;;; dash-docs.el --- Offline documentation browser using Dash docsets. -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Raimon Grau
;; Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Toni Reina
;; Author: Raimon Grau <raimonster@gmail.com>
;; Toni Reina <areina0@gmail.com>
;; Bryan Gilbert <bryan@bryan.sh>
;; URL: http://github.com/areina/helm-dash
;; Version: 1.4.0
;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (cl-lib "0.5") (async "1.9.3"))
;; Keywords: docs
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;;; Commentary:
;; A library that exposes functionality to work with and search dash
;; docsets.
;; More info in the project site https://github.com/areina/helm-dash
;;; Code:
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'json)
(require 'xml)
(require 'format-spec)
(require 'async)
(require 'thingatpt)
(require 'gnutls)
(defgroup dash-docs nil
"Search Dash docsets."
:prefix "dash-docs-"
:group 'applications)
(defcustom dash-docs-docsets-path
(let ((original-dash-path (expand-file-name "~/Library/Application Support/Dash/DocSets")))
(if (and (string-equal system-type 'darwin)
(file-directory-p original-dash-path))
(expand-file-name "~/.docsets")))
"Default path for docsets.
If you're setting this option manually, set it to an absolute
path. You can use `expand-file-name' function for that."
:set (lambda (opt val) (set opt (expand-file-name val)))
:type 'string
:group 'dash-docs)
(defcustom dash-docs-docsets-url "https://raw.github.com/Kapeli/feeds/master"
"Feeds URL for dash docsets."
:type 'string
:group 'dash-docs)
(defcustom dash-docs-min-length 3
"Minimum length to start searching in docsets.
0 facilitates discoverability, but may be a bit heavy when lots
of docsets are active. Between 0 and 3 is sane."
:type 'integer
:group 'dash-docs)
(defcustom dash-docs-candidate-format "%d %n (%t)"
"Format of the displayed candidates.
Available formats are
%d - docset name
%n - name of the token
%t - type of the token
%f - file name"
:type 'string
:group 'dash-docs)
(defcustom dash-docs-enable-debugging t
"When non-nil capture stderr from sql commands and display it in a buffer.
Setting this to nil may speed up queries."
:type 'boolean
:group 'dash-docs)
(defvar dash-docs-common-docsets
'() "List of Docsets to search active by default.")
(defvar dash-docs-use-workaround-for-emacs-bug
(and (< emacs-major-version 27) 'force)
"Whether to use a kludge that hopefully works around an Emacs bug.
In Emacs versions before 27 there is a bug that causes network
connections to fail sometimes. If this variable is non-nil, then
dash-docs works around that by binding `gnutls-algorithm-priority' to
\"NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3\", unless we think it is unnecessary. If
`force' then always use the workaround. Currently the latter is
the default except when using Emacs 27.
For more information see https://github.com/magit/ghub/issues/81
and https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=34341.")
(defun dash-docs-docset-path (docset)
"Return the full path of the directory for DOCSET."
(let* ((base (dash-docs-docsets-path))
(docdir (expand-file-name docset base)))
(cl-loop for dir in (list (format "%s/%s.docset" base docset)
(format "%s/%s.docset" docdir docset)
(when (file-directory-p docdir)
(cl-first (directory-files docdir t "\\.docset\\'"))))
when (and dir (file-directory-p dir))
return dir)))
(defun dash-docs-docset-db-path (docset)
"Compose the path to sqlite DOCSET."
(let ((path (dash-docs-docset-path docset)))
(if path
(expand-file-name "Contents/Resources/docSet.dsidx" path)
(error "Cannot find docset '%s' in `dash-docs-docsets-path'" docset))))
(defvar dash-docs--connections nil
"List of conses like (\"Go\" . connection).")
(defcustom dash-docs-browser-func 'browse-url
"Default function to browse Dash's docsets.
Suggested values are:
* `browse-url'
* `eww'"
:type 'function
:group 'dash-docs)
(defun dash-docs-docsets-path ()
"Return the path where Dash's docsets are stored."
(expand-file-name dash-docs-docsets-path))
(defun dash-docs-sql (db-path sql)
"Run in the db located at DB-PATH the SQL command and parse the results.
