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record.c 11.03 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
/*! \file record.h
* \author Lorenzo Miniero <lorenzo@meetecho.com>
* \copyright GNU General Public License v3
* \brief Audio/Video recorder
* \details Implementation of a simple recorder utility that plugins
* can make use of to record audio/video frames to a Janus file. This
* file just saves RTP frames in a structured way, so that they can be
* post-processed later on to get a valid container file (e.g., a .opus
* file for Opus audio or a .webm file for VP8 video) and keep things
* simpler on the plugin and core side. Check the \ref recordings
* documentation for more details.
* \note If you want to record both audio and video, you'll have to use
* two different recorders. Any muxing in the same container will have
* to be done in the post-processing phase.
* \ingroup core
* \ref core
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <glib.h>
#include <jansson.h>
#include "record.h"
#include "debug.h"
#include "utils.h"
#define htonll(x) ((1==htonl(1)) ? (x) : ((gint64)htonl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | htonl((x) >> 32))
#define ntohll(x) ((1==ntohl(1)) ? (x) : ((gint64)ntohl((x) & 0xFFFFFFFF) << 32) | ntohl((x) >> 32))
/* Info header in the structured recording */
static const char *header = "MJR00002";
/* Frame header in the structured recording */
static const char *frame_header = "MEET";
/* Whether the filenames should have a temporary extension, while saving, or not (default=false) */
static gboolean rec_tempname = FALSE;
/* Extension to add in case tempnames is true (default="tmp" --> ".tmp") */
static char *rec_tempext = NULL;
void janus_recorder_init(gboolean tempnames, const char *extension) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Initializing recorder code\n");
if(tempnames) {
rec_tempname = TRUE;
if(extension == NULL) {
rec_tempext = g_strdup("tmp");
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, " -- No extension provided, using default one (tmp)\n");
} else {
rec_tempext = g_strdup(extension);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, " -- Using temporary extension .%s\n", rec_tempext);
void janus_recorder_deinit(void) {
rec_tempname = FALSE;
static void janus_recorder_free(const janus_refcount *recorder_ref) {
janus_recorder *recorder = janus_refcount_containerof(recorder_ref, janus_recorder, ref);
/* This recorder can be destroyed, free all the resources */
recorder->dir = NULL;
recorder->filename = NULL;
recorder->file = NULL;
recorder->codec = NULL;
janus_recorder *janus_recorder_create(const char *dir, const char *codec, const char *filename) {
janus_recorder_medium type = JANUS_RECORDER_AUDIO;
if(codec == NULL) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Missing codec information\n");
return NULL;
if(!strcasecmp(codec, "vp8") || !strcasecmp(codec, "vp9") || !strcasecmp(codec, "h264")) {
} else if(!strcasecmp(codec, "opus")
|| !strcasecmp(codec, "g711") || !strcasecmp(codec, "pcmu") || !strcasecmp(codec, "pcma")
|| !strcasecmp(codec, "g722")) {
} else if(!strcasecmp(codec, "text")) {
/* FIXME We only handle text on data channels, so that's the only thing we can save too */
} else {
/* We don't recognize the codec: while we might go on anyway, we'd rather fail instead */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Unsupported codec '%s'\n", codec);
return NULL;
/* Create the recorder */
janus_recorder *rc = g_malloc0(sizeof(janus_recorder));
rc->dir = NULL;
rc->filename = NULL;
rc->file = NULL;
rc->codec = g_strdup(codec);
rc->created = janus_get_real_time();
const char *rec_dir = NULL;
const char *rec_file = NULL;
char *copy_for_parent = NULL;
char *copy_for_base = NULL;
/* Check dir and filename values */
if (filename != NULL) {
/* Helper copies to avoid overwriting */
copy_for_parent = g_strdup(filename);
copy_for_base = g_strdup(filename);
/* Get filename parent folder */
const char *filename_parent = dirname(copy_for_parent);
/* Get filename base file */
const char *filename_base = basename(copy_for_base);
if (!dir) {
/* If dir is NULL we have to create filename_parent and filename_base */
rec_dir = filename_parent;
rec_file = filename_base;
} else {
/* If dir is valid we have to create dir and filename*/
rec_dir = dir;
rec_file = filename;
if (strcasecmp(filename_parent, ".") || strcasecmp(filename_base, filename)) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_WARN, "Unsupported combination of dir and filename %s %s\n", dir, filename);
if(rec_dir != NULL) {
/* Check if this directory exists, and create it if needed */
struct stat s;
int err = stat(rec_dir, &s);
if(err == -1) {
if(ENOENT == errno) {
/* Directory does not exist, try creating it */
if(janus_mkdir(rec_dir, 0755) < 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "mkdir error: %d\n", errno);
return NULL;
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "stat error: %d\n", errno);
return NULL;
} else {
if(S_ISDIR(s.st_mode)) {
/* Directory exists */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_VERB, "Directory exists: %s\n", rec_dir);
} else {
/* File exists but it's not a directory? */
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Not a directory? %s\n", rec_dir);
