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myHero.py 111.86 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
Throde 提交于 2021-05-15 12:44 . V7.4.3 (Steam Release Version)
Define Hero class, as well as bullets, and superpower managers.
import pygame
# 在myHero模块中,load、flip和collide_mask三个函数使用很频繁,这里导入这两个函数以方便使用(enemy同样)
from pygame.image import load
from pygame.transform import flip
from pygame.sprite import collide_mask
from random import random, randint, choice
import math
import enemy
from mapElems import ChestContent # will be used in Javelin class
from props import *
from database import GRAVITY, DMG_FREQ, RANGE
from util import InanimSprite, HPBar
from util import getPos, rot_center, generateShadow, getCld
# ==========================================================
# ====================== Hero Object =======================
# ==========================================================
class Hero(InanimSprite):
# some properties of hero
name = "knight"
heroNo = 0
gender = "Male"
health = 960
full = 960
arrow = 12
fruit = 1
speed = 3 # 英雄用于计算的移动速度(可因某些因素而减慢)
shootNum = 1 # 用于指示每次射击射出的投掷物数量(某些英雄可能不同,默认为1)
arrowCnt = 12 # 指示弹药容量上限,注意和shootCnt区分开(shootCnt是动画计时)
imgIndx = 0
status = "left"
activeProps = [] # 动态存储所有生效中的道具的列表。
suspendedProps = [] # 因为切换塔楼而被挂起的道具列表。
coins = 0
k1 = 0 # 一阶跳的标志
k2 = 0 # 二阶跳的标志
aground = True # indicate whether hero is on the ground
gravity = 1
shootCnt = 0 # 射击时更换图片过程的计数
hitBack = 0 # 受伤击退效果,受伤时将此值设置为击退像素(仅在水平方向上)
wpPos = [0,0,0] # weapon相对于hero的位置比例:pos[0]表示x坐标比例,pos[1]表示y坐标比例,pos[2]表示层级,0表示weapon在self下层,1表示weapon在self上层。
hitFeedIndx = 0
checkList = None # spriteGroup that stores wall or supply sprites used for checking collide
preyList = [] # A list to store info of the killed or damaged enemy by this hero. Can be added by checkImg() or hero's bullet. Can be taken by the model loop.
eventList = [] # A list to store events info such as getItem.
talk = [] # Pair: [txt, cnt]
trapper = None # 指向当前导致英雄减速、无法跳跃状态的对象,将引用挂在这里
shootSnd = None
jmpSnd = None
image = None
rect = None
mask = None
shad = None # 阴影
shadRect = None
imgSwt = 8 # 行走时图片的切换频率。对于大部分英雄为8,某些英雄可能需要更快切换
infected = -1 # 可取3个值:-1表示健康;0表示正在感染(感染效果);1表示已感染
freezeCnt = 0 # 当前被冰冻减速的倒计时
bldColor = (255,10,10,210)
jpCnt = 0
font = None
lgg = 0
onlayer = 0 # indicate which layer hero is. only can be even number
# Img Buffer: 以下是hero的库信息部分,保存易被修改的hero的原始信息。
# 这部分在__init__时设置完成后,不允许再被修改。当需要恢复被改变的属性时,可以从这里读取恢复。
oriSpd = 3 # 指示hero正常的移动速度
oriImgLeftList = [] # hero的行走图片列表
oriImgRightList = []
oriImgJumpLeft = None
oriImgJumpRight = None
oriImgHittedLeft = None
oriImgHittedRight = None
oriWeaponR = {}
oriWpJumpLeft = None
oriWpJumpRight = None
# constructor of hero
def __init__(self, VHero, dmgReduction, font, lgg, keyDic=None, cate="hero"):
InanimSprite.__init__(self, cate)
self.status = "left"
self.imgIndx = 0
self.kNum = 13 # 单阶段跳跃的计算总次数(从离地到抵达最高点的次数,单向上升过程)
self.speed = 3
self.imgSwt = 8
self.interactiveList = ["chest","specialWall","hostage","door","exit","merchant"]
self.superPowerFull = 3200 # 超级技能充满所需值
if VHero.no == 0:
self.name = "knight"
self.push = 7
self.weight = 2
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("Arrow's running out.","弓箭用完了。"), "shoot":("Watch out!","看箭!"),
"fullCharge":("Ready to wreck!","准备毁灭!"), "underCharge":("Still need to charge...","还需要充能……"),
"hitted":("Ouch!","呃啊!"), "wait":("Next step...","下一步应该……"), "follower":("","") }
# 只保留left方向下的位置数据,根据hero的状态进行区分。right方向下,保持第二项不变,第一项用1去减即可。第三项只可取0或1。
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.68,0.77,1), (0.63,0.75,1), (0.58,0.73,1), (0.63,0.75,1), (0.58,0.73,1) ],
"shoot":[ (0.1,0.62,1), (0.28,0.74,1), (0.5,0.8,1) ], "jump":(0.68,0.68,1), "superPower":(0.53,0.5,1)}
self.gender = "Male"
elif VHero.no == 1:
self.name = "princess"
self.push = 6
self.weight = 1
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("No more powder...","没有火药了……"), "shoot":("Taste this!","尝尝这个!"),
"fullCharge":("Lock and load!","炮火已上膛!"), "underCharge":("Why not stay beautiful?","为什么不多漂亮一会儿呢?"),
"hitted":("Ah!","啊!"), "wait":("I wonder...","我想……"), "follower":("Feel safer with you.","有你在感觉安全多了。") }
self.oriWeaponR = { "normal":[ (0.35,0.72,1), (0.35,0.74,1), (0.35,0.72,1), (0.35,0.74,1), (0.35,0.72,1) ],
"shoot":[ (0.35,0.6,1), (0.35,0.58,1), (0.35,0.58,1) ], "jump":(0.12,0.82,0), "superPower":(0.2,0.65,1)}
self.gender = "Female"
elif VHero.no == 2:
self.name = "prince"
self.push = 8
self.weight = 3
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("I need javelins!.","我需要掷枪!"), "shoot":("Get away!","滚开!"),
"fullCharge":("Crush them!","碾碎它们!"), "underCharge":("My pony needs a rest.","我的马儿还需要休息。"),
"hitted":("Errr!","呃!"), "wait":("Pony's tired?","马儿累了吗?"), "follower":("Can you on earth do this?","你到底行不行啊?") }
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.4,0.7,1), (0.42,0.69,1), (0.39,0.68,1), (0.42,0.69,1), (0.39,0.68,1) ],
"shoot":[ (0.39,0.76,1), (0.41,0.72,1), (0.43,0.7,1) ], "jump":(0.64,0.48,1), "superPower":(0.64,0.48,1)}
self.kNum += 1
self.gender = "Male"
elif VHero.no == 3:
self.name = "wizard"
self.push = 6
self.weight = 2
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("Fire don't reply.","火元素无法召出了。"), "shoot":("Burn...","灼烧吧……"),
"fullCharge":("I feel the lightning...","我已感受到了雷电……"), "underCharge":("Calm down, and feel the nature.","冷静下来,才能感受自然。"),
"hitted":("Ouch!","呃啊!"), "wait":("Need to ponder...","需要思考一下……"), "follower":("I'll follow you, kid.","我会紧跟着,孩子。") }
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.09,0.64,0), (0.08,0.62,0), (0.09,0.66,0), (0.1,0.62,0), (0.09,0.66,0) ],
"shoot":[ (0.53,0.64,1), (0.49,0.67,1), (0.44,0.78,0) ], "jump":(0.08,0.64,0), "superPower":(0.5,0.45,1)}
self.gender = "Male"
elif VHero.no == 4:
self.name = "huntress"
self.push = 6
self.weight = 1
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("Need a rest!","得休息一下。"), "shoot":("Penetrating!","穿刺一切!"),
"fullCharge":("Boomerang on the way.","骨镖已就绪。"), "underCharge":("If my dog is here...","要是我的狗狗在这的话……"),
"hitted":("That hurts!","好痛!"), "wait":("Miss my hound...","想念我的猎犬了……"), "follower":("You are as brave as my hound!","你和我的猎犬一样勇敢!") }
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.7,0.6,0), (0.7,0.6,0), (0.7,0.62,0), (0.7,0.6,0), (0.7,0.62,0) ],
"shoot":[ (0.7,0.6,0), (0.68,0.62,0), (0.66,0.61,0) ], "jump":(0.69,0.64,0), "superPower":(0.53,0.48,0)}
self.gender = "Female"
elif VHero.no == 5:
self.name = "priest"
self.push = 6
self.weight = 1
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("There's no forever power.","没有力量是永恒的。"), "shoot":("For Holy light!","为了圣光!"),
"fullCharge":("The Good is about to arrive.","大善即将到来。"), "underCharge":("It needs time to prove pious and kind.","证明虔诚和善良需要时间。"),
"hitted":("Ahhh!","啊!"), "wait":("God leads me...","上帝会指引我……"), "follower":("Are you the angle from the heaven?","你是来自天堂的天使吗?") }
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.27,0.82,0), (0.28,0.82,0), (0.36,0.78,0), (0.28,0.82,0), (0.22,0.77,0) ],
"shoot":[ (0.28,0.8,0), (0.22,0.75,0), (0.16,0.64,0) ], "jump":(0.12,0.62,1), "superPower":(0.16,0.64,0)}
self.gender = "Female"
elif VHero.no == 6:
self.name = "king"
self.push = 8
self.weight = 2
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("Reloading now!","正在填装!"), "shoot":("Power of King!","国王的力量!"),
"fullCharge":("It's time to call my fighters!","是时候召唤我的战士们了!"), "underCharge":("What a previledge to see a king playing!","观赏国王展示,真是至高的荣耀!"),
"hitted":("Doc!","医官!"), "wait":("What to do...","接下来怎么做……"), "follower":("I promise you'll be promoted when we get out!","我保证,回去后给你升官!") }
self.oriWeaponR = {"normal":[ (0.05,0.45,0), (0.04,0.44,0), (0.04,0.46,0), (0.04,0.44,0), (0.04,0.46,0) ],
"shoot":[ (0.08,0.55,1), (0.1,0.53,1), (0.12,0.5,0) ], "jump":(0.04,0.46,0), "superPower":(0.05,0.45,0)}
self.shootNum = 5
self.serv = None
self.gender = "Male"
elif VHero.no == -1:
self.name = "servant"
self.push = 6
self.weight = 1
self.talkDic = { "ammoOut":("No more powder...","没有火药了……"), "shoot":("Fuck off!","滚吧!"),
"fullCharge":("Fight!","战斗!"), "underCharge":("Still need to charge...","还需要充能……"),
"hitted":("Ah!","啊!"), "wait":("My honor to stand with you.","很荣幸能和您并肩作战。"),
"follower":("","") }
self.oriWeaponR = { "normal":[ (0.13,0.82,1), (0.22,0.81,1), (0.2,0.8,1), (0.24,0.83,1), (0.2,0.8,1) ],
"shoot":[ (0.1,0.64,1), (0.12,0.63,1), (0.12,0.63,1) ], "jump":(0.16,0.74,0), "superPower":(0.53,0.5,1)}
self.gender = "Female"
self.rDamage = VHero.dmg
self.arrowCnt = VHero.cnt
self.critR = round(VHero.crit/100, 2) # 转化为0-1之间的数
self.stunR = 0
self.oriSpd = self.speed
self.heroNo = VHero.no
if keyDic:
self.keyDic = keyDic
# About the bag: -------------------------------------------
self.bagpack = Bagpack()
self.activeProps = []
self.coins = 0
self.gems = 0
self.expInc = 0
self.arrow = self.arrowCnt
self.jpCnt = 0
self.dmgReducDic = {
"basic":dmgReduction, "physical":1, "fire":1, "corrosive":1, "freezing":1, "holy":1
} # 调节游戏难度所引起的受伤减少,为百分比。1表示原伤害。
self.respondKeyDic = {
"leftKey": lambda delay: self.moveX( delay, "left" ),
"rightKey": lambda delay: self.moveX( delay, "right" )
} # 定义需要连续响应键盘按键的键名和对应的函数列表
self.ammoCircle = pygame.transform.smoothscale( load("image/ammoCircle.png"), (40, 40) )
self.lumi = 0 # 明亮半径:在mist中将会起作用
self.hitBack = 0
self.spurtCanvas = None
self.checkList = pygame.sprite.Group()
self.preyList = []
self.eventList = []
self.weaponR = self.oriWeaponR
self.font = font[lgg]
self.lgg = lgg
self.doom = False
# About HP:---------------------------
self.health = self.full = VHero.hp
self.loading = self.LDFull = 180
