同步操作将从 娆蛇/scpcb 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
;This is the include file for the "Devil Particle System" by "bytecode77"
;The link to the system's BlitzBasic.com page: "http://www.blitzbasic.com/toolbox/toolbox.php?tool=174"
;The link to the original page: "https://bytecode77.com/coding/devilengines/devilparticlesystem"
;All rights for this file go to "bytecode77"
;This file also has been modified a bit to suit better for SCP:CB
Type Template
Field sub_template.Template[7] ;Sub templates
Field emitter_blend ;blendmode of emitter entity
Field interval, particles_per_interval ;particle interval
Field max_particles ;max particles
Field emitter_max_time ;Emitter life time
Field min_time, max_time ;Particle life time
Field tex, animtex, texframe#, maxtexframes, texspeed# ;Texture
Field min_ox#, max_ox#, min_oy#, max_oy#, min_oz#, max_oz# ;Offset
Field min_xv#, max_xv#, min_yv#, max_yv#, min_zv#, max_zv# ;Velocity
Field rot_vel1#, rot_vel2#, align_to_fall, align_to_fall_offset ;Rotation
Field gravity# ;Gravity
Field alpha#, alpha_vel ;Alpha
Field sx#, sy#, size_multiplicator1#, size_multiplicator2# ;Size
Field size_add#, size_mult# ;Size velocity
Field r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2 ;Colors
Field Brightness ;Brightness
Field floor_y#, floor_bounce# ;Floor
Field pitch_fix, yaw_fix ;Fix angles
Field yaw#
End Type
Type Emitter
Field fixed
Field cnt_loop#, age#, max_time#
Field tmp.Template
Field owner, ent, surf
Field del, frozen
End Type
Type Particle
Field emitter.Emitter
Field age, max_time ;Life time
Field x#, y#, z# ;Position
Field xv#, yv#, zv# ;Velocity
Field rot#, rot_vel# ;Rotation
Field sx#, sy# ;Size
End Type
Global ParticleCam, ParticlePiv
Function InitParticles(cam)
ParticleCam = cam
ParticlePiv = CreatePivot()
SeedRnd MilliSecs()
End Function
Function FreeParticles()
For tmp.Template = Each Template
For e.Emitter = Each Emitter
Delete Each Template
Delete Each Emitter
Delete Each Particle
If ParticlePiv Then FreeEntity ParticlePiv
End Function
Function CreateTemplate()
tmp.Template = New Template
template = Handle(tmp)
SetTemplateEmitterBlend(template, 3)
SetTemplateInterval(template, 1)
SetTemplateParticlesPerInterval(template, 1)
SetTemplateMaxParticles(template, -1)
SetTemplateEmitterLifeTime(template, 100)
SetTemplateParticleLifeTime(template, 0, 20)
SetTemplateAlpha(template, 1)
SetTemplateSize(template, 1, 1)
SetTemplateSizeVel(template, 0, 1)
SetTemplateColors(template, $FFFFFF, $FFFFFF)
SetTemplateBrightness(template, 1)
SetTemplateFloor(template, -1000000)
SetTemplateFixAngles(template, -1, -1)
Return Handle(tmp)
End Function
Function FreeTemplate(template)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
If tmp\tex Then FreeTexture tmp\tex
For i = 0 To 7
If tmp\sub_template[i] <> Null Then FreeTemplate(Handle(tmp\sub_template[i]))
Delete tmp
End Function
Function SetTemplateEmitterBlend(template, emitter_blend)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\emitter_blend = emitter_blend
End Function
Function SetTemplateInterval(template, interval)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\interval = interval
End Function
