# 初始化
# 函数库导入
import sys
# 导入第三方库
import pygame
from pygame.locals import*
# 导入私有库
from canshu import*
from renwu import*
from shijian import*
from myFunction import*
# 初始化创建游戏窗口
pygame.mixer.init() # 混音器初始化
pygame.init() #不可或缺,使用Pygame必写
window = pygame.display.set_mode((Wid, Hgt)) # 设置窗口属性,默认居中
pygame.display.set_caption("朱天") # 将游戏窗口命名为“朱天”
tubiao = pygame.image.load("其他\图标.jpg") # 加载图标
pygame.display.set_icon(tubiao) #设置图标
# 设置计时器文本
tCter = pygame.font.SysFont(None, 36) # 创建font对象tCter,用于设置计时器字体(默认)、字号
# 将现实计时器数值功能封装
def timer(t):
# t为游戏运行帧数
scond = t*4/100 # 计算游戏运行时间
timeText = str(scond) # scond是整型,将其转化为字符串
tCtertext = tCter.render(timeText+'s', True, (34, 153, 204)) #将游戏时间打印,抗锯齿,文字颜色,文本背景颜色;返回一个surface对象
tCtertextRect = tCtertext.get_rect() # 返回rect对象,其属性为tCtertext的属性
tCtertextRect.centerx = 640 # 修改计时器文本水平坐标
tCtertextRect.centery = 32 # 修改计时器文本垂直坐标
window.blit(tCtertext, tCtertextRect) # 绘制计时器文本
# 定义图片加载绘制函数
def loadimg(str1, num, t='.png', x=0, y=0, jx=False):
# str1为图片分类(如玩家A普攻),num为图片序号,t为文件后缀名,x,y为坐标(图片左上角)
# jx判断是否镜像
# 将图片加载到对象imgSurface
imgSurface = pygame.image.load(str1 + str(num) + t) # 加载图片
if jx == False:
imgSurface = pygame.transform.flip(imgSurface, True, False)
# if playerA.x + 90 <= 0 or playerA.x - 90 <= Wid + 90:
# imgSurface = pygame.transform.flip(imgSurface, True, False)
imgRect = imgSurface.get_rect()
imgRect.left = x #修改图片水平坐标
imgRect.top = y #修改图片垂直坐标
window.blit(imgSurface, imgRect) # 绘制图片
# 播放/停止背景音乐
pygame.mixer.music.load('其他\背景音.mp3') # 加载背景音乐
pygame.mixer.music.set_volume(0.4) # 设置背景音乐音量(0~1)
pygame.mixer.music.play(-1) # 循环播放背景音乐
# 玩家A释放的激光画面
def playAskillOne(i): # i作为图片序号
pAsOs = pygame.image.load('玩家A\A技能一\激光\激光'+str(i)+'.png')
pAsOsRect = pAsOs.get_rect()
if playerA.direction == True: # 玩家A向右
pAsOsRect.left = playerA.x
pAsOsRect.top = playerA.y
else: # 玩家A向左
pAsOs = pygame.transform.flip(pAsOs, True, False) # 图片水平镜像
pAsOsRect.right = playerA.x
pAsOsRect.top = playerA.y
window.blit(pAsOs, pAsOsRect)
# 创建时钟
FPSclock = pygame.time.Clock() # 用于后面设置每秒帧数
while True:
bgloadplay(window) # 调用绘制背景图片函数
zhutian(t, window) # 调用“朱天”组件
for event in pygame.event.get(): # 检测操作
if event.type == QUIT:
if event.type == KEYDOWN:
if event.key == K_ESCAPE:
if event.key == K_SPACE:
chuchang(window, FPSclock, FPS) # 调用人物出场绘制函数
gameb = True
if event.key == K_m:
global mus
mus = not mus
if mus == False:
t = t + 1 # 新局游戏第一帧
if gameb == True:
# 游戏循环
while gameb: # gameb为True时循环
bgloadplay(window) # 绘制背景图
toux(window) # 绘制头像
#bjtx(t) # 绘制背景特效
