同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/Egret-Engine 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
"name": "egret",
"version": "5.2.6",
"private": true,
"author": "egret-labs",
"bin": {
"egret": "./tools/bin/egret"
"i18n": "cn",
"egret": {
"registerClass": "egret",
"typeScriptVersion": "1.8",
"modules": [
"name": "egret",
"description": "egret core lib",
"description_en": "egret core lib",
"files": [
"path": "../Defines.debug.ts",
"debug": true
"path": "../Defines.release.ts",
"debug": false
"path": "text/native/NativeTextMeasurer.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/rendering/canvas/NativeCanvasRenderContext.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/rendering/canvas/OldNativeCanvasRenderContext.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/rendering/canvas/NativeCanvas.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/rendering/canvas/NativeCanvasRenderBuffer.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeTexture.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativePlayer.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/EgretNative.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeFps.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeGetOption.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "external/native/NativeExternalInterface.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "media/native/NativeSound.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "media/native/NativeSoundChannel.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "media/native/NaSound.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "media/native/NaSoundChannel.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "media/native/NativeVideo.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeGetOption.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "external/native/NativeExternalInterface.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "localStorage/native/NativeLocalStorage.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeHideHandler.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeResourceLoader.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeTouchHandler.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "net/native/NativeHttpRequest.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "net/native/NativeImageLoader.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "text/native/NativeStageText.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "native/NativeXML.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "external/web/WebExternalInterface.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "localStorage/web/WebLocalStorage.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "media/web/HtmlSound.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "media/web/HtmlSoundChannel.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "media/web/WebAudioSound.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "media/web/WebAudioSoundChannel.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "media/web/WebVideo.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "net/web/WebHttpRequest.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "net/web/WebImageLoader.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "text/web/HTML5StageText.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "text/web/WebTextMeasurer.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/CanvasRenderBuffer.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebTouchHandler.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebHideHandler.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/Html5Capatibility.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/EgretWeb.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebCapability.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebFps.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebGetOption.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebPlayer.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebTexture.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/WebXML.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "sensor/web/WebDeviceOrientation.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "sensor/web/WebGeolocation.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "sensor/web/WebMotion.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "utils/native/NativeLogger.ts",
"platform": "native"
"path": "utils/web/WebLogger.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLDrawCmdManager.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLVertexArrayObject.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLRenderTarget.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLRenderContext.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLRenderBuffer.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/WebGLRenderer.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/EgretWebGLAttribute.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/EgretWebGLProgram.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/EgretWebGLUniform.ts",
"platform": "web"
"path": "web/rendering/webgl/shaders/EgretShaderLib.ts",
"platform": "web"
"root": "src/egret",
"dependencies": []
"name": "assetsmanager",
"description": "assetsmanager 资源管理器",
"description_en": "AssetsManager",
"files": [],
"root": "",
"dependencies": []
"name": "eui",
"description": "UI lib",
"description_en": "UI lib",
"files": [],
"root": "src/extension/eui",
"dependencies": [
"name": "dragonBones",
"description": "dragonbones animation lib",
"description_en": "dragonbones animation lib",
"files": [],
"root": "",
"dependencies": []
"name": "game",
"description": "game lib",
"description_en": "game lib",
"files": [],
"root": "src/extension/game",
"dependencies": [
"name": "tween",
"description": "tween slow motion animation lib",
"description_en": "tween slow motion animation lib",
"files": [],
"root": "src/extension/tween",
"dependencies": [
"name": "socket",
"description": "socket network communication lib",
"description_en": "socket network communication lib",
"files": [],
"root": "src/extension/socket",
"dependencies": [
"name": "egret3d",
"description": "egret 3D engine lib",
"description_en": "egret 3D engine lib",
"files": [],
"root": "",
"dependencies": []
"name": "experimental",
"description": "egret experimental function lib",
"description_en": "egret experimental function lib",
"files": [],
"root": "src/extension/experimental",
"dependencies": [
"name": "egret-facebook",
"description": "Facebook Instant Games SDK",
"description_en": "Facebook Instant Games SDK",
"files": [],
"root": "",
"dependencies": [
"name": "egretia-sdk",
"description": "Egretia SDK",
"description_en": "Egretia SDK",
"files": [],
"root": "",
"dependencies": [
"platforms": [
"name": "any",
"declaration": true,
"hidden": true
"name": "web",
"description": "Web"
"name": "native",
"description": "Native"
"templates": [
"name": "game",
"displayName": "Egret game project",
"displayName_en": "Egret game project",
"language": "TypeScript",
"tag": "game,TypeScript",
"description": "Create an Egret game project",
"description_en": "Create an Egret game project",
"defaultWidth": 640,
"defaultHeight": 1136,
"modules": [
"name": "eui",
"displayName": "Egret EUI project",
"displayName_en": "Egret EUI project",
"language": "TypeScript",
"tag": "game,app,TypeScript",
"description": "Create friendly interactive UI with eui extensions",
"description_en": "Create friendly interactive UI with eui extensions",
"defaultWidth": 640,
"defaultHeight": 1136,
"modules": [
"name": "facebook-instant-demo",
"displayName": "Facebook Instant Game Demo project",
"displayName_en": "Facebook Instant Game Demo project",
"language": "TypeScript",
"tag": "game,app,TypeScript",
"description": "A Facebook game type",
"description_en": "A Facebook game type",
"defaultWidth": 640,
"defaultHeight": 1136,
"modules": [
"scaleModes": [
"name": "showAll",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio. The wider direction of the scaled app content fills the player window while the other direction may not be wide enough and leave some black bars. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally upon initiation.",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio. The wider direction of the scaled app content fills the player window while the other direction may not be wide enough and leave some black bars. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally upon initiation."
