New Features
* **NEW:** Introducing DistiBertEmbeddings annotator. DistilBERT is a small, fast, cheap, and light Transformer model trained by distilling BERT base. It has 40% fewer parameters than `bert-base-uncased`, runs 60% faster while preserving over 95% of BERT’s performances
* **NEW:** Introducing RoBERTaEmbeddings annotator. RoBERTa (Robustly Optimized BERT-Pretraining Approach) models deliver state-of-the-art performance on NLP/NLU tasks and a sizable performance improvement on the GLUE benchmark. With a score of 88.5, RoBERTa reached the top position on the GLUE leaderboard
* **NEW:** Introducing XlmRoBERTaEmbeddings annotator. XLM-RoBERTa (Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning at Scale) is a large multi-lingual language model, trained on 2.5TB of filtered CommonCrawl data with 100 different languages. It also outperforms multilingual BERT (mBERT) on a variety of cross-lingual benchmarks, including +13.8% average accuracy on XNLI, +12.3% average F1 score on MLQA, and +2.1% average F1 score on NER. XLM-R performs particularly well on low-resource languages, improving 11.8% in XNLI accuracy for Swahili and 9.2% for Urdu over the previous XLM model
* **NEW:** Introducing support for HuggingFace exported models in equivalent Spark NLP annotators. Starting this release, you can easily use the `saved_model` feature in HuggingFace within a few lines of codes and import any BERT, DistilBERT, RoBERTa, and XLM-RoBERTa models to Spark NLP. We will work on the remaining annotators and extend this support to the rest with each release - For more information please visit [this discussion](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/discussions/5669)
* **NEW:** Migrate MarianTransformer to BatchAnnotate to control the throughput when you are on accelerated hardware such as GPU to fully utilize it
* Upgrade to TensorFlow v2.4.1 with native support for Java to take advantage of many optimizations for CPU/GPU and new features/models introduced in TF v2.x
* Update to CUDA11 and cuDNN 8.0.2 for GPU support
* Implement ModelSignatureManager to automatically detect inputs, outputs, save and restore tensors from SavedModel in TF v2. This allows Spark NLP 3.1.x to extend support for external Encoders such as HuggingFace and TF Hub (coming soon!)
* Implement a new BPE tokenizer for RoBERTa and XLM models. This tokenizer will use the custom tokens from `Tokenizer` or `RegexTokenizer` and generates token pieces, encodes, and decodes the results
* Welcoming new Databricks runtimes to our Spark NLP family:
* Databricks 8.1 ML & GPU
* Databricks 8.2 ML & GPU
* Databricks 8.3 ML & GPU
* Welcoming a new EMR 6.x series to our Spark NLP family:
* EMR 6.3.0 (Apache Spark 3.1.1 / Hadoop 3.2.1)
Backward compatibility
* We have updated our MarianTransformer annotator to be compatible with TF v2 models. This change is not compatible with previous models/pipelines. However, we have updated and uploaded all the models and pipelines for `3.1.x` release. You can either use `MarianTransformer.pretrained(MODEL_NAME)` and it will automatically download the compatible model or you can visit [Models Hub](https://nlp.johnsnowlabs.com/models) to download the compatible models for offline use via `MarianTransformer.load(PATH)`
New Features
* Add new functionalities for text generation in T5Transformer
Bug Fixes
* Fix ChunkEmbeddings Array out of bounds exception
* Fix pretrained tfhub_use_multi and tfhub_use_multi_lg models in UniversalSentenceEncoder
* Fix anchorDateMonth in Python and case sensitivity in relative dates
New Features and Enhancements
* Experimental support for community models and pipelines https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2743
* Add proper conversions for Scala 2.11/2.12 in ContextSpellChecker to use models from Spark 2.x in Spark 3.x https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2758
* Provide confidence scores for all available tags in NerDLModel and NerCrfModel https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2760
# Previously in NerDLModel and NerCrfModel
[[named_entity, 0, 4, B-LOC, [word -> Japan, confidence -> 0.9998], []]
# In Spark NLP 3.0.2
[[named_entity, 0, 4, B-LOC, [B-LOC -> 0.9998, I-ORG -> 0.0, I-MISC -> 0.0, I-LOC -> 0.0, I-PER -> 0.0, B-MISC -> 0.0, B-ORG -> 1.0E-4, word -> Japan, O -> 0.0, B-PER -> 0.0], []]
* Add confidence score to NerConverter metadata https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2784
[chunk, 30, 37, john, [entity -> PERSON, sentence -> 0, chunk -> 0, confidence -> 0.44035]
* Refactoring SentencePiece encoding in AlbertEmbeddings and XlnetEmbeddings https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2777
Bug Fixes
* Fix an exception in NerConverter when the documents/sentences don't carry the used tokens in NerDLModel https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2784
* Fix an exception in AlbertEmbeddings when the original tokens are longer than the piece tokens https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2777
New Features
* Add minLength and maxLength parameters to Normalizer annotator https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2614
* 1 line to setup [Google Colab](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp#google-colab-notebook)
* 1 line to setup [Kaggle Kernel](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp#kaggle-kernel)
* Adjust shading rule for amazon AWS to support sub-projects from Spark NLP Fat JAR https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2613
* Fix the missing variables in BertSentenceEmbeddings https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2615
* Restrict loading Sentencepiece ops only to supported models https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2623
* improve dependency management and resolvers https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/2479
New Features
* Support for Apache Spark and PySpark 3.0.x on Scala 2.12
* Support for Apache Spark and PySpark 3.1.x on Scala 2.12
* Migrate to TensorFlow v2.3.1 with native support for Java to take advantage of many optimizations for CPU/GPU and new features/models introduced in TF v2.x
* Welcoming 9x new Databricks runtimes to our Spark NLP family:
* Databricks 7.3
* Databricks 7.3 ML GPU
* Databricks 7.4
* Databricks 7.4 ML GPU
* Databricks 7.5
* Databricks 7.5 ML GPU
* Databricks 7.6
* Databricks 7.6 ML GPU
* Databricks 8.0
* Databricks 8.0 ML (there is no GPU in 8.0)
* Databricks 8.1 Beta
* Welcoming 2x new EMR 6.x series to our Spark NLP family:
* EMR 6.1.0 (Apache Spark 3.0.0 / Hadoop 3.2.1)
* EMR 6.2.0 (Apache Spark 3.0.1 / Hadoop 3.2.1)
* Starting Spark NLP 3.0.0 the default packages for CPU and GPU will be based on Apache Spark 3.x and Scala 2.12 (`spark-nlp` and `spark-nlp-gpu` will be compatible only with Apache Spark 3.x and Scala 2.12)
* Starting Spark NLP 3.0.0 we have two new packages to support Apache Spark 2.4.x and Scala 2.11 (`spark-nlp-spark24` and `spark-nlp-gpu-spark24`)
* Spark NLP 3.0.0 still is and will be compatible with Apache Spark 2.3.x and Scala 2.11 (`spark-nlp-spark23` and `spark-nlp-gpu-spark23`)
* Adding a new param to sparknlp.start() function in Python for Apache Spark 2.4.x (`spark24=True`)
* Adding a new param to adjust Driver memory in sparknlp.start() function (`memory="16G"`)
Performance Improvements
Introducing a new batch annotation technique implemented in Spark NLP 3.0.0 for NerDLModel, BertEmbeddings, and BertSentenceEmbeddings annotators to radically improve prediction/inferencing performance.
From now on the `batchSize` for these annotators means the number of rows that can be fed into the models for prediction instead of sentences per row.
You can control the throughput when you are on accelerated hardware such as GPU to fully utilize it.
Breaking changes
There are only 5 annotators that are not compatible with both Scala 2.11 (Apache Spark 2.3 and Apache Spark 2.4) and Scala 2.12 (Apache Spark 3.x).
You can either train and use them on Apache Spark 2.3.x/2.4.x or train and use them on Apache Spark 3.x. The rest of our models/pipelines can be used on all Apache Spark and Scala major versions.
