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Makefile 9.95 KB
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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# Copyright 2020 Joyent, Inc.
# Makefile: annotated sample Makefile using eng.git Makefile system
# The eng.git repository contains a system of Makefile components that provide
# pluggable Makefile functionality (the way is typically done for other
# programming environments, but isn't commonly done for Makefiles). Makefiles
# defined in this repository generate targets for:
# * building the current repository as an npm package
# * checking syntax and style for JavaScript, JSON, bash files,
# and SMF manifests
# * generating API documentation from restdown sources
# * generating manual pages from Markdown sources
# * building a copy of Node with this repository
# * loading a prebuilt copy of Node in this repository
# * fetching git submodules as they are needed
# This top-level Makefile is both a sample Makefile for new repositories and
# a demo for how to use each of the Makefile components here. If you find this
# comment in a Makefile outside of eng.git, that's a bug and should be fixed.
# Repos are expected to completely rewrite this file (possibly using it as a
# template).
# Writing new Makefile components is not hard, but requires thinking through how
# they may need to be customized. Here are some guidelines:
# * "Callers" (top-level Makefiles) should be able to use Makefile
# components by setting specific Make variables ("input variables" for the
# component) and then including the Makefile. The component works by
# defining output variables and (optionally) targets. See existing
# components for examples. Document clearly the input and output
# variables for each new Makefile component.
# * Most components actually consist of two files: a "defs" file that
# consumes input variables and produces output variables, and a separate
# "targ" file that defines targets. Consumers include the "defs" Makefile
# towards the top of their Makefile, before they've defined their own
# repo-specific targets. If components define targets at this point,
# they'd become default targets, and can also lead to dependency problems.
# Consumers include the "targ" Makefile after all definitions have been
# made.
# * Usually, a component should not define phony top-level targets (like
# "check" or "manpages"). Instead, just define variables (like
# MY_COMPONENTS_CHECK_TARGETS or MAN_OUTPUTS) that the caller can use to
# trivially define such a target themselves.
# * If you want to be able to use this Makefile more than once (e.g., with
# different parameters), that's possible, but tricky. See
# Makefile.manpages.{defs,targ} for an example.
# IMPORTANT: This sample Makefile should consist solely of repo-specific
# configuration, plus "include" directives for the common Makefile components,
# plus trivial, repo-specific targets. Repo-specific targets and recipes are
# okay, but generic targets and recipes do NOT belong here. If you find
# yourself wanting to add support for new targets here, you should add them to a
# new or existing pluggable Makefile component, document it clearly, and include
# that Makefile here.
# If a project produces a SmartOS image for use in Triton or Manta, the name of
# the image should be specified here. Additional metadata for the image can be
# set using BUILDIMAGE_* macros.
NAME = myproject
# Tools
TAPE := ./node_modules/.bin/tape
# If we need to use buildimage, make sure we declare that before including
# Makefile.defs since that conditionally sets macros based on
# Makefile.defs defines variables used as part of the build process.
# Ensure we have the eng submodule before attempting to include it.
ENGBLD_REQUIRE := $(shell git submodule update --init deps/eng)
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.defs
TOP ?= $(error Unable to access eng.git submodule Makefiles.)
