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MBias.c 20.64 KB
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Devon Ryan 提交于 2020-05-23 09:42 . Prevent out of bounds memory usage
#include "htslib/sam.h"
#include "htslib/hts.h"
#include "htslib/faidx.h"
#include <getopt.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include "MethylDackel.h"
void print_version(void);
strandMeth *growStrandMeth(strandMeth *s, int32_t l) {
int32_t m;
int i;
m = kroundup32(l);
if(m<32) m=32; //Enforce a minimum length
s->unmeth1 = realloc(s->unmeth1, sizeof(uint32_t)*m);
s->meth1 = realloc(s->meth1, sizeof(uint32_t)*m);
s->unmeth2 = realloc(s->unmeth2, sizeof(uint32_t)*m);
s->meth2 = realloc(s->meth2, sizeof(uint32_t)*m);
for(i=s->m; i<m; i++) {
s->unmeth1[i] = 0;
s->meth1[i] = 0;
s->unmeth2[i] = 0;
s->meth2[i] = 0;
s->m = m;
return s;
strandMeth *mergeStrandMeth(strandMeth *target, strandMeth *source) {
int32_t i;
if(source->l == 0) return target;
if(target->m < source->l) target = growStrandMeth(target, source->m);
if(target->l < source->l) target->l = source->l;
for(i=0; i<source->l; i++) {
target->unmeth1[i] += source->unmeth1[i];
target->meth1[i] += source->meth1[i];
target->unmeth2[i] += source->unmeth2[i];
target->meth2[i] += source->meth2[i];
return target;
void *extractMBias(void *foo) {
Config *config = (Config*) foo;
bam_hdr_t *hdr;
bam_mplp_t iter;
int ret, tid, pos = 0, i, seqlen, rv, o = 0;
int32_t bedIdx = 0;
int strand;
int n_plp; //This will need to be modified for multiple input files
const bam_pileup1_t **plp = NULL;
char *seq = NULL, base;
mplp_data *data = NULL;
strandMeth **meths = malloc(4*sizeof(strandMeth*));
uint32_t localPos = 0, localEnd = 0, localTid = 0;
faidx_t *fai;
hts_idx_t *bai;
htsFile *fp;
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
meths[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(strandMeth));
//Open the files
if((fai = fai_load(config->FastaName)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open the index for %s!\n", config->FastaName);
return NULL;
if((fp = hts_open(config->BAMName, "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s for reading!\n", config->BAMName);
return NULL;
if((bai = sam_index_load(fp, config->BAMName)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load the index for %s\n", config->BAMName);
return NULL;
hdr = sam_hdr_read(fp);
data = calloc(1,sizeof(mplp_data));
if(data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate space for the data structure in extractCalls()!\n");
return NULL;
data->config = config;
data->hdr = hdr;
data->fp = fp;
data->bedIdx = bedIdx;
plp = calloc(1, sizeof(bam_pileup1_t *)); //This will have to be modified for multiple input files
if(plp == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't allocate space for the plp structure in extractCalls()!\n");
return NULL;
while(1) {
//Lock and unlock the mutex so we can get/update the tid/position
localTid = globalTid;
localPos = globalPos;
localEnd = localPos + config->chunkSize;
if(localTid >= hdr->n_targets) {
if(globalEnd && localEnd > globalEnd) localEnd = globalEnd;
adjustBounds(config, hdr, fai, &localTid, &localPos, &localEnd);
globalPos = localEnd;
if(globalEnd > 0 && globalPos >= globalEnd) {
//If we've specified a region, then break once we're outside of it
globalTid = (uint32_t) -1;
if(localTid < hdr->n_targets && globalTid != (uint32_t) -1) {
if(globalPos >= hdr->target_len[localTid]) {
localEnd = hdr->target_len[localTid];
globalPos = 0;
//If we have a BED file, then jump to the first overlapping region
if(config->bed) {
if(spanOverlapsBED(localTid, localPos, localEnd, config->bed, &bedIdx) != 1) continue;
//Break out of the loop if finished
if(localTid >= hdr->n_targets) break; //Finish looping
if(globalEnd && localPos >= globalEnd) break;
data->iter = sam_itr_queryi(bai, localTid, localPos, localEnd);
seq = faidx_fetch_seq(fai, hdr->target_name[localTid], localPos, localEnd, &seqlen);
if(seqlen < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "faidx_fetch_seq returned %i while trying to fetch the sequence for tid %s:%"PRIu32"-%"PRIu32"!\n",\
seqlen, hdr->target_name[localTid], localPos, localEnd);
fprintf(stderr, "Note that the output will be truncated!\n");
return NULL;
//Start the pileup
iter = bam_mplp_init(1, filter_func, (void **) &data);
// bam_mplp_init_overlaps(iter); //This is included in extract but excluded here. The main benefit to exclusion is that you can more accurately gauge overlapping regions.