# 绘制人物A站立
if playerA.body == 'stand' and playerA.atskill == 'not': # 人物A站立不攻击时
loadimg('玩家A\A移动\m', 10, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y, not playerA.direction)
if playerB.body == 'stand' and playerB.atskill == 'not': # 人物B站立不攻击时
loadimg('玩家B\B普通攻击\图层 ', 10, '.png', playerB.x, playerB.y,not playerB.direction)
# 操作检测和记录
mus = shijianjiance() # 调用函数函数将检测操作,并返回一个bool值
# 测试图片大小
#loadimg('WPS图片-修改尺寸', 1, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y-200, playerA.direction)
#loadimg('玩家A\出场\组 ', 1, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y, playerA.direction)
# (部分)算法区
# A
# 普通攻击(弹幕)发出判断
if playerA.atskill == 'attck' and pAatt == 0:
# 攻击键按下且普通攻击计帧器值为零时
pAAtmentx.append(playerA.x) # 给玩家A 弹幕水平列表添加元素
pAAtmenty.append(playerA.y) # 为玩家A 弹幕垂直列表添加元素
if playerA.direction == False: # False表示弹幕向左,True表示向右
pAAtmentdi = False
pAAtmentdi = True
pAAtmentd.append(pAAtmentdi) # 为玩家A弹幕方向列表添加元素
pAAtmentTF.append(False) # 为玩家A弹幕命中集合添加元素
if len(pAAtmentx) >= 1:
# 弹幕移动计算
for i in range(len(pAAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if pAAtmentd[i] == True:
pAAtmentx[i] = pAAtmentx[i] + playerA.atspeed
pAAtmentx[i] = pAAtmentx[i] - playerA.atspeed
# 普通攻击命中/出界判断区
# 检测命中
for i in range(len(pAAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if ((playerB.x <= pAAtmentx[i] + pDWid <= playerB.x + pDWid) or playerB.x <= pAAtmentx[i] <= playerB.x + pDWid) and playerB.body != 'down':
pAAtmentTF[i] = True
loadsound('玩家B\B音效\被攻击', '.mp3', mus)
# 弹幕移除区
for i in range(len(pAAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if (pAAtmentx[i] <= 0 or pAAtmentx[i] >= Wid - pDWid or pAAtmentTF[i]):
# 弹幕出界或者命中敌人
if pAAtmentTF[i]:
playerB.HP = playerB.HP - playerA.attcktion
# B
# 普通攻击(弹幕)发出判断
if playerB.atskill == 'attck' and pBatt == 0:
# 攻击键按下且普通攻击计帧器值为零时
pBAtmentx.append(playerB.x) # 给玩家B 弹幕水平列表添加元素
pBAtmenty.append(playerB.y) # 为玩家B 弹幕垂直列表添加元素
if playerB.direction == False: # False表示弹幕向左,True表示向右
pBAtmentdi = False
pBAtmentdi = True
pBAtmentd.append(pBAtmentdi) # 为玩家A弹幕方向列表添加元素
pBAtmentTF.append(False) # 为玩家A弹幕命中集合添加元素
if len(pBAtmentx) >= 1:
# 弹幕移动计算
for i in range(len(pBAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if pBAtmentd[i] == True:
pBAtmentx[i] = pBAtmentx[i] + playerB.atspeed
pBAtmentx[i] = pBAtmentx[i] - playerB.atspeed
# 普通攻击命中/出界判断区
# 检测命中
for i in range(len(pBAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if ((playerA.x <= pBAtmentx[i] + pDWid <= playerA.x + pDWid) or playerA.x <= pBAtmentx[i] <= playerA.x + pDWid) and playerA.body != 'down':