If there are errors, print them in `dash-docs-debugging-buffer'"
(let ((error-file (when dash-docs-enable-debugging
(make-temp-file "dash-docs-errors-file"))))
(call-process "sqlite3" nil (list standard-output error-file) nil
;; args for sqlite3:
"-list" "-init" "''" db-path sql)
;; display errors, stolen from emacs' `shell-command` function
(when (and error-file (file-exists-p error-file))
(if (< 0 (nth 7 (file-attributes error-file)))
(with-current-buffer (dash-docs-debugging-buffer)
(let ((pos-from-end (- (point-max) (point))))
(or (bobp)
(insert "\f\n"))
;; Do no formatting while reading error file,
;; because that can run a shell command, and we
;; don't want that to cause an infinite recursion.
(format-insert-file error-file nil)
;; Put point after the inserted errors.
(goto-char (- (point-max) pos-from-end)))
(display-buffer (current-buffer))))
(delete-file error-file))))))
(defun dash-docs-parse-sql-results (sql-result-string)
"Parse SQL-RESULT-STRING splitting it by newline and '|' chars."
(mapcar (lambda (x) (split-string x "|" t))
(split-string sql-result-string "\n" t)))
(defun dash-docs-filter-connections ()
"Filter connections using `dash-docs--connections-filters'."
(let ((docsets (dash-docs-buffer-local-docsets))
(connections nil))
(setq docsets (append docsets dash-docs-common-docsets))
(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (y)
(assoc y dash-docs--connections))
(defun dash-docs-buffer-local-docsets ()
"Get the docsets configured for the current buffer."
(or (and (boundp 'dash-docs-docsets) dash-docs-docsets)
(defun dash-docs-create-common-connections ()
"Create connections to sqlite docsets for common docsets."
(when (not dash-docs--connections)
(setq dash-docs--connections
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(let ((db-path (dash-docs-docset-db-path x)))
(list x db-path (dash-docs-docset-type db-path))))
(defun dash-docs-create-buffer-connections ()
"Create connections to sqlite docsets for buffer-local docsets."
(mapc (lambda (x) (when (not (assoc x dash-docs--connections))
(let ((connection (dash-docs-docset-db-path x)))
(setq dash-docs--connections
(cons (list x connection (dash-docs-docset-type connection))
(defun dash-docs-reset-connections ()
"Wipe all connections to docsets."
(setq dash-docs--connections nil))
(defun dash-docs-docset-type (db-path)
"Return the type of the docset based in db schema.
Possible values are \"DASH\" and \"ZDASH\".
The Argument DB-PATH should be a string with the sqlite db path."
(let ((type_sql "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' LIMIT 1"))
(if (member "searchIndex" (car (dash-docs-sql db-path type_sql)))
(defmacro dash-docs-with-emacs-bug-workaround (&rest body)
"Optionally apply a workaround to an Emacs bug and execute BODY.
In Emacs versions before 27 there is a bug that causes network
connections to fail sometimes. If `dash-docs-use-workaround-for-emacs-bug'
variable is non-nil, then dash-docs works around that by binding
`gnutls-algorithm-priority' to \"NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3\", unless we
think it is unnecessary. If `force' then always use the workaround.
Currently the latter is the default except when using Emacs 27.
For more information see https://github.com/magit/ghub/issues/81
and https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=34341."
`(let ((gnutls-algorithm-priority
(if (and dash-docs-use-workaround-for-emacs-bug
(or (eq dash-docs-use-workaround-for-emacs-bug 'force)
(and (not gnutls-algorithm-priority)
(< emacs-major-version 27))))
(defun dash-docs-read-json-from-url (url)
"Read and return a JSON object from URL."
(url-retrieve-synchronously url))
(goto-char url-http-end-of-headers)
(defun dash-docs-unofficial-docsets ()
"Return a list of lists with docsets contributed by users.
The first element is the docset's name second the docset's archive url."
(let ((user-docs (dash-docs-read-json-from-url
(mapcar (lambda (docset)
(assoc-default 'name docset)
(assoc-default 'archive docset)))
(defvar dash-docs-ignored-docsets
'("Bootstrap" "Drupal" "Zend_Framework" "Ruby_Installed_Gems" "Man_Pages")
"Return a list of ignored docsets.
These docsets are not available to install.
See here the reason: https://github.com/areina/helm-dash/issues/17.")
(defun dash-docs-official-docsets ()
"Return a list of official docsets (http://kapeli.com/docset_links)."
(let ((docsets (dash-docs-read-json-from-url
(delq nil (mapcar (lambda (docset)
(let ((name (assoc-default 'name docset)))
(if (and (equal (file-name-extension name) "xml")
(member (file-name-sans-extension name) dash-docs-ignored-docsets)))
(file-name-sans-extension name))))
(defun dash-docs-installed-docsets ()
"Return a list of installed docsets."
