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BUILDING 1009 Bytes
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nkorange authored 2020-01-09 19:13 . #1105 Add integration tests
Build Instructions for NACOS
(1) Prerequisites
JDK 1.8+ is required in order to compile and run Nacos.
nacos utilizes Maven as a distribution management and packaging tool. Version 3.0.3 or later is required.
Maven installation and configuration instructions can be found here:
(2) Run test cases
Execute the following command in order to compile and run test cases of each components:
$ mvn test
(3) Import projects to Eclipse IDE
First, generate eclipse project files:
$ mvn -U eclipse:eclipse
Then, import to eclipse by specifying the root directory of the project via:
[File] > [Import] > [Existing Projects into Workspace].
(4) Build distribution packages
Execute the following command in order to build the tar.gz packages and install JAR into local repository:
#build nacos
$ mvn -Prelease-nacos -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install -U
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