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code-review-section.el 81.35 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
;;; code-review-section.el --- UI -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2021 Wanderson Ferreira
;; Author: Wanderson Ferreira <https://github.com/wandersoncferreira>
;; Maintainer: Wanderson Ferreira <wand@hey.com>
;; Version: 0.0.7
;; Homepage: https://github.com/wandersoncferreira/code-review
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; Code to build the UI.
;;; Code:
(require 'emojify)
(require 'deferred)
(require 'magit-section)
(require 'magit-diff)
(require 'shr)
(require 'code-review-faces)
(require 'code-review-db)
(require 'code-review-utils)
(require 'code-review-interfaces)
(require 'code-review-github)
(require 'code-review-gitlab)
(require 'code-review-bitbucket)
(defcustom code-review-section-indent-width 1
"Indent width for nested sections."
:type 'integer
:group 'code-review)
(defcustom code-review-section-image-scaling 0.8
"Image scaling number used to resize images in buffer."
:type 'float
:group 'code-review)
(defcustom code-review-fill-column 80
"Column number to wrap comments."
:group 'code-review
:type 'integer)
(defcustom code-review-buffer-name "*Code Review*"
"Name of the code review main buffer."
:group 'code-review
:type 'string)
(defcustom code-review-commit-buffer-name "*Code Review Commit*"
"Name of the code review commit buffer."
:group 'code-review
:type 'string)
(defcustom code-review-new-buffer-window-strategy
"Function used after create a new Code Review buffer."
:group 'code-review
:type 'function)
(defun code-review--propertize-keyword (str)
"Add property face to STR."
(propertize str 'face
((member str '("RESOLVED" "OUTDATED"))
((member str '("PENDING"))
;; fix unbound symbols
(defvar magit-root-section)
(defvar code-review-comment-commit-buffer?)
(defvar code-review-comment-cursor-pos)
(defvar code-review-reaction-types
`(("THUMBS_UP" . ":+1:")
("THUMBS_DOWN" . ":-1:")
("LAUGH" . ":laughing:")
("CONFUSED" . ":confused:")
("HEART" . ":heart:")
("HOORAY" . ":tada:")
("ROCKET" . ":rocket:")
("EYES" . ":eyes:"))
"All available reactions.")
(declare-function code-review-promote-comment-to-new-issue "code-review")
(declare-function code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-remote "code-review-utils")
(declare-function code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-point "code-review-utils")
(defvar code-review-section-full-refresh? nil
"Indicate if we want to perform a complete restart.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section-grouped-comments nil
"Hold grouped comments to avoid computation on every hunk line.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section-hold-written-comment-ids nil
"List to hold written comments ids.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count nil
"List of number of lines of comments written in the buffer.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section--display-all-comments t
"Variable to define if we should display all comments or not.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section--display-top-level-comments t
"Variable to define if we should display top level comments or not.
For internal usage only.")
(defvar code-review-section--display-diff-comments t
"Variable to define if we should display diff comments or not.
For internal usage only.")
;; utility functions
(defun code-review--html-written-loc (body &optional indent)
"Compute how many lines the HTML BODY will have in the buffer.
INDENT is an optional."
(let ((shr-indentation (* (or indent 0) (shr-string-pixel-width "-")))
(image-scaling-factor code-review-section-image-scaling)
(shr-width code-review-fill-column)
(insert body)
(setq dom (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))))
(-> (with-temp-buffer
(setq start (point))
(insert " ")
(narrow-to-region start (1+ start))
(goto-char start)
(shr-insert-document dom)
;; delete the inserted " "
(delete-char 1)
(buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max)))
(split-string "\n")
(- 1))))
(defun code-review--dom-string (dom)
"Return string of DOM."
(mapconcat (lambda (sub)
(if (stringp sub)
(code-review--dom-string sub)))
(dom-children dom) ""))
(defun code-review--shr-tag-div (dom)
"Rendering div tag as DOM in shr, with special handle for suggested-changes."
(if (not (string-match-p ".*suggested-changes.*" (or (dom-attr dom 'class) "")))
(shr-tag-div dom)
(let ((tbody (dom-by-tag dom 'tbody)))
(let ((shr-current-font 'code-review-info-state-face))
(shr-insert "* Suggested change:")
(insert "\n"))
(dolist (tr (dom-non-text-children tbody))
(dolist (td (dom-non-text-children tr))
(let ((classes (split-string (or (dom-attr td 'class) ""))))
((member "blob-num" classes) t)
((member "blob-code-deletion" classes)
(let ((shr-current-font 'diff-indicator-removed))
(shr-insert "-"))
(insert (propertize (concat (code-review--dom-string td)
'face 'diff-removed)))
((member "blob-code-addition" classes)
(let ((shr-current-font 'diff-indicator-added))
(shr-insert "+"))
(insert (propertize (concat (code-review--dom-string td)
'face 'diff-added)))
(shr-generic td)))))))))
(defun code-review--insert-html (body &optional indent)
"Insert html content BODY.
INDENT is an optional number, if provided,
INDENT count of spaces are added at the start of every line."
(let ((shr-indentation (* (or indent 0) (shr-string-pixel-width "-")))
(image-scaling-factor code-review-section-image-scaling)
(shr-external-rendering-functions '((div . code-review--shr-tag-div)))
(shr-width code-review-fill-column)
(start (point))
(insert body)
(setq dom (libxml-parse-html-region (point-min) (point-max))))
;; narrow the buffer and insert dom. otherwise there would be an extra new line at start
(insert " ")
(narrow-to-region start (1+ start))
(goto-char start)
(shr-insert-document dom)
;; delete the inserted " "
(delete-char 1)
(setq end (point)))
(when (> shr-indentation 0)
;; shr-indentation does not work for images and code block
;; let's fix it: prepend space for any lines that does not starts with a space
;; (but we still need to use shr-indentation because otherwise the line will be too long)
(goto-char start)
(while (< (point) end)
(unless (or (looking-at-p "\n")
(eq 'space (car-safe (get-text-property (point) 'display))))
(insert (propertize " " 'display `(space :width (,shr-indentation)))))
;; headers
(defclass code-review-author-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-author-section-map)
(login :initarg :login)
(url :initarg :url)))
(defvar code-review-author-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-utils--visit-author-at-point)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-utils--visit-author-at-point)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-utils--visit-author-at-point)
"Keymaps for header author section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-author ()
"Insert the author of the PR in the buffer."
(let-alist (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos)
(when .author.login
(let ((obj (code-review-author-section
:login .author.login
:url .author.url)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-author-section obj)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Author: "))
(insert (propertize (format "@%s" .author.login)
'face 'code-review-author-header-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit author's page"
'keymap 'code-review-author-section-map))
(insert ?\n))))))
(defclass code-review-title-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-title-section-map)
(title :initform nil
:type (or null string))))
(defvar code-review-title-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-set-title)
"Keymaps for code-comment sections.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-header-title ()
"Insert the title header line."