- TokenizerModel
- PerceptronApproach (POS Tagger)
- WordSegmenter
- DependencyParser
- TypedDependencyParser
* Fix BigDecimal error in NerDL when includeConfidence is true
* Shade Hadoop AWS and AWS Java SDK dependencies
* Fix Tensors with a 0 dimension issue in ClassifierDL and SentimentDL
* Fix index error in TokenAssembler
* Fix MatchError in DateMatcher and MultiDateMatcher annotators
* Fix setOutputAsArray and its default value for valueSplitSymbol in Finisher annotator
* Implement missing frequencyThreshold and ambiguityThreshold params in WordSegmenterApproach annotator
* Downgrade Hadoop from 3.2 to 2.7 which caused an issue with S3
* Update Apache HTTP Client
New Features
* Add anchorDateYear, anchorDateMonth, and anchorDateDay to DateMatcher and MultiDateMatcher to be used for relative dates extraction
* Fix the default value for action parameter in Python wrapper for DocumentNormalizer annotator
* Fix Lemmatizer pretrained models published in 2021
* Improve T5Transformer performance on documents with many sentences
* Fix casual mask calculations resulting in bad translation in MarianTransformer
* Fix Serialization issue in the cluster while training ContextSpellChecker
* Fix calculating CHUNK spans based on the sentences' boundaries in RegexMatcher
* Add GPU support for training ContextSpellChecker
* Adding Scalatest ability to control tests by tags
* Fix default pretrained model T5Transformer
* Fix default pretrained model WordSegmenter
* Fix missing reference to WordSegmenter in ResourceDwonloader
* Fix T5Transformer models crashing due to unknown task
* Fix the issue of saving and reading ClassifierDL, SentimentDL, and MultiClassifierDL models introduced in the 2.7.0 release
* Export new T5 models with optimized Encoder/Decoder
* Add support for alternative tagging with the positional parser in RegexTokenizer
* Refactor AssertAnnotations
Backward compatibility
* In order to fix the issue of Classifiers in the clusters, we had to export new TF models and change the read/write functions of these annotators. This caused any model trained prior to the 2.7.0 release not to be compatible with 2.7.1 and require retraining including pre-trained models. (we are re-training all the existing text classification models with 2.7.1)
Major features and improvements
* Introducing MarianTransformer annotator for machine translation based on MarianNMT models. Marian is an efficient, free Neural Machine Translation framework mainly being developed by the Microsoft Translator team (646+ pretrained models & pipelines in 192+ languages)
* Introducing T5Transformer annotator for Text-To-Text Transfer Transformer (Google T5) models to achieve state-of-the-art results on multiple NLP tasks such as Translation, Summarization, Question Answering, Sentence Similarity, and so on
* Introducing brand new and refactored language detection and identification models. The new LanguageDetectorDL is faster, more accurate, and supports up to 375 languages
* Introducing WordSegmenter annotator, a trainable annotator for word segmentation of languages without any rule-based tokenization such as Chinese, Japanese, or Korean
* Introducing DocumentNormalizer annotator cleaning content from HTML or XML documents, applying either data cleansing using an arbitrary number of custom regular expressions either data extraction following the different parameters
* [Spark NLP Display](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-display) for visualization of different types of annotations
* Add support for new multi-lingual models in UniversalSentenceEncoder annotator
* Add support to Lemmatizer to be trained directly from a DataFrame instead of a text file
* Add training helper to transform CoNLL-U into Spark NLP annotator type columns
Bugfixes and Enhancements
* Fix all the known issues in ClassifierDL, SentimentDL, and MultiClassifierDL annotators in a Cluster
* NerDL enhancements for memory optimization and logging during the training with the test dataset
* SentenceEmbeddings annotator now reuses the storageRef of any embeddings used in prior
* Fix dropout in SentenceDetectorDL models for more deterministic results. Both English and Multi-lingual models are retrained for the 2.7.0 release
* Fix Python dataType Annotation
* Upgrade to Apache Spark 2.4.7
* Fix a bug in batching sentences in BertSentenceEmbeddings
* Fix AttributeError when trying to load a saved EmbeddingsFinisher in Python
* Improve handeling exceptions in DocumentAssmbler when user uses a corrupted DataFrame
* Fix loading from a local folder with no access to the cache folder
* Fix NullPointerException in DocumentAssembler when there are null in the rows
* Fix dynamic padding in BertSentenceEmbeddings
New Features
* Add enableMemoryOptimizer to allow training NerDLApproach on a dataset larger than the memory
* Add option to explode sentences in SentenceDetectorDL
* Improve POS (AveragedPerceptron) performance
* Improve Norvig Spell Checker performance
* Fix SentenceDetectorDL unsupported model error in pretrained function
* Fix a race condition in Lru that can cause NullPointerException during a LightPipeline operations with embeddings
* Fix max sequence length calculation in BertEmbeddings and BertSentenceEmbeddings
* Fix threshold in YakeModel on Python side
New Features
* Introducing a new SentenceDetectorDL
* Improved BioBERT models quality for BertEmbeddings (it achieves higher accuracy in sequence classification)
* Improved Sentence BioBERT models quality for BertSentenceEmbeddings (it achieves higher accuracy in text classification)
* Add unit test to MultiClassifierDL annotator
* Better error handling in SentimentDLApproach
* Improve loadSavedModel in BertEmbeddings and BertSentenceEmbeddings
* Fix BERT LaBSE model for BertSentenceEmbeddings
* Fix loadSavedModel for BertSentenceEmbeddings in Python
* DeepSentenceDetector is deprecated in favor of SentenceDetectorDL
* Fix a bug in ClassifierDL that resulted in low accuracy during the training
Major features and improvements
* **NEW:** A new MultiClassifierDL annotator for multi-label text classification
* **NEW:** A new BertSentenceEmbeddings annotator with 41 available pre-trained models for sentence embeddings used in SentimentDL, ClassifierDL, and MultiClassifierDL annotators
* **NEW:** A new YakeModel annotator for an unsupervised, corpus-independent, domain, and language-independent and single-document keyword extraction algorithm
* Integrate 24 new Small BERT models where the smallest model is 24x times smaller and 28x times faster compare to BERT base models
* Add 3 new ELECTRA small, base, and large models
* Add 4 new Finnish BERT models for BertEmbeddings and BertSentenceEmbeddings
* Improve BertEmbeddings memory consumption by 30%
* Improve BertEmbeddings performance by more than 70% with a new built-in dynamic shape inputs
* Remove the poolingLayer parameter in BertEmbeddings in favor of sequence_output that is provided by TF Hub models for new BERT models
* Add validation loss, validation accuracy, validation F1, and validation True Positive Rate during the training in MultiClassifierDL
* Add parameter to enable/disable list detection in SentenceDetector
* Unify the loggings in ClassifierDL and SentimentDL during training
* Fix Tokenization bug with Bigrams in the exception list
* Fix the versioning error in second SBT projects causing models not being found via pretrained function
* Fix logging to file in NerDLApproach, ClassifierDL, SentimentDL, and MultiClassifierDL on HDFS
* Fix ignored modified tokens in BertEmbeddings, now it will consider modified tokens instead of originals
New Features
- Add getClasses() function to NerDLModel
- Add getClasses() function to ClassifierDLModel
- Add getClasses() function to SentimentDLModel
- Improve max sequence length calculation in BertEmbeddings and XlnetEmbeddings
- Fix a bug in RegexTokenizer in Python
- Fix StopWordsCleaner exception in Python when pretrained() is used
- Fix max sequence length issue in AlbertEmbeddings and SentencePiece generation
- Fix HDFS support for setGaphFolder param in NerDLApproach
New Features
* Add support for Apache Spark 2.3.x including new Maven artifacts and full support of all pre-trained models/pipelines
* Add 43 new pre-trained models in 43 languages to StopWordsCleaner annotator
* Introduce a new RegexTokenizer to split text by regex pattern
* Retrained 6 new BioBERT and ClinicalBERT models
* Add a new param to `start()` function to start the session for Apache Spark 2.3.x
* Add missing library for SentencePiece used by AlbertEmbeddings and XlnetEmbeddings on Windows
* Fix ModuleNotFoundError in LanguageDetectorDL pipelines in Python
New Features
* TextMatcher now can construct the chunks from tokens instead of the original documents via buildFromTokens param
* CoNLLGenerator now is accessible in Python
* Fix a bug in ContextSpellChecker resulting in IllegalArgumentException
* Improve RocksDB connection to support different storage capabilities
* Improve parameters naming convention in ContextSpellChecker
* Add NerConverter to documentation
* Fix multi-language tabs in documentation
New Features
* Introducing a new LanguageDetectorDL state-of-the-art annotator to detect and identify languages in documents and sentences
* Add a new param entityValue to TextMatcher to add custom value inside metadata. Useful in post-processing when there are multiple TextMatcher annotators with multiple dictionaries https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/920
* Add missing TensorFlow graphs to train ContextSpellChecker annotator https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/912
* Fix misspelled param in classThreshold param in ContextSpellChecker annotator https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/911
* Fix a bug where setGraphFolder in NerDLApproach annotator couldn't find a graph on Databricks (DBFS) https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/739
* Fix a bug in NerDLApproach when includeConfidence was set to true https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/917
* Fix a bug in BertEmbeddings https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/906 https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/918
* Improve TF backend in ContextSpellChecker annotator
New Features
* Add Python support for PubTator reader to convert automatic annotations of the biomedical datasets into DataFrame
* Add 6 new pre-trained BERT models from BioBERT and ClinicalBERT
* Add unit tests for XlnetEmbeddings
* Add unit tests for AlbertEmbeddings
* Add unit tests for ContextSpellChecker
New Features
* A new AlbertEmbeddings annotator with 4 available pre-trained models
* A new XlnetEmbeddings annotator with 2 available pre-trained models
* A new ContextSpellChecker annotator, the state-of-the-art annotator for spell checking
* A new SentimentDL annotator for multi-class sentiment analysis. This annotator comes with 2 available pre-trained models trained on IMDB and Twitter datasets
* Add new PubTator reader to convert automatic annotations of the biomedical datasets into DataFrame
* Introducing a new outputLogsPath param for NerDLApproach, ClassifierDLApproach and SentimentDLApproach annotators
* Refactored CoNLLGenerator to actually use NER labels from the DataFrame
* Unified params in NerDLModel in both Scala and Python
* Extend and complete Scaladoc APIs for all the annotators
* Fix position of tokens in Normalizer
* Fix Lemmatizer exception on a bad input
* Fix annotator logs failing on object storage file systems like DBFS
* Update documentation for release of Spark NLP 2.5.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-workshop](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models) notebooks for Spark NLP 2.5.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-models](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop) repository with new pre-trained models and pipelines
We are very excited to extend Spark NLP support to 6 new Databricks runtimes and add support to Cloudera and EMR YARN cluster-mode.
As always, we thank our community for their feedback and questions in our Slack channel.
New Features
* Extend Spark NLP support for Databricks runtimes:
* 6.2
* 6.2 ML
* 6.3
* 6.3 ML
* 6.4
* 6.4 ML
* 6.5
* 6.5 ML
* Add support for cluster-mode in Cloudera and EMR YARN clusters
* New splitPattern param in Tokenizer to split tokens by regex rules
* Fix ClassifierDLModel save and load in Python
* Fix ClassifierDL TensorFlow session reuse
* Fix Normalizer positions of new tokens
* Update documentation for release of Spark NLP 2.4.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-workshop](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models) notebooks for Spark NLP 2.4.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-models](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop) repository with new pre-trained models and pipelines
* We are very excited to release the very first multi-class text classifier in Spark NLP v2.4.4! We have built a generic ClassifierDL annotator that uses the state-of-the-art Universal Sentence Encoder as an input for text classifications. The ClassifierDL annotator uses a deep learning model (DNNs) we have built inside TensorFlow and supports up to 50 classes.
* We are also happy to announce the support of yet another language: Russian! We have trained and prepared 5 pre-trained models and 6 pre-trained pipelines in Russian.
**NOTE**: ClassifierDL is an experimental feature in 2.4.4 release. We have worked hard to aim for simplicity and we are looking forward to your feedback as always.
New Features
* Introducing an experimental multi-class text classification by using the DNNs model in TensorFlow called `ClassifierDL`. This annotator can train any dataset from 2 up to 50 classes.
