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expandForLoop.pl 1.37 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
skny 提交于 2024-11-18 13:55 . v0.43
# Trivial macro preprocessor
# Passes lines through unchanged, except that each range of lines bracketed as follows:
# __FOR var val1 val2 val3 ... valN
# ...
# is expanded N times by replacing all instances of var with one of the given values.
# Loops may not be nested.
# (Trivia: I tried to do this in sed, but couldn't figure out how.)
# CHEEZY HACK: if var is __CPU__, expand __TARGET__ as well, according to
# TARGET=`cat $CPU.dat | grep TARGET= | sed 's/.*=//'`
# This requires user to pass directory containing $CPU.dat as argument on commandline
# Dan "I am not proud" Kegel
# kludge:
if (! -f "$datadir/i686.dat") {
die "can't find data file $datadir/i686.dat; did you give crosstool directory as first argument?"
$in = 0;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^__FOR (\S*) (.*)/) {
$in = 1;
$var = $1;
$vals = $2;
} elsif (/^__ENDFOR/) {
$in = 0;
# output saved buffer once for each val
foreach $val (split(" ", $vals)) {
$out = $buf;
$out =~ s/$var/$val/g;
if ($var eq "__CPU__") {
# oh, this is a kludge...
$realcpu = $val;
$realcpu =~ s/_/-/;
$realcpu =~ s/x86-64/x86_64/;
$target=`cat $datadir/$realcpu.dat | grep TARGET=`;
$target =~ s/.*=//;
chomp $target;
$out =~ s/__TARGET__/$target/g;
print $out;
$buf = "";
} elsif ($in) {
$buf .= $_;
} else {
print $_;
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