(let ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq)))
(setq header-line-format
(format "#%s: %s" (oref pr number) (oref pr title))
(defun code-review-section-insert-title ()
"Insert the title of the header buffer."
(when-let (title (code-review-db--pullreq-title))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-title-section title)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Title: ") title)
(insert ?\n))))
(defclass code-review-state-section (magit-section)
((state :initform nil
:type (or null string))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-state ()
"Insert the state of the header buffer."
(when-let (state (code-review-db--pullreq-state))
(let ((value (if state state "none")))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-state-section value)
(insert (format "%-17s" "State: ") value)
(insert ?\n)))))
(defclass code-review-ref-section (magit-section)
((base :initarg :base
:type (or null string))
(head :initarg :head
:type (or null string))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-ref ()
"Insert the state of the header buffer."
(let* ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(obj (code-review-ref-section
:base (oref pr base-ref-name)
:head (oref pr head-ref-name))))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-ref-section obj)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Refs: "))
(insert (oref pr base-ref-name))
(insert (propertize " ... " 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(insert (oref pr head-ref-name))
(insert ?\n))))
(defclass code-review-milestone-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-milestone-section-map)
(title :initarg :title)
(perc :initarg :perc)
(number :initarg :number
:type number)))
(defvar code-review-milestone-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-set-milestone)
"Keymaps for milestone section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-milestone ()
"Insert the milestone of the header buffer."
(let ((milestones (code-review-db--pullreq-milestones)))
(let-alist milestones
(let* ((title (when (not (string-empty-p .title)) .title))
(obj (code-review-milestone-section :title title :perc .perc)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-milestone-section obj)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Milestone: "))
(insert (propertize (code-review-pretty-milestone obj) 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(insert ?\n))))))
(defclass code-review-labels-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-labels-section-map)
(labels :initarg :labels)))
(defvar code-review-labels-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-set-label)
"Keymaps for code-comment sections.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-labels ()
"Insert the labels of the header buffer."
(let* ((infos (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos))
(labels (code-review--distinct-labels
(append (code-review-db--pullreq-labels)
(a-get-in infos (list 'labels 'nodes)))))
(obj (code-review-labels-section :labels labels)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-labels-section obj)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Labels: "))
(if labels
(dolist (label labels)
(insert (a-get label 'name))
(let* ((raw-color (a-get label 'color))
(color (if (string-prefix-p "#" raw-color)
(concat "#" raw-color)))
(background (code-review-utils--sanitize-color color))
(foreground (code-review-utils--contrast-color color))
(o (make-overlay (- (point) (length (a-get label 'name))) (point))))
(overlay-put o 'priority 2)
(overlay-put o 'evaporate t)
(overlay-put o 'font-lock-face
`((:background ,background)
(:foreground ,foreground)
(insert " "))
(insert (propertize "None yet" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)))
(insert ?\n))))
(defclass code-review-assignees-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-assignees-section-map)
(assignees :initarg :assignees)))
(defvar code-review-assignees-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-set-assignee)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-set-assignee)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-set-assignee)
"Keymaps for code-comment sections.")
(defclass code-review-assignee-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-assignee-section-map)
(name :initarg :name)
(url :initarg :url)))
(defun code-review-assignee-visit-at-remote (&rest _)
(with-slots (value) (magit-current-section)
(let ((url (oref value url)))
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "Can't visit the user in remote. Missing profile URL.")))))
(defvar code-review-assignee-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-assignee-visit-at-remote)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-assignee-visit-at-remote)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-assignee-visit-at-remote)
"Keymaps for assignee section")
(defun code-review-section-insert-assignee ()
"Insert the assignee of the header buffer."
(let* ((infos (code-review-db--pullreq-assignees))
(assignee-names (-map
(lambda (a)
(let ((name
(if (a-get a 'name)
(format "%s (@%s)"
(a-get a 'name)
(a-get a 'login))
(format "@%s" (a-get a 'login)))))
`((name . ,name)
(url . ,(a-get a 'url)))))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-assignees-section)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Assignees: "))
(if (not assignee-names)
(insert (propertize "No one — Assign yourself"
'font-lock-face 'code-review-dimmed
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Set new assignee"
'keymap 'code-review-assignees-section-map))
(insert (propertize "Set new assignee"
'font-lock-face 'code-review-dimmed
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Set new assignee"
'keymap 'code-review-assignees-section-map))
(insert ?\n)
(dolist (assignee assignee-names)
(let-alist assignee
(let ((assignee-obj (code-review-assignee-section
:name .name
:url .url)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-assignee-section assignee-obj)
(insert (propertize .name
'face 'code-review-author-header-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit author's page"
'keymap 'code-review-assignee-section-map))))))
(insert ?\n)))
(insert ?\n))))
(defclass code-review-project-section (magit-section)
((name :initarg :name)))
(defun code-review-section-insert-project ()
"Insert the project of the header buffer."
(let-alist (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos)
(let* ((project-names (-map
(lambda (p)
(a-get-in p (list 'project 'name)))
(projects (if project-names
(string-join project-names ", ")
(propertize "None yet" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-project-section projects)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Projects: ") projects)
(insert ?\n)))))
(defclass code-review-is-draft-section (magit-section)
((draft? :initform nil
:type (or null string))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-is-draft ()
"Insert the isDraft value of the header buffer."
(let-alist (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos)
(let* ((draft? (if .isDraft "true" "false")))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-is-draft-section draft?)
(insert (format "%-17s" "Draft: ") draft?)
(insert ?\n)))))
(defclass code-review-suggested-reviewers-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-suggested-reviewers-section-map)))
(defvar code-review-suggested-reviewers-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-request-review-at-point)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-request-review-at-point)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-request-review-at-point)
"Keymaps for suggested reviewers section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-suggested-reviewers ()
"Insert the suggested reviewers."
(let ((infos (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos)))
(let-alist infos
(let* ((reviewers-group (code-review-utils--fmt-reviewers infos))
(reviewers (->> .suggestedReviewers
(lambda (r)
(a-get-in r (list 'reviewer 'login))))
(lambda (r)
(let* ((res nil))
(lambda (_status users)
(setq res (append res
(lambda (it)
(a-get it 'login))
(and (not (equal r nil))
(not (-contains-p res r))))))))
(suggested-reviewers (if (not reviewers)
(propertize "No suggestions" 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-suggested-reviewers-section suggested-reviewers)
(insert "Suggested-Reviewers:")
(if (not reviewers)
(insert " " suggested-reviewers)
(dolist (sr suggested-reviewers)
(insert ?\n)
(insert (propertize "Request Review"
'face 'code-review-request-review-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Request review from reviewe"
'keymap 'code-review-suggested-reviewers-section-map))
(insert " - ")
(insert (propertize (concat "@" sr) 'face 'code-review-author-face))))
(insert ?\n))))))
(defclass code-review-reviewers-section (magit-section)
(defclass code-review-reviewer-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-reviewer-section-map)
(login :initarg :login)
(url :initarg :url)))
(defvar code-review-reviewer-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-reviewer-visit-at-remote)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-reviewer-visit-at-remote)
"Keymaps for reviewer section.")
