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cmd_mousemove.c 6.96 KB
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aldot 提交于 2021-10-24 07:49 . Topic silence warnings (#364)
#include "xdo_cmd.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
struct mousemove {
Window window;
int clear_modifiers;
int opsync;
int polar_coordinates;
int x;
int y;
int screen;
useconds_t delay;
int step;
static int _mousemove(context_t *context, struct mousemove *mousemove);
int cmd_mousemove(context_t *context) {
int ret = 0;
char *cmd = *context->argv;
char *window_arg = NULL;
struct mousemove mousemove;
mousemove.clear_modifiers = 0;
mousemove.polar_coordinates = 0;
mousemove.opsync = 0;
mousemove.screen = DefaultScreen(context->xdo->xdpy);
mousemove.x = 0;
mousemove.y = 0;
mousemove.step = 0;
int c;
enum {
opt_unused, opt_help, opt_sync, opt_clearmodifiers, opt_polar,
opt_screen, opt_step, opt_delay, opt_window
static struct option longopts[] = {
{ "clearmodifiers", no_argument, NULL, opt_clearmodifiers },
{ "help", no_argument, NULL, opt_help},
{ "polar", no_argument, NULL, opt_polar },
{ "screen", required_argument, NULL, opt_screen },
//{ "step", required_argument, NULL, opt_step },
{ "sync", no_argument, NULL, opt_sync },
//{ "delay", required_argument, NULL, opt_delay },
{ "window", required_argument, NULL, opt_window },
{ 0, 0, 0, 0 },
static const char *usage =
"Usage: %s [options] <x> <y>\n"
"-c, --clearmodifiers - reset active modifiers (alt, etc) while typing\n"
//"-d, --delay <MS> - sleeptime in milliseconds between steps.\n"
//"--step <STEP> - pixels to move each time along path to x,y.\n" "-p, --polar - Use polar coordinates. X as an angle, Y as distance\n"
"--screen SCREEN - which screen to move on, default is current screen\n"
"--sync - only exit once the mouse has moved\n"
"-w, --window <windowid> - specify a window to move relative to.\n";
int option_index;
while ((c = getopt_long_only(context->argc, context->argv, "+chw:pd:",
longopts, &option_index)) != -1) {
switch (c) {
case 'c':
case opt_clearmodifiers:
mousemove.clear_modifiers = 1;
case 'h':
case opt_help:
printf(usage, cmd);
consume_args(context, context->argc);
case opt_screen:
mousemove.screen = atoi(optarg);
case 'w':
case opt_window:
window_arg = strdup(optarg);
case 'p':
case opt_polar:
mousemove.polar_coordinates = 1;
case opt_step:
mousemove.step = atoi(optarg);
case 'd':
case opt_delay:
mousemove.delay = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) * 1000;
case opt_sync:
mousemove.opsync = 1;
printf("unknown opt: %d\n", c);
fprintf(stderr, usage, cmd);
consume_args(context, optind);
if (context->argc < 1 \
|| (strcmp(context->argv[0], "restore") && context->argc < 2)) {
fprintf(stderr, usage, cmd);
fprintf(stderr, "You specified the wrong number of args (expected 2 coordinates or 'restore').\n");
return 1;
if (!strcmp(context->argv[0], "restore")) {
if (!context->have_last_mouse) {
fprintf(stderr, "Have no previous mouse position. Cannot restore.\n");
mousemove.x = context->last_mouse_x;
mousemove.y = context->last_mouse_y;
mousemove.screen = context->last_mouse_screen;
consume_args(context, 1);
} else {
mousemove.x = atoi(context->argv[0]);
mousemove.y = atoi(context->argv[1]);
consume_args(context, 2);
window_each(context, window_arg, {
mousemove.window = window;
ret = _mousemove(context, &mousemove);
if (ret != XDO_SUCCESS) {
return ret;
}); /* window_each(...) */
return ret;
static int _mousemove(context_t *context, struct mousemove *mousemove) {
int ret;
charcodemap_t *active_mods = NULL;
int active_mods_n;
int x = mousemove->x;
int y = mousemove->y;
int screen = mousemove->screen;
Window window = mousemove->window;
/* Save the mouse position if the window is CURRENTWINDOW */
if (window == CURRENTWINDOW) {
context->have_last_mouse = True;
xdo_get_mouse_location(context->xdo, &(context->last_mouse_x),
&(context->last_mouse_y), &(context->last_mouse_screen));
if (mousemove->polar_coordinates) {
/* x becomes angle (degrees), y becomes distance.
* XXX: Origin should be center (of window or screen)
int origin_x, origin_y;
if (mousemove->window != CURRENTWINDOW) {
int win_x, win_y;
unsigned int win_w, win_h;
xdo_get_window_location(context->xdo, window, &win_x, &win_y, NULL);
xdo_get_window_size(context->xdo, window, &win_w, &win_h);
origin_x = win_x + (win_w / 2);
origin_y = win_y + (win_h / 2);
} else { /* no window selected, move relative to screen */
Screen *s = ScreenOfDisplay(context->xdo->xdpy, screen);
origin_x = s->width / 2;
origin_y = s->height / 2;
/* The original request for polar support was that '0' degrees is up
* and that rotation was clockwise, so 0 is up, 90 right, 180 down, 270
* left. This conversion can be done with (360 - degrees) + 90 */
//double radians = (x * M_PI / 180);
double radians = ((360 - x) + 90) * M_PI / 180;
double distance = y;
x = origin_x + (cos(radians) * distance);
/* Negative sin, since screen Y coordinates are descending, where cartesian
* is ascending */
y = origin_y + (-sin(radians) * distance);
int mx, my, mscreen;
xdo_get_mouse_location(context->xdo, &mx, &my, &mscreen);
if (mousemove->clear_modifiers) {
xdo_get_active_modifiers(context->xdo, &active_mods, &active_mods_n);
xdo_clear_active_modifiers(context->xdo, window, active_mods, active_mods_n);
if (mousemove->step == 0) {
if (window != CURRENTWINDOW && !mousemove->polar_coordinates) {
ret = xdo_move_mouse_relative_to_window(context->xdo, window, x, y);
} else {
ret = xdo_move_mouse(context->xdo, x, y, screen);
} else {
if (mx == x && my == y && mscreen == screen) {
/* Nothing to move. Quit now. */
return 0;
fprintf(stderr, "--step support not yet implemented\n");
if (window > 0) {
ret = xdo_move_mouse_relative_to_window(context->xdo, window, x, y);
} else {
ret = xdo_move_mouse(context->xdo, x, y, screen);
if (ret) {
fprintf(stderr, "xdo_move_mouse reported an error\n");
} else {
if (mousemove->opsync) {
/* Wait until the mouse moves away from its current position */
xdo_wait_for_mouse_move_from(context->xdo, mx, my);
if (mousemove->clear_modifiers) {
xdo_set_active_modifiers(context->xdo, window, active_mods, active_mods_n);
return 0;
} /* int mousemove ... */
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