qemu 镜像, 每天更新 源: https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu.git
最近更新: 1年多前POCO C++ Libraries 提供一套 C++ 的类库用以开发基于网络的可移植的应用程序,功能涉及线程、线程同步、文件系统访问、流操作、共享库和类加载、套接字以及网络协议包
最近更新: 接近3年前Here is my solution to broadcast your camera through the Internet 1.with RSTP using ffserver and ffmpeg. 2. using opencv to recognize faces and send to the other place with a picture.(1.ffmpeg+ffserver实现摄像头的RSTP流直播 2.OpenCV智能识别人脸并截图转发)
最近更新: 接近3年前This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
最近更新: 3年前Simple example project to show how to embed CEF as part of a Qt/MinGW application.
最近更新: 接近4年前