(defun code-review-reviewer-visit-at-remote (&rest _)
(with-slots (value) (magit-current-section)
(let ((url (oref value url)))
(if url
(browse-url url)
(message "Can't visit the user in remote. Missing profile URL.")))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-reviewers ()
"Insert the reviewers section."
(let* ((infos (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos))
(groups (code-review-utils--fmt-reviewers infos)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-reviewers-section)
(insert "Reviewers:\n")
(maphash (lambda (status users-objs)
(dolist (user-o users-objs)
(let-alist user-o
(let ((obj (code-review-reviewer-section
:login .login
:url .url)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-reviewer-section obj)
(insert (code-review--propertize-keyword status))
(insert " - ")
(insert (propertize (concat "@" .login)
'face 'code-review-author-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit user profile"
'keymap 'code-review-reviewer-section-map))
(when .code-owner?
(insert " as CODE OWNER"))
(when .at
(insert " " (propertize (code-review-utils--format-timestamp .at) 'face 'code-review-timestamp-face))))
(insert ?\n)))))
;; headers hook definition
(defun code-review-section-insert-headers ()
"Insert all the headers."
(magit-insert-headers 'code-review-headers-hook))
;; commits
(defclass code-review-commits-header-section (magit-section)
(defclass code-review-commit-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-commit-section-map)
(sha :initarg :sha)
(msg :initarg :msg)))
(defvar code-review-commit-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-commit-at-point)
"Keymaps for commit section.")
(defclass code-review-commit-check-detail-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-commit-check-detail-section-map)
(details :initarg :details)
(check :initarg :check)))
(defvar code-review-commit-check-detail-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-commit-goto-check-at-remote)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-commit-goto-check-at-remote)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-commit-goto-check-at-remote)
"Keymaps for commit check section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-commits ()
"Insert commits from PULL-REQUEST."
(let ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq)))
(let-alist (oref pr raw-infos)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-commits-header-section)
(insert (propertize "Commits:" 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading))
(dolist (c .commits.nodes)
(let-alist c
(let* ((sha (a-get-in c (list 'commit 'abbreviatedOid)))
(msg (a-get-in c (list 'commit 'message)))
(obj (code-review-commit-section :sha sha :msg msg)))
(magit-insert-section commit-section (code-review-commit-section obj)
(if (and (code-review-github-repo-p pr) .commit.statusCheckRollup.contexts.nodes)
(insert (format "%s%s %s "
(propertize (format "%-6s " (oref obj sha)) 'font-lock-face 'magit-hash)
(car (split-string (oref obj msg) "\n"))
(if (string-equal .commit.statusCheckRollup.state "SUCCESS")
(propertize "Expand for Details:" 'font-lock-face 'code-review-checker-detail-face))
(oset commit-section hidden t)
(when (> (length (split-string (oref obj msg) "\n")) 1)
(insert (oref obj msg))
(insert "\n"))
(dolist (check .commit.statusCheckRollup.contexts.nodes)
(let-alist check
(let ((obj (code-review-commit-check-detail-section :check check :details .detailsUrl)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-commit-check-detail-section obj)
(if (string-equal .conclusion "SUCCESS")
(insert (propertize (format "%-7s %s / %s" "" .checkSuite.workflowRun.workflow.name .name)
'font-lock-face 'code-review-checker-name-face))
(insert " - ")
(insert (propertize (format "%s " (format "Successful in %s."
(code-review-utils--elapsed-time .completedAt .startedAt)))
'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(insert (propertize ":white_check_mark: Details"
'font-lock-face 'code-review-checker-detail-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit the page for details"
'keymap 'code-review-commit-check-detail-section-map)))
(insert (propertize (format "%-7s %s / %s" "" .checkSuite.workflowRun.workflow.name .title)
'font-lock-face 'code-review-checker-name-face))
(insert " - ")
(insert (propertize (format "%s " .summary)
'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(insert (propertize ":x: Details"
'font-lock-face 'code-review-checker-detail-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit the page for details"
'keymap 'code-review-commit-check-detail-section-map))))))
(insert "\n"))))
(insert (propertize (format "%-6s " (oref obj sha)) 'font-lock-face 'magit-hash))
(insert (oref obj msg))
(insert ?\n)))))))
(insert ?\n)))))
;; description
(defclass code-review-description-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-description-section-map)
(id :initarg :id)
(msg :initarg :msg)
(reactions :initarg :reactions)))
(defvar code-review-description-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'code-review-description-reaction-at-point)
"Keymaps for description section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-pr-description ()
"Insert PULL-REQUEST description."
(when-let (infos (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos))
(let-alist infos
(let* ((is-html? (when .bodyHTML t))
(is-empty? (and (string-empty-p .bodyHTML)
(string-empty-p .bodyText)))
(description-cleaned (if is-empty?
"No description provided."
(or .bodyHTML .bodyText)))
(reaction-objs (-map
(lambda (r)
:id (a-get r 'id)
:content (a-get r 'content)))
(obj (code-review-description-section :msg description-cleaned
:id .databaseId
:reactions reaction-objs)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-description-section obj)
(insert (propertize "Description" 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading))
(insert ?\n)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-description-section obj)
(if is-empty?
(insert (propertize description-cleaned 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(if is-html?
(code-review--insert-html description-cleaned (* 2 code-review-section-indent-width))
(insert description-cleaned)))
(insert ?\n)
(when .reactions.nodes
(insert ?\n)))))))
;; feedback
(defclass code-review-feedback-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-feedback-section-map)
(msg :initarg :msg)))
(defvar code-review-feedback-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-set-feedback)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'code-review-delete-feedback)
"Keymaps for feedback section.")
(defun code-review-section-insert-feedback-heading ()
"Insert feedback heading."
(let* ((feedback (code-review-db--pullreq-feedback))
(obj (code-review-feedback-section :msg feedback)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-feedback-section obj)
(insert (propertize "Your Review Feedback" 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-feedback-section obj)
(if feedback
(insert feedback)
(insert (propertize "Leave a comment here." 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))))
(insert ?\n)
(insert ?\n))))
;;; general comments - top level comments
(defclass code-review-comment-header-section (magit-section)
(defclass code-review-comment-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-comment-section-map)
(author :initarg :author
:type string)
(msg :initarg :msg
:type string)
(id :initarg :id)
(reactions :initarg :reactions)
(typename :initarg :typename)
(face :initform 'magit-log-author)))
(defvar code-review-comment-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'code-review-conversation-reaction-at-point)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-n") 'code-review-promote-comment-at-point-to-new-issue)
"Keymaps for comment section.")
(cl-defmethod code-review--insert-conversation-section ((github code-review-github-repo))
"Function to insert conversation section for GITHUB PRs."