self.heal_bonus = 1
self.bar = HPBar(self.full, barOffset=12, color="green")
# About SuperPower: ----------------------------------------
self.superPowerCnt = 0 # 超级技能当前能量值
self.superPowerFull = VHero.superPowerFull # 超级技能充满所需值
self.superPowerCast = 0 # 超级技能释放后图片停留计时
self.superPowerBar = HPBar(self.superPowerFull, blockVol=450, barOffset=2, color="yellow")
self.superPowerManager = None
if VHero.no>=0:
spicon = load(f"image/{self.name}/superPowerIcon.png").convert_alpha()
self.superPowerIcon = pygame.transform.smoothscale( spicon, (spicon.get_width()//2, spicon.get_height()//2) )
# 初始化hero的图片库------------------------------------
self.oriImgLeftList = [ load("image/"+self.name+"/heroLeft0.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/"+self.name+"/heroLeft2.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/"+self.name+"/heroLeft1.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/"+self.name+"/heroLeft2.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/"+self.name+"/heroLeft3.png").convert_alpha() ]
self.oriImgRightList = [ flip(self.oriImgLeftList[0], True, False),
flip(self.oriImgLeftList[1], True, False), flip(self.oriImgLeftList[2], True, False),
flip(self.oriImgLeftList[3], True, False), flip(self.oriImgLeftList[4], True, False) ]
self.oriImgJumpLeft = load("image/"+self.name+"/jumpLeft.png").convert_alpha()
self.oriImgJumpRight = flip(self.oriImgJumpLeft, True, False)
self.oriImgHittedLeft = load("image/"+self.name+"/hittedLeft.png").convert_alpha()
self.oriImgHittedRight = flip(self.oriImgHittedLeft, True, False)
self.oriWpJumpLeft = load("image/"+self.name+"/wpJump.png").convert_alpha()
self.oriWpJumpRight = flip(self.oriWpJumpLeft, True, False)
self.imgLib = {
"leftList": self.oriImgLeftList,
"rightList": self.oriImgRightList,
"weaponLeft": load("image/"+self.name+"/weapon.png").convert_alpha(),
"weaponRight": flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/weapon.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
"wpMoveLeft": load("image/"+self.name+"/wpMove.png").convert_alpha(),
"wpMoveRight": flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/wpMove.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
"shootLeftList": [ load("image/"+self.name+"/shootLeft0.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/"+self.name+"/shootLeft2.png").convert_alpha() ],
"shootRightList": [ flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/shootLeft0.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/shootLeft1.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/shootLeft2.png").convert_alpha(), True, False) ],
"wpAttLeft": [ load("image/"+self.name+"/wpAtt0.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/"+self.name+"/wpAtt2.png").convert_alpha() ],
"wpAttRight": [ flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/wpAtt0.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/wpAtt1.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/wpAtt2.png").convert_alpha(), True, False) ],
"superPowerLeft": load("image/"+self.name+"/superPower.png").convert_alpha(),
"superPowerRight": flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/superPower.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
"wpSuperPowerLeft": load("image/"+self.name+"/wpSuperPower.png").convert_alpha(),
"wpSuperPowerRight": flip(load("image/"+self.name+"/wpSuperPower.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
"jumpLeft": self.oriImgJumpLeft,
"jumpRight": self.oriImgJumpRight,
"wpJumpLeft": self.oriWpJumpLeft,
"wpJumpRight": self.oriWpJumpRight,
"hittedLeft": self.oriImgHittedLeft,
"hittedRight": self.oriImgHittedRight,
"infShootLeft": load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"Vomit.png").convert_alpha(),
"infShootRight": flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"Vomit.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
"infLeftList": [load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"Wait.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"1.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"0.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"1.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"2.png").convert_alpha() ],
"infRightList": [flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"Wait.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"1.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"0.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"1.png").convert_alpha(), True, False),
flip(load("image/stg3/dead"+self.gender+"2.png").convert_alpha(), True, False) ]
# generate shadows
self.shadLib = {}
for each in self.imgLib:
if isinstance(self.imgLib[each],list):
self.shadLib[each] = []
for img in self.imgLib[each]:
self.shadLib[each].append( generateShadow(img) )
self.shadLib[each] = generateShadow(self.imgLib[each])
# initialize the position of hero ------------------------------
self.setImg("leftList", 0)
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
# Initialize the melee weapon of the hero ----------------------
self.weapon = enemy.Ajunction( self.imgLib["weaponLeft"], getPos(self, self.weaponR["normal"][0][0], self.weaponR["normal"][0][1]) )
self.wpPos = [ self.weaponR["normal"][0][0], self.weaponR["normal"][0][1], self.weaponR["normal"][0][2] ] # 初始化为normal[0]
# Jump dust imgs -----------------------------------------------
self.dustList = [load("image/stg2/alarm5.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/stg2/alarm4.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/stg2/alarm3.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/stg2/alarm2.png").convert_alpha(),
load("image/stg2/alarm1.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/stg2/alarm0.png").convert_alpha()]
self.brand = load("image/"+self.name+"/brand.png").convert_alpha()
self.jmpPos = [0,0]
self.jmpInfo = ()
self.jmpCap = (1+self.kNum)*self.kNum //2 # 单次跳跃的上升距离,将在初始化时计算得出
self.jmpSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/"+self.name+"/jump.wav")
self.oriJmpSnd = self.jmpSnd
self.shootSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/"+self.name+"/shoot.wav")
self.oriShootSnd = self.shootSnd
self.fruitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/eatFruit.wav")
self.injureSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/injure"+self.gender+".wav")
# infection related
self.infSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/infect"+self.gender+".wav")
self.infJmp = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/infJump"+self.gender+".wav")
self.coinSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/coin.wav")
self.reloadSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/reload.wav")
self.vomiSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/vomiSplash.wav")
# 开场语
if self.category=="hero":
self.superPowerVoice = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/"+self.name+"/superPowerVoice.wav")
# 用于重置本元素的位置至所给塔楼的初始位置
def resetPosition(self, tower, tag="p1", layer="-1", side="left"):
if side=="left":
pos_x = tower.boundaries[0]-tower.blockSize
elif side=="right":
pos_x = tower.boundaries[1]+tower.blockSize
elif side=="center":
pos_x = sum(tower.boundaries)//2
if tag=="p1":
pos_x = pos_x-10
elif tag=="p2":
pos_x = pos_x+10
self.rect.left = pos_x-self.rect.width//2
self.rect.bottom = tower.getTop( str(layer) )-12
def jump(self, keyLine):
self.aground = False
# 一段跳
if (self.k2==0):
if (self.k1==1): # 一段跳刚开始时,获取起跳时的位置
if random()<0.33:
self.jpCnt = 12
self.jmpPos[0] = self.rect.left + self.rect.width//2
self.jmpPos[1] = self.rect.bottom
self.rect.bottom -= (self.kNum-self.k1)
self.k1 = (self.k1+1)%(self.kNum+1)
# 二段跳
self.rect.bottom -= (self.kNum-self.k2)
self.k2 = (self.k2+1)%(self.kNum+1)
while ( getCld(self, self.checkList, ["sideWall","baseWall","blockStone"]) ): # 如果和参数中的物体重合,则回退1高度
self.rect.bottom += 1 # 循环+1,直到不再和任何物体重合为止,跳出循环
self.k1 = self.k2 = 0
if ( self.rect.bottom <= keyLine ):
self.shiftLayer(2, None)
def moveX(self, delay, to):
# 运动过程中,可取index为[1,2,3,4] 分别对应运动的四张帧图(0为静止)
if not (delay % self.imgSwt ):
self.imgIndx += 1
if self.imgIndx >= len(self.imgLib["leftList"]):
self.imgIndx = 1
if to=="left":
self.status = "left"
self.rect.left -= self.speed
self._checkMove( back=-self.speed )
elif to=="right":
self.status = "right"
self.rect.left += self.speed
self._checkMove( back=self.speed )
def fall(self, keyLine, newLine, heightList, GRAVITY):
self.rect.bottom += self.gravity # 尝试将自身纵坐标减去重力值
# 获得所有碰撞了的物体对象,并针对每一个碰撞了的item执行相应的响应动作
for item in pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask):
if item.category in self.interactiveList:
while getCld(self, self.checkList, ["lineWall","baseWall","specialWall","sideWall","blockStone","house"]):
if self.gravity>4: # 速度过大,造成扬灰效果
self.jpCnt = 12
self.jmpPos[0] = self.rect.left + self.rect.width//2
self.jmpPos[1] = self.rect.bottom
# 如果和参数中的物体重合,则回退1高度
self.rect.bottom -= 1 # 循环-1,直到不再和任何物体重合为止,跳出循环
self.aground = True # 这两个值反复设置没有关系,只要循环结束后保证两个值分别为true和1即可
self.gravity = 0
if (self.gravity<GRAVITY):
self.gravity += 1
self.renewCheckList(newLine) # 更新self.checkList(跳跃函数中不必更新,只有这里需要更新)
# 判断是否要向下调整层数.
if ( self.rect.top >= keyLine ):
self.shiftLayer(-2, heightList)
def shiftLayer(self, to, heightList):
if to<0:
# 下跳则检查:在最底层不能下跳;# 若英雄高度超过所在行的高度-跳跃距离的一半,则不能下跳(这是为了防止过快连跳)。
if (self.onlayer<=0) or ( self.rect.bottom < heightList[str(self.onlayer)]-self.jmpCap//2 ):
self.onlayer += to
self.aground = False
def shoot(self, tower, spurtCanvas=None):
#if (self.shootCnt > 0): # couldn't shoot too fast! Hero mustn't be shooting.
