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build.py 13.63 KB
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Xu Chun Guang 提交于 2021-05-20 21:07 . chore: Redirect gitee url
#!/usr/bin/env python
# 'build.py' is a top-level config/build command line tool for ESP-AT
# Copyright 2020 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# WARNING: we don't check for Python build-time dependencies until
# check_environment() function below. If possible, avoid importing
# any external libraries here - put in external script, or import in
# their specific function instead.
import xlrd
import csv
import os
import sys
import subprocess
import json
def gitee_repo_preprocess():
print('Redirect IDF url to https://gitee.com/EspressifSystems')
return 'https://gitee.com/EspressifSystems'
def gitee_repo_postprocess():
print('IDF is Cloned from https://gitee.com/EspressifSystems')
ret = subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git submodule init', shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git submodule init failed")
submodule_lists = \
subprocess.check_output(['git', 'config', '-f', os.path.join('esp-idf', '.gitmodules'), '--list']).decode(encoding="utf-8")
for line in submodule_lists.split():
if line.find('.url=') > 0:
submodule = line.split('=')
submodule_name = os.path.basename(submodule[1])
print('Redirect {} to {}'.format(submodule[0],
'/'.join(['https://gitee.com/esp-submodules', submodule_name])))
subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git config {} {}'.format(submodule[0],
'/'.join(['https://gitee.com/esp-submodules',submodule_name])), shell = True)
print('Update submodule...')
ret = subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git submodule update', shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git submodule update failed")
preprocess_url = {
'https://gitee.com/EspressifSystems/esp-at': {'proprocess': gitee_repo_preprocess,
'postprocess': gitee_repo_postprocess},
'https://gitee.com/EspressifSystems/esp-at.git': {'proprocess': gitee_repo_preprocess,
'postprocess': gitee_repo_postprocess},
'git@gitee.com:EspressifSystems/esp-at.git': {'proprocess': gitee_repo_preprocess,
'postprocess': gitee_repo_postprocess},
def auto_update_idf(platform_name, module_name):
config_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'module_config', 'module_{}'.format(module_name.lower()))
if not os.path.exists(config_dir):
config_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'module_config', 'module_{}_default'.format(platform_name.lower()))
idf_branch = ''
idf_commit = ''
idf_url = ''
with open(os.path.join(config_dir, 'IDF_VERSION')) as f:
for line in f.readlines():
line = line.strip()
index = line.find('branch:')
if index >= 0:
if len(idf_branch) > 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf branch is defined')
idf_branch = line[index + len('branch:'):]
index = line.find('commit:')
if index >= 0:
if len(idf_commit) > 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf commit is defined')
idf_commit = line[index + len('commit:'):]
index = line.find('repository:')
if index >= 0:
if len(idf_url) > 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf repository is defined')
idf_url = line[index + len('repository:'):]
if len(idf_branch) <= 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf branch is not defined')
if len(idf_commit) <= 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf commit is not defined')
if len(idf_url) <= 0:
sys.exit('ERROR: idf url is not defined')
project_remote_url = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'remote', '-v']).decode(encoding="utf-8")
project_url = project_remote_url.split()[1]
if not os.path.exists('esp-idf'):
# check repo
if project_url in preprocess_url:
new_url = preprocess_url[project_url]['proprocess']()
idf_url = '/'.join([new_url, os.path.basename(idf_url)])
print('Please wait for the SDK download to finish...')
ret = subprocess.call('git clone -b {} {} esp-idf'.format(idf_branch, idf_url), shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git clone failed")
if project_url in preprocess_url:
new_url = preprocess_url[project_url]['postprocess']()
rev_parse_head = subprocess.check_output('cd esp-idf && git rev-parse HEAD', shell = True).decode(encoding="utf-8").strip()
if rev_parse_head != idf_commit:
print('old commit:{}'.format(rev_parse_head))
print('checkout commit:{}'.format(idf_commit))
print('Please wait for the update to complete, which will take some time')
ret = subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git pull', shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git pull failed")
ret = subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git checkout {}'.format(idf_commit), shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git checkout failed")
ret = subprocess.call('cd esp-idf && git submodule update --init --recursive', shell = True)
if ret:
raise Exception("git submodule update failed")
print('Update completed')
def build_project(platform_name, module_name, silence, build_args):
if platform_name == 'ESP32':
idf_target = 'esp32'
elif platform_name == 'ESP32S2':
idf_target = 'esp32s2'
elif platform_name == 'ESP32C3':
idf_target = 'esp32c3'
elif platform_name == 'ESP8266':
idf_target = 'esp8266'
sys.exit('Platform "{}" is not supported'.format(platform_name))
# os.environ['srctree'] = os.getcwd()
tool = os.path.join('esp-idf', 'tools', 'idf.py')
if sys.platform == 'win32':
sys_cmd = 'set'
sys_cmd = 'export'
{0} ESP_AT_MODULE_NAME={2}&& \
{0} SILENCE={4}&& \
{5} {6} -DIDF_TARGET={7} {8}'.format(sys_cmd, platform_name, module_name, os.getcwd(), silence, sys.executable, tool, idf_target, build_args)
ret = subprocess.call(cmd, shell = True)
print('idf.py build ret: {}'.format(ret))
if ret:
raise Exception("idf.py build failed")
# subprocess.call('cat build/flash_project_args | sed ":label;N;s/\n/ /;b label" > build/download.config', shell = True)
with open(os.path.join('build', 'flash_project_args'), 'r') as rd_f:
with open(os.path.join('build', 'download.config'), 'w') as wr_f:
data = rd_f.read().splitlines()
wr_f.write(' '.join(data))
def get_param_data_info(source_file, sheet_name):
filename, filetype = os.path.splitext(source_file)
if filetype == '.xlsx':
data = xlrd.open_workbook(source_file)
sheet = data.sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
headers = sheet.row_values(0)
for row in range(1, sheet.nrows):
dict = {}
for col in range(1, sheet.ncols):
dict[headers[col]] = sheet.row_values(row)[col]
param_data_dicts[sheet.row_values(row)[0]] = dict
elif filetype == '.csv':
with open(source_file) as f:
csv_data = csv.reader(f)
param_data_list = list(csv_data)
print("The file type is not supported.")