pBAtmentTF[i] = True
loadsound('玩家A\A音效\木大', '.mp3', mus)
# 弹幕移除区
for i in range(len(pBAtmentx) - 1, 0, -1):
if (pBAtmentx[i] <= 0 or pBAtmentx[i] >= Wid - pDWid or pBAtmentTF[i]):
# 弹幕出界或者命中敌人
# 弹幕命中
if pBAtmentTF[i]:
playerA.HP = playerA.HP - playerB.attcktion
# 人物A行走
if playerA.body == 'run' :
if playerA.direction == False and playerA.x > -64:
playerA.x = playerA.x - playerA.mvspeed
if playerA.direction == True and playerA.x < 1168:
playerA.x = playerA.x + playerA.mvspeed
# 人物B行走
if playerB.body == 'run':
if playerB.direction == False and playerB.x > -64:
playerB.x = playerB.x - playerB.mvspeed
if playerB.direction == True and playerB.x < 1168:
playerB.x = playerB.x + playerB.mvspeed
# 绘图区
# 玩家A普通攻击
if playerA.atskill == 'attck':
# 1和16是玩家A普通攻击的起止编号
pAatt = pAatt + 1
loadimg('玩家A\A普通攻击\图层 ', pAatt,'.png',playerA.x, playerA.y, not playerA.direction)
loadsound('玩家A\A音效\欧拉a', '.mp3', mus)
if pAatt == 21:
pAatt = 0
playerA.atskill = "not"
# 玩家B普通攻击
if playerB.atskill == 'attck':
# 1和16是玩家B普通攻击的起止编号
pBatt = pBatt + 1
loadimg('玩家B\B普通攻击\图层 ', pBatt,'.png', playerB.x, playerB.y, not playerB.direction)
loadsound('玩家B\B音效\B普攻', '.mp3', mus)
if pBatt == 17:
pBatt = 0
playerB.atskill = "not"
# 玩家A下蹲
if playerA.body == 'down':
loadimg('玩家A\A下蹲\图层 ', t%11,'.png', playerA.x, playerA.y, not playerA.direction)
# 玩家B下蹲
if playerB.body == 'down':
loadimg('玩家B\B蹲下\BD', t%22 + 1,'.png', playerB.x, playerB.y, playerB.direction)
# 玩家A移动
if playerA.body == 'run' and playerA.atskill == 'not':
pAm = pAm + 1
loadimg('玩家A\A移动\m', pAm, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y, not playerA.direction)
if pAm == 10:
pAm = 0
# 玩家B移动
if playerB.body == 'run' and playerB.atskill == 'not':
loadimg('玩家B\B移动\图层 ', t%4, '.png', playerB.x, playerB.y-40, playerB.direction)
# 绘制弹幕
# 玩家A弹幕
for i in range(1, len(pAAtmentx)):
#pygame.draw.rect(window, (152, 85, 152),(pAAtmentx[i], pAAtmenty[i], pDWid, pDHgt))
#print("弹幕", i,':',pAAtmentx[i])
das = pygame.image.load('玩家A\A普通攻击\未标题-' + str(t % 3 + 1) + '.png')#用das接受弹幕
dasr = das.get_rect()
dasr.left = pAAtmentx[i]
dasr.top = pAAtmenty[i] + 60
window.blit(das, dasr)
# 玩家B弹幕
for i in range(1, len(pBAtmentx)):
#pygame.draw.rect(window, (152, 85, 152),(pAAtmentx[i], pAAtmenty[i], pDWid, pDHgt))
#print("弹幕", i,':',pAAtmentx[i])
das1 = pygame.image.load('玩家B\B普通攻击\B' + str(t % 3 + 1) + '.png')#用das接受弹幕
dasr1 = das1.get_rect()
dasr1.left = pBAtmentx[i]
dasr1.top = pBAtmenty[i] + 60
window.blit(das1, dasr1)