bam_mplp_set_maxcnt(iter, INT_MAX);
while((ret = bam_mplp_auto(iter, &tid, &pos, &n_plp, plp)) > 0) {
if(pos < localPos || pos >= localEnd) continue; // out of the region requested
if(config->bed) { //Handle -l
while((o = posOverlapsBED(tid, pos, config->bed, bedIdx)) == -1) bedIdx++;
if(o == 0) continue; //Wrong strand
if(isCpG(seq, pos-localPos, seqlen)) {
if(!config->keepCpG) continue;
} else if(isCHG(seq, pos-localPos, seqlen)) {
if(!config->keepCHG) continue;
} else if(isCHH(seq, pos-localPos, seqlen)) {
if(!config->keepCHH) continue;
} else {
base = *(seq+pos-localPos);
for(i=0; i<n_plp; i++) {
if(plp[0][i].is_del) continue;
if(plp[0][i].is_refskip) continue;
if(config->bed) if(!readStrandOverlapsBED(plp[0][i].b, config->bed->region[bedIdx])) continue;
strand = getStrand((plp[0]+i)->b);
if(strand & 1) {
if(base != 'C' && base != 'c') continue;
} else {
if(base != 'G' && base != 'g') continue;
rv = updateMetrics(config, plp[0]+i);
if(rv != 0) {
if((plp[0]+i)->qpos >= meths[strand-1]->m)
meths[strand-1] = growStrandMeth(meths[strand-1], (plp[0]+i)->qpos);
if(rv < 0) {
if((plp[0]+i)->b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) {
assert((meths[strand-1]->unmeth2[(plp[0]+i)->qpos]) < 0xFFFFFFFF);
} else {
assert((meths[strand-1]->unmeth1[(plp[0]+i)->qpos]) < 0xFFFFFFFF);
} else {
if((plp[0]+i)->b->core.flag & BAM_FREAD2) {
assert((meths[strand-1]->meth2[(plp[0]+i)->qpos]) < 0xFFFFFFFF);
} else {
assert((meths[strand-1]->meth1[(plp[0]+i)->qpos]) < 0xFFFFFFFF);
if((plp[0]+i)->qpos+1 > meths[strand-1]->l) meths[strand-1]->l = (plp[0]+i)->qpos+1;
//Clean up
return meths;
void mbias_usage() {
fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage: MethylDackel mbias [OPTIONS] <ref.fa> <sorted_alignments.bam> <output.prefix>\n");
" -q INT Minimum MAPQ threshold to include an alignment (default 10)\n"
" -p INT Minimum Phred threshold to include a base (default 5). This\n"
" must be >0.\n"
" -D INT Maximum per-base depth (default 2000)\n"
" -r STR Region string in which to extract methylation\n"
" -l FILE A BED file listing regions for inclusion.\n"
" --keepStrand If a BED file is specified, then this option will cause the\n"
" strand column (column 6) to be utilized, if present. Thus, if\n"
" a region has a '+' in this column, then only metrics from the\n"
" top strand will be output. Note that the -r option can be used\n"
" to limit the regions of -l.\n"
" -@ nThreads The number of threads to use, the default 1\n"
" --chunkSize INT The size of the genome processed by a single thread at a time.\n"
" The default is 1000000 bases. This value MUST be at least 1.\n"
" --keepDupes By default, any alignment marked as a duplicate is ignored.\n"
" This option causes them to be incorporated.\n"
" --keepSingleton By default, if only one read in a pair aligns (a singleton)\n"
" then it's ignored.\n"
" --keepDiscordant By default, paired-end alignments with the properly-paired bit\n"
" unset in the FLAG field are ignored. Note that the definition\n"
" of concordant and discordant is based on your aligner\n"
" settings.\n"
" -F, --ignoreFlags By deault, any alignment marked as secondary (bit 0x100),\n"
" failing QC (bit 0x200), a PCR/optical duplicate (0x400) or\n"
" supplemental (0x800) is ignored. This equates to a value of\n"
" 0xF00 or 3840 in decimal. If you would like to change that,\n"
" you can specify a new value here.\n"
" ignored. Specifying this causes them to be included.\n"
" -R, --requireFlags Require each alignment to have all bits in this value\n"
" present, or else the alignment is ignored. This is equivalent\n"
" to the -f option in samtools. The default is 0, which\n"
" includes all alignments.\n"
" --txt Output tab separated metrics to the screen. These can be\n"
" imported into R or another program for manual plotting and\n"
" analysis. Note that coordinates are 1-based.\n"
" --noSVG Don't produce the SVG files. This option implies --txt. Note\n"
