修改
if self.width>0:
self.r += self.cnt
self.width -= self.speed
del self
return True
def paint(self, canvas):
if self.width>0:
pygame.draw.circle(canvas, self.color, self.pos, self.r, width=self.width)
# particles as attacks for certain monsters and heroes
class AirAtom(Spatter):
def __init__(self, r, color, initPos, cnt, speed, sprites, canvas, owner): # 参数speed:为一个二元组
Spatter.__init__(self, r, color, initPos, cnt, speed)
self.tgts = sprites
self.enable = True
self.canvas = canvas
self.owner = owner
def move(self):
if self.cnt > 0:
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
self.cnt -= 1
if random()<0.5:
self.speed[1] = - self.speed[1]
if self.enable and not self.cnt%DMG_FREQ:
for hero in self.tgts:
if (hero.rect.left < self.pos[0] < hero.rect.right) and (hero.rect.top < self.pos[1] < hero.rect.bottom) and (self.enable):
self.canvas.addSpatters(2, (2,3), (12,16,18), self.color, self.pos, False)
self.enable = False
del self
return True
class Vomitus(Spatter):
def __init__(self, r, color, initPos, speed, sprites, canvas, owner, btLine): # 参数speed:为一个二元组
Spatter.__init__(self, r, color, initPos, 0, speed)
self.tgts = sprites
self.owner = owner
self.canvas = canvas
self.btLine = btLine
def move(self):
if self.pos[1]<self.btLine:
self.cnt += 1
if not self.cnt%DMG_FREQ:
for tgt in self.tgts:
if tgt.rect.left < self.pos[0] < tgt.rect.right and tgt.rect.top < self.pos[1] < tgt.rect.bottom:
if self.speed[0]>0:
tgt.hitBack = 1
tgt.hitBack = -1
if not self.cnt%2:
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
if self.speed[1]<6 and not self.cnt%3:
self.speed[1] += 1
def erase(self):
self.canvas.addSpatters(2, (2,3), (3,4), self.color, self.pos, True)
def lift(self, dist):
self.pos[1] += dist
self.btLine += dist
# for CP5: blizzard
class Flake(Spatter):
# 参数:雪花的半径;雪花的起始位置;这里将屏幕范围range赋给spatter的cnt变量。
def __init__(self, radius, startPos, speed, color, range):
Spatter.__init__( self, radius, color, startPos, range, speed )
def move(self):
if (self.pos[1] < self.cnt[1]) and (0 < self.pos[0] < self.cnt[0]): # 尚在屏幕内,继续下落
self.pos[1] += self.speed[1]
self.pos[0] += self.speed[0]
del self
return True
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