(let ((docset-path (dash-docs-docsets-path)))
(cl-loop for dir in (directory-files docset-path nil "^[^.]")
for full-path = (expand-file-name dir docset-path)
for subdir = (and (file-directory-p full-path)
(cl-first (directory-files full-path t "\\.docset\\'")))
when (or (string-match-p "\\.docset\\'" dir)
(file-directory-p (expand-file-name (format "%s.docset" dir) full-path))
(and subdir (file-directory-p subdir)))
collecting (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.docset\\'" "" dir))))
(defun dash-docs-read-docset (prompt choices)
"PROMPT user to choose one of the docsets in CHOICES.
Report an error unless a valid docset is selected."
(let ((completion-ignore-case t))
(completing-read (format "%s (%s): " prompt (car choices))
choices nil t nil nil choices)))
(defun dash-docs-activate-docset (docset)
"Activate DOCSET. If called interactively prompts for the docset name."
(interactive (list (dash-docs-read-docset
"Activate docset"
(add-to-list 'dash-docs-common-docsets docset)
(defun dash-docs-deactivate-docset (docset)
"Deactivate DOCSET. If called interactively prompts for the docset name."
(interactive (list (dash-docs-read-docset
"Deactivate docset"
(setq dash-docs-common-docsets (delete docset dash-docs-common-docsets)))
(defun dash-docs--install-docset (url docset-name)
"Download a docset from URL and install with name DOCSET-NAME."
(let ((docset-tmp-path (format "%s%s-docset.tgz" temporary-file-directory docset-name)))
(url-copy-file url docset-tmp-path t))
(dash-docs-install-docset-from-file docset-tmp-path)))
(defun dash-docs--ensure-created-docsets-path (docset-path)
"Check if DOCSET-PATH directory exists.
If doesn't exist, it asks to create it."
(or (file-directory-p docset-path)
(and (y-or-n-p (format "Directory %s does not exist. Want to create it? "
(mkdir docset-path t))))
(defun dash-docs-install-user-docset (docset-name)
"Download an unofficial docset with specified DOCSET-NAME and move its stuff to docsets-path."
(interactive (list (dash-docs-read-docset
"Install docset"
(mapcar 'car (dash-docs-unofficial-docsets)))))
(when (dash-docs--ensure-created-docsets-path (dash-docs-docsets-path))
(dash-docs--install-docset (car (assoc-default docset-name (dash-docs-unofficial-docsets))) docset-name)))
(defun dash-docs-extract-and-get-folder (docset-temp-path)
"Extract DOCSET-TEMP-PATH to DASH-DOCS-DOCSETS-PATH, and return the folder that was newly extracted."
(let* ((call-process-args (list "tar" nil t nil))
(process-args (list
"xfv" docset-temp-path
"-C" (dash-docs-docsets-path)))
;; On Windows, several elements need to be removed from filenames, see
;; https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/FileIO/naming-a-file#naming-conventions.
;; We replace with underscores on windows. This might lead to broken links.
(windows-args (list "--force-local" "--transform" "s/[<>\":?*^|]/_/g"))
(result (apply #'call-process
(append call-process-args process-args (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt) windows-args)))))
(goto-char (point-max))
((and (not (equal result 0))
;; TODO: Adjust to proper text. Also requires correct locale.
(search-backward "too long" nil t))
(error "Failed to extract %s to %s. Filename too long. Consider changing `dash-docs-docsets-path' to a shorter value" docset-temp-path (dash-docs-docsets-path)))
((not (equal result 0)) (error "Failed to extract %s to %s. Error: %s" docset-temp-path (dash-docs-docsets-path) result)))
(goto-char (point-max))
(replace-regexp-in-string "^x " "" (car (split-string (thing-at-point 'line) "\\." t))))))
(defun dash-docs-install-docset-from-file (docset-tmp-path)
"Extract the content of DOCSET-TMP-PATH, move it to `dash-docs-docsets-path` and activate the docset."
(list (car (find-file-read-args "Docset Tarball: " t))))
(let ((docset-folder (dash-docs-extract-and-get-folder docset-tmp-path)))
(dash-docs-activate-docset docset-folder)
(message (format
"Docset installed. Add \"%s\" to dash-docs-common-docsets or dash-docs-docsets."
(defun dash-docs-install-docset (docset-name)
"Download an official docset with specified DOCSET-NAME and move its stuff to docsets-path."