* 5 new pretrained Russian models (Lemma, POS, 3x NER)
* 6 new pretrained Russian pipelines
* Add param to NerConverter to override modified tokens instead of original tokens
* Fix TokenAssembler
* Fix NerConverter exception when NerDL is trained with different tagging style than IOB/IOB2
This minor release fixes a bug on our Python side that was introduced in 2.4.2 release.
As always, we thank our community for their feedback and questions in our Slack channel.
* Fix Python imports which resulted in AttributeError: module 'sparknlp' has no attribute
This minor release fixes a few bugs in some of our annotators reported by our community.
As always, we thank our community for their feedback and questions in our Slack channel.
* Fix UniversalSentenceEncoder.pretrained() that failed in Python
* Fix ElmoEmbeddings.pretrained() that failed in Python
* Fix ElmoEmbeddings poolingLayer param to be a string as expected
* Fix ChunkEmbeddings to preserve chunk's index
* Fix NGramGenerator and missing chunk metadata
New Features
* Add GPU support param in Spark NLP start function: sparknlp.start(gpu=true)
* Improve create_model.py to create custom TF graph for NerDLApproach
* Update documentation for release of Spark NLP 2.4.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-workshop](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models) notebooks for Spark NLP 2.4.x
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-models](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-workshop) repository with new pre-trained models and pipelines
This minor release fixes a few bugs in some of our annotators reported by our community.
As always, we thank our community for their feedback and questions in our Slack channel.
* Improve ChunkEmbeddings annotator and fix the empty chunk result
* Fix UniversalSentenceEncoder crashing on empty Tensor
* Fix NorvigSweetingModel missing sentenceId that results in NGramsGenerator crashing
* Fix missing storageRef in embeddings' column for ElmoEmbeddings annotator
* Update documentation for release of Spark NLP 2.4.x
* Add new features such as ElmoEmbeddings and UniversalSentenceEncoder
* Add multiple programming languages for demos and examples
* Update the entire [spark-nlp-models](https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models) repository with new pre-trained models and pipelines
We are very excited to finally release Spark NLP v2.4.0! This has been one of the largest releases we have ever made since the inception of the library!
The new release of Spark NLP `2.4.0` has been migrated to TensorFlow `1.15.0` which takes advantage of the latest deep learning technologies and pre-trained models.
As always, thanks to the community for the feedback and questions in our Slack channel.
Please beware as this release breaks backwards compatibility with previously saved models, particularly on Tensorflow and Embeddings, aside from code-breaking changes in the API.
We will be working in our documentation to enhance the learning curve.
New Features
* TensorFlow 1.15.0 now works behind Spark NLP. This brings implicit improvements in performance, accuracy and functionalities
* New Annotator UniversalSentenceEncoder with 2 pre-trained models from TF Hub. Check our spark-nlp-models repo for updates
* New Annotator MultiDateMatcher capable of matching more than one date per sentence (Extends DateMatcher algorithm)
* New Annotator NGramGenerator with Param tweaks for customization
* New Annotator BigTextMatcher works best with large amounts of input data
* New Annotator ElmoEmbeddings with a pre-trained model from TF Hub. Check our spark-nlp-models repo for updates
* BertEmbeddings improvements with 5 new models from TF Hub
* RecursivePipelineModel as an enhanced PipelineModel allows Annotators access previous annotators in the pipeline for more ML strategies
* LazyAnnotators: A new Param in Annotators allow them to stand idle in the Pipeline and do nothing. Can be called by other Annotators in a RecursivePipeline
* RocksDB now available as a flexible API called `Storage`. Allows any annotator to have it's own distributed local index database
* Now our Tensorflow pre-trained models are cross-platform. Enabling multi-language models and other improvements to Windows users.
* Improved IO performance in general for handling embeddings
* Improved cache cleanup and GC by liberating open files utilized in RocksDB (to be improved further)
* Tokenizer and SentenceDetector Params minLength and MaxLength to filter out annotations outside these bounds
* Tokenizer improvements in splitChars and simplified rules
* DateMatcher improvements
* TextMatcher improvements preload algorithm information within the model for faster prediction
* Annotators the utilize embeddings have now a strict validation to be using exactly the embeddings they were trained with
* Improvements in the API allow Annotators with Storage to save and load their RocksDB database independently and let it be shared across Annotators
* Fixes in Chunk and SentenceEmbeddings to better deal with empty cleaned-up Annotations
* Fixed PretrainedPipeline in Python to allow accessing the inner PipelineModel in the instance
* Probably a bunch of uncommented bugfixes along the way :)
This minor release fixes a bug in ChunkEmbeddings causing an out of boundaries exception in some scenarios. We
also switch to maven coordinates as default source for start() function since spark-packages has not been responsive
on their package approval process. Thank you all for your consistent feedback.
* Fixed a bug in Chunk Embeddings caused by out of bound exception in some scenarios
* start() function switched to use maven coordinates instead
We would like to thank you all for your valuable feedback via our Slack channels and our GitHub repositories.
Spark NLP `2.3.4` is a very stable and rock-solid release. However, we wanted to fix the few remaining minor bugs before moving to our bigger release `2.4.0`!
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/702 Date matcher fixes flexible dates
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/718 Fixed a bug in a pragmatic sentence detector where a sub matched group contained a dollar sign.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/719 Move import to top-level to avoid import fail in Spark NLP functions
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/709 https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/716 Some improvements in our documentation thanks to @marcinic @howmuchcomputer
Thank you, as always, for the feedback given at Slack and our repos. The most important part of this release,
is how we internally started organizing models. We'll be deploying our model news in
https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp-models . The models repo will be kept up to date.
As for this release, it improves various internal API functionalities, allowing for positive side-effects across
the library. As an important enhancement, we have added user UDFs and functions for both Scala and Python users
to be able to easily manipulate annotations on DataFrames. Finally, we have fixed various bugs in embeddings
metadata to make sure we provide accurate offsetting information for other annotators to consume it successfully.
* Revamped functions in Scala and python to help users deal with annotations from dataframes or in UDF form, such as `map_annotations` and `filter_by_annotations`
* Fixed bugs in ChunkEmbeddings and SentenceEmbeddings causing them to report wrong metadata and offset values
* Fixed a nested import issue in Python causing LightPipelines not to work in some environments
Developer API
* downloadModel is now flexible as to which inner downloader class is being used to access AnnotatorModel reference
* pretrained API now deals with defaultModelName as an Option to allow non default pretrained models
* version() now returns the version string instead of just printing it
We are very glad to announce this release, it actually ended up much bigger than we expected.
Thanks to the community feedback, we arranged many bugfixes. We also spent some times and started building
models for the TextMatcher, so it got various improvements and bugfixes when dealing with empty sentences or cleaned up tokens.
We also added UDF ready functions in Python to easily deal with Annotations. Finally, we fixed a few bugs when loading models from disk.
Thank you very much for constant feedback on Slack.
New Features
* TextMatcher new param `mergeOverlapping` allows for handling overlapping output chunks when matching entities share keywords
* NER overwriter annotator allows for overwriting NER output with custom entities
* Added `map_annotations`, `map_annotations_strict`, `map_annotations_col`, `filter_by_annotations_col` and `explode_annotations_col` functions to python side. Allows dealing with Annotations easily.
* Made ChunkEmbeddings output to be compatible with SentenceEmbeddings for better flexibility in pipelines
* Fixed BertEmbeddings crashing on empty input sentences
* Fixed missing load API and import shorcuts on the new Embeddings annotators
* Added missing metadata fields in ChunkEmbeddings
* Fixed wrong sentence IDs in sentences or tokens that got a cleanup during the pipeline
* Fixed typos in docs. Thanks @marcinic
* Fixed bad deprecated OCR and SpellChecker python classpath
This release addresses multiple bug fixes and some enhancements regarding memory consumption in BertEmbeddings annotator.
Thanks for your feedback and reports!
* Fix missing EmbeddingsFinisher in Scala and Python
* Reverted embeddings move to copy due to CRC issue
* Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException in SentenceEmbeddings
* Optimize BertEmbeddings memory consumption
This quick release addresses a bug in Lemmatizer loading/pretrained function causing it not to work in 2.3.0.
We took the chance to include a feature which did not make it for base 2.3.0 and slightly changed protected variables for
better Java API, also including a pretrained compatible function with Java. Thanks for the quick issue feedback again!
New Features
* New EmbeddingsFinisher specializes in dealing with embedding annotators output. Traditional finisher still behaves the same as 2.3.0
* Fixed a bug in previous release causing LemmatizerModel not to be loaded or pretrained load
* Fixed pretrained() function to return proper type in Java
Developer API
* defaultModelName, defaultLang and defaultLoc static pretrained properties are now public
Thanks for your contributions and feedback on Slack. This amazing release comes with many new features in the embeddings scope,
allowing pipeline builders to retrieve embeddings for specific bodies of texts in any form given, from sentences to chunks or n-grams.
We also worked a lot on making sure Spark NLP on Java works as intended. Finally, we improved aws profiles compatibility for frameworks
that utilize multiple credential profiles. Unfortunately, we have deprected Eval and OCR due to internal patents in some of the latest improvements
John Snow Labs has contributed to.
New Features
* New SentenceEmbeddings annotator utilizes WordEmbeddings or BertEmbeddings to generate sentence or document embeddings
* New ChunkEmbeddings annotator utilizes WordEmbeddings or BertEmbeddings to generate chunk embeddings from Chunker or NGramGenerator outputs
* New StopWordsCleaner integrates Spark ML StopWordsRemoval function into Spark NLP pipeline
* New NGramGenerator annotator integrates Spark ML NGram function into Spark ML with a new cumulative feature to also generate range ngrams like the scikit-learn library
* Improved Java intercompatibility on Pretrained and LightPipeline APIs. Examples added.