Function SetTemplateParticlesPerInterval(template, particles_per_interval)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\particles_per_interval = particles_per_interval
End Function
Function SetTemplateMaxParticles(template, max_particles)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\max_particles = max_particles
End Function
Function SetTemplateParticleLifeTime(template, min_time, max_time)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\min_time = min_time
tmp\max_time = max_time
End Function
Function SetTemplateEmitterLifeTime(template, emitter_max_time)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\emitter_max_time = emitter_max_time
End Function
Function SetTemplateTexture(template, path$, mode = 0, blend = 1)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\tex = LoadTexture(path$, mode)
TextureBlend tmp\tex, blend
End Function
Function SetTemplateAnimTexture(template, path$, mode, blend, w, h, maxframes, speed# = 1)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\animtex = True
tmp\maxtexframes = maxframes
tmp\texspeed# = speed#
tmp\tex = LoadAnimTexture(path$, mode, w, h, 0, tmp\maxtexframes)
TextureBlend tmp\tex, blend
End Function
Function SetTemplateOffset(template, min_ox#, max_ox#, min_oy#, max_oy#, min_oz#, max_oz#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\min_ox# = min_ox#
tmp\max_ox# = max_ox#
tmp\min_oy# = min_oy#
tmp\max_oy# = max_oy#
tmp\min_oz# = min_oz#
tmp\max_oz# = max_oz#
End Function
Function SetTemplateVelocity(template, min_xv#, max_xv#, min_yv#, max_yv#, min_zv#, max_zv#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\min_xv# = min_xv#
tmp\max_xv# = max_xv#
tmp\min_yv# = min_yv#
tmp\max_yv# = max_yv#
tmp\min_zv# = min_zv#
tmp\max_zv# = max_zv#
End Function
Function SetTemplateRotation(template, rot_vel1#, rot_vel2#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\rot_vel1# = rot_vel1#
tmp\rot_vel2# = rot_vel2#
End Function
Function SetTemplateAlignToFall(template, align_to_fall, align_to_fall_offset = 0)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\align_to_fall = align_to_fall
tmp\align_to_fall_offset = align_to_fall_offset
End Function
Function SetTemplateGravity(template, gravity#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\gravity# = gravity#
End Function
Function SetTemplateSize(template, sx#, sy#, size_multiplicator1# = 1, size_multiplicator2# = 1)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\sx# = sx#
tmp\sy# = sy#
tmp\size_multiplicator1# = size_multiplicator1#
tmp\size_multiplicator2# = size_multiplicator2#
End Function
Function SetTemplateSizeVel(template, size_add#, size_mult#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\size_add# = size_add#
tmp\size_mult# = size_mult#
End Function
Function SetTemplateAlpha(template, alpha#)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\alpha# = alpha#
End Function
Function SetTemplateAlphaVel(template, alpha_vel)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\alpha_vel = alpha_vel
End Function
Function SetTemplateColors(template, col1, col2)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\r1 = (col1 And $FF0000) / $10000
tmp\g1 = (col1 And $FF00) / $100
tmp\b1 = col1 And $FF
tmp\r2 = (col2 And $FF0000) / $10000