(interactive (list (dash-docs-read-docset
"Install docset"
(when (dash-docs--ensure-created-docsets-path (dash-docs-docsets-path))
(let ((feed-url (format "%s/%s.xml" dash-docs-docsets-url docset-name))
(feed-tmp-path (format "%s%s-feed.xml" temporary-file-directory docset-name)))
(url-copy-file feed-url feed-tmp-path t))
(dash-docs--install-docset (dash-docs-get-docset-url feed-tmp-path) docset-name))))
(defun dash-docs-async-install-docset (docset-name)
"Asynchronously download docset with specified DOCSET-NAME and move its stuff to docsets-path."
(interactive (list (dash-docs-read-docset "Install docset" (dash-docs-official-docsets))))
(when (dash-docs--ensure-created-docsets-path (dash-docs-docsets-path))
(let ((feed-url (format "%s/%s.xml" dash-docs-docsets-url docset-name)))
(message (concat "The docset \"" docset-name "\" will now be installed asynchronously."))
(async-start ; First async call gets the docset meta data
(lambda ()
;; Beware! This lambda is run in it's own instance of emacs.
(url-file-local-copy feed-url)))
(lambda (filename)
(let ((docset-url (dash-docs-get-docset-url filename)))
(async-start ; Second async call gets the docset itself
(lambda ()
;; Beware! This lambda is run in it's own instance of emacs.
(url-file-local-copy docset-url)))
(lambda (docset-tmp-path)
(dash-docs-async-install-docset-from-file docset-tmp-path)))))))))
(defun dash-docs-async-install-docset-from-file (docset-tmp-path)
"Asynchronously extract the content of DOCSET-TMP-PATH, move it to `dash-docs-docsets-path` and activate the docset."
(interactive (list (car (find-file-read-args "Docset Tarball: " t))))
(lambda ()
;; Beware! This lambda is run in it's own instance of emacs.
(dash-docs-extract-and-get-folder docset-tmp-path))
(lambda (docset-folder)
(dash-docs-activate-docset docset-folder)
(message (format
"Docset installed. Add \"%s\" to dash-docs-common-docsets or dash-docs-docsets."
(defalias 'dash-docs-update-docset 'dash-docs-install-docset)
(defun dash-docs-docset-installed-p (docset)
"Return non-nil if DOCSET is installed."
(member (replace-regexp-in-string "_" " " docset) (dash-docs-installed-docsets)))
(defun dash-docs-ensure-docset-installed (docset)
"Install DOCSET if it is not currently installed."
(unless (dash-docs-docset-installed-p docset)
(dash-docs-install-docset docset)))
(defun dash-docs-get-docset-url (feed-path)
"Parse a xml feed with docset urls and return the first url.
The Argument FEED-PATH should be a string with the path of the xml file."
(let* ((xml (xml-parse-file feed-path))
(urls (car xml))
(url (xml-get-children urls 'url)))
(cl-caddr (cl-first url))))
(defvar dash-docs--sql-queries
'((DASH . (lambda (pattern)
(let ((like (dash-docs-sql-compose-like "t.name" pattern))
(query "SELECT t.type, t.name, t.path FROM searchIndex t WHERE %s ORDER BY LENGTH(t.name), LOWER(t.name) LIMIT 1000"))
(format query like))))
(ZDASH . (lambda (pattern)
(let ((like (dash-docs-sql-compose-like "t.ZTOKENNAME" pattern))
(format query like))))))
(defun dash-docs-sql-compose-like (column pattern)
"Return a query fragment for a sql where clause.
Search in column COLUMN by multiple terms splitting the PATTERN
by whitespace and using like sql operator."
(let ((conditions (mapcar (lambda (word) (format "%s like '%%%s%%'" column word))
(split-string pattern " "))))
(format "%s" (mapconcat 'identity conditions " AND "))))
(defun dash-docs-sql-query (docset-type pattern)
"Return a SQL query to search documentation in dash docsets.
A different query is returned depending on DOCSET-TYPE. PATTERN
is used to compose the SQL WHERE clause."
(let ((compose-select-query-func
(cdr (assoc (intern docset-type) dash-docs--sql-queries))))
(when compose-select-query-func
(funcall compose-select-query-func pattern))))
(defun dash-docs-maybe-narrow-docsets (pattern)
"Return a list of dash-docs-connections.