# return
if self.infected>0: # infect situation.
self.shootCnt = 40
if (self.arrow > 0):
if random() <= 0.2:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["shoot"][self.lgg], 60]
if self.status=="left":
self.hitBack = self.push-self.weight
pos = getPos(self, 0, 0.54)
xspd = [-1,-2,-3]
self.hitBack = -(self.push-self.weight)
pos = getPos(self, 1, 0.54)
xspd = [1,2,3]
# make ammo object
if self.name == "knight":
arrow = Ammo( self, pos, [8,0], category="bullet", bldNum=6, push=6 )
elif self.name == "princess":
arrow = Ammo( self, pos, [8,0], category="bullet", bldNum=8, push=7 )
if spurtCanvas: # bullet特效
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 5, (1,2), (12,14,16), (255,255,0), pos, False, xspd=xspd, yspd=[-1,0,1] )
elif self.name == "prince":
arrow = Javelin( self, pos )
elif self.name == "wizard":
arrow = Fireball( self, pos )
elif self.name == "huntress":
arrow = Dart( self, pos )
elif self.name == "priest":
arrow = HolyLight( self, pos )
elif self.name == "king":
spdList = ( [7,2],[8,1],[8,0],[8,-1],[7,-2] )
for i in range(0, self.shootNum):
arrow = Ammo( self, pos, spdList[i], category="bullet", bldNum=4, push=4, duration=RANGE["SHORT"] )
if spurtCanvas: # bullet打出特效
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 5, (1,2), (12,14,16), (255,255,0), pos, False, xspd=xspd, yspd=[-1,0,1] )
self.arrow -= 1
elif self.arrow<=0:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["ammoOut"][self.lgg], 60]
self.shootCnt = 18
def castSuperPower(self, canvas):
if self.superPowerCnt<self.superPowerFull: # not fully charged yet
self.talk = [self.talkDic["underCharge"][self.lgg], 60]
return False
canvas.addHalo( "holyHalo", 240 )
if self.name=="knight":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerKnight(self)
elif self.name=="princess":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerPrincess(self)
elif self.name=="prince":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerPrince(self)
elif self.name=="wizard":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerWizard(self)
elif self.name=="huntress":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerHuntress(self)
elif self.name=="priest":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerPriest(self)
elif self.name=="king":
self.superPowerManager = SuperPowerManagerKing(self)
self.superPowerCnt = 0
self.superPowerCast = 30
def chargeSuperPower(self, amount):
if self.superPowerCnt==self.superPowerFull:
self.superPowerCnt += amount
if self.superPowerCnt > self.superPowerFull:
self.superPowerCnt = self.superPowerFull
self.talk = [self.talkDic["fullCharge"][self.lgg], 90]
if self.spurtCanvas:
self.spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3,5,7], [36,42,48], (255,200,100,240), getPos(self,0.5,0.5), False )
def checkImg(self, delay, tower, heroes, key_pressed, spurtCanvas):
A pipeline to do the following checks and operations:
1. calculate img cnts and select correct image
2. respond to the player's ongoing keydown event
3. check hero's state: freeze, trapped, hitback, infection, etc.
4. manage hero's bagpack
5. check and run props & superPowers
if self.health<=0:
return 0
# 画起跳的灰尘
if self.jpCnt > 0:
self.jpCnt -= 1
self.dustRect = self.dustList[ self.jpCnt//2 ].get_rect()
self.dustRect.left = self.jmpPos[0] - self.dustRect.width // 2
self.dustRect.bottom = self.jmpPos[1]
self.jmpInfo = ( self.dustList[ self.jpCnt//2 ], self.dustRect )
self.jmpInfo = ()
# Check when hero is shooting an arrow.
if ( self.shootCnt > 0 ) and (self.infected<=0):
if not ( self.shootCnt % 6 ): # Cnt每次等于6的倍数的时候就更换一次图片
indx = len(self.imgLib["shootLeftList"]) - self.shootCnt//6 # 指示图片序号的临时变量。工作原理:Cnt=18的时候,imgIndx应该为0;同理,Cnt=12,imgIndx=1;Cnt=6,indx=3。
if self.status == "left":
rht = self.rect.right
btm = self.rect.bottom
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # 获取新的图片的rect
self.rect.right = rht
self.rect.bottom = btm
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpAttLeft"][indx] ) # weapon的图片序号和wIndx图片序号保持同步。
self.wpPos[0] = self.weaponR["shoot"][indx][0]
elif self.status == "right":
lft = self.rect.left
btm = self.rect.bottom
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.left = lft
self.rect.bottom = btm
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpAttRight"][indx] )
self.wpPos[0] = 1 - self.weaponR["shoot"][indx][0]
self.wpPos[1] = self.weaponR["shoot"][indx][1]
self.wpPos[2] = self.weaponR["shoot"][indx][2]
self.shootCnt -= 1
# Check when hero is jumping in the air. Note that the statement "elif" makes that hero's image will be whiping when he whip even in the air.
elif not self.aground:
if self.status == "left":
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpJumpLeft"] )
self.wpPos[0] = self.weaponR["jump"][0]
elif self.status == "right":
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpJumpRight"] )
self.wpPos[0] = 1 - self.weaponR["jump"][0]
self.wpPos[1] = self.weaponR["jump"][1]
self.wpPos[2] = self.weaponR["jump"][2]
# Check when hero is suffering damage.
elif self.hitFeedIndx > 0:
if (self.status=="right"):
self.hitFeedIndx -= 1
# Check when hero is casting superPower.
elif self.superPowerCast>0: # 刚刚施放技能的0.5s内,有施放图片
self.superPowerCast -= 1
if (self.status=="right"):
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpSuperPowerRight"] )
self.wpPos[0] = 1 - self.weaponR["superPower"][0]
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpSuperPowerLeft"] )
self.wpPos[0] = self.weaponR["superPower"][0]
self.wpPos[1] = self.weaponR["superPower"][1]
self.wpPos[2] = self.weaponR["superPower"][2]
# If hero is not shooting, not jumping and not hurting, he should only be in normal status (static and walking).
if self.status == "left":
# Check whether hero is moving. Different pic for moving and standing.
if self.imgIndx==0:
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["weaponLeft"] )
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpMoveLeft"] )
self.wpPos[0] = self.weaponR["normal"][self.imgIndx][0]
elif self.status == "right":
if self.imgIndx==0:
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["weaponRight"] )
self.weapon.updateImg( self.imgLib["wpMoveRight"] )
self.wpPos[0] = 1 - self.weaponR["normal"][self.imgIndx][0]
self.wpPos[1] = self.weaponR["normal"][self.imgIndx][1]
self.wpPos[2] = self.weaponR["normal"][self.imgIndx][2]
if not delay% 120 and random()<0.24:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["wait"][self.lgg], 60]
# Always renew the position of the weapon.
self.weapon.updatePos( getPos(self, self.wpPos[0], self.wpPos[1]) )
if self.category=="hero":
for key_name in self.respondKeyDic:
if key_pressed[ self.keyDic[key_name] ]: # 若被摁下,则call该匿名函数
if key_name=="shootKey":
# Specifically, if not running, set the imgIndx to zero.
if self.imgIndx>0 and not key_pressed[self.keyDic["leftKey"]] and not key_pressed[self.keyDic["rightKey"]]:
self.imgIndx = 0
# deal freezeCnt
if self.freezeCnt > 0:
self.freezeCnt -= 1
self.speed = self.oriSpd # 解冻
# deal stuck if there is a trapper in effect.
if self.trapper:
if not collide_mask(self, self.trapper):
self.trapper = None
self.speed = self.oriSpd-2
# 处理击退位移,如果值不为0的话。
if abs(self.hitBack)>0:
if self.hitBack>0:
realBack = min(self.hitBack, 6)
self.hitBack -= 1
elif self.hitBack<0:
realBack = max(self.hitBack, -6)
self.hitBack += 1
self.rect.left += realBack
self._checkMove( back=realBack )
# deal infection
if self.infected == 0:
self.infected = 1
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [12,14,16], (10,10,10,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), True )
elif self.infected>0:
if self.shootCnt > 0:
self.shootCnt -= 1
if self.status == "left":
rht = self.rect.right
btm = self.rect.bottom
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # 获取新的图片的rect
self.rect.right = rht
self.rect.bottom = btm
elif self.status == "right":
lft = self.rect.left
btm = self.rect.bottom
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.left = lft
self.rect.bottom = btm
# 每2次刷新均吐出1个vomi
if not self.shootCnt%2:
spdX = 9-self.shootCnt//8
if self.status == "left":
spd = [ -spdX, 0 ]
startX = 0.2
elif self.status == "right":
spd = [ spdX, 0 ]
startX = 0.8
spurtCanvas.addAirAtoms(self, 1, getPos(self, startX, 0.5),
spd, tower.monsters, "corrosive", btLine=self.rect.bottom)
vib = 0
# Renew Props.
for prop in self.activeProps[::-1]:
if prop.propName == "blastingCap":
prop.fall( delay, tower.getTop(prop.onlayer), tower.groupList, GRAVITY )
if prop.work(tower.monsters, tower.groupList["0"], spurtCanvas):
vib = max(vib,12)
elif prop.propName == "torch":
prop.work(tower.monsters, spurtCanvas) # 溅射的火星对范围内敌人造成伤害
elif prop.propName == "battleTotem":
if not prop.checkExposion(spurtCanvas): # 检查摧毁
tracker = prop.run([self], spurtCanvas)
if tracker:
tower.allElements["mons1"].add( tracker )
elif prop.propName == "rustedHorn":
if prop.work(tower.monsters, heroes):
vib = max(vib,8)
elif prop.propName == "defenseTower":
if prop not in heroes:
else: # Normal Durable prop.