(let-alist (oref github raw-infos)
(let ((list-of-comments (->> .reviews.nodes
(lambda (n)
(not (string-empty-p (a-get n 'bodyHTML)))))
(append .comments.nodes)
(< (time-to-seconds (date-to-time (a-get it 'createdAt)))
(time-to-seconds (date-to-time (a-get other 'createdAt))))))))
(when (not list-of-comments)
(insert (propertize "No conversation found." 'font-lock-face 'magit-dimmed))
(insert ?\n))
(dolist (c list-of-comments)
(let* ((reactions (a-get-in c (list 'reactions 'nodes)))
(reaction-objs (when reactions
(lambda (r)
:id (a-get r 'id)
:content (a-get r 'content)))
(obj (code-review-comment-section
:author (a-get-in c (list 'author 'login))
:msg (a-get c 'bodyHTML)
:id (a-get c 'databaseId)
:typename (a-get c 'typename)
:reactions reaction-objs)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-comment-section obj)
(insert (concat
(propertize (format "@%s" (oref obj author)) 'font-lock-face (oref obj face))
" - "
(propertize (code-review-utils--format-timestamp (a-get c 'createdAt)) 'face 'code-review-timestamp-face)))
(insert ?\n)
(code-review-insert-comment-lines obj)
(when reactions
(a-get c 'databaseId)))
(insert ?\n))))
(insert ?\n))))
(cl-defmethod code-review--insert-conversation-section ((gitlab code-review-gitlab-repo))
"Function to insert conversation section for GITLAB PRs."
(let-alist (oref gitlab raw-infos)
(let ((thread-groups (-group-by
(lambda (it)
(a-get-in it (list 'discussion 'id)))
(dolist (g (a-keys thread-groups))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-comment-thread-section)
(insert (propertize "New Thread" 'font-lock-face 'code-review-thread-face))
(let ((thread-comments (alist-get g thread-groups nil nil 'equal)))
(dolist (c thread-comments)
(let* ((obj (code-review-comment-section
:author (a-get-in c (list 'author 'login))
:msg (a-get c 'bodyHTML)
:id (a-get c 'databaseId))))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-comment-section obj)
(insert (concat
(propertize (format "@%s" (oref obj author)) 'font-lock-face (oref obj face))
" - "
(propertize (code-review-utils--format-timestamp (a-get c 'createdAt)) 'face 'code-review-timestamp-face)))
(code-review-insert-comment-lines obj)
(insert ?\n))))))))))
(cl-defmethod code-review--insert-conversation-section ((bitbucket code-review-bitbucket-repo))
(let-alist (oref bitbucket raw-infos)
(let ((list-of-comments (--sort
(< (time-to-seconds (date-to-time (a-get it 'createdAt)))
(time-to-seconds (date-to-time (a-get other 'createdAt))))
(dolist (c list-of-comments)
(let* ((obj (code-review-comment-section
:author (a-get-in c (list 'author 'login))
:msg (a-get c 'bodyHTML)
:id (a-get c 'databaseId)
:typename (a-get c 'typename))))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-comment-section obj)
(insert (concat
(propertize (format "@%s" (oref obj author)) 'font-lock-face (oref obj face))
" - "
(propertize (code-review-utils--format-timestamp (a-get c 'createdAt)) 'face 'code-review-timestamp-face)))
(insert ?\n)
(code-review-insert-comment-lines obj)
(insert ?\n)))))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-top-level-comments ()
"Insert general comments for the PULL-REQUEST in the buffer."
(when-let (pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-comment-header-section)
(insert (propertize "Conversation" 'font-lock-face 'magit-section-heading))
(when code-review-section--display-top-level-comments
(code-review--insert-conversation-section pr)))))
;; files report
(defclass code-review-files-report-section (magit-section)
;; -
(defclass code-review-base-comment-section (magit-section)
((state :initarg :state
:type string)
(author :initarg :author
:type string)
(msg :initarg :msg
:type string)
(position :initarg :position
:type number)
(reactions :initarg :reactions
:type (or null
(lambda (it)
(-all-p #'code-review-reaction-section-p it)))))
(path :initarg :path
:type string)
(diffHunk :initarg :diffHunk
:type (or null string))
(id :initarg :id
:documentation "ID that identifies the comment in the Forge.")
(internalId :initarg :internalId)
(amount-loc :initform nil)
(outdated? :initform nil
:type boolean)
(reply? :initform nil
:type boolean)
(local? :initform nil
:type boolean)
(createdAt :initarg :createdAt)
(updatedAt :initarg :updatedAt)))
(defclass code-review-reaction-section ()
((id :initarg :id)
(content :initarg :content)))
(defclass code-review-reactions-section (magit-section)
((context-name :initarg :context-name)
(comment-id :initarg :comment-id)
(reactions :initarg :reactions
:type (satisfies
(lambda (it)
(-all-p #'code-review-reaction-section-p it))))))
(defclass code-review-code-comment-section (code-review-base-comment-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-code-comment-section-map)
(diffHunk :initarg :diffHunk)
(id :initarg :id
:documentation "ID that identifies the comment in the Forge.")
(amount-loc :initform nil)
(outdated? :initform nil
:type boolean)
(reply? :initform nil
:type boolean)
(local? :initform nil
:type boolean)))
(defclass code-review-local-comment-section (code-review-base-comment-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-local-comment-section-map)
(local? :initform t)
(reply? :initform nil)
(edit? :initform nil)
(send? :initarg :send?)
(outdated? :initform nil)
(heading-face :initform 'code-review-recent-comment-heading)
(body-face :initform nil)
(diffHunk :initform nil)
(line-type :initarg :line-type)))
(defclass code-review-reply-comment-section (code-review-base-comment-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-reply-comment-section-map)
(reply? :initform t)
(local? :initform t)
(edit? :initform nil)
(outdated? :initform nil)
(heading-face :initform 'code-review-recent-comment-heading)
(body-face :initform nil)))
(defclass code-review-outdated-comment-section (code-review-base-comment-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-outdated-comment-section-map)
(local? :initform t)
(outdated? :initform t)))
(defclass code-review-check-section (magit-section)
((details :initarg :details)))
(defclass code-review-binary-file-section (magit-section)
((keymap :initform 'code-review-binary-file-section-map)))
(defvar code-review-code-comment-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-comment-add-or-edit)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'code-review-code-comment-reaction-at-point)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-n") 'code-review-promote-comment-at-point-to-new-issue)
"Keymaps for code-comment sections.")
(defvar code-review-local-comment-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-comment-add-or-edit)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'code-review-section-delete-comment)
"Keymaps for local-comment sections.")
(defvar code-review-reply-comment-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-comment-add-or-edit)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-k") 'code-review-section-delete-comment)
"Keymaps for reply-comment sections.")
(defvar code-review-outdated-comment-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-comment-add-or-edit)
"Keymaps for outdated-comment sections.")
(defvar code-review-binary-file-section-map
(let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
(define-key map (kbd "RET") 'code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-point)
(define-key map [mouse-2] 'code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-point)
(define-key map [follow-link] 'code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-point)
(define-key map [mouse-3] 'code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-remote)
(define-key map (kbd "C-c C-v") 'code-review-utils--visit-binary-file-at-remote)
"Keymaps for binary files sections.")
