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relay_seq_dummy.py 2.61 KB
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duggabe 提交于 2023-07-18 14:24 . pkt_xmt timing improvements
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# relay_sequencer.py
# This program operates in conjunction with gr-control/xmt_rcv_switch to sequence the relays for antenna and power amp control.
# 1) Messages are received on the SUB socket and sent on the PUB socket.
# 2) The SUB and PUB messages must be on separate port numbers.
# from gpiozero import LEDBoard
import time
import pmt
import zmq
# leds = LEDBoard(antenna=17, pwr_amp=27)
_debug = 0 # set to zero to turn off diagnostics
# create a SUB socket
_SUB_ADDR = "tcp://"
print ("'relay_sequencer' connecting to:", _SUB_ADDR)
context = zmq.Context()
socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'')
# create a PUB socket
_PUB_ADDR = "tcp://"
print ("'relay_sequencer' binding to:", _PUB_ADDR)
pub_context = zmq.Context()
pub_sock = pub_context.socket (zmq.PUB)
rc = pub_sock.bind (_PUB_ADDR)
# (7) turn off power amp
# leds.pwr_amp.on() # NOTE: on is off!
# (5) switch antenna from xmt to rcv
# leds.antenna.on()
while True:
if (socket.poll(10) != 0): # check if there is a message on the socket
msg = socket.recv() # grab the message
_len = len(msg) # size of msg
new_val = msg[_len-1]
if (_debug):
print ("new_val =", new_val)
if (new_val > 0): #transmit
# (5) switch antenna from rcv to xmt
# leds.antenna.off() # NOTE: on is off!
if (_debug):
print ("t5")
# (6) delay 100 ms
time.sleep (0.1)
# (7) turn on power amp
# leds.pwr_amp.off() # NOTE: on is off!
if (_debug):
print ("t7")
# (8) delay 250 ms
time.sleep (0.25)
# Send reply back to client
if (_debug):
print ("t8")
pub_sock.send (pmt.serialize_str(pmt.cons(pmt.intern("value"),pmt.from_long(3))))
else: # receive
# (7) turn off power amp
# leds.pwr_amp.on()
if (_debug):
print ("r7")
# (8) delay 250 ms
time.sleep (0.25)
# (5) switch antenna from xmt to rcv
# leds.antenna.on()
if (_debug):
print ("r5")
# (6) delay 100 ms
time.sleep (0.1)
# Send reply back to client
if (_debug):
print ("r8")
pub_sock.send (pmt.serialize_str(pmt.cons(pmt.intern("value"),pmt.from_long(2))))
time.sleep(0.1) # wait 100ms and try again
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