# 超级技能。
if self.superPowerManager:
if self.superPowerManager.run(delay, tower, heroes, spurtCanvas): # 生效阶段,震动屏幕
vib = max(vib,6)
return vib
def shiftTower(self, tower, oper="suspend"):
""" oper='suspend' or 'rejoin' """
if oper=="suspend": # 将老tower中的activeprop转为挂起。NOTE:Props 自己会记住owner。
for prop in self.activeProps[::-1]:
if prop.propName in ["blastingCap","battleTotem"]:
elif oper=="rejoin": # 将新tower中被挂起的prop转入active
for prop in tower.suspendedProps[::-1]:
if prop.user==self:
def reload(self, delay, spurtCanvas):
# Check loading listener: When ammos run out and loading is full
if self.arrow==0 and self.loading==self.LDFull:
self.loading = 0
# when loading is not full: Reloading...
elif self.loading<self.LDFull:
self.loading += 1
if self.loading==self.LDFull:
self.arrow = self.arrowCnt
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,100,210,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
def useItem(self, spurtCanvas):
if self.bagpack.bagPt<0:
return ("You don't have items in bagpack!","你的背包中没有道具!")
curName = self.bagpack.bagBuf[self.bagpack.bagPt]
if curName == "fruit":
if self.infected>=0:
return ("Can't eat fruit when infected.","感染时无法使用。")
elif self.health == self.full:
return ("Your HP is full at the time.","当前你的体力值已满。")
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,255,100,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "loadGlove":
if (self.loading>=self.LDFull-1):
return ("No need for loading at the time.","当前无需填装。")
elif self.infected>=0:
return ("Can't eat fruit when infected.","感染时无法使用。")
self.loading = self.LDFull-1
#spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,100,210,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "medicine":
if self.infected <=0 and self.health == self.full:
return ("You are neither infected nor injured.","你既未感染,也未受伤。")
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,100,255,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
if self.infected <= 0:
# 未感染,回复体力
# 感染,治愈:恢复image和相关属性值
self.infected = -1
self.imgLib["leftList"] = self.oriImgLeftList
self.imgLib["rightList"] = self.oriImgRightList
self.imgLib["jumpLeft"] = self.oriImgJumpLeft
self.imgLib["jumpRight"] = self.oriImgJumpRight
self.imgLib["hittedLeft"] = self.oriImgHittedLeft
self.imgLib["hittedRight"] = self.oriImgHittedRight
self.imgIndx = 0
self.weaponR = self.oriWeaponR
self.jmpSnd = self.oriJmpSnd
self.shootSnd = self.oriShootSnd
elif curName == "blastingCap":
cap = BlastingCap(self, [-4, -7], self.onlayer) if self.status=="left" else BlastingCap(self, [4, -7], self.onlayer)
self.activeProps.append( cap )
elif curName == "battleTotem":
# 首先检查是否可以放置图腾
wall = None
wallList = []
for aWall in self.checkList: # 由于spriteGroup不好进行索引/随机选择操作,因此将其中的sprite逐个存入列表中存储
# 筛选出当前所在的行砖
if aWall.category in ("lineWall","specialWall","baseWall") and aWall.coord[1]==self.onlayer-1:
if aWall.rect.left<getPos(self,0.5,0)[0]<aWall.rect.right: # 可以落到下一行上,有砖接着
wall = aWall
if (not wallList) or (not wall): # 不能放置图腾,取消效果
return ("Please place the totem on the ground!","请将图腾放置于地面!")
totem = BattleTotem(self, wall, self.onlayer)
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], totem.themeColor, getPos(totem, 0.5, 0.5), False )
self.activeProps.append( totem )
elif curName == "defenseTower":
ok = False
# 检查是否可以放置防御塔
for wall in DefenseTower.siteWalls:
if (wall.rect.left<getPos(self,0.5,0)[0]<wall.rect.right) and (wall.coord[1]==self.onlayer-1):
if wall.tower:
return ("The site has a existing Defense Tower.","该基座已有一个防御塔。")
# 玩家处于sitewall上,且该砖空余,则可以放置
tow = DefenseTower(getPos(wall,0.5,0)[0], wall.rect.top, self.onlayer, self.font, self.lgg, self)
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (120,240,120), getPos(tow, 0.5, 0.5), False )
self.activeProps.append( tow )
wall.tower = tow
ok = True
if not ok: # 不能放置防御塔,取消效果
return ("Please place the tower on the ground!","请将防御塔放置于基座上!")
# Create the enduring prop and put it in the activeList.
elif curName == "torch":
if self.infected >= 0:
return ("Can't eat fruit when infected.","感染时无法使用。")
elif self.oneInEffect("torch"):
return ("You have a torch working.","你已经有一个火炬在照明。")
self.activeProps.append( Torch(self) )
elif curName == "copter":
if self.oneInEffect("copter"):
return ("You have a copter working.","你已经装有一个竹蜻蜓。")
self.activeProps.append( Copter(self) )
elif curName == "pesticide":
if self.oneInEffect("pesticide"):
return ("You are holding another pesticide spray.","你正持有另一个杀虫喷雾器。")
self.activeProps.append( Pesticide(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,140,40,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "herbalExtract":
if self.health == self.full:
return ("Your HP is full at the time.","当前你的体力值已满。")
self.activeProps.append( HerbalExtract(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (80,240,160,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "simpleArmor":
if self.oneInEffect("simpleArmor"):
return ("You have equiped a armor.","你已经装备了一件简易机甲。")
self.activeProps.append( SimpleArmor(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,140,40,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "missleGun":
if self.oneInEffect("missleGun"):
return ("You are holding another missle gun.","你正持有另一个火箭炮。")
self.activeProps.append( MissleGun(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (100,140,40,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "cooler":
if self.oneInEffect("cooler"):
return ("You are under the effect of another cooler.","你已有一个清凉饮料在生效。")
self.activeProps.append( Cooler(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (255,255,160,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "alcohol":
if self.oneInEffect("alcohol"):
return ("You are under the effect of another alcohol.","你已有一个烈酒在生效。")
self.activeProps.append( Alcohol(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (255,160,160,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "toothRing":
if self.oneInEffect("toothRing"):
return ("You are under the effect of another toothRing.","你已有一个龙牙之戒在生效。")
self.activeProps.append( ToothRing(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (180,0,100,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "shieldSpell":
if self.oneInEffect("shieldSpell"):
return ("You are under the effect of another shield spell.","你已有一个护盾法术在生效。")
self.activeProps.append( ShieldSpell(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (255,255,160,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
elif curName == "rustedHorn":
if self.oneInEffect("rustedHorn"):
return ("You are under the effect of another rusted horn.","你已有一个生锈的号角在生效。")
self.activeProps.append( RustedHorn(self) )
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 12, [3, 4, 5], [16,20,24], (255,210,160,240), getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False )
def oneInEffect(self, propName): # 检测是否有正在生效的某类用品
for prop in self.activeProps:
if prop.propName == propName:
return prop
return None
def renewCheckList(self, new, clear=False): # 动态调节checkList内的检测砖块,以减轻负担
if clear==True:
rmvList = ["lineWall","specialWall","house"]#,"baseWall"]
for each in self.checkList:
if each.category in rmvList:
for each in new:
def hitted(self, damage, pushed, dmgType):
if self.health<=0:
# 检查伤害减轻效果
damage *= self.dmgReducDic["basic"]
damage *= self.dmgReducDic[dmgType]
self.health -= damage
# Do if hero is dead
if (self.health <= 0):
self.health = 0
self.doom = True
self.infected = 1 # 借用此flag,不再绘制武器
if self.category == "hero":
self.spurtCanvas.addHalo("deadHalo", 180)
# Change dead image
self.image = load(f"image/{self.name}/defeat.png").convert_alpha()
if self.status=="right":
self.image = flip(self.image, True, False)
return True
self.hitFeedIndx = 6
if pushed>0: # 向右击退
self.hitBack = max( pushed-self.weight, 0 )
elif pushed<0: # 向左击退
self.hitBack = min( pushed+self.weight, 0 )
# 若本对象是玩家操控的英雄而非AI,则对整个频幕进行渲染反馈。
if self.category == "hero":
self.spurtCanvas.addHalo( "hitHalo", 180 )
# 音效
if self.injureSnd.get_num_channels()==0:
# 以下是硬直效果,取消所有的英雄射箭、二段跳行为
self.shootCnt = self.k2 = 0
if random()<0.1:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["hitted"][self.lgg], 60]
def recover(self, heal):
if self.health<=0:
#self.spurtCanvas.addSpatters(8, (2,3,4), (20,22,24), (10,240,10), getPos(self,0.5,0.4) )
self.health += heal * self.heal_bonus
if (self.health > self.full):
self.health = self.full
def freeze(self, decre):
self.freezeCnt = 120
if self.speed == self.oriSpd:
self.speed = self.oriSpd - decre
self.spurtCanvas.addHalo( "frzHalo", 160 )
def infect(self):
self.infected = 0 # 置为0,以指示受到感染的瞬间
self.torchCnt = 0 # 如果感染时有火炬,则将之熄灭
self.imgLib["leftList"] = self.imgLib["infLeftList"]
self.imgLib["rightList"] = self.imgLib["infRightList"]
self.imgIndx = 0
self.imgLib["jumpLeft"] = self.imgLib["infLeftList"][0]
self.imgLib["jumpRight"] = self.imgLib["infRightList"][0]
#self.imgLib["wpJumpLeft"] = self.imgLib["wpHideLeft"]
#self.imgLib["wpJumpRight"] = self.imgLib["wpHideRight"]
self.imgLib["hittedLeft"] = self.imgLib["infLeftList"][1]
self.imgLib["hittedRight"] = self.imgLib["infRightList"][1]
# sound
self.jmpSnd = self.infJmp
self.shootSnd = self.infSnd
def reportHit(self, mons):
if mons.hitted( 20, 0, "corrosive" )==True:
self.preyList.append( (getPos(mons,0.5,0.5), mons.bldColor, 0, mons.category, mons.coin, False) )
def paint(self, screen):
# 画阴影
shadRect = self.rect.copy()
shadRect.left -= 8
screen.blit(self.shad, shadRect)
if self.infected>0:
screen.blit( self.image, self.rect )
if self.wpPos[2]==0:
screen.blit( self.weapon.image, self.weapon.rect )
screen.blit( self.image, self.rect )
elif self.wpPos[2]==1:
screen.blit( self.image, self.rect )
screen.blit( self.weapon.image, self.weapon.rect )
# 绘制生效中的道具效果。
for prop in self.activeProps:
prop.paint( screen )
# 绘画跳跃烟尘效果
if len(self.jmpInfo)>0:
screen.blit( self.jmpInfo[0], self.jmpInfo[1] )
# 超级技能
if self.superPowerManager:
def drawHeads(self, screen):
if self.health<=0:
# draw HP
if self.hitFeedIndx:
self.bar.paint(self, screen)
if self.category=="hero":
# draw loading bar
self.drawLDBar( screen )
# draw super power bar
if self.superPowerCnt==self.superPowerFull:
self.drawSPBar( screen )
self.superPowerBar.paint(self, screen, "superPower")