* Finisher and LightPipelines Parse Embeddings Vector flag allows for optional vector processing to save memory and improve performance
* setInputCols in python can be passed as *args
* new Param enableScore in SentimentDetector to switch output types between confidence score and results (Thanks @maxwellpaulm)
* spark_nlp profile name by default in AWS config allows for multiple profile download compatible
* Fixed POS training dataset creator to improve performance
* OCR Module dropped from open source support
* Eval Module dropped from open source support
Thank you again for all your feedback and questions in our Slack channel. Such feedback from users and contributors
(thank you Stuart Lynn @sllynn) helped to find several python module bugs. We also fixed and improved OCR support
towards extracting page coordinates and fixed NerDL evaluator from Python
* Added a create_models.py python script to generate Graphs for NerDL without the need of jupyter
* Added a new annotator Token2Chunk to convert all tokens to chunk types (useful for extracting token coordinates from OCR)
* Added OCR Page Dimensions
* Python setInputCols now accepts *args no need to input list
* Fixed python support of NerDL evaluation not taking all params appropriately
* Fixed a bug in case sensitivity matching of embeddings format in python (Thanks @sllynn)
* Fixed a bug in python DateMatcher with dateFormat param not working (Thanks @sllynn)
* Fixed a bug in PositionFinder reporting duplicate coordinate elements
Developer API
* Renamed trainValidationProp to validationSplit in NerDLApproach
* Added several missing annotator documentation in docs page
This short release is to address a few uncovered issues in the previous 2.2.0 release. Thank you all for quick feedback.
* NerDLApproach new param includeValidationProp allows partitioning the training set and exclude a fraction
* NerDLApproach trainValidationProp now randomly samples the data as opposed to head first
* Fixed a bug in ResourceHelper causing folder resources to fail when a folder is empty (affects various annotators)
* Fixed a bug in python embeddings format not parsed to upper case
* Fixed a bug in python causing an incapability to load PipelineModels after loading embeddings
Last time, following a release candidate schedule proved to be a quite effective method to avoid silly bugs right after release!
Fortunately, there were no breaking bugs by carefully testing releases alongside the community,
which ended up in various pull requests. This huge release features OCR based coordinate highlighting, BERT embeddings refactor and tuning, more tools for accuracy evaluation in python, and much more.
We welcome your feedback in our Slack channels, as always!
New Features
* OCRHelper now returns coordinate positions matrix for text converted from PDF
* New annotator PositionFinder consumes OCRHelper positions to return rectangle coordinates for CHUNK annotator types
* Evaluation module now also ported to Python
* WordEmbeddings now include coverage metadata information and new static functions `withCoverageColumn` and `overallCoverage` offer metric analysis
* NerDL Now has `includeConfidence` param that enables confidence scores on prediction metadata
* NerDLApproach now has `enableOutputLog` outputs training metric logs to file
* New Param in BERT `poolingLayer` allows for polling layer selection
* BERT Embeddings now merges much better with Spark NLP, returning state of the art accuracy numbers for NER (Details will be expanded). Thank you for community feedback.
* Progress bar and size estimate report when downloading pretrained models and loading embeddings
* Models and pipeline cache now more efficiently managed and includes CRC (not retroactive)
* Finisher and LightPipeline now deal with embeddings properly, including them in pre processed result (Thank you Will Held)
* Tokenizer now allows regular expressions in the list of Exceptions (Thank you @atomobianco)
* PretrainedPipelines now allow function `fullAnnotate` to retrieve fully information of Annotations
* DocumentAssembler new cleanup modes: each, each_full and delete_full allow more control over text cleaning up (different ways of dealing with new lines and tabs)
* Fixed a bug in NerConverter caused by empty entities, returning an error when flushing entities
* Fixed a bug when creating BERT Models from python, where contrib libraries were not loaded
* Fixed missing setters for whitelist param in NerConverter
* Fixed a bug where parameters from a BERT model were incorrectly being read from python because of not being correctly serialized
* Fixed a bug where ResourceDownloader conflicted S3 credentials with public model access (Thank you Dimitris Manikis)
* Fixed Context Spell Checker bugs with performance improvements (pretrained model disabled until we get a better one)
Thank you so much for your feedback on slack. This release is to extend life length of the 2.1.x release, with important bugfixes from upstream
* Fixed a bug in NerConverter caused by empty entities, returning an error when flushing entities
* Fixed a bug when creating BERT Models from python, where contrib libraries were not loaded
* Fixed missing setters for whitelist param in NerConverter
Thank you for following up with release candidates. This release is backwards breaking because two basic annotators have been redesigned.
The tokenizer now has easier to customize params and simplified exception management.
DocumentAssembler `trimAndClearNewLiens` was redesigned into a `cleanupMode` for further control over the cleanup process.
Tokenizer now supports pretrained models, meaning you'll be capable of accessing any of our language based Tokenizers.
Another big introduction is the `eval` module. An optional Spark NLP sub-module that provides evaluation scripts, to
make it easier when looking to measure your own models are against a validation dataset, now using MLFlow.
Some work also began on metrics during training, starting now with the `NerDLApproach`.
Finally, we'll have Scaladocs ready for easy library reference.
Thank you for your feedback in our Slack channels.
Particular thanks to @csnardi for fixing a bug in one of the release candidates.
New Features
* Spark NLP Eval module, includes functions to evaluate NER and Spell Checkers with MLFlow (Python support and more annotators to come)
* DocumentAssembler new param `cleanupMode` allows user to decide what kind of cleanup to apply to source
* Tokenizer has been severely enhanced to allow easier and more intuitive customization
* Norvig and Symmetric spell checkers now report confidence scores in metadata
* NerDLApproach now reports metrics and f1 scores with an automated dataset splitting through `setTrainValidationProp`
* Began making progress towards OCR reporting more meaningful metadata (noise levels, confidence score, etc), sets ground base for further development
* Fixed Dependency Parser not reporting offsets correctly
* Dependency Parser now only shows head token as part of the result, instead of pairs
* Fixed NerDLModel not allowing to pick noncontrib versions from linux
* Fixed a bug in embeddingsRef validation allowing the user to override ref when not possible
* Removed unintentional gc calls causing some performance issues
* ResourceDownloader now capable of utilizing credentials from aws standard means (variables, credentials folder)
* Scaladocs for Spark NLP reference
* Added Google Colab workthrough guide
* Added Approach and Model class names in reference documentation
* Fixed various typos and outdated pieces in documentation
This release fixes a few tiny but meaningful issues that prevent from new trained models having internal compatibility issues.
* Fixed wrong logic when checking embeddingsRef is being overwritten in a WordEmbeddingsModel
* Deleted unnecessary chunk index from tokens
* Fixed some of the new trained models compatibility issues when python API had mismatching pretrained models compared to scala
This release addresses bugs related to cluster support, improving error messages and fixing various potential bugs depending
on the cluster configuration, such as Kryo Serialization or non default FS systems
* Fixed a bug introduced in 2.0.5 that caused NerDL not to work in clusters with Kryo serialization enabled
* NerDLModel was not properly reading user provided config proto bytes during prediction
* Improved cluster embeddings message to hit user of cluster mode without shared filesystems
* Removed lazy model downloading on PretrainedPipeline to download the model at instantiation
* Fixed URI construction for cluster embeddings on non defaultFS configurations, improves cluster compatibility
Following the 2.0.5 (read notes below), this release fixes a bug when disabling contrib param in NerDLApproach on non-windows OS
* Fixed NerDLApproach failing when training with setUseContrib(false)
This release bumps Spark NLP by default to Apache Spark 2.4.3. Spark has been undergoing testing with Scala 2.12 and they are back in 2.11 now, so this should be a working release.
In this version, we fixed a series of Pretrained models, as well as focused on improving the flexibility of NerDL annotator, which is, if not, the most popular one based on user feedback.
Users can point to graphs they create without having to re-compile the library, graph options as well whether to use Tensorflow contrib is now user defined.
Particular thanks to @CyborgDroid because of reporting importantly and well-reported bugs that helped us improve Spark NLP.
Thank you for reporting issues and feedback, and we always welcome more. Join us on Slack!
* ViveknSentiment annotator now includes confidence score in metadata
* NerDL now has setGraphFolder to allow a path to folder with custom generated graphs using python/tensorflow code
* NerDL now has setConfigProtoBytes to allow users submit his own ConfigProto (serialized) to the graph settings
* NerDLApproach now has setUseContrib to let training user decide whether or not to use contrib. Contrib LSTM Cells are proved to return more accurate results, but does not work in Windows yet.
* Updated default tensorflow settings to include GPU allow_growth by default, disabled log device placement spamming message
* Spark version bumped to 2.4.3
* Fixed contrib NerDL models not work properly in clusters such as Databricks (Thanks @CyborgDroid)
* Fixed sparknlp.start(include_ocr=True) missing dependencies for OCR
* Fixed DependencyParser pretrained models not working properly in Python
Models and Pipelines
* NerDL will download noncontrib model if windows is detected, for better compatibility
* noncontrib version of pipelines with NerDL have been uploaded, as well as new models. Check documentation for complete list
* Improved error message when user is under windows and trying to load a contrib NerDL model
* Fixed ViveknSentimentModel not working properly (Thanks @CyborgDroid)
Developer API
* Embeddings in python moved to annotator module for consistency
* SourceStream ResourceHelper class now properly handles cluster files for Dependency Parser
* Metadata model reader now ignores empty lines instead of failing
* Unified lang instead of language attribute name in pretrained API
We are excited about Spark NLP workshop (spark-nlp-workshop repository) being so useful for many users.
Now we also made a step forward by moving website's documentation to an easy to maintain Wiki!. Spark NLP library received key bug fixes
on this release. Thanks to the community for reporting issues on GitHub. Much more to come, as always.
* Fixed DependencyParser and TypedDependencyParser working inaccurately
* Fixed a bug preventing the load of WordEmbeddingsModel class from python
* Fixed wrong pretrained model names preventing some pretrained models to work properly
* Fixed BertEmbeddings not being capable of loading from file due a reader exception
* Website documentation migrated to GitHub wiki page (WIP)
Developer API
* OcrHelper now reports failed file name when throwing exceptions (Thanks @kgeis)
* Fixed Annotation function explodeAnnotations to consider replacing output column scenarios
* Fixed TRAVIS CI unit tests
Short after 2.0.2, a hotfix release was made to address two bugs that prevented users from using pretrained tensorflow models in clusters.
