
TA 关注的仓库 (27)

    Watch 没酒喝凉水/CNN_Smoothie

    The CNN_Smoothie pipeline presented here provides a novel framework that can be easily implemented for many different applications, including immunohistochemistry grading and detecting tumor subtypes and biomarkers. We revised the available Slim codes to fit the algorithms for running them on CPUs. For additional information and reference, please check the pre-print describing the method here: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Enable Discrimination of Heterogeneous Digital Pathology Images P

    最近更新: 6年多前

    Watch 没酒喝凉水/tensorflow-models

    TensorFlow-Slim image classification model library TF-slim is a new lightweight high-level API of TensorFlow (tensorflow.contrib.slim) for defining, training and evaluating complex models. This directory contains code for training and evaluating several widely used Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) image classification models using TF-slim. It contains scripts that will allow you to train models from scratch or fine-tune them from pre-trained network weights. It also contains code for download

    最近更新: 6年多前

    Watch 没酒喝凉水/tensorflow

    TensorFlow is an open source software library for numerical computation using data flow graphs. The graph nodes represent mathematical operations, while the graph edges represent the multidimensional data arrays (tensors) that flow between them. This flexible architecture enables you to deploy computation to one or more CPUs or GPUs in a desktop, server, or mobile device without rewriting code. TensorFlow also includes TensorBoard, a data visualization toolkit. TensorFlow was originally develop

    最近更新: 6年多前

    Watch 没酒喝凉水/TensorFlow-Tutorials

    TensorFlow Tutorials Original repository on GitHub Original author is Magnus Erik Hvass Pedersen Introduction These tutorials are intended for beginners in Deep Learning and TensorFlow. Each tutorial covers a single topic. The source-code is well-documented. There is a YouTube video for each tutorial.

    最近更新: 6年多前