# Draw talk.
if len(self.talk):
txt = self.font.render( self.talk[0], True, (255,255,255) )
rect = txt.get_rect()
rect.left = self.rect.left+self.rect.width//2-rect.width//2
rect.bottom = self.rect.top-24
bg = pygame.Surface( (rect.width, rect.height) ).convert_alpha()
bg.fill( (0,0,0,180) )
screen.blit( bg, rect )
screen.blit( txt, rect )
if self.talk[1]<=0:
def receiveExp(self, num, typ):
if typ=="coin":
self.coins += num
elif typ=="gem":
self.gems += num
def setImg(self, name, indx=-1): # 根据状态名称切换图片。如果是列表,要给出indx值。
if indx==-1:
self.image = self.imgLib[name]
self.shad = self.shadLib[name]
self.image = self.imgLib[name][indx]
self.shad = self.shadLib[name][indx]
def setRect(self):
tmpPos = [self.rect.left+self.rect.width//2, self.rect.bottom]
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.left = tmpPos[0] - self.rect.width//2
self.rect.bottom = tmpPos[1]
def drawLDBar(self, surface, height=10):
'''Shown when hero is reloading. 和monsters类似地,在self上方绘制环形蓝条。'''
x = self.rect.left+self.rect.width//2 -self.bar.barLen/2 # 中线减去血条长度的一半。
y = self.rect.top-height
# 画左侧弹药圆圈
cRect = self.ammoCircle.get_rect()
cRect.right = x+2
cRect.top = y+self.bar.barH//2-cRect.height//2
surface.blit( self.ammoCircle, cRect)
# 显示数量信息
txt = self.font.render( f"{self.arrow}", True, (255,255,255) )
trect = txt.get_rect()
trect.left = cRect.left+cRect.width//2-trect.width//2
trect.top = cRect.top+cRect.height//2-trect.height//2
surface.blit( txt, trect)
# 无需填装时不填装
if self.loading==self.LDFull:
return False
ld = max( self.loading, 0 )
start_angle = math.radians( 90 )
stop_angle = math.radians( 90+round( 360*(ld/self.LDFull) ) )
# Colors
lightColor, color, shadeColor = self.bar.colorSet["blue"]
pygame.draw.arc(surface, color, cRect, start_angle, stop_angle, width=4)
return True
def drawSPBar(self, surface, height=10):
x = self.rect.left+self.rect.width//2 +self.bar.barLen/2 # 中线减去血条长度的一半。
y = self.rect.top-height
# 画左侧弹药圆圈
cRect = self.ammoCircle.get_rect()
cRect.left = x+2
cRect.top = y+self.bar.barH//2-cRect.height//2
surface.blit( self.ammoCircle, cRect)
# 显示箭矢图标
irect = self.superPowerIcon.get_rect()
irect.left = cRect.left+cRect.width//2-irect.width//2
irect.top = cRect.top+cRect.height//2-irect.height//2
surface.blit( self.superPowerIcon, irect)
return True
def _checkMove(self, back=0):
for each in self.checkList:
if ( collide_mask(self, each) ):
if each.category in ["sideWall","blockStone"]:
# 尝试身高坐标-5,再看是否还会碰撞。5以内的高度都可以自动踩上去
self.rect.top -= 5
if getCld(self, self.checkList, ["sideWall","blockStone"]):
self.rect.top += 5
self.rect.left -= back
elif each.category == "hollowWall":
if each.close=="left" and self.rect.left<=each.rect.left:
self.rect.left += self.speed
elif each.close=="right" and self.rect.right>=each.rect.right:
self.rect.right -= self.speed
def lift(self, dist):
self.rect.bottom += dist
self.jmpPos[1] += dist
if self.superPowerManager:
for prop in self.activeProps:
def level(self, dist):
self.rect.left += dist
self.jmpPos[0] += dist
if self.superPowerManager:
for prop in self.activeProps:
# ==========================================================
# ========================= Ammos ==========================
# ==========================================================
class Ammo(InanimSprite): # 各种ammo的基本原型
def __init__(self, hero, pos, spd, category="bullet", bldNum=0, push=0, duration=RANGE["NORM"]): # 参数hero为发射者的对象引用。
# bullet是最原始的子弹模型,函数简单,没有花里胡哨的能力和效果。功能更强的:bulletPlus
InanimSprite.__init__(self, category)
self.direct = hero.status
self.speed = spd
if self.direct=="left":
self.speed[0] = -self.speed[0]
src = "image/"+hero.name+"/arrow_left.png" if (hero.name != "wizard") else "image/"+hero.name+"/arrow_left0.png"
self.image = load(src).convert_alpha()
if self.direct=="right":
self.image = flip(self.image, True, False)
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect() # initialize the position of the ammo.
self.rect.left = pos[0]-self.rect.width//2
self.rect.top = pos[1]-self.rect.height//2
self.hitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/"+hero.name+"/hit.wav")
self.checkList = pygame.sprite.Group()
for each in hero.checkList:
if each.category in ("sideWall", "lineWall", "specialWall", "baseWall"):
self.damage = hero.rDamage
self.dmgType = "physical"
self.bldNum = bldNum
self.push = push
self.owner = hero
# 存在时间。默认为knight:720
self.duration = duration
# 是否暴击
self.crit = True if (random()<hero.critR) else False
if self.crit:
self.damage = round(self.damage*1.5)
self.push = round(self.push*1.5)
self.bldNum = round(self.bldNum*1.5)
# 是否眩晕
self.stun = True if (self.crit or random()<hero.stunR) else False
def move(self, monsters, canvas, bg_size):
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]
self.rect.top += self.speed[1]
self.duration -= abs(self.speed[0])
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask) or self.rect.left>bg_size[0] or self.rect.right<0: # 撞上墙壁或砖块
return False
hitInfo = self.hitMonster(monsters)
if hitInfo or self.duration<=0:
return hitInfo
def hitMonster(self, monsters, single=True, r=0, chargeSP=True):
param single: True表示单一伤害。设为False则会对所有monster进行检测。
param r: r=0表示单体伤害,r>0则为范围伤害,会对r半径内的所有怪物造成伤害。
param chargeSP: 造成伤害时是否给英雄充能。
if r>0:
formerPos = [self.rect.left+self.rect.width//2, self.rect.top+self.rect.height//2]
self.image = makeCircle(r)
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
self.rect.left = formerPos[0]-self.rect.width//2
self.rect.top = formerPos[1]-self.rect.height//2
single = False
for each in monsters:
if collide_mask(self, each):
# 以下封装需要传递给主函数进行击中反馈的信息:
# 确定击中点的坐标pos
pos = [ 0, self.rect.top+self.rect.height//2 ]
if self.direct=="left":
realPush = -self.push
elif self.direct=="right":
realPush = self.push
# 对命中的怪物进行受伤操作,记录其是否死亡的真值(hitted返回True表示死亡)
if each.hitted(self.damage, realPush, self.dmgType)==True:
deadInfo = each.category
deadInfo = False
if self.stun:
self.owner.preyList.append( (pos, each.bldColor, self.bldNum, deadInfo, each.coin, self.crit) )
if chargeSP:
if single:
return True
def _explodeEffect(self, canvas):
canvas.addSpatters(4, [1,2,3], [8,10,12], [20,20,20,240], getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), False)
def erase(self, canvas):
def makeCircle(r):
surface = pygame.Surface([2*r, 2*r]).convert_alpha()
pygame.draw.circle(surface, (255,255,255),(r,r),r)
return surface
class Javelin(Ammo):
def __init__(self, hero, pos):
Ammo.__init__(self, hero, pos, [6,-3], "bulletPlus", bldNum=4, push=5, duration=RANGE["SHORT"]) # speed[1] can be interpreted as gravity
self.oriImg = self.image.copy()
self.rotated = 0
def fetch(self, bg_size):
# 修改owner属性数量,设定substance的目的坐标
self.owner.arrow += 1
substance = ChestContent("javelin", self.image, 1, getPos(self,0.5,0.5), self.owner.rect)
self.owner.eventList.append( substance )
del self
return True
def move(self, delay, monsters, canvas, bg_size, GRAVITY=8):
if self.speed[0]==0: # 水平速度为0,表示已经停下,等待被owner重新收集
if collide_mask(self, self.owner):
return False
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]# 移动
self.rect.top += self.speed[1]
self.duration -= abs(self.speed[1])
if not ( delay % 3 ): # 3的倍数才旋转、掉落
if abs(self.rotated) < 80: #
if self.speed[0]<0:
self.rotated += 5
elif self.speed[0]>0:
self.rotated -= 5
self.image = rot_center(self.oriImg, self.rotated, subsurf=False)
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
if self.speed[1]<GRAVITY:
self.speed[1] += 1 # 竖直速度增加
# 撞上墙壁或砖块(stay),或者掉落出界(erase)
if self.rect.top>bg_size[1]:
return False
elif pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask):
self.speed[1] = -3
if self.speed[0]>0:
self.rotated = -20
self.speed[0] -= 1
elif self.speed[0]<0:
self.rotated = 20
self.speed[0] += 1
self.speed[1] = 0
# 命中怪物
if self.hitMonster(monsters) or self.duration<=0:
def _explodeEffect(self, canvas):
canvas.addSpatters(4, [1,2,3], [8,10,12], [180,180,180,240], getPos(self,0.5,1), True)
class Fireball(Ammo):
def __init__(self, hero, pos):
Ammo.__init__(self, hero, pos, [6,0], "bulletPlus", bldNum=6, push=5, duration=RANGE["SHORT"])
self.imgList = [ load("image/"+hero.name+"/arrow_left0.png").convert_alpha(), load("image/"+hero.name+"/arrow_left1.png").convert_alpha() ]
if self.direct == "right":
for i in range( len(self.imgList) ):
self.imgList[i] = flip(self.imgList[i], True, False)
self.imgIndx = 0
self.doom = -1
self.dmgType = "fire"
def move(self, delay, monsters, canvas, bg_size):
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]
self.rect.top += self.speed[1]
canvas.addTrails( [1,2,3], [8,10,12], (250,140,100,240), getPos(self, choice([0.4,0.5,0.6]), choice([0.4,0.5,0.6])) )
self.duration -= abs(self.speed[0])
# 如果撞上墙壁/砖块或monster,则爆炸。
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask) or pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, monsters, False, collide_mask):
# 继续前进若干个speed[0],使得爆炸能够影响更深的敌人
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]*4
# deal damage
self.hitMonster(monsters, single=False, r=34)
elif (self.rect.left>bg_size[0]) or (self.rect.right<0) or (self.duration<=0):
return False
if not delay%6:
self.imgIndx = (self.imgIndx+1) % len(self.imgList)
self.image = self.imgList[self.imgIndx]
def _explodeEffect(self, canvas):
canvas.addExplosion(getPos(self,0.5,0.5), 26, 12)
class Dart(Ammo):
def __init__(self, hero, pos):
Ammo.__init__(self, hero, pos, [6,0], "bulletPlus", bldNum=2, push=5, duration=RANGE["LONG"])
self.oriImg = self.image.copy()
self.rotated = 0
self.attCnt = 0
def move(self, delay, monsters, canvas, bg_size):
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]
self.rect.top += self.speed[1]
self.duration -= abs(self.speed[0])
if not delay%2: # 旋转
if self.speed[0]<0:
self.rotated += 30
if self.rotated >=360:
self.rotated = 0
elif self.speed[0]>0:
self.rotated -= 30
if self.rotated <= -360:
self.rotated = 0
self.image = rot_center(self.oriImg, self.rotated, subsurf=False)
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image)
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask):
# 弹回的情况:撞上墙壁或砖块
self.speed[0] = -self.speed[0]
self.direct = "left" if self.direct=="right" else "right"
elif self.rect.left>bg_size[0] or self.rect.right<0 or self.duration<=0:
# 消失的情况
return False
self.attCnt += 1
if not self.attCnt % (DMG_FREQ//2):
self.hitMonster(monsters, single=False)
class HolyLight(Ammo):
def __init__(self, hero, pos):
Ammo.__init__(self, hero, pos, [5,0], "bulletPlus", bldNum=5, push=5)
self.lastTgt = None
self.newTgt = None
self.dmgType = "holy"
self.dmgDura = 3 # 最多可命中3个目标(弹射2次)
def hitMonster(self, monsters, chargeSP=True):
for each in monsters:
if collide_mask(self, each):
if each == self.lastTgt:
realPush = self.push if self.direct=="right" else -self.push
dead = each.hitted(self.damage, realPush, "holy")
if dead:
deadInfo = each.category
self.lastTgt = each
deadInfo = False
if self.crit:
pos = getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5)
self.owner.preyList.append( (pos, each.bldColor, self.bldNum, deadInfo, each.coin, self.crit) )
if chargeSP:
# 处理完一次击中后,伤害减少40点(初始伤害120),检查是否还可追击下一次
self.damage -= 40
self.dmgDura -= 1
if self.dmgDura>0:
self.newTgt = None
self.duration = RANGE["SHORT"]