If PATTERN starts with the name of a docset followed by a space, narrow the
used connections to just that one. We're looping on all connections, but it
shouldn't be a problem as there won't be many."
(let ((conns (dash-docs-filter-connections)))
(or (cl-loop for x in conns
if (string-prefix-p
(concat (downcase (car x)) " ")
(downcase pattern))
return (list x))
(defun dash-docs-sub-docset-name-in-pattern (pattern docset-name)
"Remove from PATTERN the DOCSET-NAME if this includes it.
If the search starts with the name of the docset, ignore it.
Ex: This avoids searching for redis in redis unless you type 'redis redis'"
(format "^%s " (regexp-quote (downcase docset-name)))
(defun dash-docs--run-query (docset search-pattern)
"Execute an sql query in dash docset DOCSET looking for SEARCH-PATTERN.
Return a list of db results. Ex:
'((\"func\" \"BLPOP\" \"commands/blpop.html\")
(\"func\" \"PUBLISH\" \"commands/publish.html\")
(\"func\" \"problems\" \"topics/problems.html\"))"
(let ((docset-type (cl-caddr docset)))
(cadr docset)
(dash-docs-sql-query docset-type
(dash-docs-sub-docset-name-in-pattern search-pattern
(car docset))))))
(defun dash-docs--candidate (docset row)
"Return list extracting info from DOCSET and ROW to build a result candidate.
First element is the display message of the candidate, rest is used to build
candidate opts."
(cons (format-spec dash-docs-candidate-format
(list (cons ?d (cl-first docset))
(cons ?n (cl-second row))
(cons ?t (cl-first row))
(cons ?f (replace-regexp-in-string
(cl-third row)))))
(list (car docset) row)))
(defun dash-docs-result-url (docset-name filename &optional anchor)
"Return the full, absolute URL to documentation.
Either a file:/// URL joining DOCSET-NAME, FILENAME & ANCHOR with sanitization
of spaces or a http(s):// URL formed as-is if FILENAME is a full HTTP(S) URL."
(let* ((clean-filename (replace-regexp-in-string "<dash_entry_.*>" "" filename))
(path (format "%s%s" clean-filename (if anchor (format "#%s" anchor) ""))))
(if (string-match-p "^https?://" path)
" "
(expand-file-name "Contents/Resources/Documents/" (dash-docs-docset-path docset-name))
(defun dash-docs-browse-url (search-result)
"Call to `browse-url' with the result returned by `dash-docs-result-url'.
Get required params to call `dash-docs-result-url' from SEARCH-RESULT."
(let ((docset-name (car search-result))
(filename (nth 2 (cadr search-result)))
(anchor (nth 3 (cadr search-result))))
(funcall dash-docs-browser-func (dash-docs-result-url docset-name filename anchor))))
(defun dash-docs-add-to-kill-ring (search-result)
"Add to kill ring a formatted string to call `dash-docs-browse-url' with SEARCH-RESULT."
(kill-new (format "(dash-docs-browse-url '%S)" search-result)))
(defun dash-docs-actions (actions doc-item)
"Return an alist with the possible ACTIONS to execute with DOC-ITEM."
(ignore doc-item)
(ignore actions)
`(("Go to doc" . dash-docs-browse-url)
("Copy to clipboard" . dash-docs-add-to-kill-ring)))
(defun dash-docs-debugging-buffer ()
"Return the dash-docs debugging buffer."
(get-buffer-create "*dash-docs-errors*"))
(defun dash-docs-initialize-debugging-buffer ()
"Open debugging buffer and insert a header message."
(with-current-buffer (dash-docs-debugging-buffer)
(insert "----------------")
(insert "\n HEY! This is dash-docs (sqlite) error logging. If you want to disable it, set `dash-docs-enable-debugging` to nil\n")
(insert "---------------- \n\n")))
(defun dash-docs-search-docset (docset pattern)
"Given a string PATTERN, query DOCSET and retrieve result."
(cl-loop for row in (dash-docs--run-query docset pattern)
collect (dash-docs--candidate docset row)))
(defun dash-docs-search (pattern)
"Given a string PATTERN, query docsets and retrieve result."
(when (>= (length pattern) dash-docs-min-length)
(cl-loop for docset in (dash-docs-maybe-narrow-docsets pattern)
appending (dash-docs-search-docset docset pattern))))
;; Extend use package with :dash keyword if available
(when (featurep 'use-package) (require 'use-package-dash-docs))
(provide 'dash-docs)
;;; dash-docs.el ends here
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。