Please read release notes for 2.0.2 to catch up!
* Fixed logger serializable, causing issues in executors to serialize TensorflowWrapper
* Fixed contrib loading in cluster, when retrieving a Tensorflow session
Thank you for joining us in this exciting Spark NLP year!. We continue to make progress towards a better performing library, both in speed and in accuracy.
This release focuses strongly in the quality and stability of the library, making sure it works well in most cluster environments
and improving the compatibility across systems. Word Embeddings continue to be improved for better performance and lower memory blueprint.
Context Spell Checker continues to receive enhancements in concurrency and usage of spark. Finally, tensorflow based annotators
have been significantly improved by refactoring the serialization design. Help us with feedback and we'll welcome any issue reports!
New Features
* NerCrf annotator has now includeConfidence param that includes confidence scores for predictions in metadata
* Cluster mode performance improved in tensorflow annotators by serializing to bytes internal information
* Doc2Chunk annotator added new params startCol, startColByTokenIndex, failOnMissing and lowerCase allows better chunking of documents
* All annotations that derive from sentence or chunk types now contain metadata information referring to the sentence or chunk ID they belong to
* ContextSpellChecker now creates a window around the token to improve computation performance
* Improved WordEmbeddings matching accuracy by trying alternative case sensitive tokens
* WordEmbeddings won't load twice if already loaded
* WordEmbeddings can use embeddingsRef if source was not provided, improving reutilization of embeddings in a pipeline
* WordEmbeddings new param includeEmbeddings allow annotators not to save entire embeddings source along them
* Contrib tensorflow dependencies now only load if necessary
* Added missing Symmetric delete pretrained model
* Fixed a broken param name in Normalizer (thanks @RobertSassen)
* Fixed Cloudera cluster support
* Fixed concurrent access in ContextSpellChecker in high partition number use cases and LightPipelines
* Fixed POS dataset creator to better handle corrupted pairs
* Fixed a bug in Word Embeddings not matching exact case sensitive tokens in some scenarios
* Fixed OCR Tess4J initialization problems in concurrent scenarios
Models and Pipelines
* Renaming of models and pipelines (work in progress)
* Better output column naming in pipelines
Developer API
* Unified more WordEmbeddings interface with dimension params and individual setters
* Improved unit tests for better compatibility on Windows
* Python embeddings moved to sparknlp.embeddings
Thanks for following up after our 2.0.0 release!. This release covers a few holes left by the immense 2.0.0 release,
to address high priority issues found after release. More importantly, the library should now behave correctly when using
Spark cluster modes, and memory and CPU utilization should be reduced to normal levels after some serious profiling of Serialization
revealed a bunch of problems. Aside from performance and resource management improvements, we include an OCR dependency handler in start() function as well
as improve the support of GPU for NER Deep Learning models. Finally, check out our spark-nlp-workshop repo, it has cool features!
* Improved serialization of Deep Learning models, shows performance boosts of up to 2.5 times over 1.8.3
* Tensorflow contrib libraries now managed correctly across a cluster
* Reverted useFeatureBroadcasting after internal benchmarks proved it was performing better
* SparkNLP.start() and sparknlp.start() now accept an includeOCR parameter which allows to automatically include OCR library
* Recreated NerDL Graphs to allow GPU allow_growth in tensorflow to improve memory management with GPU
* Expanded GPU coverage in NerDL graph
* Reduced NerDL Batch Size for better compatibility with GPUs
* Fixed deep learning models not working across cluster due a bug in inputBuffers from graph reading
* Fixed a bug in POS() training function which did not work correctly from Python
* Fixed a bug in OCR where page number and intersection was not correctly matched
* Correctly handle exceptions when training Norvig and Symmetric Spell Checkers from dataframes
Developer API
* ContextSpellChecker now follows Features API correctly
* spark-nlp-workshop repository has been expanded with better documentation and new notebooks
* we are still catching up with 2.x release!
Thank you for following up with the biggest changelog ever on Spark NLP: Spark NLP 2.0.0! Where to begin?
We have no less than 50 Pull Requests merged this time. Most importantly, we become the first library to have a production
ready implementation of BERT embeddings. Along with this interesting deep learning and context based embeddings algorithm, here is a quick overview of new things:
* Word Embeddings as well as Bert Embeddings are now annotators, just like any other component in the library. This means, embeddings can be
cached on memory through DataFrames, can be saved on disk and shared as part of pipelines!
* We revamped and enhanced Named Entity Recognition (NER) Deep Learning models to a new state of the art level, reaching up to 93% F1 micro-averaged accuracy in the industry standard.
* We upgraded tensorflow version and also started using contrib LSTM Cells.
* Performance and memory usage improvements also tag along by improving serialization throughput of Deep Learning annotators by receiving feedback from Apache Spark contributor Davies Liu.
* Revamping and expanding our pretrained pipelines list, plus the addition of new pretrained models for different languages together with
tons of new example notebooks, which include changes that aim the library to be easier to use. API overall was modified towards helping new comers get started.
* OCR module comes with a handful of improvements that increase accuracy.
All of this comes together with a full range of bug fixes and annotator improvements, follow up the details below!
Bear with us since documentation is still catching up a little bit behind, as well as new models to be made available. Stay tuned on Slack!
New Features
* BertEmbeddings annotator, with four google ready models ready to be used through Spark NLP as part of your pipelines, includes Wordpiece tokenization.
* WordEmbeddings, our previous embeddings system is now an Annotator to be serialized along Spark ML pipelines
* Created training helper functions that create spark datasets from files, such as CoNLL and POS tagging
* NER DL has been revamped by using contrib LSTM Cells. Added library handling for different OS.
* OCR improved handling of images by adding binarizing of buffered segments
* OCR now allows automatic adaptive scaling
* SentenceDetector params merged between DL and Rule based annotators
* SentenceDetector max length has been disabled by default, and now truncates by whitespace
* Part of Speech, NER, Spell Checking and Vivekn Sentiment Analysis annotators now train from dataset passed to fit() using Spark in the process
* Tokens and Chunks now hold metadata information regarding which sentence they belong to by sentence ID
* AnnotatorApproach annotators now allow a param trainingCols allowing them to use different inputs in training and in prediction. Improves Pipeline versatility.
* LightPipelines now allow method transform() to call against a DataFrame
* Noticeable performance gains by improving serialization performance in annotators through removal of transient variables
* Spark NLP in 30 seconds now provides a function SparkNLP.start() and sparknlp.start() (python) that automatically creates a local Spark session.
* Improved DateMatcher accuracy
* Improved Normalizer annotator by supporting and tokenizing a slang dictionary, with case sensitivity matching option
* ContextSpellChecker now is capable of handling multiple sentences in a row
* PretrainedPipeline feature now allows handling John Snow Labs remote pretrained pipelines to make it easy to update and access new models
* Symmetric Delete spell checking model improved training performance
Models and Pipelines
* Added more than 15 pretrained pipelines that cover a huge range of use cases. To be documented
* Improved multi language support by adding french and italian pipelines and models. More to come!
* Dependency Parser annotators now include a pretrained english model based on CoNLL-U 2009
* Fixed python classname reference when deserializing pipelines
* Fixed serialization in ContextSpellChecker
* Fixed a bug in LightPipeline causing not to include output from embedded pipelines in a PipelineModel
* Fixed DateMatcher wrong param name not allowing to access it properly
* Fixed a bug where DateMatcher didn't know how to handle dash in dates where year had two digits instead of four
* Fixed a ContextSpellChecker bug that prevented it from being used repeatedly with collections in LightPipeline
* Fixed a bug in OCR that made it blow up with some image formats when using text preferred method
* Fixed a bug on OCR which made params not to work in cluster mode
* Fixed OCR setSplitPages and setSplitRegions to work properly if tesseract detected multiple regions
Developer API
* AnnotatorType params renamed to inputAnnotatorTypes and outputAnnotatorTypes
* Embeddings now serialize along a FloatArray in Annotation class
* Disabled useFeatureBroadcasting, showed better performance number when training large models in annotators that use Features
* OCR must be instantiated
* OCR works best with 4.0.0-beta.1
Build and release
* Added GPU build with tensorflow-gpu to Maven coordinates
* Removed .jar file from pip package
We're glad to announce a new release for Spark NLP. This one calls the attention of the community who contributed
immensely towards reporting bugs and feedback to the library. This release focuses in various bugfixes around DeepSentenceDetector
and also python deserialization of some specific pipelines. It also improves the DeepSentenceDetector allowing further fine-tuning
and customization. Then, we have embeddings that are being cached in the models folder, and further improvements towards accessing
them through S3 storage. Finally, we have made serious improvements in noteoboks and documentation around the library.
Special thanks to @Tshimanga and @haimco10 for very interesting contributions. See you on Slack!
* Improved OCR performance in skew detection
* SentenceDetector now better handles single quote protections (Thanks @haimco10)
* DeepSentenceDetector now can explodeSentences (Thanks @Tshimanga from Deep6.ai)
* EmbeddingsHelper now is capable of caching downloaded embeddings to avoid re-downloading
* Application.conf file may now be read from an s3 location
* DeepSentenceDetector has now access to all pragmatic SentenceDetector params in order to fine-tune it
* Fixed ambiguous classpath resolution in pyspark, causing errors in deserializing some models
* Fixed DeepSentenceDetector not being deserializable in PySpark
* Fixed Chunk2Doc and Doc2Chunk annotators not being loadable in PySpark
* Fixed a bug where DeepSentenceDetector wouldn't corrent denote start and end offsets (Thanks @Tshimanga from Deep6.ai)
* Fixed a bug where DeepSentenceDetector would miss sentence parts when NER model missed header sentence (Thanks @Tshimanga from Deep6.ai)
* Cleaned and optimized DeepSentenceDetector code (Thanks @danilojsl)
* Fixed a missing dependency for OCR
Documentation and notebooks
* Added support and instructions for Anaconda deployment (Thanks @Maziyar)
* Updated various python notebooks to show utilization of spark packages instead of jars
* Added a new conference talk with Spark NLP in French at XebiCon'18
* Updated documentation towards less use of jars in favor of dependency solving
This release potentially targets to improve performance and resource usage in some pipelines that use word embeddings, it also comes
together with a very interesting autorotation feature in OCR, and a couple of new annotators to solve particular needs, including the ChunkTokenizer
or a Param to limit sentence lengths. Finally, we are starting to organize our multilingual store of models and data for training models.