tmp\g2 = (col2 And $FF00) / $100
tmp\b2 = col2 And $FF
End Function
Function SetTemplateBrightness(template, brightness)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\brightness = brightness
End Function
Function SetTemplateFloor(template, floor_y#, floor_bounce# = .5)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\floor_y# = floor_y#
tmp\floor_bounce# = floor_bounce#
End Function
Function SetTemplateFixAngles(template, pitch_fix, yaw_fix)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\pitch_fix = pitch_fix
tmp\yaw_fix = yaw_fix
End Function
Function SetTemplateSubTemplate(template, sub_template, for_each_particle = False)
tmp.Template = Object.Template(template)
For i = 0 To 7
If tmp\sub_template[i] = Null Then
tmp\sub_template[i] = Object.Template(sub_template)
End Function
Function SetEmitter(owner, template, fixed = False)
e.Emitter = New Emitter
If fixed Then
e\owner = CreatePivot()
PositionEntity e\owner, EntityX(owner), EntityY(owner), EntityZ(owner)
e\fixed = True
e\owner = owner
e\ent = CreateMesh()
e\surf = CreateSurface(e\ent)
e\tmp = Object.Template(template)
e\max_time = e\tmp\emitter_max_time
EntityBlend e\ent, e\tmp\emitter_blend
EntityFX e\ent, 34
If e\tmp\tex Then EntityTexture e\ent, e\tmp\tex
For i = 0 To 7
If e\tmp\sub_template[i] <> Null Then
If e\tmp\sub_template[i]\tex Then SetEmitter(owner, Handle(e\tmp\sub_template[i]), fixed)
Return e\ent
End Function
Function FreeEmitter(ent, delete_particles = True)
For e.Emitter = Each Emitter
If e\owner = ent Then
If delete_particles Then
For p.Particle = Each Particle
If p\emitter = e Then Delete p
FreeEntity e\ent
If e\fixed And e\owner Then FreeEntity e\owner
Delete e
e\del = True
End Function
Function FreezeEmitter(ent)
For e.Emitter = Each Emitter
If e\owner = ent Then e\frozen = True
End Function
Function UnfreezeEmitter(ent)
For e.Emitter = Each Emitter
If e\owner = ent Then e\frozen = False
End Function
Function SetTemplateYaw(template,yaw#)
tmp.template = Object.Template(template)
tmp\yaw = yaw#
End Function
Function UpdateParticles_Devil()
Local e.Emitter,p.Particle
For e.Emitter = Each Emitter
If e\tmp\max_particles > -1 Then
cnt_particles = 0
For p.Particle = Each Particle
If p\emitter = e Then cnt_particles = cnt_particles + 1
ClearSurface e\surf
If e\max_time > -1 Then
If e\age > e\max_time Then e\del = True Else e\age = e\age + 1
If e\frozen = False Then
e\cnt_loop = (e\cnt_loop + 1) Mod e\tmp\interval
If e\cnt_loop = 0 And e\del = False Then
For i = 1 To e\tmp\particles_per_interval
If (e\tmp\max_particles > -1 And cnt_particles < e\tmp\max_particles) Or e\tmp\max_particles = -1 Then
p.Particle = New Particle
p\emitter = e
p\max_time = Rand(e\tmp\min_time, e\tmp\max_time)
p\x# = EntityX(e\owner, True) + Rnd(e\tmp\min_ox#, e\tmp\max_ox#)
p\y# = EntityY(e\owner, True) + Rnd(e\tmp\min_oy#, e\tmp\max_oy#)
p\z# = EntityZ(e\owner, True) + Rnd(e\tmp\min_oz#, e\tmp\max_oz#)
p\xv# = Rnd(e\tmp\min_xv#, e\tmp\max_xv#)
p\yv# = Rnd(e\tmp\min_yv#, e\tmp\max_yv#)
p\zv# = Rnd(e\tmp\min_zv#, e\tmp\max_zv#)
p\rot_vel# = Rnd(e\tmp\rot_vel1#, e\tmp\rot_vel2#)
sm# = Rnd(e\tmp\size_multiplicator1#, e\tmp\size_multiplicator2#)
p\sx# = p\emitter\tmp\sx# * sm#
p\sy# = p\emitter\tmp\sy# * sm#