return NULL;
char newname[1024];
memset(newname, 0, 1024);
if(rec_file == NULL) {
/* Choose a random username */
if(!rec_tempname) {
/* Use .mjr as an extension right away */
g_snprintf(newname, 1024, "janus-recording-%"SCNu32".mjr", janus_random_uint32());
} else {
/* Append the temporary extension to .mjr, we'll rename when closing */
g_snprintf(newname, 1024, "janus-recording-%"SCNu32".mjr.%s", janus_random_uint32(), rec_tempext);
} else {
/* Just append the extension */
if(!rec_tempname) {
/* Use .mjr as an extension right away */
g_snprintf(newname, 1024, "%s.mjr", rec_file);
} else {
/* Append the temporary extension to .mjr, we'll rename when closing */
g_snprintf(newname, 1024, "%s.mjr.%s", rec_file, rec_tempext);
/* Try opening the file now */
if(rec_dir == NULL) {
rc->file = fopen(newname, "wb");
} else {
char path[1024];
memset(path, 0, 1024);
g_snprintf(path, 1024, "%s/%s", rec_dir, newname);
rc->file = fopen(path, "wb");
if(rc->file == NULL) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "fopen error: %d\n", errno);
return NULL;
rc->dir = g_strdup(rec_dir);
rc->filename = g_strdup(newname);
rc->type = type;
/* Write the first part of the header */
fwrite(header, sizeof(char), strlen(header), rc->file);
g_atomic_int_set(&rc->writable, 1);
/* We still need to also write the info header first */
g_atomic_int_set(&rc->header, 0);
/* Done */
g_atomic_int_set(&rc->destroyed, 0);
janus_refcount_init(&rc->ref, janus_recorder_free);
return rc;
int janus_recorder_save_frame(janus_recorder *recorder, char *buffer, uint length) {
return -1;
if(!buffer || length < 1) {
return -2;
if(!recorder->file) {
return -3;
if(!g_atomic_int_get(&recorder->writable)) {
return -4;
gint64 now = janus_get_monotonic_time();
if(!g_atomic_int_get(&recorder->header)) {
/* Write info header as a JSON formatted info */
json_t *info = json_object();
/* FIXME Codecs should be configurable in the future */
const char *type = NULL;
if(recorder->type == JANUS_RECORDER_AUDIO)
type = "a";
else if(recorder->type == JANUS_RECORDER_VIDEO)
type = "v";
else if(recorder->type == JANUS_RECORDER_DATA)
type = "d";
json_object_set_new(info, "t", json_string(type)); /* Audio/Video/Data */
json_object_set_new(info, "c", json_string(recorder->codec)); /* Media codec */
json_object_set_new(info, "s", json_integer(recorder->created)); /* Created time */
json_object_set_new(info, "u", json_integer(janus_get_real_time())); /* First frame written time */
gchar *info_text = json_dumps(info, JSON_PRESERVE_ORDER);
uint16_t info_bytes = htons(strlen(info_text));
fwrite(&info_bytes, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, recorder->file);
fwrite(info_text, sizeof(char), strlen(info_text), recorder->file);
/* Done */
recorder->started = now;
g_atomic_int_set(&recorder->header, 1);
/* Write frame header (fixed part[4], timestamp[4], length[2]) */
fwrite(frame_header, sizeof(char), strlen(frame_header), recorder->file);
uint32_t timestamp = (uint32_t)(now > recorder->started ? ((now - recorder->started)/1000) : 0);
timestamp = htonl(timestamp);
fwrite(&timestamp, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, recorder->file);
uint16_t header_bytes = htons(recorder->type == JANUS_RECORDER_DATA ? (length+sizeof(gint64)) : length);
fwrite(&header_bytes, sizeof(uint16_t), 1, recorder->file);
if(recorder->type == JANUS_RECORDER_DATA) {
/* If it's data, then we need to prepend timing related info, as it's not there by itself */
gint64 now = htonll(janus_get_real_time());
fwrite(&now, sizeof(gint64), 1, recorder->file);
/* Save packet on file */
int temp = 0, tot = length;
while(tot > 0) {
temp = fwrite(buffer+length-tot, sizeof(char), tot, recorder->file);
if(temp <= 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error saving frame...\n");
return -5;
tot -= temp;
/* Done */
return 0;
int janus_recorder_close(janus_recorder *recorder) {
if(!recorder || !g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(&recorder->writable, 1, 0))
return -1;
if(recorder->file) {
fseek(recorder->file, 0L, SEEK_END);
size_t fsize = ftell(recorder->file);
fseek(recorder->file, 0L, SEEK_SET);
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "File is %zu bytes: %s\n", fsize, recorder->filename);
if(rec_tempname) {
/* We need to rename the file, to remove the temporary extension */
char newname[1024];
memset(newname, 0, 1024);
g_snprintf(newname, strlen(recorder->filename)-strlen(rec_tempext), "%s", recorder->filename);
char oldpath[1024];
memset(oldpath, 0, 1024);
char newpath[1024];
memset(newpath, 0, 1024);
if(recorder->dir) {
g_snprintf(newpath, 1024, "%s/%s", recorder->dir, newname);
g_snprintf(oldpath, 1024, "%s/%s", recorder->dir, recorder->filename);
} else {
g_snprintf(newpath, 1024, "%s", newname);
g_snprintf(oldpath, 1024, "%s", recorder->filename);
if(rename(oldpath, newpath) != 0) {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_ERR, "Error renaming %s to %s...\n", recorder->filename, newname);
} else {
JANUS_LOG(LOG_INFO, "Recording renamed: %s\n", newname);
recorder->filename = g_strdup(newname);
return 0;
void janus_recorder_destroy(janus_recorder *recorder) {
if(!recorder || !g_atomic_int_compare_and_exchange(&recorder->destroyed, 0, 1))
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