" that an output prefix is no longer required with this option.\n"
" --noCpG Do not output CpG methylation metrics\n"
" --CHG Output CHG methylation metrics\n"
" --CHH Output CHH methylation metrics\n"
" --nOT INT,INT,INT,INT Inclusion bound for methylation calls from reads/pairs\n"
" originating from the original top strand. Each integer\n"
" represents a 1-based position from the end of a read. For\n"
" example \"--nOT A,B,C,D\" translates to, \"Include calls from\n"
" position A through the Bth read from the end on read #1 and\n"
" Cth through the Dth from the end base on read #2\". In other\n"
" words \"--nOT 5,10,0,0\" for a 100 base long read would result\n"
" in bases 5 through 90 being used. If a 0 is used in any\n"
" position then that is translated to mean start/end of the\n"
" alignment, as appropriate. For example, --nOT 5,0,0,0 would\n"
" include all but the first 4 bases on read #1.\n"
" --nCTOB INT,INT,INT,INT As with --nOT, but for the original bottom, complementary\n"
" to the original top, and complementary to the original bottom\n"
" strands, respectively.\n"
" --version Print version and the quit\n");
int mbias_main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char *opref = NULL;
int c, i, j, SVG = 1, txt = 0, keepStrand = 0;
strandMeth *meths[4], **threadout = NULL;
Config config;
bam_hdr_t *hdr = NULL;
config.keepCpG = 1; config.keepCHG = 0; config.keepCHH = 0;
config.minMapq = 10; config.minPhred = 5; config.keepDupes = 0;
config.keepSingleton = 0, config.keepDiscordant = 0;
config.filterMappability = 0;
config.fp = NULL;
config.bai = NULL;
config.reg = NULL;
config.bedName = NULL;
config.bed = NULL;
config.ignoreFlags = 0xF00;
config.requireFlags = 0;
config.nThreads = 1;
config.chunkSize = 1000000;
for(i=0; i<16; i++) config.bounds[i] = 0;
for(i=0; i<16; i++) config.absoluteBounds[i] = 0;
static struct option lopts[] = {
{"noCpG", 0, NULL, 1},
{"CHG", 0, NULL, 2},
{"CHH", 0, NULL, 3},
{"keepDupes", 0, NULL, 4},
{"keepSingleton", 0, NULL, 5},
{"keepDiscordant", 0, NULL, 6},
{"txt", 0, NULL, 7},
{"noSVG", 0, NULL, 8},
{"nOT", 1, NULL, 9},
{"nOB", 1, NULL, 10},
{"nCTOT", 1, NULL, 11},
{"nCTOB", 1, NULL, 12},
{"chunkSize", 1, NULL, 13},
{"keepStrand", 0, NULL, 14},
{"ignoreFlags", 1, NULL, 'F'},
{"requireFlags", 1, NULL, 'R'},
{"help", 0, NULL, 'h'},
{"version", 0, NULL, 'v'},
{0, 0, NULL, 0}
while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hvq:p:r:l:D:F:@:", lopts,NULL)) >= 0) {
switch(c) {
case 'h' :
return 0;
case 'v' :
return 0;
case 'D' :
// This is now set to INT_MAX, it was --maxDepth
case 'r':
config.reg = optarg;
case 'l' :
config.bedName = optarg;
case 1 :
config.keepCpG = 0;
case 2 :
config.keepCHG = 1;
case 3 :
config.keepCHH = 1;
case 4 :
config.keepDupes = 1;
case 5 :
config.keepSingleton = 1;
case 6 :
config.keepDiscordant = 1;
case 7 :
txt = 1;
case 8 :
SVG = 0;
txt = 1;
case 9 :
parseBounds(optarg, config.absoluteBounds, 0);
case 10 :
parseBounds(optarg, config.absoluteBounds, 1);
case 11 :
parseBounds(optarg, config.absoluteBounds, 2);
case 12 :
parseBounds(optarg, config.absoluteBounds, 3);
case 13:
config.chunkSize = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 10);
if(config.chunkSize < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: The chunk size must be at least 1!\n");
return 1;
case 14:
keepStrand = 1;
case 'F' :
config.ignoreFlags = atoi(optarg);
case 'R' :
config.requireFlags = atoi(optarg);
case 'q' :
config.minMapq = atoi(optarg);
case 'p' :
config.minPhred = atoi(optarg);
case '@':
config.nThreads = atoi(optarg);
default :
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid option '%c'\n", c);
return 1;
if(argc == 1) {
return 0;
if((SVG && argc-optind != 3) || (!SVG && argc-optind < 2)) {
fprintf(stderr, "You must supply a reference genome in fasta format, an input BAM file, and an output prefix!!!\n");
return -1;
//Are the options reasonable?