If e\tmp\animtex Then
e\tmp\texframe# = e\tmp\texframe# + e\tmp\texspeed#
If e\tmp\texframe# > e\tmp\maxtexframes - 1 Then e\tmp\texframe# = 0
EntityTexture e\ent, e\tmp\tex, e\tmp\texframe#
frame = frame + texspeed#
If e\del Then
del = True
For p.Particle = Each Particle
If p\emitter = e Then del = False
If del Then
FreeEntity e\ent
If e\fixed And e\owner Then FreeEntity e\owner
Delete e
PositionEntity ParticlePiv, EntityX(ParticleCam, True), EntityY(ParticleCam, True), EntityZ(ParticleCam, True)
Local cam_pitch# = EntityPitch(ParticleCam, True)
Local cam_yaw# = EntityYaw(ParticleCam, True)
Local cam_roll# = EntityRoll(ParticleCam, True)
For p.Particle = Each Particle
If p\age > p\max_time Then
Delete p
If p\emitter\frozen = False Then
p\age = p\age + 1
If p\emitter\tmp\align_to_fall Then p\rot# = (p\emitter\tmp\align_to_fall_offset - ATan2(p\xv#, p\yv#)) Else p\rot# = (p\rot# + p\rot_vel#)
p\yv# = p\yv# - p\emitter\tmp\gravity#
p\x# = p\x# + p\xv#
p\y# = p\y# + p\yv#
p\z# = p\z# + p\zv#
If p\y# < p\emitter\tmp\floor_y# Then p\yv# = p\yv# * -p\emitter\tmp\floor_bounce#
p\sx# = (p\sx# + p\emitter\tmp\size_add#) * p\emitter\tmp\size_mult#
p\sy# = (p\sy# + p\emitter\tmp\size_add#) * p\emitter\tmp\size_mult#
RotateEntity ParticlePiv, cam_pitch#, cam_yaw#, cam_roll# + (p\rot# + p\emitter\tmp\align_to_fall_offset)
If p\emitter\tmp\pitch_fix > -1 Then RotateEntity ParticlePiv, p\emitter\tmp\pitch_fix, EntityYaw(ParticlePiv), EntityRoll(ParticlePiv)
If p\emitter\tmp\yaw_fix > -1 Then RotateEntity ParticlePiv, EntityPitch(ParticlePiv), p\emitter\tmp\yaw_fix, EntityRoll(ParticlePiv)
x# = EntityX(p\emitter\ent) + p\x#
y# = EntityY(p\emitter\ent) + p\y#
z# = EntityZ(p\emitter\ent) + p\z#
sx# = p\sx#
sy# = p\sy#
TFormVector sx#, -sy#, 0, ParticlePiv, 0
v1x# = TFormedX() + x#
v1y# = TFormedY() + y#
v1z# = TFormedZ() + z#
TFormVector -sx#, -sy#, 0, ParticlePiv, 0
v2x# = TFormedX() + x#
v2y# = TFormedY() + y#
v2z# = TFormedZ() + z#
TFormVector sx#, sy#, 0, ParticlePiv, 0
v3x# = TFormedX() + x#
v3y# = TFormedY() + y#
v3z# = TFormedZ() + z#
TFormVector -sx#, sy#, 0, ParticlePiv, 0
v4x# = TFormedX() + x#
v4y# = TFormedY() + y#
v4z# = TFormedZ() + z#
v1 = AddVertex(p\emitter\surf, v1x#, v1y#, v1z#, 0, 0)
v2 = AddVertex(p\emitter\surf, v2x#, v2y#, v2z#, 1, 0)
v3 = AddVertex(p\emitter\surf, v3x#, v3y#, v3z#, 0, 1)
v4 = AddVertex(p\emitter\surf, v4x#, v4y#, v4z#, 1, 1)
r = p\emitter\tmp\r1 + (p\emitter\tmp\r2 - p\emitter\tmp\r1) * Float(p\age) / Float(p\max_time)
g = p\emitter\tmp\g1 + (p\emitter\tmp\g2 - p\emitter\tmp\g1) * Float(p\age) / Float(p\max_time)
b = p\emitter\tmp\b1 + (p\emitter\tmp\b2 - p\emitter\tmp\b1) * Float(p\age) / Float(p\max_time)
If p\emitter\tmp\alpha_vel Then a# = (1 - Float(p\age) / Float(p\max_time)) * p\emitter\tmp\alpha# Else a# = p\emitter\tmp\alpha#
VertexColor p\emitter\surf, v1, r, g, b, a#
VertexColor p\emitter\surf, v2, r, g, b, a#
VertexColor p\emitter\surf, v3, r, g, b, a#
VertexColor p\emitter\surf, v4, r, g, b, a#
For i = 1 To p\emitter\tmp\Brightness
AddTriangle p\emitter\surf, v1, v2, v3
AddTriangle p\emitter\surf, v3, v2, v4
End Function
;~IDEal Editor Parameters:
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