(defun code-review-description-reaction-at-point ()
"Toggle reaction in description sections."
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(comment-id (oref (oref section value) id)))
(code-review-toggle-reaction-at-point comment-id "pr-description")))
(defun code-review-description-add-reaction (node-id content)
"Add NODE-ID with CONTENT in pr description."
(let* ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(infos (oref pr raw-infos))
(reactions (cons (a-alist 'content (upcase content) 'id node-id)
(a-get-in infos (list 'reactions 'nodes)))))
(setf (alist-get 'reactions infos) (a-alist 'nodes reactions))
(oset pr raw-infos infos)
(code-review-db-update pr)))
(defun code-review-description-delete-reaction (node-id)
"Delete NODE-ID from pr description."
(let* ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(infos (oref pr raw-infos))
(reactions (a-get-in infos (list 'reactions 'nodes)))
(new-reactions (-filter
(lambda (it)
(not (string-equal node-id (a-get it 'id))))
(setf (alist-get 'reactions infos) (a-alist 'nodes new-reactions))
(oset pr raw-infos infos)
(code-review-db-update pr)))
(cl-defmethod code-review-pretty-milestone ((obj code-review-milestone-section))
"Get the pretty version of milestone for a given OBJ."
((and (oref obj title) (oref obj perc))
(format "%s (%0.2f%%)"
(oref obj title)
(oref obj perc)))
((oref obj title)
(oref obj title))
"No milestone")))
(defun code-review-commit-goto-check-at-remote (&rest _)
"Visit the details of the check at point in the remote."
(let ((section (magit-current-section)))
(if (code-review-commit-check-detail-section-p section)
(with-slots (value) section
(browse-url (oref value details)))
(message "Goto check at remote not defined in this section."))))
(defun code-review-conversation-reaction-at-point ()
"Toggle reaction in conversation sections."
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(comment-id (oref (oref section value) id)))
(setq code-review-comment-cursor-pos (point))
(code-review-toggle-reaction-at-point comment-id "comment")))
(defun code-review-conversation--add-or-delete-reaction (comment-id reaction-id content &optional delete?)
"Add or Delete REACTION-ID in COMMENT-ID given a CONTENT.
Optionally DELETE? flag must be set if you want to remove it."
(let* ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(infos (oref pr raw-infos))
(update-comment (lambda (c)
(let-alist c
(when (equal .databaseId comment-id)
(let ((reactions-nodes (if delete?
(-filter (lambda (it)
(not (string-equal (a-get it 'id) reaction-id)))
(append .reactions.nodes
(list (a-alist 'id reaction-id
'content (upcase content)))))))
(setf (alist-get 'reactions c) (a-alist 'nodes reactions-nodes)))))
(let-alist infos
(let ((new-comments
(-map (lambda (c) (funcall update-comment c)) .comments.nodes))
(-map (lambda (c) (funcall update-comment c)) .reviews.nodes)))
(setf (alist-get 'comments infos) (a-alist 'nodes new-comments))
(setf (alist-get 'reviews infos) (a-alist 'nodes new-comments-review))
(oset pr raw-infos infos)
(code-review-db-update pr)))))
(defun code-review-conversation-add-reaction (comment-id reaction-id content)
(code-review-conversation--add-or-delete-reaction comment-id reaction-id content))
(defun code-review-conversation-delete-reaction (comment-id reaction-id)
(code-review-conversation--add-or-delete-reaction comment-id reaction-id nil t))
(cl-defmethod code-review-insert-comment-lines ((obj code-review-comment-section))
"Insert the comment lines given in the OBJ."
(code-review--insert-html (oref obj msg) (* 3 code-review-section-indent-width)))
(defun code-review--toggle-reaction-at-point (pr context-name comment-id existing-reactions reaction)
"Given a PR, use the CONTEXT-NAME to toggle REACTION in COMMENT-ID considering EXISTING-REACTIONS."
(let* ((res (code-review-send-reaction pr context-name comment-id reaction))
(reaction-id (a-get res 'id))
(node-id (a-get res 'node_id))
(existing-reaction-ids (when existing-reactions
(-map (lambda (r) (oref r id)) existing-reactions))))
(if (-contains-p existing-reaction-ids node-id)
(code-review-delete-reaction pr context-name comment-id reaction-id)
(pcase context-name
("pr-description" (code-review-description-delete-reaction node-id))
("comment" (code-review-conversation-delete-reaction comment-id node-id))
("code-comment" (code-review-code-comment-delete-reaction comment-id node-id))))
(pcase context-name
(code-review-description-add-reaction node-id reaction))
(code-review-conversation-add-reaction comment-id node-id reaction))
(code-review-code-comment-add-reaction comment-id node-id reaction))))
(defun code-review-toggle-reaction-at-point (comment-id context-name)
"Add reaction at point given a COMMENT-ID and CONTEXT-NAME."
(let* ((allowed-reactions (-map
(lambda (it)
`(,(cdr it) . ,(car it)))
(choice (emojify-completing-read "Reaction: "
(lambda (string-display)
(let ((prefix (car (split-string string-display " -"))))
(-contains-p (a-keys allowed-reactions) prefix)))))
(pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(reaction (downcase (alist-get choice allowed-reactions nil nil 'equal))))
(with-slots (value) (magit-current-section)
(oref value reactions)
(defun code-review-reactions-reaction-at-point ()
"Endorse or remove your reaction at point."
(setq code-review-comment-cursor-pos (point))
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(obj (oref section value))
(map-rev (-map
(lambda (it)
`(,(cdr it) . ,(car it)))
(reaction-text (get-text-property (point) 'emojify-text))
(gh-value (downcase (alist-get reaction-text map-rev nil nil 'equal))))
(oref obj context-name)
(oref obj comment-id)
(oref obj reactions)
(defun code-review-code-comment-reaction-at-point ()
"Toggle reaction in code-comment section."
(let* ((section (magit-current-section))
(comment-id (oref (oref section value) id)))
(setq code-review-comment-cursor-pos (point))
(code-review-toggle-reaction-at-point comment-id "code-comment")))
(defun code-review-code-comment--add-or-delete-reaction (comment-id reaction-id content &optional delete?)
"Add or Delete REACTION-ID in COMMENT-ID given a CONTENT.
Optionally DELETE? flag must be set if you want to remove it."
(let* ((pr (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(infos (oref pr raw-infos)))
(let-alist infos
(let ((new-reviews
(lambda (r)
(let ((new-comments
(lambda (c)
(let-alist c
(when (equal .databaseId comment-id)
(let ((reactions-nodes
(if delete?