Check the examples for some italian notebooks!. Thanks again to all community for such quick feedback all the time.
New Features
* OCR now capable of automatic rotation, significantly improving accuracy in some scenarios
* ChunkTokenizer is a new annotator that Tokenizes CHUNK type annotations. Extends Tokenizer algorithm and stores chunk ID for reference.
* SentenceDetector new Param maxLength now cuts off sentences longer than (by default) 240 characters. It avoids Deep Learning annotator issues and may improve performance in some scenarios.
* NerConverter new Param whiteList now allows a list of NER labels to be considered, while discarding the rest. May be useful for selective CHUNKing pipelines.
* Pipelines using Word Embeddings should now perform faster due to a group of RocksDB optimizations allowing annotators to reuse current open connections to DB
* Fixed a bug where DeepSentenceDetector was missing the load() interface (Thanks @Tshimanga from Deep6!)
* Fixed a bug where RocksDB opened too many files at once causing pipelines to fail or to work very slowly
* Fixed NerCrfModel when prefetching RocksDB causing slower performance
* Added missing artifact resolution dependencies for OCR Module
* Started adding and organizing multilanguage models (Thanks @maziyarpanahi)
* Updated RocksDB to 5.17.2
This hotfix version of Spark-NLP improves framework support by adding Maven coordinates for OCR and allowing S3 retrieval of files.
We also included code for generating Graphs for NerDL and also for creating your own metadata files for a private model downloader.
As new features, we are including a new experimental machine learning based sentence detector, which uses NER for bounds detections.
Aside from this, we are including a few bug fixes and ocr improvements. Enjoy! and thanks again for community contributions!
New Features
* New DeepSentenceDetector annotator takes Spark-NLP's NER Deep Learning models as a base to improve sentence detection
* Improved accuracy of ContextSpellChecker by enabling re-ranking of candidate words according to a weighted levenshtein distance
* OCR process now defaults to split content in rows whether paragraphs or pages are identified for improved parallelism. May be turned off
Examples and use cases
* Added Scala examples for Sentiment analysis and Lemmatizer in Italian (Thanks Vincenzo Gaudenzi from DXC.technology for dataset and model contribution!!!)
* Fixed a bug in Norvig and Symmetric SpellCheckers where the pattern parameter was not provided properly in Scala side (Thanks @johnmccain for reporting!)
* Added hadoop-aws dependency for remote download capabilities (e.g. word embeddings sets)
* Metadata files for pretrained model downloads code is now included. This may be useful if anyone wants to setup their own private local model downloader service
* NerDL Graphs generation code is now included in the library. This allows the usage of custom word embedding dimensions and feature counts.
Special mentions
* Vincenzo Gaudenzi (DXC.technology) for contributing italian datasets and models. @maziyar for creating examples with them.
* @correlator from Deep6.ai for contributing feedback in slack and features feedback in general
* @johnmccain for reporting bugs in spell checker
* @rohit-nlp for delivering maven coordinates for OCR
* @haimco10 for contributing a sentence detector improvement with apostrophe's use case. Not merged due specific issues involved.
This release is huge! Spark-NLP made the leap into Spark 2.4.0, even with the challenge of not having everyone yet on board there (i.e. Zeppelin doesn't yet support it).
In this version we release three new NLP annotators. Two for dependency parsing processes and one for contextual deep learning based spell checking.
We also significantly improved OCR functionality, fine-tuning capabilities and general output performance, particularly on tesseract.
Finally, there's plenty of bug fixes and improvements in the word embeddings field, along with performance boosts and reduced disk IO.
Feel free to shoot us with any feedback you have! Particularly on your Spark 2.4.x experience.
New Features
* Built on top of Spark 2.4.0
* Dependency Parser annotator allows for sentence relationship encoding
* Typed Dependency Parser annotator allows for labeling relationships within dependency tags
* ContextSpellChecker is our first Deep Learning based Spell Checker that evaluates context and not only tokens
* More OCR parameters exposed for further fine tuning, including preferred methods priority and page segmentation modes
* OCR now has a setting setSplitPages() which allows setting whether to output one page per row or the entire document instead
* Improved word embeddings performance when working in local filesystems
* Reduced the amount of disk IO when working with Word Embeddings
* All python notebooks improved for better readability and better documentation
* Simplified PySpark interface API
* CoNLLGenerator utility class which helps building CoNLL-2003 files for NER training
* EmbeddingsHelper now allows reading word embeddings files directly from s3a:// paths
* Solved race-condition issues in regards of cluster usage of RocksDB index for embeddings
* Fixed application.conf reading bug which didn't properly refresh AWS credentials
* RocksDB index no longer uses compression, in order to support Windows without native RocksDB compression libraries
* Solved various python default parameter settings
* Fixed circular dependency with jbig pdfbox image OCR
* DeIdentification annotator is no longer supported in the open source version of Spark-NLP
* AssertionStatus annotator is no longer supported in the open source version of Spark-NLP
This hotfix release focuses on fixing word-embeddings cluster problems on some frameworks such as Databricsk, while keeping 1.7.x performance benefits. Various YARN based clusters have been tested, databricks cloud among them to test this hotfix.
Aside of that, multiple improvements have been commited towards a better support of PySpark-NLP, fixing diverse technical issues in the API that help consistency in Annotator's super classes.
Finally, PIP installation has been made easier with a SparkNLP class that creates SparkSession automatically, for those who are learning Python Spark on their local computers.
Thanks to all the community for reporting issues.
* Fixed 'RocksDB not serializable' when running LightPipeline scenarios or using _.functions implicits
* Fixed dependency with apache.commons.codec causing Apache Zeppelin 0.8.0 not to work in %pyspark
* Fixed Python pretrained() downloader not correctly setting Params and incorrectly creating new Model UIDs
* Fixed error 'JavaPackage not callable' when using AnnotatorModel.load() API without instantiating the class first
* Fixed Spark addFiles missing local file causing Word Embeddings not properly work in some Cluster-based frameworks
* Fixed broadcast NoSuchElementException `Failed to get broadcast_6_piece0 of broadcast_6` causing pretrained models not work in cluster frameworks (thanks @EnricoMi)
Developer API
* EmbeddingsHelper.setRef() has been removed. Reference is now set implicitly through EmbeddingsHelper.load(). Does not need to be loaded before deserializing models.
* Fixed and properly renamed chunk2doc and dock2chunk transformers, should now be working as expected
* Renamed setCompositeTokens to setCompositeTokensPatterns to help user remind that regex are being used in such Param
* Fixed PySpark automatic getter and setter Param generation when using pretrained() or load() models
* Simplified cluster path resolution for word embeddings
* sparknlp.base now contains SparkNLP() classs which automatically cretes SparkSession using appropriate jar settings. Helps newcomers get started in PySpark NLP.
Quick release with another hotfix, due to a new found bug when deserializing word embeddings in a distributed fs. Also introduces changes in application.conf reader in order
to allow run-time changes. Also introduces renaming from EmbeddingsHelper API.
* Fixed embeddings deserialization from distributed filesystem (caused due to windows pathfix)
* Fixed application.conf not reading changes in runtime
* Added missing remote_locs argument in python pretrained() functions
* Fixed wrong build version introduced in 1.7.1 to detect proper pretrained models version
Developer API
* Renamed EmbeddingsHelper functions for more convenience
Thanks to our slack community (Bryan Wilkinson, @maziyarpanahi, @apiltamang), a few bugs been pointed out very quickly from 1.7.0 release. This hotfix fixes an embeddings deserialization issue when cache_pretrained is located on a distributed filesystem.
Also, fixes some path resolution in Windows OS. Thanks to Maziyar, .gitattributes been added in order to identify proper languages in GitHub.
Finally, 1.7.1 adds a missing annotator from 1.7.0 Chunk2Doc, which converts CHUNK types into DOCUMENT types, for further retokenization or other annotations.
* Chunk2Doc annotator converts annotatorType from CHUNK to DOCUMENT
* Fixed embedding-based annotators deserialization error when cache_pretrained is on distributed fs (Thanks Bryan Wilkinson for pointing out issue and testing fix)
* Fixed windows path reading when deserializing embeddings (Thanks @apiltamang)
* .gitattributes added in order to properly discard jupyter as main language for GitHub repo (thanks @maziyarpanahi)
Having multiple annotators that use the same word embeddings set, may result in huge pipelines, driver memory and storage consumption.
Since now on, embeddings may be shared and reutilized across annotators making the process much more efficient.
Also, thanks to @apiltamang, we now better support path resolution for Windows implementations.
Memory and storage saving by allowing annotators with embeddings through params 'includeEmbeddings' and 'embeddingsRef' to allow them to set whether they should be included when saved, or referenced by id from other annotators
EmbeddingsHelper class allows embeddings management
Bug fixes
Thanks to @apiltamang for improving URI path support for Windows Servers
Developer API
Embeddings interfaces and method names completely refactored, hopefully simplified and easier to understand
This release includes a new annotator for de-identification of sensitive information. It uses CHUNK annotations, meaning its accuracy will depend on previous annotators on the pipeline.
Also, OCR capabilities have been improved in the OCR module.
In terms of broken stuff, we've fixed a few annoying bugs on SymmetricDelete and SentenceDetector explode feature.
Finally, pip is now part of the official repositories, meaning you can install it just as any other module. It also includes jars and we've added a SparkNLP class which creates SparkSession easily for you.
Thanks again for all community contribution in issues, feedback and comments in GitHub and in Slack.
New features
* DeIdentification annotator, takes DOCUMENT and TOKEN from the original sentence, plus a CHUNK annotation to anonymize target chunk in sentence. CHUNK annotation might come from NerConverter, TextMatcher or other chunk annotators.