# 玩家A释放一技能画面
if playerA.atskill =='skill1':
if pAsk1t == 1:
# 计帧器为一说明是刚开始释放技能
loadsound('玩家A\A音效\guipI', '.mp3', mus)
playerA.S1CD = AS1CD # 技能一进入CD
playerA.MP = playerA.MP - AS1CDMP # 扣除能量
loadimg('玩家A\A技能一\气波功\qb', pAsk1t, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y - 60, not playerA.direction)
if (playerA.direction == True and playerB.x >= playerA.x) or (playerA.direction == False and playerB.x <= playerA.x):
playerB.HP = playerB.HP - Askill1ion
playAskillOne(pAsk1t % 3)
pAsk1t = pAsk1t + 1 # 计帧器加一,表示已播放一张
if pAsk1t == 46:
playerA.atskill = 'not' # 释放技能一状态结束
pAsk1t = 1
# 玩家A释放二技能画面
if playerA.atskill == 'skill2':
if pAsk2t == 1:
loadsound('玩家A\A音效\飞雷神', '.mp3', mus)
playerA.S2CD = AS2CD
playerA.MP = playerA.MP - AS2CDMP
if pAsk2t <= 5:
loadimg('玩家A\A技能二\AS2-', pAsk2t, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y, not playerA.direction)
if 6 <= pAsk2t <= 18:
if playerB.direction == True:
loadimg('玩家A\A技能二\AS2-', pAsk2t, '.png', playerB.x - 90, playerB.y, playerB.direction)
if playerB.direction == False:
loadimg('玩家A\A技能二\AS2-', pAsk2t, '.png', playerB.x - 90, playerB.y, playerB.direction)
playerB.HP = playerB.HP - Askill2ion
pAsk2t = pAsk2t + 1
if pAsk2t == 19:
pAsk2t = 1
playerA.atskill = 'not'
# B 技能一
if playerB.atskill =='skill1':
if pBsk1t == 1:
# 计帧器为一说明是刚开始释放技能
loadsound('玩家B\B音效\B2','.mp3', mus)
playerB.S1CD = BS1CD # 技能一进入CD
playerB.MP = playerB.MP - BS1CDMP # 扣除能量
playerB.mvspeed = 12 #角色人物移动速度
playerB.attcktion = playerB.attcktion + BS1up
pBsk1t = pBsk1t + 1
if pBsk1t < 47: #//todo
loadimg('玩家B\B技能二\图层 ', pBsk1t, '.png', playerB.x, playerB.y, playerB.direction) # up
if pBsk1t == 47:
playerB.mvspeed = 8 #角色人物移动速度
playerB.attcktion = playerB.attcktion - BS1up
playerB.atskill = 'not' # 释放技能一状态结束
pBsk1t = 1
if playerB.atskill == 'skill2':
if pBsk2t == 1:
loadsound('玩家B\B音效\B2', '.mp3', mus)
playerB.S2CD = BS2CD
playerB.MP = playerB.MP - BS2CDMP
playerA.mvspeed = playerA.mvspeed - mvs
playerB.atspeed = playerB.atspeed + BS2
pBsk2t = pBsk2t + 1
playerA.HP = playerA.HP - BS2SH
if pBsk2t < 47: #//todo
loadimg('玩家B\B技能二\图层 ', pBsk2t, '.png', playerB.x, playerB.y, not playerA.direction) # 动作
loadimg('玩家B\B技能二\道具', t%3 + 1, '.png', playerA.x, playerA.y+100, playerA.direction) # 道具
if pBsk2t == 47:
playerA.mvspeed = playerA.mvspeed + mvs
playerB.atspeed = playerB.atspeed - BS2
pBsk2t = 1
playerB.atskill = 'not'
# CD消减区
playerA.S1CD = playerA.S1CD - 1.0 / FPS
playerA.S2CD = playerA.S2CD - 1.0 / FPS
playerB.S1CD = playerB.S1CD - 1.0 / FPS
playerB.S2CD = playerB.S2CD - 1.0 / FPS