(-filter (lambda (it)
(not (string-equal (a-get it 'id) reaction-id)))
(append .reactions.nodes
(list (a-alist 'id reaction-id 'content (upcase content)))))))
(setf (alist-get 'reactions c) (a-alist 'nodes reactions-nodes)))))
(a-get-in r (list 'comments 'nodes)))))
(setf (alist-get 'comments r) (a-alist 'nodes new-comments))
(setf (alist-get 'reviews infos) (a-alist 'nodes new-reviews))
(oset pr raw-infos infos)
(oset pr raw-comments new-reviews)
(code-review-db-update pr)))))
(defun code-review-code-comment-add-reaction (comment-id reaction-id content)
(code-review-code-comment--add-or-delete-reaction comment-id reaction-id content))
(defun code-review-code-comment-delete-reaction (comment-id reaction-id)
(code-review-code-comment--add-or-delete-reaction comment-id reaction-id nil t))
(cl-defgeneric code-review-comment-insert-lines (obj)
"Insert comment lines in the code section based on section type denoted by OBJ.")
(cl-defmethod code-review-comment-insert-lines ((obj code-review-local-comment-section))
"Insert local comment lines present in the OBJ."
(magit-insert-section (code-review-local-comment-section obj)
(let ((heading "Comment by YOU: "))
(add-face-text-property 0 (length heading) (oref obj heading-face) t heading)
(magit-insert-heading heading))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-local-comment-section obj)
(dolist (l (code-review-utils--split-comment
(oref obj msg)
(insert l)
(insert ?\n)))))
(cl-defmethod code-review-comment-insert-lines ((obj code-review-reply-comment-section))
"Insert reply comment lines present in the OBJ."
(magit-insert-section (code-review-reply-comment-section obj)
(let ((heading "Reply by YOU: "))
(add-face-text-property 0 (length heading) (oref obj heading-face) t heading)
(magit-insert-heading heading))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-reply-comment-section obj)
(dolist (l (code-review-utils--split-comment
(oref obj msg)
(insert l)
(insert ?\n))
(insert ?\n))))
(defun code-review-comment-insert-reactions (reactions context-name comment-id)
"Insert REACTIONS in CONTEXT-NAME identified by COMMENT-ID."
(let* ((reactions-obj (code-review-reactions-section
:comment-id comment-id
:reactions reactions
:context-name context-name)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-reactions-section reactions-obj)
(let ((reactions-group (-group-by #'identity reactions)))
(dolist (r (a-keys reactions-group))
(let ((rit (alist-get r reactions-group nil nil 'equal)))
(insert (alist-get (oref (-first-item rit) content)
nil nil 'equal))
(insert (format " %S " (length rit)))))
(insert ?\n)
(insert ?\n)))))
(cl-defmethod code-review-comment-insert-lines (obj)
"Default insert comment lines in the OBJ."
(magit-insert-section (code-review-code-comment-section obj)
(let ((heading (concat
(propertize "Reviewed by " 'face 'magit-section-heading)
(propertize (concat "@" (oref obj author)) 'face 'code-review-author-face)
" - "
(code-review--propertize-keyword (oref obj state))
" - "
(propertize (code-review-utils--format-timestamp (oref obj createdAt)) 'face 'code-review-timestamp-face))))
(add-face-text-property 0 (length heading) 'code-review-recent-comment-heading t heading)
(magit-insert-heading heading)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-code-comment-section obj)
(oref obj msg)
(* 3 code-review-section-indent-width))
(when-let (reactions-obj (oref obj reactions))
(oref obj id)))))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-outdated-comment (comments amount-loc)
"Insert outdated COMMENTS in the buffer of PULLREQ-ID considering AMOUNT-LOC."
;;; hunk groups are necessary because we usually have multiple reviews about
;;; the same original position across different commits snapshots.
;;; as github UI we will add those hunks and its comments
(let* ((hunk-groups (-group-by (lambda (el) (oref el diffHunk)) comments))
(hunks (a-keys hunk-groups))
(amount-loc-internal amount-loc))
(dolist (hunk hunks)
(when (not hunk)
(format "Every outdated comment must have a hunk! Error found for %S"
(prin1-to-string hunk)))
(message "Hunk empty found. A empty string will be used instead. Report this bug please."))
(let* ((safe-hunk (or hunk ""))
(diff-hunk-lines (split-string safe-hunk "\n"))
(amount-new-loc (+ 1 (length diff-hunk-lines)))
(first-hunk-commit (-first-item (alist-get safe-hunk hunk-groups nil nil 'equal)))
(metadata1 `((comment . ,first-hunk-commit)
(amount-loc ., (+ amount-loc-internal amount-new-loc)))))
(setq amount-loc-internal (+ amount-loc-internal amount-new-loc))
(setq code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count
(oref first-hunk-commit path)
(magit-insert-section outdated-section (code-review-outdated-hunk-section metadata1)
(let ((heading (format "Reviewed - [OUTDATED]")))
(add-face-text-property 0 (length heading)
t heading)
(magit-insert-heading heading)
(magit-insert-section ()
(insert safe-hunk))
(insert ?\n)
(oset outdated-section hidden t)
(dolist (c (alist-get safe-hunk hunk-groups nil nil 'equal))
(let* ((written-loc (code-review--html-written-loc
(oref c msg)
(* 3 code-review-section-indent-width)))
(amount-new-loc-outdated-partial (+ 1 written-loc))
(amount-new-loc-outdated (if (oref c reactions)
(+ 2 amount-new-loc-outdated-partial)
(setq amount-loc-internal (+ amount-loc-internal amount-new-loc-outdated))
(setq code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count
(oref first-hunk-commit path)
(oset c amount-loc amount-loc-internal)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-outdated-comment-section c)
(magit-insert-heading (format "Reviewed by %s[%s]:"
(oref c author)
(oref c state)))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-outdated-comment-section c)
(oref c msg)
(* 3 code-review-section-indent-width))
(when-let (reactions-obj (oref c reactions))
(oref c id)))))
(insert ?\n))))))))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-outdated-comment-missing (path-name missing-paths grouped-comments)
"Write missing outdated comments in the end of the current path.
We need PATH-NAME, MISSING-PATHS, and GROUPED-COMMENTS to make this work."
(dolist (path-pos missing-paths)
(let ((comment-written-pos
(or (alist-get path-name code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count nil nil 'equal)
(push path-pos code-review-section-hold-written-comment-ids))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-comment (comments amount-loc)
"Insert COMMENTS to PULLREQ-ID keep the AMOUNT-LOC of comments written.
A quite good assumption: every comment in an outdated hunk will be outdated."
(if (and (oref (-first-item comments) outdated?)
(let ((new-amount-loc amount-loc))
(dolist (c comments)
(when (or (and (code-review-local-comment-section-p c)
(and (code-review-reply-comment-section-p c)
(and (code-review-code-comment-section-p c)
(let* ((written-loc (code-review--html-written-loc
(oref c msg)
(* 3 code-review-section-indent-width)))
(amount-loc-incr-partial (+ 1 written-loc))
(amount-loc-incr (if (oref c reactions)
(+ 2 amount-loc-incr-partial)
(setq new-amount-loc (+ new-amount-loc amount-loc-incr))
(oset c amount-loc new-amount-loc)
(setq code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count
(oref c path)
(code-review-comment-insert-lines c)))))))
(defun code-review-section-insert-files-changed ()
(let ((files (a-get (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos) 'files)))
(let-alist files
(insert (propertize
(concat "Files changed"
(when files
(format " (%s files; %s additions, %s deletions)"
(length .nodes)
(apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (alist-get 'additions x)) .nodes))
(apply #'+ (mapcar (lambda (x) (alist-get 'deletions x)) .nodes)))))
(defun code-review-section--magit-diff-insert-file-section
(file orig status modes rename header binary long-status)
"Overwrite the original Magit function on `magit-diff.el' FILE.