"name": "noScale",
"description": "Don't scale app content. Content size stay intact even when player window is changed. If player window is smaller than the content, crop may be applied. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight)stay the same as player window.",
"description_en": "Don't scale app content. Content size stay intact even when player window is changed. If player window is smaller than the content, crop may be applied. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight)stay the same as player window."
"name": "noBorder",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio. The narrower direction of scaled content fills player window while the other direction may overflow player window and be cropped. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally upon initiation.",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio. The narrower direction of scaled content fills player window while the other direction may overflow player window and be cropped. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally upon initiation."
"name": "exactFit",
"description": "Scale app content without keeping original aspect ratio and the scaled content fits well in the player window. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally during initiation.",
"description_en": "Scale app content without keeping original aspect ratio and the scaled content fits well in the player window. In this mode, stage size (Stage.stageWidth,Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as app content size passed externally during initiation."
"name": "fixedWidth",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically,but only the content's original width will not change while its height may change. In this mode, stage width (Stage.stageWidth) stays the same as the app content width passed externally upon initiation. Stage height (Stage.stageHeight) is determined by current scale ratio and the height of player window.",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically,but only the content's original width will not change while its height may change. In this mode, stage width (Stage.stageWidth) stays the same as the app content width passed externally upon initiation. Stage height (Stage.stageHeight) is determined by current scale ratio and the height of player window."
"name": "fixedHeight",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically,but only the content's original height will not change while its width may change. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as the app content height passed externally upon initiation. Stage width (Stage.stageWidth) is determined by current scale ratio and the width of player window.",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically,but only the content's original height will not change while its width may change. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) stays the same as the app content height passed externally upon initiation. Stage width (Stage.stageWidth) is determined by current scale ratio and the width of player window."
"name": "fixedNarrow",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically. The narrower direction of the content may not be wide enough and padded up. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) and stage width (Stage.stageWidth) will be determined by current scale ratio and player window size。",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically. The narrower direction of the content may not be wide enough and padded up. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) and stage width (Stage.stageWidth) will be determined by current scale ratio and player window size。"
"name": "fixedWide",
"description": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically. The wider direction of app content may outgrow player window and be cropped. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) and stage width (Stage.stageWidth) will be determined by current scale ratio and player window's width and height",
"description_en": "Scale app content with original aspect ratio and scaled content fills player window both horizontally and vertically. The wider direction of app content may outgrow player window and be cropped. In this mode, stage height (Stage.stageHeight) and stage width (Stage.stageWidth) will be determined by current scale ratio and player window's width and height"
"orientationModes": [
"name": "auto",
"description": "Don't force app to rotate. App rotates with device",
"description_en": "Don't force app to rotate. App rotates with device"
"name": "portrait",
"description": "Force app to rotate to portrait mode. In this mode, when screen width is greater than screen height, app will be automatically rotated 90° counterclockwise.",
"description_en": "Force app to rotate to portrait mode. In this mode, when screen width is greater than screen height, app will be automatically rotated 90° counterclockwise."
"name": "landscape",
"description": "Force app to rotate to landscape mode. In this mode, when screen height is greater than screen width, the app will be automatically rotated 90° clockwise.",
"description_en": "Force app to rotate to landscape mode. In this mode, when screen height is greater than screen width, the app will be automatically rotated 90° clockwise."
"name": "landscapeFlipped",
"description": "Force app to rotate to landscape mode. In this mode, when screen height is greater than screen width, the app will be automatically rotated 90° counterclockwise.",
"description_en": "Force app to rotate to landscape mode. In this mode, when screen height is greater than screen width, the app will be automatically rotated 90° counterclockwise."
"dependencies": {}
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。