return param_data_list
def get_platform_and_module_lists():
platform_lists = {}
data_lists = get_param_data_info(
os.path.join('components', 'customized_partitions', 'raw_data', 'factory_param', 'factory_param_data.csv'), 'Param_Data')
headers = data_lists[0]
nrows = len(data_lists)
ncols = len(data_lists[0])
platform_index = ncols
module_name_index = ncols
description_index = ncols
for i in range(ncols): # get platform index
if headers[i] == 'platform':
platform_index = i
for i in range(ncols): # get module name index
if headers[i] == 'module_name':
module_name_index = i
for i in range(ncols): # get description index
if headers[i] == 'description':
description_index = i
if platform_index == ncols:
sys.exit("ERROR: Not found platform in header.")
if module_name_index == ncols:
sys.exit("ERROR: Not found module name in header.")
if description_index == ncols:
sys.exit("ERROR: Not found description in header.")
for row in range(1, nrows): # skip header
data_list = data_lists[row]
modules = []
platform_name = data_list[platform_index].upper()
module_name = data_list[module_name_index].upper()
module_info = {'module_name': module_name, 'description': data_list[description_index]}
if platform_name in platform_lists:
platform_lists.fromkeys(platform_name, platform_lists[platform_name].append(module_info))
platform_lists[platform_name] = [module_info]
return platform_lists
def choose_project_config():
info = {}
info_lists = get_platform_and_module_lists()
platform_lists = list(info_lists.keys())
module_info_file = os.path.join('build', 'module_info.json')
if os.path.exists(module_info_file):
with open(module_info_file, 'r') as f:
info = json.load(f)
if not 'platform' in info or not 'module' in info or not 'silence' in info:
sys.exit('"{}" configuration error, please delete and reconfigure it'.format(module_info_file))
platform_name = info['platform']
module_name = info['module']
if not platform_name in info_lists:
sys.exit('"{}" configuration error, please delete and reconfigure it'.format(module_info_file))
# get module_info
found = False
print('module_name {}'.format(module_name))
for index, module in enumerate(info_lists[platform_name]):
if module_name == module['module_name']:
found = True
if not found:
sys.exit('"{}" configuration error, please delete and reconfigure it'.format(module_info_file))
if info['silence'] != 0 and info['silence'] != 1:
sys.exit('"{}" configuration error, please delete and reconfigure it'.format(module_info_file))
# return info['platform'].replace('PLATFORM_', ''), info['module'], info['silence']
return platform_name.replace('PLATFORM_', ''), module_name, info['silence']
print('Platform name:')
for i, platform in enumerate(platform_lists):
print('{}. {}'.format(i + 1, platform))
platform_index = raw_input('choose(range[1,{}]):'.format(i + 1))
except NameError:
platform_index = input('choose(range[1,{}]):'.format(i + 1))
if (not platform_index.isdigit()) or (int(platform_index) - 1 > i):
sys.exit('Invalid index')
print('\r\nModule name:')
platform_name = platform_lists[int(platform_index) - 1]
info['platform'] = platform_name
for i, module in enumerate(info_lists[platform_name]):
if len(module['description']) > 0:
print('{}. {} (description: {})'.format(i + 1, module['module_name'], module['description']))
print('{}. {}'.format(i + 1, module['module_name']))
module_index = raw_input('choose(range[1,{}]):'.format(i + 1))
except NameError:
module_index = input('choose(range[1,{}]):'.format(i + 1))
if (not module_index.isdigit()) or (int(module_index) - 1 > i):
sys.exit('Invalid index')
module_name = info_lists[platform_name][int(module_index) - 1]['module_name']
module = info_lists[platform_name][int(module_index) - 1]
info['module'] = module_name
info['description'] = module['description']
print('\r\nEnable silence mode to remove some logs and reduce the firmware size?')
print('0. No')
print('1. Yes')
silence_index = raw_input('choose(range[0,1]):')
except NameError:
silence_index = input('choose(range[0,1]):')
if not silence_index.isdigit():
sys.exit('Invalid index')
if int(silence_index) == 0:
info['silence'] = 0
elif int(silence_index) == 1:
info['silence'] = 1
sys.exit('Invalid index')
res = json.dumps(info)
if not os.path.exists('build'):
with open(module_info_file, 'w+') as f:
if os.path.exists('sdkconfig'):
return platform_name.replace('PLATFORM_', ''), module_name, info['silence']
def main():
platform_name, module_name, silence = choose_project_config()
argv = sys.argv[1:]
print('platform_name={},module_name={}'.format(platform_name, module_name))
build_args = ' '.join(argv)
auto_update_idf(platform_name, module_name)
build_project(platform_name, module_name, silence, build_args)
if __name__ == '__main__':
except Exception as e:
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