ORIG, STATUS, MODES, RENAME, HEADER, BINARY and LONG-STATUS are arguments of the original fn."
;;; --- beg -- code-review specific code.
;;; I need to set a reference point for the first hunk header
;;; so the positioning of comments is done correctly.
(let* ((raw-path-name (substring-no-properties file))
(clean-path (if (string-prefix-p "b/" raw-path-name)
(replace-regexp-in-string "^b\\/" "" raw-path-name)
(code-review-db--curr-path-update clean-path))
;;; --- end -- code-review specific code.
(insert ?\n)
(magit-insert-section section
(file file (or (equal status "deleted")
(derived-mode-p 'magit-status-mode)))
(insert (propertize (format "%-10s %s" status
(if (or (not orig) (equal orig file))
(format "%s -> %s" orig file)))
'font-lock-face 'magit-diff-file-heading))
(when long-status
(insert (format " (%s)" long-status)))
(unless (equal orig file)
(oset section source orig))
(oset section header header)
(when modes
(magit-insert-section (hunk '(chmod))
(insert modes)
(when rename
(magit-insert-section (hunk '(rename))
(insert rename)
(when (string-match-p "Binary files.*" header)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-binary-file-section file)
(insert (propertize "Visit file"
'face 'code-review-request-review-face
'mouse-face 'highlight
'help-echo "Visit the file in Dired buffer"
'keymap 'code-review-binary-file-section-map))
(magit-wash-sequence #'magit-diff-wash-hunk)))
(defun code-review-section--magit-diff-wash-hunk ()
"Overwrite the original Magit function on `magit-diff.el' file.
Code Review inserts PR comments sections in the diff buffer.
Argument GROUPED-COMMENTS comments grouped by path and diff position."
(when (looking-at "^@\\{2,\\} \\(.+?\\) @\\{2,\\}\\(?: \\(.*\\)\\)?")
;;; --- beg -- code-review specific code.
;;; I need to set a reference point for the first hunk header
;;; so the positioning of comments is done correctly.
(let* ((path (code-review-db--curr-path))
(path-name (oref path name))
(head-pos (oref path head-pos)))
(when (not head-pos)
(let ((adjusted-pos (+ (code-review--line-number-at-pos) 1)))
(code-review-db--curr-path-head-pos-update path-name adjusted-pos)
(setq head-pos adjusted-pos)
(setq path-name path-name)))
(when (not head-pos)
(format "Every diff is associated with a PATH (the file). Head pos nil for %S"
(prin1-to-string path)))
(message "ERROR: Head position for path %s was not found.
Please Report this Bug" path-name))
;;; --- end -- code-review specific code.
(let* ((heading (match-string 0))
(ranges (mapcar (lambda (str)
(mapcar #'string-to-number
(split-string (substring str 1) ",")))
(split-string (match-string 1))))
(about (match-string 2))
(combined (= (length ranges) 3))
(value (cons about ranges)))
(magit-insert-section section (hunk `((value . ,value)
(path . ,path-name)
(head-pos . ,head-pos)))
(insert (propertize (concat heading "\n")
'font-lock-face 'magit-diff-hunk-heading))
(while (not (or (eobp) (looking-at "^[^-+\s\\]")))
;;; --- beg -- code-review specific code.
;;; code-review specific code.
;;; add code comments
(let* ((comment-written-pos
(or (alist-get path-name code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count nil nil 'equal) 0))
(diff-pos (+ 1 (- (code-review--line-number-at-pos)
(or head-pos 0)
(path-pos (code-review-utils--comment-key path-name diff-pos))
(written? (-contains-p code-review-section-hold-written-comment-ids path-pos))
(grouped-comment (code-review-utils--comment-get
(if (and (not written?)
(push path-pos code-review-section-hold-written-comment-ids)
;;; we can have outdated comments missing that were written in a
;;; version of the buffer that had more lines than now.
;;; call function to write the remaining comments.
;;; important to only consider comments for this path.
(when-let (missing-paths (code-review-utils--missing-outdated-commments?
(when (and (eobp)
;;; --- end -- code-review specific code.
(oset section end (point))
(oset section washer 'magit-diff-paint-hunk)
(oset section combined combined)
(if combined
(oset section from-ranges (butlast ranges))
(oset section from-range (car ranges)))
(oset section to-range (car (last ranges)))
(oset section about about))))
;;; * build buffer
(defclass code-review--root-section (magit-section)
((body :initform nil)))
(defun code-review--trigger-hooks (buff-name &optional commit-focus? msg)
"Trigger magit section hooks and draw BUFF-NAME.
Run code review commit buffer hook when COMMIT-FOCUS? is non-nil.
If you want to display a minibuffer MSG in the end."
;; advices
(advice-add 'magit-diff-insert-file-section :override #'code-review-section--magit-diff-insert-file-section)
(advice-add 'magit-diff-wash-hunk :override #'code-review-section--magit-diff-wash-hunk)
(setq code-review-section-grouped-comments
code-review-section-hold-written-comment-count nil
code-review-section-hold-written-comment-ids nil)
(with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buff-name)
(let* ((window (get-buffer-window buff-name))
(ws (window-start window))
(inhibit-read-only t))
(insert (code-review-db--pullreq-raw-diff))
(insert ?\n))
(magit-insert-section section (code-review--root-section)
(magit-insert-section (code-review)
(magit-run-section-hook 'code-review-sections-hook))
(magit-insert-section (code-review-files-report-section)
(magit-insert-section (code-review-files-chnged)
(apply-partially #'magit-diff-wash-diff ())))))
(if window
(pop-to-buffer buff-name)
(set-window-start window ws))
(funcall code-review-new-buffer-window-strategy buff-name)
(goto-char (point-min))))
(when code-review-comment-cursor-pos
(goto-char code-review-comment-cursor-pos))
(when msg
(message nil)
(message msg)))))
;; remove advices
(advice-remove 'magit-diff-insert-file-section #'code-review-section--magit-diff-insert-file-section)
(advice-remove 'magit-diff-wash-hunk #'code-review-section--magit-diff-wash-hunk)))
(cl-defmethod code-review--auth-token-set? ((_github code-review-github-repo) res)
"Check if the RES has a message for auth token not set for GITHUB."
(string-prefix-p "Required Github token" (-first-item (a-get res 'error))))
(cl-defmethod code-review--auth-token-set? ((_gitlab code-review-gitlab-repo) res)
"Check if the RES has a message for auth token not set for GITLAB."