if(config.minPhred < 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "-p %i is invalid. resetting to 1, which is the lowest possible value.\n", config.minPhred);
config.minPhred = 1;
if(config.minMapq < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "-q %i is invalid. Resetting to 0, which is the lowest possible value.\n", config.minMapq);
config.minMapq = 0;
//Is there still a metric to output?
if(!(config.keepCpG + config.keepCHG + config.keepCHH)) {
fprintf(stderr, "You haven't specified any metrics to output!\nEither don't use the --noCpG option or specify --CHG and/or --CHH.\n");
return -1;
//Open the files
config.FastaName = argv[optind];
config.BAMName = argv[optind+1];
if((config.fp = hts_open(argv[optind+1], "rb")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open %s for reading!\n", argv[optind+1]);
return -4;
if((config.bai = sam_index_load(config.fp, argv[optind+1])) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load the index for %s, will attempt to build it.\n", argv[optind+1]);
if(bam_index_build(argv[optind+1], 0) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't build the index for %s! File corrupted?\n", argv[optind+1]);
return -5;
if((config.bai = sam_index_load(config.fp, argv[optind+1])) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Still couldn't load the index, quiting.\n");
return -5;
//Output files (this needs to be filled in)
if(SVG) opref = argv[optind+2];
//parse the region, if needed
if(config.reg) {
const char *foo;
char *bar = NULL;
int s, e;
hdr = sam_hdr_read(config.fp);
foo = hts_parse_reg(config.reg, &s, &e);
if(foo == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not parse the specified region!\n");
return -4;
bar = malloc(foo - config.reg + 1);
if(bar == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not allocate temporary space for parsing the requested region!\n");
return -5;
strncpy(bar, config.reg, foo - config.reg);
bar[foo - config.reg] = 0;
globalTid = bam_name2id(hdr, bar);
if(globalTid == (uint32_t) -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s did not match a known chromosome/contig name!\n", config.reg);
return -6;
if(s>0) globalPos = s;
if(e>0) globalEnd = e;
if(globalEnd > hdr->target_len[globalTid]) globalEnd = hdr->target_len[globalTid];
if(!config.bedName) bam_hdr_destroy(hdr);
if(config.bedName) {
if(!hdr) hdr = sam_hdr_read(config.fp);
config.bed = parseBED(config.bedName, hdr, keepStrand);
if(!config.bed) {
fprintf(stderr, "There was an error while reading in your BED file!\n");
return 1;
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
meths[i] = calloc(1, sizeof(strandMeth));
//Run the pileup
pthread_mutex_init(&positionMutex, NULL);
pthread_t *threads = calloc(config.nThreads, sizeof(pthread_t));
for(i=0; i < config.nThreads; i++) pthread_create(threads+i, NULL, &extractMBias, &config);
for(i=0; i < config.nThreads; i++) {
pthread_join(threads[i], (void**) &threadout);
for(j=0; j<4; j++) {
meths[j] = mergeStrandMeth(meths[j], threadout[j]);
if(threadout[j]->meth1) free(threadout[j]->meth1);
if(threadout[j]->unmeth1) free(threadout[j]->unmeth1);
if(threadout[j]->meth2) free(threadout[j]->meth2);
if(threadout[j]->unmeth2) free(threadout[j]->unmeth2);
//Report some output
if(SVG) makeSVGs(opref, meths, config.keepCpG + 2*config.keepCHG + 4*config.keepCHH);
if(txt) makeTXT(meths);
//Close things up
for(i=0; i<4; i++) {
if(meths[i]->meth1) free(meths[i]->meth1);
if(meths[i]->unmeth1) free(meths[i]->unmeth1);
if(meths[i]->meth2) free(meths[i]->meth2);
if(meths[i]->unmeth2) free(meths[i]->unmeth2);
return 0;
马建仓 AI 助手