# find new tgt.
for innerEach in monsters:
if not innerEach==self.lastTgt and innerEach.rect.bottom>0 and innerEach.rect.top<960:
dist = math.pow( getPos(innerEach,0.5,0.5)[0]-getPos(self,0.5,0.5)[0], 2 ) + math.pow( getPos(innerEach,0.5,0.5)[1]-getPos(self,0.5,0.5)[1], 2 )
if dist <= (180*180):
self.newTgt = innerEach
for tgt in self.checkList:
if tgt.category in ("lineWall","specialWall"):
self.speed[0] = ( getPos(innerEach,0.5,0.5)[0] - getPos( self, 0.5, 0.5 )[0] )//10
self.speed[1] = ( getPos(innerEach,0.5,0.5)[1] - getPos( self, 0.5, 0.5 )[1] )//10
# 遍历执行到这里说明没有符合距离要求的对象,故执行删除
if not self.newTgt:
del self
del self
return True
def move(self, delay, monsters, canvas, bg_size):
# move the object, and generate a wake to its tail.
self.rect.left += self.speed[0]
self.rect.top += self.speed[1]
self.duration -= max( abs(self.speed[0]), abs(self.speed[1]) )
canvas.addTrails( [1,2,3], [6, 7, 8], (255,192,203,240), getPos(self, choice([0.4,0.5,0.6]), choice([0.4,0.5,0.6])) )
# No matter what phase it is, when hit wall, stop it.
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, self.checkList, False, collide_mask): # 撞上墙壁或砖块
return False
elif self.rect.left>bg_size[0] or self.rect.right<0 or self.duration<=0:
return False
# Deal damage and continue the light when it hit monsters, if hit draw hit effect.
if self.hitMonster(monsters):
def _explodeEffect(self, canvas):
canvas.addWaves( getPos(self, 0.5, 0.5), (255,192,203,240), 20, 12 )
# =========================================================
# -------- 脚本hero。冒险模式下的被救者跟班、侍从 -----------
# =========================================================
class Follower(Hero):
master = None
secFlag = False
def __init__(self, pos, VHero, fnt, lgg):
Hero.__init__(self, VHero, 1, fnt, lgg, cate="follower")
self.secFlag = False
self.rect.left = pos[0]
self.rect.bottom = pos[1]
self.shootR = 0.6 # 射击点纵向位置
def activate(self, master, tower):
self.master = master
self.keyDic = master.keyDic
self.onlayer = master.onlayer
self.dmgReducDic["basic"] = master.dmgReducDic["basic"]
self.renewCheckList(tower.groupList["0"], clear=True)
def decideAction(self, delay, tower, spurtCanvas):
# 判断是否抵达最终出口。
if tower.porter.category=="exit" and (not tower.porter.locked) and collide_mask(self,tower.porter):
return True
# 判断是否需要二段跳。
if ( self.secFlag ) and ( self.k1==self.kNum) and self.k2==0:
self.secFlag = False
self.k2 = 1
# 判断是否要射击
if (not delay%30):
# 与任意怪物重合时
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, tower.monsters, False, collide_mask):
self.shoot(tower, spurtCanvas)
# 未重合,检查攻击范围内
for mons in tower.monsters:
shootPos = getPos(self, 0.5,self.shootR)
rvPos = getPos(mons, 0.5,0)
# 判断是否要shoot: mons在shoot的攻击范围内。
if ( mons.rect.bottom > shootPos[1] > mons.rect.top ):
if ( rvPos[0] > self.rect.right ) and self.status=="left":
self.status = "right"
elif ( rvPos[0] < self.rect.left ) and self.status=="right":
self.status = "left"
self.shoot(tower, spurtCanvas)
# 如果在master之上,则下跳一层。
if self.onlayer>self.master.onlayer:
if not delay%80:
self.shiftLayer(-2, tower.heightList)
self.aground = False
# 否则若处于同一层或在master之下,则跳跃,并将二段跳的标志设为true。
if self.onlayer<self.master.onlayer:
if not self.trapper and self.aground and ( self.k1 == 0 ):
self.secFlag = True
self.k1 = 1
if self.rect.left>=self.master.rect.right-10:
self.moveX(delay, "left")
elif self.rect.right<=self.master.rect.left+10:
self.moveX(delay, "right")
if not delay% 120 and random()<0.24:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["follower"][self.lgg], 60]
return False
def checkKeyPressed(self, key_pressed, delay):
def castSuperPower(self, canvas):
def freeze(self, decre):
self.freezeCnt = 120
if self.speed == self.oriSpd:
self.speed = self.oriSpd - decre
class Servant(Hero):
# some properties of Servant
talk = [] # Pair: [txt, cnt]
trapper = None # 指向当前导致英雄减速、无法跳跃状态的对象,将引用挂在这里
jmpSnd = None
infected = -1 # 可取3个值:-1表示健康;0表示正在感染(感染效果);1表示已感染
def __init__(self, master, VHero, pos, font, lgg, onlayer):
# basic dmgReduction
Hero.__init__(self, VHero, 0.7, font, lgg, keyDic=master.keyDic, cate="servant")
self.master = master
self.rival = None
self.secFlag = False
self.onlayer = onlayer # indicate which layer hero is. only can be even number
self.shootR = 0.6 # 射击点纵向位置
self.nxtMove = ""
self.hunt_lost = self.hunt_lost_full = 360 # 减为0时,表示当前目标丢失过久/失效,重新寻找目标
self.interactiveList = ["specialWall"]
# initialize the position of hero ------------------------------
self.rect.left = pos[0]-self.rect.width//2
self.rect.bottom = pos[1]
self.fd = randint(8,24) # 和master贴近的距离,每个侍从都不一样,这样能够避免多个侍从重合
def shoot(self, allElements, spurtCanvas=None):
if self.shootCnt==0:
if random() <= 0.2:
self.talk = [self.talkDic["shoot"][self.lgg], 60]
if self.status=="left":
self.hitBack = 3
pos = getPos(self, 0, self.shootR)
xspd = [-1,-2,-3]
self.hitBack = -3
pos = getPos(self, 1, self.shootR)
xspd = [1,2,3]
# make ammo object
arrow = Ammo( self, pos, [8,0], category="bullet", bldNum=8, push=7 )
if spurtCanvas: # bullet特效
spurtCanvas.addSpatters( 5, (1,2), (12,14,16), (255,255,0), pos, False, xspd=xspd, yspd=[-1,0,1] )
self.shootCnt = 18
def freeze(self, decre):
self.freezeCnt = 120
if self.speed == self.oriSpd:
self.speed = self.oriSpd - decre
def infect(self):
def castSuperPower(self, canvas):
# =========
def decideAction(self, delay, tower, spurtCanvas):
# 判断是否需要二段跳。
if ( self.secFlag ) and ( self.k1==self.kNum) and self.k2==0:
self.secFlag = False
self.k2 = 1
# 判断是否要水平移动:
if self.rival:
self.hunt_lost -= 1
if self.hunt_lost <= 0:
self.rival = None
if self.rival.health<=0:
self.rival = None
# 调整位置,确认在战场中而不是边角
if (self.rect.left<=tower.boundaries[0]):
self.moveX(delay, "right")
elif (self.rect.right>=tower.boundaries[1]):
self.moveX(delay, "left")
# 只要和mons重合就射击
if (not delay%30) and pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self, tower.monsters, False, collide_mask):
self.shoot(tower.allElements["mons1"], spurtCanvas)
shootPos = getPos(self,0.5,self.shootR)
rvPos = getPos(self.rival, 0.5, 0)
# 情况一:如果自身在敌人上方,则下跳。
if (shootPos[1]<self.rival.rect.top):
if not delay%60:
self.shiftLayer(-2, tower.heightList)
self.aground = False
# 情况二:处于敌人下方,则跳跃。
elif (shootPos[1]>self.rival.rect.bottom):
# 情况2.1:一次跳跃即可够着,则普通跳跃。
if (shootPos[1]-91<=self.rival.rect.bottom):
if not self.trapper and self.aground and ( self.k1 == 0 ):
self.k1 = 1
# 情况2.2:离得很远,将二段跳的标志设为true。
layer_no = str(self.onlayer+1)
if (layer_no in tower.groupList) and self.aground:
# 寻找最近的上一层砖块,并向之移动
self._findNearWall(tower, layer_no, shootPos[0], limit=[30,-30])
self.moveX(delay, self.nxtMove) # 计算移动方向与实际移动操作分离,是为了使英雄能落在上一层之后再决定下一层的方向
# 跳跃并置二段跳为True
if not self.trapper and self.aground and ( self.k1 == 0 ):
self.secFlag = True
self.k1 = 1
# 处于同一层,略微远离目标。
self.nxtMove = ""
if (0 < self.rect.left-self.rival.rect.right < 12):
self.moveX(delay, "right")
elif (-12 < self.rect.right-self.rival.rect.left < 0):
self.moveX(delay, "left")
# 判断是否要shoot:mons在shoot的攻击范围内。
if (not delay%30) and ( self.rival.rect.bottom > shootPos[1] > self.rival.rect.top ):
if ( rvPos[0] > self.rect.right ) and self.status=="left":
self.status = "right"
elif ( rvPos[0] < self.rect.left ) and self.status=="right":
self.status = "left"
self.shoot(tower.allElements["mons1"], spurtCanvas)
self.hunt_lost = self.hunt_lost_full # 对目标发动攻击,则重置目标丢失变量
# 处于落地状态时,微调位置,避免站的太外
layer_no = str(self.onlayer-1)
if self.aground and self.rect.bottom>tower.getTop(layer_no):
self._findNearWall(tower, layer_no, getPos(self,0.5,0)[0])
self.moveX(delay, self.nxtMove)
# 无目标的情况,则寻找目标,或追寻主人
# 如果在master之上,则下跳一层。
if self.onlayer>self.master.onlayer:
if not delay%80:
self.shiftLayer(-2, tower.heightList)
self.aground = False
# 否则若处于同一层或在master之下,则跳跃,并将二段跳的标志设为true。
if self.onlayer<self.master.onlayer:
if not self.trapper and self.aground and ( self.k1 == 0 ):
self.secFlag = True
self.k1 = 1
if self.rect.left>=self.master.rect.right-self.fd:
self.moveX(delay, "left")
elif self.rect.right<=self.master.rect.left+self.fd:
self.moveX(delay, "right")
# 寻找新的目标
pool = []
for mons in tower.monsters:
if not mons.category in ["blockStone","fan","webWall"] and ( mons.rect.bottom >= 0 ) and ( mons.rect.top <= spurtCanvas.rect.height ):
if pool:
self.rival = choice(pool)
self.hunt_lost = self.hunt_lost_full # 重置[目标丢失变量]
def _findNearWall(self, tower, layer_no, ref_x, limit=[0,0]):
# 寻找目标行距离ref_x位置最近的砖块,并向之移动
minDist = (tower.boundaries[1]-tower.boundaries[0])*2 # 初始化为足够大(整个塔楼的直径)
for wall in tower.groupList[layer_no]:
dist = getPos(wall,0.5,0)[0] - ref_x
if abs(dist)<abs(minDist):
minDist = dist
if minDist>limit[0]:
self.nxtMove = "right"
elif minDist<limit[1]:
self.nxtMove = "left"
self.nxtMove = ""
def _executeShoot(self):
# =========================================================
# ----- 超级技能管理器。施放后此管理器同英雄一道checkImg -----
# =========================================================
class SuperPowerManager:
def __init__(self, hero):
self.caster = hero # 施放者
self.animationTime = 60 # All super power get a 1sec animation
def run(self): # 执行效果
def paint(self, surface): # 绘制函数
def lift(self, dist):
def level(self, dist):
class SuperPowerManagerKnight(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.arrowCount = 15
self.arrowList = pygame.sprite.Group()
self.hitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/knight/hit.wav")
ori_img = load("image/knight/arrow_left.png").convert_alpha()
# 生成15支箭
rad = 400
startX = getPos(self.caster,0.5,0)[0]-rad//2
inter = rad//(self.arrowCount+1)
for i in range(self.arrowCount):
pos = ( startX, randint(-90,0) )
arrow = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
arrow.image = pygame.transform.rotate( ori_img, 90 )
arrow.rect = arrow.image.get_rect()
arrow.rect.left, arrow.rect.bottom = pos
# Speed and hitCount
arrow.speed = randint(7,10)
arrow.hitCnt = 3
self.arrowList.add( arrow )
startX += inter
# 前摇的装饰大箭
self.ani_arrow = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
self.ani_arrow.image = pygame.transform.rotate( ori_img, 270 )
self.ani_arrow.rect = arrow.image.get_rect()
self.ani_arrow.rect.left, self.ani_arrow.rect.bottom = getPos(self.caster, 0.5, 0.5)
self.ani_arrow.speed = -10
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
# 前摇动画
if self.animationTime>0:
self.animationTime -= 1
canvas.addTrails( [2,4,6], [12,14,16], (250,240,0), getPos(self.ani_arrow,0.5,0.9) )
self.ani_arrow.rect.bottom += self.ani_arrow.speed
return False
elif self.animationTime==0:
del self.ani_arrow
self.ani_arrow = None
self.animationTime -= 1
return False
# 真正实现效果
for arrow in self.arrowList:
canvas.addTrails( [1,3], [10,12,14], (250,240,0), getPos(arrow,0.5,0.1) )
arrow.rect.bottom += arrow.speed
if arrow.rect.top>=720:
del arrow
elif not delay % (DMG_FREQ//2):
# Deal Damage
for m in tower.monsters:
if collide_mask(arrow, m):
# 以下封装需要传递给主函数进行击中反馈的信息:
pos = getPos(arrow, 0.5, 1) # 确定击中点的坐标pos
push = choice([-6,6])
# 对命中的怪物进行受伤操作,记录其是否死亡的真值(hitted返回True表示死亡)
if m.hitted(70, push, "physical")==True:
deadInfo = m.category
deadInfo = False
self.caster.preyList.append( (pos, m.bldColor, 6, deadInfo, m.coin, False) )
arrow.rect.bottom += arrow.speed//2
arrow.hitCnt -= 1
if arrow.hitCnt <= 0:
del arrow
if len(self.arrowList)<=0:
# 解绑,并删除自身
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
del self
return True
def paint(self, surface):
if self.animationTime>0:
surface.blit(self.ani_arrow.image, self.ani_arrow.rect)
for arrow in self.arrowList:
surface.blit(arrow.image, arrow.rect)
class SuperPowerManagerPrincess(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.bulletCount = 8
self.bulletList = pygame.sprite.Group()
self.hitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/princess/hit.wav")
self.ori_img = load("image/princess/arrow_left.png").convert_alpha()
self.hitRad = 80
self.per_dmg = 140
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
# 0.5秒内连续射出6个榴弹。 create grenades.
if (not delay%4) and self.bulletCount>0:
if self.caster.status=="left":
pos = getPos(self.caster, 0.05, 0.6)
if self.caster.hitBack<3:
self.caster.hitBack = 3 # 后坐力:向右后退
pos = getPos(self.caster, 0.95, 0.6)
if self.caster.hitBack>-3:
self.caster.hitBack = -3 # 向左后退
speed = [ randint(4,7), randint(-9,-4) ]
# avoid critical hit
ori_critR = self.caster.critR
self.caster.critR = 0
bullet = Ammo(self.caster, pos, speed, category="bullet", bldNum=6, push=6)
self.caster.critR = ori_critR
bullet.damage = self.per_dmg
bullet.move = self.moveSP
# Set its layer
bullet.onlayer = self.caster.onlayer-1
tower.allElements["mons1"].add( bullet )
self.bulletList.add( bullet )
self.bulletCount -= 1
# 移动所有已经生成的榴弹
for bullet in self.bulletList:
canvas.addTrails( [1,3], [10,12,14], (250,240,0), getPos(bullet,0.5,0.1) )
# 处理位移和速度
bullet.rect.left += bullet.speed[0]
bullet.rect.top += bullet.speed[1]
if not delay%4:
bullet.speed[1] = min(bullet.speed[1]+1, 7)
# 判断层数下落
if bullet.rect.top>=tower.heightList[str(bullet.onlayer)]:
bullet.onlayer = max(bullet.onlayer-2, -1)
# 判断出界
if bullet.rect.top>=720:
del bullet
# Check Collision. 与任意墙体发生碰撞,立即爆炸
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, tower.groupList[str(bullet.onlayer)], False) \
or pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, tower.groupList["0"], False) or pygame.sprite.spritecollide(bullet, tower.monsters, False):
# 继续前进若干个speed,使得爆炸能够影响更深的敌人
bullet.rect.left += bullet.speed[0]
bullet.rect.top += bullet.speed[1]
# deal area damage
bullet.hitMonster(tower.monsters, single=False, r=self.hitRad, chargeSP=False)
getPos(bullet, 0.5,0.5), self.hitRad//2, self.hitRad//5, wFade=3, dotD=(20,22,24)
del bullet
if self.bulletCount<=0 and len(self.bulletList)<=0:
# 解绑,并删除自身
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
del self
return True
def moveSP(self, monsters, canvas, bg_size):
class SuperPowerManagerPrince(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.princeList = pygame.sprite.Group()
self.direction = self.caster.status
self.wave = 3
self.ori_img = load("image/prince/heroLeft1.png").convert_alpha()
self.shad_img = generateShadow( self.ori_img, color=(250,240,0,80) )
self.fadeSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/ccSilent.wav")
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
# 1秒内连续射出三波分身王子。 create princes.
if (not delay%20) and self.wave>0:
for i in range(3):
prince = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
if i==0:
posY = tower.getTop(self.caster.onlayer+1)
prince.onlayer = self.caster.onlayer+2
elif i==1:
posY = tower.getTop(self.caster.onlayer-1)
prince.onlayer = self.caster.onlayer
elif i==2:
posY = tower.getTop(self.caster.onlayer-3)
prince.onlayer = self.caster.onlayer-2
if self.direction=="left":
posX = tower.boundaries[1]
if i==1:
posX -= 20
posX += 20
prince.range = tower.boundaries[0]
prince.speed = prince.push = -7
prince.image = self.ori_img
prince.shadow = self.shad_img
posX = tower.boundaries[0]
if i==1:
posX += 20
posX -= 20
prince.range = tower.boundaries[1]
prince.speed = prince.push = 7
prince.image = flip(self.ori_img, True, False)
prince.shadow = flip(self.shad_img, True, False)
prince.rect = prince.image.get_rect()
prince.rect.left, prince.rect.bottom = posX-prince.rect.width//2, posY
prince.rectList = [] # 残影矩形队列
self.princeList.add( prince )
self.wave -= 1
# 移动所有已经生成的王子分身
for prince in self.princeList:
canvas.addTrails( [1,2,3], [22,24,28], (250,240,0), getPos(prince,0.5,random()) )
# 处理位移
prince.rect.left += prince.speed
prince.rect.bottom = tower.getTop(prince.onlayer-1)
# paint 残影
prince.rectList.append( prince.rect.copy() )
if len(prince.rectList)>7:
# 判断出界
if (prince.speed<0 and prince.rect.right<=prince.range) or (prince.speed>0 and prince.rect.left>=prince.range):
canvas.addSpatters(8, [3,5,7], [18,20,22], (255,240,0), getPos(prince,0.5,0.5))
del prince
# 碰撞伤害
elif not delay % DMG_FREQ:
for m in tower.monsters:
if collide_mask(prince, m):
if m.hitted(60, prince.push, "physical")==True:
deadInfo = m.category
deadInfo = False
self.caster.preyList.append( (getPos(m, 0.5,0.5), m.bldColor, 8, deadInfo, m.coin, False) ) # 无暴击
if self.wave<=0 and len(self.princeList)<=0:
# 解绑,并删除自身
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
del self
return True
def paint(self, surface):
for prince in self.princeList:
surface.blit(prince.image, prince.rect)
for rect in prince.rectList:
surface.blit(prince.shadow, rect)
def lift(self, dist):
for each in self.princeList:
each.rect.top += dist
def level(self, dist):
for each in self.princeList:
each.rect.left += dist
class SuperPowerManagerWizard(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.hitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/wizard/hit.wav")
self.lightningNum = 4
self.lightningList = []
self.colorSet = [(240,240,255), (200,200,255), (160,160,255), (80,80,255)]
self.lastTgt = None # 用于保证不会连续两次击中同一个目标
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
# 1秒内连续施放4道雷击。create lightenings.
if (not delay%15) and self.lightningNum>0:
# Find tgt.
size = canvas.canvas.get_size()
tmpM = None
for m in tower.monsters:
if (0<getPos(m,0,0.5)[1]<size[1]) and (m!=self.lastTgt) and (tmpM==None or m.health>=tmpM.health):
tmpM = m
# In case that no suitable tgt is found:
if tmpM==None:
endPos = ( choice(tower.boundaries), randint(80,size[1]-80) ) # 空放时击打塔的两侧
self.lastTgt = None # 轮空一次雷击,将lastTgt重置为空
endPos = getPos(tmpM, 0.5, 0.5)
startPos = getPos(self.caster, 0.5, 0.2)
self.lightningList.append( {"tgt":tmpM,
"pointlist1":self.createZapPoints(startPos, endPos, zipDent=20),
"pointlist2":self.createZapPoints(startPos, endPos, zipDent=40),
"duration":13} )
self.lightningNum -= 1
# Deal Damage.
for lightning in self.lightningList[::-1]:
lightning["duration"] -= 1
endPos = lightning["pointlist1"][-1]
# 持续溅射火花
canvas.addSpatters(3, [2,3,4,5], [24,30,36], choice(self.colorSet), endPos, False)
if lightning["duration"] <= 0:
self.lightningList.remove( lightning )
del lightning
elif lightning["duration"]==10:
# Explosion effect.
if lightning["tgt"]!=None:
# Deal Damage.
if lightning["tgt"].hitted(340, choice([-7,7]), "fire")==True:
deadInfo = lightning["tgt"].category
self.lastTgt = None
deadInfo = False
self.lastTgt = lightning["tgt"]
self.caster.preyList.append( (endPos, lightning["tgt"].bldColor, 8, deadInfo, lightning["tgt"].coin, False) ) # 无暴击
if self.lightningNum<=0 and len(self.lightningList)<=0:
# 解绑,并删除自身
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
del self
return True
def paint(self, surface):
for lightning in self.lightningList:
pygame.draw.lines(surface, choice(self.colorSet), False, lightning["pointlist1"], width=3)
pygame.draw.lines(surface, choice(self.colorSet), False, lightning["pointlist2"], width=4)
def createZapPoints(self, startPos, endPos, zipDent=20):
# zipDent: 闪电的折线密度,表示平均每n个像素发生一次偏折
# 1.determine how many middle points are needed.
lX = endPos[0]-startPos[0]
lY = endPos[1]-startPos[1]
length = max( abs(lX), abs(lY) )
pNum = length//zipDent if length>zipDent else 1
# 2.make points.
pointList = [startPos]
for i in range(pNum):
# 确定第i个点的左右范围和上下范围
rX = startPos[0]+i*lX//pNum
rY = startPos[1]+i*lY//pNum
pos = ( randint(rX-zipDent//2, rX+zipDent//2), randint(rY-zipDent//2, rY+zipDent//2) )
pointList.append( pos )
pointList.append( endPos )
return pointList
class SuperPowerManagerHuntress(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.direction = self.caster.status
self.cover = 4.8*RANGE["LONG"]
self.covering = 0
self.ori_img = load("image/huntress/weapon.png").convert_alpha()
self.hitSnd = pygame.mixer.Sound("audio/knight/hit.wav")
# boomerang
self.boomerang = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
self.boomerang.image = self.ori_img
self.boomerang.rect = self.boomerang.image.get_rect()
self.boomerang.rect.left, self.boomerang.rect.top = getPos(self.caster, 0.2, 0.2)
self.boomerang.speed = [-9, -2] if self.direction=="left" else [9,-2]
self.shadList = []
self.rectList = []
self.rotated = 0
self.damage = 80
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
canvas.addTrails( [1,2,3], [22,24,28], (250,240,0,0), getPos(self.boomerang,0.5,random()) )
if not delay%2:
if self.boomerang.speed[0]>0:
self.rotated += 20
if self.rotated>=360:
self.rotated = 0
self.rotated -= 20
if self.rotated<=-360:
self.rotated = 0
self.boomerang.image = pygame.transform.rotate( self.ori_img, self.rotated )
self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.boomerang.image)
# 处理位移
self.boomerang.rect.left += self.boomerang.speed[0]
self.covering += abs(self.boomerang.speed[0])
self.boomerang.rect.bottom += self.boomerang.speed[1]
canvas.addTrails( [1,2,3], [16,18,20], (250,240,0), getPos(self.boomerang,random(),random()) )
# add shad
if not delay%2:
self.shadList.append( generateShadow( self.boomerang.image, color=(250,240,0,120) ) )
self.rectList.append( self.boomerang.rect.copy() )
if len(self.rectList)>7:
# 判断左右bounce
if (self.boomerang.speed[0]<0 and self.boomerang.rect.left<=tower.boundaries[0]) or \
(self.boomerang.speed[0]>0 and self.boomerang.rect.right>=tower.boundaries[1]):
self.boomerang.speed[0] = -self.boomerang.speed[0]
# 判断上下bounce
elif (self.boomerang.speed[1]<0 and self.boomerang.rect.top<=self.caster.rect.top-144) or \
(self.boomerang.speed[1]>0 and self.boomerang.rect.bottom>=self.caster.rect.top+144):
self.boomerang.speed[1] = -self.boomerang.speed[1]
# 碰撞dmg
if not delay % (DMG_FREQ//2):
for m in tower.monsters:
if collide_mask(self.boomerang, m):
if m.hitted(self.damage, self.boomerang.speed[0], "physical")==True:
deadInfo = m.category
deadInfo = False
self.caster.preyList.append( (getPos(m, 0.5,0.5), m.bldColor, 8, deadInfo, m.coin, False) ) # 无暴击
if self.covering>=self.cover:
canvas.addSpatters(8, [3,5,7], [20,22,24], (255,240,0), getPos(self.boomerang,0.5,0.5))
del self.boomerang
# 解绑,并删除自身
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
del self
return True
def paint(self, surface):
surface.blit(self.boomerang.image, self.boomerang.rect)
for i in range(len(self.rectList)):
surface.blit(self.shadList[i], self.rectList[i])
def lift(self, dist):
self.boomerang.rect.top += dist
for rect in self.rectList:
rect.top += dist
def level(self, dist):
self.boomerang.rect.left += dist
for rect in self.rectList:
rect.left += dist
class SuperPowerManagerPriest(SuperPowerManager):
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
self.per_heal = 80 # 每次回复的量
self.healCnt = 3 # 快速回复3次
self.healRad = 260 # 治疗半径(实际计算距离,与显示的圆圈大小无关)
self.ori_img = load("image/priest/cross.png").convert_alpha()
# 金黄圣圈
self.radius = 10
self.width = 30
self.iconList = []
self.dotList = []
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
# update Halo
self.radius += 7
self.width = max(self.width-1, 1)
# Add cross on the edge.
posCaster = getPos(self.caster, 0.5, 0.5)
if self.width>1:
self.makeMark(posCaster, type="cross")
self.makeMark(posCaster, type="dot")
# Move Cross/dot.
for cross in self.iconList[::-1]:
cross[0].left += cross[2][0]
cross[0].top += cross[2][1]
cross[1] = cross[1]-1
if cross[1]<=0:
del cross
for dot in self.dotList[::-1]:
dot[0][0] += dot[2][0]
dot[0][1] += dot[2][1]
dot[1] = dot[1]-1
if dot[1]<=0:
del dot
# Heal health.
if (not delay % DMG_FREQ) and (self.healCnt>0):
for hero in heroes:
# calculate the distance between hero and self.caster.
posHero = getPos(hero,0.5,0.5)
distSquare = (posHero[0]-posCaster[0])**2 + (posHero[1]-posCaster[1])**2
if distSquare**0.5<self.healRad:
self.healCnt -= 1
if (self.width<=1) and (self.healCnt<=0) and len(self.iconList)==0 and len(self.dotList)==0:
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
def paint(self, surface):
if self.width>1:
surface, (255,255,10), getPos(self.caster,0.5,0.5), self.radius, self.width
for rect, cnt, spd in self.iconList:
surface.blit( self.ori_img, rect )
for pos, r, spd in self.dotList:
pygame.draw.circle( surface, (255,255,10), pos, r )
def makeMark(self, pos, type="cross"):
# dandomize a position that is on the edge.
startX = randint(pos[0]-self.radius, pos[0]+self.radius)
distY = round( ( self.radius**2 - (startX-pos[0])**2 )**0.5 )
startY = pos[1] + choice([1,-1])*distY
speedX = 2 if startX>pos[0] else -2
speedY = 2 if startY>pos[1] else -2
# make cross/dot.
if type=="cross":
crect = self.ori_img.get_rect()
crect.left = startX-crect.width//2
crect.top = startY-crect.height//2
self.iconList.append( [crect, 30, [speedX,speedY] ] ) # rect, cntDown, speed
elif type=="dot":
self.dotList.append( [[startX,startY], 18, [speedX,speedY]] ) # Pos, rad, speed
class SuperPowerManagerKing(SuperPowerManager):
VServant = None # set by GameModel
def __init__(self, hero):
SuperPowerManager.__init__(self, hero)
# if king already has one servant, kill her
if self.caster.serv:
while self.caster.serv.health>0:
self.caster.serv.hitted(self.caster.serv.full, 0, "physical")
self.caster.serv = None
# 前摇的动画
self.ani_ball = pygame.sprite.Sprite()
self.ani_ball.image = pygame.image.load("image/stg0/defenseLight.png")
self.ani_ball.rect = self.ani_ball.image.get_rect()
self.ani_ball.rect.left, self.ani_ball.rect.bottom = getPos(self.caster,0.5,0.5)
self.ani_ball.onlayer = self.caster.onlayer-1
self.ani_ball.speed = -6
def run(self, delay, tower, heroes, canvas):
if self.animationTime>0:
self.animationTime -= 1
self.ani_ball.rect.top += self.ani_ball.speed
# 下落
if not delay%4:
self.ani_ball.speed = min(self.ani_ball.speed+1, 5)
# 判断层数下落
if self.ani_ball.rect.top>=tower.heightList[str(self.ani_ball.onlayer)]:
self.ani_ball.onlayer = max(self.ani_ball.onlayer-2, -1)
# 相撞,立刻结束
if pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.ani_ball, tower.groupList[str(self.ani_ball.onlayer)], False) \
or pygame.sprite.spritecollide(self.ani_ball, tower.groupList["0"], False):
self.animationTime = 0
elif self.animationTime<=0:
servant = Servant(self.caster, self.VServant, getPos(self.ani_ball,0.5,1.5), tower.font, tower.lgg, self.ani_ball.onlayer+1)
servant.renewCheckList(tower.groupList["0"], clear=True)
servant.jmpSnd.play(0) #登场音效
canvas.addSpatters(8, [3,5,7], [28,32,36], (250,240,0), getPos(servant,0.5,0.5), False)
self.caster.serv = servant
self.caster.superPowerManager = None
def paint(self, surface):
surface.blit(self.ani_ball.image, self.ani_ball.rect)
马建仓 AI 助手