(string-prefix-p "Required Gitlab token" (-first-item (a-get res 'error))))
(cl-defmethod code-review--auth-token-set? ((_bitbucket code-review-bitbucket-repo) res)
"Check if the RES has a message for auth token not set for BITBUCKET."
(string-prefix-p "Required Bitbucket token" (-first-item (a-get res 'error))))
(cl-defmethod code-review--auth-token-set? (obj res)
"Default catch all unknown values passed to this function as OBJ and RES."
(string-join (list
(prin1-to-string obj)
(prin1-to-string res))
" <->"))
(error "Unknown backend obj created. Look at `code-review-log-file' and report the bug upstream"))
(cl-defmethod code-review--internal-build ((_github code-review-github-repo) progress res &optional buff-name msg)
"Helper function to build process for GITHUB based on the fetched RES informing PROGRESS."
(let* ((errors-complete-query (a-get (-second-item res) 'errors))
(raw-infos-complete (a-get-in (-second-item res) (list 'data 'repository 'pullRequest)))
(raw-infos-fallback (a-get-in (-third-item res) (list 'data 'repository 'pullRequest)))
(if (not raw-infos-complete)
(when errors-complete-query
(code-review-utils--log "code-review--internal-build"
(format "Data returned by GraphQL API: \n %s" (prin1-to-string res)))
(message "GraphQL Github data contains errors. See `code-review-log-file' for details."))
;; verify must have value!
(let-alist raw-infos
(when (not .headRefOid)
(code-review-utils--log "code-review--internal-build"
"Commit SHA not returned by GraphQL Github API. See `code-review-log-file' for details")
(code-review-utils--log "code-review--internal-build"
(format "Data returned by GraphQL API: \n %s" (prin1-to-string res)))
(error "Missing required data")))
;; 1. save raw diff data
(progress-reporter-update progress 3)
(a-get (-first-item res) 'message)))
;; 1.1 save raw info data e.g. data from GraphQL API
(progress-reporter-update progress 4)
(code-review-db--pullreq-raw-infos-update raw-infos)
;; 1.2 trigger renders
(progress-reporter-update progress 5)
(code-review--trigger-hooks buff-name nil msg)
(progress-reporter-done progress)))
(cl-defmethod code-review--internal-build ((_gitlab code-review-gitlab-repo) progress res &optional buff-name msg)
"Helper function to build process for GITLAB based on the fetched RES informing PROGRESS."
(when-let (err (a-get (-second-item res) 'errors))
(format "Data returned by GraphQL API: \n%s" (prin1-to-string err))))
;; 1. save raw diff data
(progress-reporter-update progress 3)
(a-get (-first-item res) 'changes)))
;; 1.1. compute position line numbers to diff line numbers
(progress-reporter-update progress 4)
(a-get (-first-item res) 'changes))
;; 1.2. save raw info data e.g. data from GraphQL API
(progress-reporter-update progress 5)
(a-get-in (-second-item res) (list 'data 'repository 'pullRequest))))
;; 1.3. trigger renders
(progress-reporter-update progress 6)
(code-review--trigger-hooks buff-name nil msg)
(progress-reporter-done progress))
(cl-defmethod code-review--internal-build ((_bitbucket code-review-bitbucket-repo) progress res &optional buff-name msg)
"Helper function to build process for BITBUCKET based on the fetched RES informing PROGRESS."
(prin1 (format "RESULT:%s\n" (-second-item res)))
(let* ((raw-infos (let-alist (-second-item res)
`((title . ,.title)
(author . ((login . ,.author.nickname)
(url . ,(format "https://%s/%s"
(number . ,.id)
(state . ,.state)
(bodyHTML . ,.rendered.description.html)
(headRef (target (oid . ,.source.commit.hash)))
(baseRefName . ,.destination.branch.name)
(headRefName . ,.source.branch.name)
(comments (nodes . ,.comments.nodes))
(commits . ,.commits)
(reviews (nodes . ,.reviews.nodes))))))
;; 1. save raw diff data
(progress-reporter-update progress 3)
(a-get (-first-item res) 'message)))
;; 1.1. compute position line numbers to diff line numbers
(progress-reporter-update progress 4)
(a-get (-first-item res) 'message))
;; 1.2 save raw info data e.g. data from GraphQL API
(progress-reporter-update progress 4)
(code-review-bitbucket--fix-diff-comments raw-infos))
;; 1.3 trigger renders
(progress-reporter-update progress 5)
(code-review--trigger-hooks buff-name nil msg)
(progress-reporter-done progress)))
(defcustom code-review-log-raw-request-responses nil
"Log the Raw request responses from your VC provider."
:type 'string
:group 'code-review)
(defun code-review--build-buffer (&optional buf-name commit-focus? msg)
"Build BUF-NAME set COMMIT-FOCUS? mode to use commit list of hooks.
If you want to provide a MSG for the end of the process."
(let ((buff-name (if (not buf-name)
(if (not code-review-section-full-refresh?)
(code-review--trigger-hooks buff-name commit-focus? msg)
(let ((obj (code-review-db-get-pullreq))
(progress (make-progress-reporter "Fetch diff PR..." 1 6)))
(progress-reporter-update progress 1)
(lambda () (code-review-diff-deferred obj))
(lambda () (code-review-infos-deferred obj))
(lambda () (code-review-infos-deferred obj t)))
(deferred:nextc it
(lambda (x)
(when code-review-log-raw-request-responses
"code-review--build-buffer: [DIFF]"
(prin1-to-string (-first-item x)))
"code-review--build-buffer: [INFOS_main]"
(prin1-to-string (-second-item x)))
"code-review--build-buffer: [INFOS_fallback]"
(prin1-to-string (-third-item x))))
(progress-reporter-update progress 2)
(if (code-review--auth-token-set? obj x)
(progress-reporter-done progress)
(message "Required %s token. Look at the README for how to setup your Personal Access Token"
((code-review-github-repo-p obj)
((code-review-gitlab-repo-p obj)
(t "Unknown"))))
(code-review--internal-build obj progress x buff-name msg))))
(deferred:error it
(lambda (err)
(prin1-to-string err))
(if (and (sequencep err) (string-prefix-p "BUG: Unknown extended header:" (-second-item err)))
(message "Your PR might have diffs too large. Currently not supported.")
(message "Got an error from your VC provider. Check `code-review-log-file'.")))))))))
;;; * commit buffer
;;; TODO this whole feature should be reviewed.
(defun code-review-section--build-commit-buffer (buff-name)
"Build commit buffer review given by BUFF-NAME."
(code-review--build-buffer buff-name t))
(defun code-review-section-delete-comment ()
"Delete a local comment."
(with-current-buffer code-review-buffer-name
(setq code-review-comment-cursor-pos (point))
(with-slots (value) (magit-current-section)
(code-review-db-delete-raw-comment (oref value internalId))
(provide 'code-review-section)
;;; code-review-section.el ends here
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