* Kernel zoom and region erosion improve overall detection quality. Fixed some stability bugs. Improved parallelism
Bug fixes
* Sentence Detector explode sentences into rows now works properly
* Fixed Dictionary-based sentiment detector not working on pyspark
* Added missing NerConverter to annotator._ imports
* Fixed SymmetricDelete spell checker deleting tokens in some scenarios
* Fixed SymmetricDelete spell checker unwilling lower-casing
* PySpark pip now part from official pip repos
* Pip installation now includes corresponding spark-nlp jar. base module includes SparkNLP SparkSession creator
In this release, we focused on reviewing out streaming performance, buy measuring our amount of sentences processed by second, through a LightPipeline.
We increased Norvig Spell Checker by more than 300% by disabling DoubleVariants and improving algorithm orders. It is now reported capable of 42K sentences per second.
Symmetric Delete Spell checker is more performance, although it has been reported to process 2K sentences per second.
NerCRF has been reported to process 300 hundred sentences per second, while NerDL can do twice fast (about 700 sentences per second).
Vivekn Sentiment Analysis was improved and is now capable to processing 100K sentences per sentence (before it was below 500).
Finally, SentenceDetector performance was improved by a 40% from ~30K rows processed per second to ~40K. But, we have now enabled Abbreviation processing by default which reduces final speed to 22K rows per second with a negative net but better accuracy.
Again, thanks for the community for helping with feedback. We welcome everyone asking questions or giving feedback in our Slack channel or reporting issues on Github.
* OCR now features kernel segmentation. Significantly improves image based PDF processing
* Vivekn Sentiment Analysis prediction performance improved by better data structures
* Both Norvig and Symmetric Delete spell checkers now have improved performance
* SentenceDetector improved accuracy by better handling abbreviations. UseAbbreviations now also by default turned ON
* SentenceDetector improved performance significantly by improved preloading of rules
Bug fixes
* Fixed NerDL not training correctly (broken since 1.6.0). Pretrained models not affected
* Fixed NerConverter not properly considering multiple sentences per row (after using SentenceDetector), causing an unhandled exception to occur in some scenarios.
* Tensorflow sessions now all support allow_soft_placement, supporting GPU based graphs to work with and without GPU
* Norvig Spell Checker fixed a missing step from the algorithm to check for additional variants. May improve accuracy
* Norvig Spell Checker disabled DoubleVariants by default. Was not improving accuracy significantly and was hitting performance very hard
Developer API
* New FeatureSet allows HashSet params
* Vivekn Sentiment Pipeline doesn't have Spell Checker anymore
* Fixed Vivekn Sentiment pretrained improved accuracy
Hi! We're glad to announce new hotfix 1.6.1. Although changes seem modest or very specific, there is a lot going underground. First of all, we've worked hard with the community to understand S3-based clusters,
which don't have a common fs.defaultFS configuration, which is the one we use to tell where is the cluster temp folder located in order to distribute word embeddings. We fixed two things here,
on one side we fixed a bug pointing to the wrong filesystem. Second, we added a custom override setting in application.conf that allows manually setting where to put temp folders in cluster. This should help S3 users.
Please share your feedback on this regard.
On the other hand, we created a new annotator type internally. The CHUNK type allows better modulary in the communication between different annotators. Impact will be noticed implicitly and over time.
New features
* new Scala-only functions that make it easier to work with Annotations in Dataframes. May be imported through com.johnsnowlabs.nlp.functions._ and allow mapping and filtering within and outside Annotations.
filterByAnnotations, mapAnnotations and explodeAnnotations work by providing a column and a function. Check out documentation. Possibly later coming to Python.
Bug fixes
* Fixed incorrect filesystem readings in some S3 environments for word embeddings
* Fixed NerCRF not correctly training from CONLL, labeling everything as -O- (Thanks @arnound from Slack Channel)
* Added overrideable config sparknlp.settings.cluster_tmp_dir allows setting cluster location for temporary embeddings file. May help S3 based clusters with no fs.defaultFS set to a proper distributed storage.
* New annotator type: CHUNK. Representes a SUBSTRING of DOCUMENT and it is used as output from NerConverter, TextMatcher, RegexMatcher and other annotators that retrieve a substring from the original document.
This will make for better modularity and integration within various annotators, such as between NER and AssertionStatus.
* New annotation transformer: ChunkAssembler. Takes a string or array(string) column from a dataset and creates a CHUNK type annotator. The content must also belong to the current DOCUMENT annotation's content.
* SentenceDetector new param explodeSentences allow to explode sentences within a single row into different rows to increase parallelism and performance in some scenarios. Particularly OCR based.
* AssertionDLApproach now may be used within LightPipelines
* AssertionDLApproach and AssertionLogRegApproach now work from CHUNK type instead of start/end bounds. May still be trained with Start/end though. This means target for assertion may be any CHUNK output annotator now (e.g. RegexMatcher)
* PerceptronApproachLegacy moved back to default PerceptronApproach. Distributed PerceptronApproach moved to PerceptronApproachDistributed due to not meeting accuracy expectations yet.
* Some configuration parameters in application.conf have been appropriately moved to proper annotator Params (NorvigSweeting Spell Checker, Vivekn Approach and Sentiment Detector affected)
* application.conf renamed configuration values for better consistency
Developer API
* Added beforeAnnotate() and afterAnnotate() to manipulate dataframes after or before calling annotate() UDF
* Added extraValidate() and extraValidateMsg() in all annotators to provide developer to add additional SCHEMA checks in transformSchema() stage
* Removed validation() stage in fit() stage. Allows for more flexible training when some of the columns are not really required yet.
* WrapColumnMetadata() will wrap an Annotation column with its appropriate Metadata. Makes it easier not to forget about Metadata in Schema.
* RawAnnotator trait has now all the basics needed to start a new Annotator without annotate() function. It is a complete previous stage before AnnotatorModel, which inherits from RawAnnotator.
We're late! But it was worth it. We're glad to release 1.6.0 which brings new features, lots of enhancements and many bugfixes. First of all, we are thankful for community participating in Slack and in GitHub by reporting feedback and issues.
In this one, we have a new annotator, the Chunker, which allows to grab pieces of text following a particular Part-of-Speech pattern.
On the other hand, we have a brand new OCR to Spark Dataframe utility, which bundles as an optional component to Spark-NLP. This one requires tesseract 4.x+ to be installed on your system, and may be downloaded from our website or readme pages.
Aside from that, we improved in many areas, from the DocumentAssembler to work better with OCR output, down to our Deep Learning models with better consistency and accuracy. Word Embedding based annotators also receive improvements when working in Cluster environments.
Finally, we are glad a user contributed a fix to the AWS dependency issue, particularly happening in Cloudera environments. We're still waiting for feedback, and gladly accept it.
We'll be working on the documentation as this release follows. Thank you.
New Features
* New annotator: Chunker. This annotator takes regex for Part-of-Speech tags and returns appropriate chunks of text following such patterns
* OCR to Spark-NLP: As an optional jar module, users may use OcrHelper class in order to convert PDF files into Spark Dataset, ready to be utilized by Spark-NLP's document assembler. May be used without Spark-NLP. Requires Tesseract 4.x on your system.
* TextMatcher now has caseSensitive (setCaseSensitive) Param which allows to setup for matching with case sensitivity or not (Ignores if Normalizer did it). Returned word is still the original.
* LightPipelines in Python should now be faster thanks to an optimization of prefetching results into Python memory instead of py4j bridge
* LightPipelines can now handle embedded Pipelines
* PerceptronApproach now trains utilizing full Spark distributed algoritm. Still experimental. PerceptronApproachLegacy may still be used, which might be better for local non cluster setups.
* Tokenizer now has a param 'includeDefaults' which may be set to False to disable all preset-rules.
* WordEmbedding based annotators may now decide to normalize tokens before matching embeddings vectors through 'useNormalizedTokensForEmbeddings' Param. Generally improves consistency, lesser overfitting.
* DocumentAssembler may now better deal with large amounts of texts by using 'trimAndClearNewLines' to better work with OCR Outputs and be better ready for further Sentence Detection
* Improved SentenceDetector handling of enumerations and lists
* Slightly improved SentenceDetector performance through non-tail-recursive optimizations
* Finisher does no longer have default delimiters when output into String (not Array) (thanks @S_L)
Bug fixes
* AWS library dependecy conflict now resolved (Thanks to @apiltamang for proposing solution. thanks to the community for follow-up). Solution is experimental, waiting for feedback.
* Fixed wrong order of further added Tokenizer's infixPatterns in Python (Thanks @sethah)
* Training annotators that use Word Embeddings in a distributed cluster does no longer throw file not found exceptions sporadically
* Fixed NerDLModel returning non-deterministic results during prediction
* Deep-Learning based models and graphs now allow running them on CPU if trained on GPU and GPU is not available on client
* WordEmbeddings temporary location no longer in HOME dir, moved to tmp.dir
* Fixed SentenceDetector incorrectly bounding sentences with non-English characters (Thanks @lorenz-nlp)
* Python Spark-NLP annotator models should now have all appropriate setter and getter functions for Params
* Fixed wrong-format of column when showing Metadata through Finisher's output as Array
* Added missing python Finisher's include metadata function (thanks @PinusSilvestris for reporting the bug)
* Fixed Symmetric Delete Spell Checker throwing wrong error when training with an empty dataset (Thanks @ankush)
Developer API
* Deep Learning models may now be read through SavedModelBundle API into Tensorflow for Java in TensorflowWrapper
* WordEmbeddings now allow checking if word exists with contains()
* Included tool that converts text into CoNLL format for further labeling for training NER models (
This release improves various annotators: the Normalizer, SymmetricDelete, TextMatcher, DocumentAssembler and Finisher
allowing them to cover more use-cases that were mentioned in our Slack channel. We also fixed two important bugs.
Finally, this will be our first release with PIP support for python sparknlp, for those entirely python based.
* Normalizer now allows multiple to-delete regex patterns.