# Configuration used by Makefile.defs and Makefile.targ to generate
# "check" and "docs" targets.
BASH_FILES = tools/check-copyright
DOC_FILES = index.md boilerplateapi.md
JSON_FILES = package.json
JS_FILES := $(shell find lib test -name '*.js') tools/bashstyle
JSL_CONF_NODE = tools/jsl.node.conf
JSSTYLE_FLAGS = -f tools/jsstyle.conf
# Configuration used by Makefile.smf.defs to generate "check" and "all" targets
# for SMF manifest files.
SMF_MANIFESTS_IN = smf/manifests/bapi.xml.in
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.smf.defs
# Historically, Node packages that make use of binary add-ons must ship their
# own Node built with the same compiler, compiler options, and Node version that
# the add-on was built with. On SmartOS systems, we use prebuilt Node images
# via Makefile.node_prebuilt.defs. On other systems, we build our own Node
# binary as part of the build process. Other options are possible -- it depends
# on the need of your repository.
ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS)
# Use the sdcnode build for minimal-64-lts@18.4.0
NODE_PREBUILT_IMAGE = c2c31b00-1d60-11e9-9a77-ff9f06554b0f
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.node_prebuilt.defs
NPM_EXEC=$(shell which npm)
NODE_EXEC=$(shell which node)
# If a project needs to include Triton/Manta agents as part of its image,
# include Makefile.agent_prebuilt.defs and define an AGENTS macro to specify
# which agents are required.
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.agent_prebuilt.defs
# CTF support.
include ./tools/mk/Makefile.ctf.defs
# If a project includes some components written in the Go language, the Go
# toolchain will need to be available on the build machine. At present, the
# Makefile library only handles obtaining a toolchain for SmartOS systems.
ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS)
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.go_prebuilt.defs
# Makefile.node_modules.defs provides a common target for installing modules
# with NPM from a dependency specification in a "package.json" file. By
# including this Makefile, we can depend on $(STAMP_NODE_MODULES) to drive "npm
# install" correctly.
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.node_modules.defs
# Configuration used by Makefile.manpages.defs to generate manual pages.
# See that Makefile for details. MAN_SECTION must be eagerly defined (with
# ":="), but the Makefile can be used multiple times to build manual pages for
# different sections.
MAN_INROOT = docs/man
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.manpages.defs
MAN_SECTION := 3bapi
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.manpages.defs
# If a project produces a SmartOS image for use in Manta/Triton, the build
# should produce a tarball containing the components built from this workspace,
# including any node_modules imported along with the build of node itself
# (either built locally or prebuilt)
# To support the 'buildimage' target in Makefile.targ, metadata required for the
# image should be set here.
# This image is triton-origin-x86_64-18.4.0
BASE_IMAGE_UUID = a9368831-958e-432d-a031-f8ce6768d190
BUILDIMAGE_NAME = manta-myproject
BUILDIMAGE_DESC = My Project Has A Description
AGENTS = amon config registrar
BUILDIMAGE_PKGSRC = foobar-42 ook-1.0.1b cheese-0.4cheddar
# The default image contents are set to $(TOP)/$(RELEASE_TARBALL)
# in Makefile.targ. To override those, set $(BUILDIMAGE_PKG) to the
# full path of the required tarball.
# BUILDIMAGE_PKG=$(TOP)/bar/mytarball.tar.gz
# Set for buildimage to have pkgin update and full-upgrade before installing
# Repo-specific targets
.PHONY: all
# If a project produces a SmartOS image for use in Manta/Triton, a release
# target should construct the RELEASE_TARBALL file
.PHONY: release
echo "Do work here"
# This example Makefile defines a special target for building manual pages. You
# may want to make these dependencies part of "all" instead.
.PHONY: manpages
manpages: $(MAN_OUTPUTS)
.PHONY: test
$(NODE) $(TAPE) test/*.test.js
# This test demonstrates a basic use of the project-local Go toolchain.
.PHONY: test_go
@$(GO) version
$(GO) run src/tellmewhereto.go
# Example ctfconvert usage
HELLOCTF_OBJS = helloctf.o
HELLOCTF_CFLAGS = -gdwarf-2 -m64 -std=c99 -D__EXTENSIONS__ \
-Wall -Wextra -Werror \
-Wno-unused-parameter \
$(HELLOCTF_OBJDIR)/%.o: src/%.c
@mkdir -p $(@D)
gcc -o $@ -c $(HELLOCTF_CFLAGS) $<
# Target definitions. This is where we include the target Makefiles for
# the "defs" Makefiles we included above.
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.deps
ifeq ($(shell uname -s),SunOS)
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.node_prebuilt.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.go_prebuilt.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.agent_prebuilt.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.manpages.targ
MAN_SECTION := 3bapi
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.manpages.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.smf.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.node_modules.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.ctf.targ
include ./deps/eng/tools/mk/Makefile.targ
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