# 检测刷新玩家A技能CD
if playerA.S1CD <= 0:
playerA.S1CD = 0 # 技能一CD归零
if playerA.S2CD <= 0:
playerA.S2CD = 0 # 技能二CD归零
# 检测刷新玩家B技能CD
if playerB.S1CD <= 0:
playerB.S1CD = 0 # 技能一CD归零
if playerB.S2CD <= 0:
playerB.S2CD = 0 # 技能二CD归零
# 恢复能量
if playerA.MP <= 120:
playerA.MP = playerA.MP + playerA.respeed
if playerB.MP <= 120:
playerB.MP = playerB.MP + playerB.respeed
# 绘制提示条
t = t + 1
# 游戏胜负判断
if playerA.HP <= 0:
t = 1 # 游戏帧数归一
gameb = gameO(True, window, FPSclock, FPS) # 调用函数将绘制终局画面,并返回一个bool值
if gameb == True: # 初始化playerA,playerB
playerA.HP = 1000
playerA.MP = 120
playerA.S1CD = 0 #技能一CD
playerA.S2CD = 0 #技能二CD
playerA.atspeed = 25 #普通攻击速度
playerA.attcktion = 50
playerA.mvspeed = mvs #角色人物移动速度
playerA.respeed = 1 #能量恢复速度
playerA.body = 'stand' #身体状态,参数一共由stand,down,run三个,表示立、蹲
playerA.direction = True
#self.movel = False #是否向左
#self.mover = True #是否向右
playerA.atskill = 'not' #是否进行普攻释放技能,参数还有attck,skill1,skill2
playerA.x = 0 # 角色水平坐标
playerA.y = 400 #角色垂直坐标
playerB.x = 1060
playerB.y = 460
playerB.direction = False
playerB.HP = 1000
playerB.MP = 120
playerB.S1CD = 0 #技能一CD
playerB.S2CD = 0 #技能二CD
playerB.atspeed = 25 #普通攻击速度
playerB.attcktion = 50
playerB.mvspeed = mvs #角色人物移动速度
playerB.respeed = 1 #能量恢复速度
playerB.body = 'stand' #身体状态,参数一共由stand,down,run三个,表示立、蹲
#self.movel = False #是否向左
#self.mover = True #是否向右
playerB.atskill = 'not' #是否进行普攻释放技能,参数还有attck,skill1,skill2
chuchang(window, FPSclock, FPS)
chuchang(window, FPSclock, FPS)
if playerB.HP <= 0:
t = 1
gameb = gameO(False, window, FPSclock, FPS)
if gameb == True:
playerA.HP = 1000
playerA.MP = 120
playerA.S1CD = 0 #技能一CD
playerA.S2CD = 0 #技能二CD
playerA.atspeed = 25 #普通攻击速度
playerA.attcktion = 50
playerA.mvspeed = mvs #角色人物移动速度
playerA.respeed = 1 #能量恢复速度
playerA.body = 'stand' #身体状态,参数一共由stand,down,run三个,表示立、蹲
playerA.direction = True
#self.movel = False #是否向左
#self.mover = True #是否向右
playerA.atskill = 'not' #是否进行普攻释放技能,参数还有attck,skill1,skill2
playerA.x = 0 # 角色水平坐标
playerA.y = 400 #角色垂直坐标
playerB.x = 1060
playerB.y = 460
playerB.direction = False
playerB.HP = 1000
playerB.MP = 120
playerB.S1CD = 0 #技能一CD
playerB.S2CD = 0 #技能二CD
playerB.atspeed = 25 #普通攻击速度
playerB.attcktion = 50
playerB.mvspeed = mvs #角色人物移动速度
playerB.respeed = 1 #能量恢复速度
playerB.body = 'stand' #身体状态,参数一共由stand,down,run三个,表示立、蹲
#self.movel = False #是否向左
#self.mover = True #是否向右
playerB.atskill = 'not' #是否进行普攻释放技能,参数还有attck,skill1,skill2
chuchang(window, FPSclock, FPS)
# 刷新画面
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