* Normalizer slangDictionary param allows converting tokens into something else (e.g. 'lol' into 'laughing out loud') from a dictionary file
* SymmetricDelete spell checker may now be trained from the dataset passed to fit if external corpus not provided
* SymmetricDelete spell checker improved training and prediction performance
* Finisher param includeMetadata now outputs annotation metadata content both in Array format or String format
* DocumentAssembler may now read from Array[String] column if provided. This improves compatibility for some SparkML transformers
* TextMatcher now includes identifier name in metadata
Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug introduced in 1.5.3 that made spark-nlp not to work in Python2 (thanks @surendralalwani)
* Fixed SymmetricDeleteApproach wrong annotator type
* setup.py for PIP support (instructions will be added to readme and website). Still needs spark-nlp jar in SparkSession classpath.
This quick release is a hotfix for issues found on 1.5.2 after it's release. Thanks to the users who quickly tested this out.
It fixes Symmetric spell checker not being capable of reading the pretrained model, a SentenceDetector missing default value and retroactive version matching to the downloader
Bug fixes
* Fixed a bug causing the library to fail when trying to save or read an annotator with an unset Feature without default
* Added missing default Param value to SentenceDetector. Thanks @superman24-7
* Symmetric spell checker now utilizes List instead of ListBuffer on its prediction layer
* Fixed Vivekn Sentiment Analysis failing when training with a sentiment column
* Symmetric Spell Checker pretrained model now works well and may be downloaded
* Vivekn Sentiment pretrained model now defaults to "token" input column instead of "spell"
* Downloader now works retroactively when a newer version finds a model of a previous release
* Renamed folder argument to remote_loc for downloader remote location, which caused confusion. Thanks @AtulSehgal
* Added new Scala example in example folder, also available on website
This release focuses on improving model downloader stability, fixing word embedding reading issues and joining
spark ecosystem filesystem configuration appropriately, utilizing spark's defined default filesystem, in order to work
properly with clusters and multi node environments. This includes Databricks cloud clusters or Amazon EMR yarn HDFS nodes.
Aside of that we come up with exciting new features, a brand new Spell Checker with higher accuracy inspired on the
Symmetric delete algorithm.
Finally Assertion Status can be trained and predicted on top of NER output, since before
this only worked by providing assertion status Start and End boundaries for the target to assert.
New Features
* Assertion status annotators can now be trained and predict against NER output instead of start and end boundaries. Entities can now be directly asserted
* Brand new Symmetric Delete annotator (SymmetricDeleteApproach) with closer to start of the art optimal accuracy 80%
* Model downloader now uses proper spark filesystem. Works properly with distributed storage, databricks cloud clusters or amazon EMR seamlessly
* Fixed several race condition while loading word embeddings from disk or download resources, library is more stable
* Improved several assertion status validations and error messages
Bug fixes
* Stand alone Annotator models are now properly read from disk in python
* New Symmetric Delete Spell checker pretrained model
* Vivekn Sentiment annotator may now be downloaded standalone with pretrained()
This release is an enhancement release to 1.5.0 which includes improved downloader properties and better annotator defaults.
Also, assertion status models have been included as pretrained, which are models trained on top of Glove Stanford word embeddings
* SentenceDetector has now a useCustomOnly param which enforces into using only the custom bounds provided (thanks @atomobianco)
* Normalizer defaults to not lowerCase words leads to better implicit accuracy in pipelines (thanks @marek.modry)
* SpellChecker defaults to be case sensitive leads to better accuracy
* DateMatcher improved speed performance
* com.johnsnowlabs.annotator._ in Scala now also includes RecursivePipelines and LightPipelines for easier imports
* ModelDownloader has been improved with better directory management
* New Assertion Status (LogisticRegression and DeepLearning) pretrained models now available
* Vivekn, Basic and Advanced pretrained Pipelines improved accuracy (thanks @marek.modry)
* S3 library dependencies updated
We are proud to announce if not the biggest release in terms of content in Spark-NLP!
This release makes the library miles easier to use for new comers, allowing easier to import
annotators and the extended use of model downloader throughout pretrained models and pipelines.
This also includes two new annotators that use deep learning algorithms with graphs from TensorFlow, which
is the first time we do so.
Apart from this, we include new Light Pipelines that are 10x times faster when working with data smaller than about
50,000 rows length.
Finally, we included several bugfixes across the library, from algorithm wise to developer API.
We'll gladly welcome any feedback! The website has been extensively updated.
New features
* Light Pipelines are Annotator Pipelines created from SparkML pipelines that run more than 10x faster in small datasets
* Deep Learning NER based on Bi-LSTM and Convolutional Neural Networks from word embeddings datasets
* Deep Learning Assertion Status model based on LSTM to compute status identification from word embeddings
* Easier to use Spark-NLP:
1. Imports have been made easy in scala API (com.johnsnowlabs.annotator._) to bring all annotators
2. BasicPipeline and AdvancedPipeline downloadable pipelines created for quick annotation of text
3. Light Pipelines are easy to use and accept simple strings to annotate a Spark ML Pipeline without spark datasets
* New Downloadable models: CRF NER, Lemmatizer, POS and Spell checker
* New Downloadable pipelines: Vivekn Sentiment analysis, BasicPipeline and AdvancedPipeline
* Model downloader significantly improved in terms of usability
* Website widely improved
* Added invite to our first slack chat channel
* Fixed positional index wrong value when creating Annotations from constructor
* Fixed hamming distance calculation in spell checker
* Fixed Downloadable NER model failing sporadically due to missing temporary files
* Fixed SearchTrie algorithm used in TextMatcher (fmy. EntiyExtractor) thanks @avenka11 for reporting and proposing solution
* Fixed some model deserialization issues happening on Windows
* Thanks to @showy we have TravisCI automatic integration testing
* Finisher now outputs to array by default
* Training example resources removed in advantage of using the model downloader more
* Filesystem protocols now properly read across the library, fixed use case for S3:// protocol (thanks @avenka11)
* Library now works properly in Windows environments
* PySpark annotator param getters now work properly when retrieving default values
* Fixed stemmer serialization due to misspelled param name
* Fixed Tokenizer infixPattern param name to infixPatterns, leading to broken pyspark serialization of such param
* Added missing addInfixPattern() function to PySpark, to allow adding patterns to current value
* Model Downloader clearCache now properly removes both .zip files and extracted content
* Model Downloader is now capable of reading all types of models properly
* Added missing clearCache function into PySpark
Developer API
* Function names in model downloader code has been refactored consistenyl
* RocksDB rolled back to previous version to support Windows
* NerCRF unittest modified to reduce time to test
* Removed training scripts from repository
* Updated build spark and scala version
New features
* Model and Pipeline Downloader
We are glad to announce our first experimental model downloader, working both in Python and Scala.
This allows to download pre-trained models from our public storage. This does not include any pre-trained models yet
but just the logic to be able to do it.
* Improved ExternalResource API (introduced in 1.4.0) to make it easier to provide external corpus and resource information
on annotators such as readAs (which allows setting how would you like SparkNLP to read your source), delimiters and parse settings among
other options that might be passed to Spark Reader directly. Annotators using external sources now all share this functionality.
WordEmbeddings are not yet supported on this format.
* All python annotators now properly have getter functions to retrieve param values
* Fixed some annotators in python not de-serializable on their own outside a Pipeline
* Fixed CRF NER not working when not using word embeddings (thanks @crisliu for reporting)
* Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing some stop words (thanks @easimadi)
* Fixed Tokenizer not properly recognizing composite tokens when changing target pattern param (thanks @easimadi)
* ReadAs parameter now properly read from string in all ExternalResource setters
Developer API
* PySpark API further improvements within AnnotatorApproach, AnnotatorModel and now private internal _AnnotatorModel for fit() result representation
* Automated getter have been written in order not to have to write getter functions in all annotators manually
* RocksDB dependency rolled back to 5.2.1 for better universal compatibility particularly to support databricks platform
* Updated website components page to match 1.4.x
* Replaced notebooks site to a placeholder linking to current python notebooks for lower maintenance
New features
* All annotator external sources have been unified through an ExternalResource component.
This is used to represents external data information deals with content in HDFS or local just as spark deals with data.
It also improves performance globally and allows customization
into how these sources are read (e.g. as RDD or Line by Line sequences)
* NorvigSweeting SpellChecker, ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron can now train from the dataset passed to fit().
For Spell Checker, this will be applied if the user did not supply a corpus, forcing fit() to learn from words in the data column.
For ViveknSentiment and POS Perceptron, this strategy will be applied if sentimentCol and posCol params have been set respectively.
* ResourceHelper now has an improved SourceStream class which allows for more consistent HDFS/Filesystem reading by using
more of the Hadoop APIs.
* application.conf is now a global setting and can be overridden in run-time through ConfigLoader.setConfigPath(). It may also be accessed from PySpark
* PySpark API improved by creating AnnotatorApproach and AnnotatorModel classes
* EntityMatcher now uses recursive Pipelines
* Part-of-Speech tagging performance has been improved throughout the prediction algorithm
* EntityMatcher may now use RecursivePipeline in order to tokenize external data with the same pipeline provided by the user
Developer API
*PySpark API has been severly improved to make it easier to extend JVM classes
*PySpark API improved for extending annotator approaches and models appropriately
* Reverted a bug introduced causing NER not to read datasets properly from HDFS
* Fixed EntityMatcher wrongly normalizing external content (thanks @sofianeh)
* Fixed EntityMatcher documentation obsolete params (Thanks @sofianeh)
* Fixed NER CRF documentation in website
IMPORTANT: Pipelines from 1.2.6 or older cannot be loaded from 1.3.0
New features
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/94
Tokenizer annotator has been revamped. It now follows standard NLP Rules, matching above 90% of StanfordNLP Tokens
This annotator has now more complex rules allowing setting custom composite words as exceptions (e.g. to not break New York)
and custom Prefix, Infix, Suffix and Breaking rules. It uses regular expression groups in order to match various tokens per target word
Defaults have been updated to also be language agnostic and support foreign characters from Unicode charset
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/93
Assertion Status. This annotator identifies negated sequences within target scope. Assertion status is a machine learning
annotator and works throughout a set of Word Embeddings which a set of them is provided as a part of our Python notebook examples.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/90
Recursive Pipelines. We have created our own Pipeline class which will take more advantages from Spark-NLP annotators.
Although this Pipeline is completely optional and works well with default Apache Spark estimators and transforms, it allows
training our annotators more efficiently by allowing annotator approaches access the previous state of the Pipeline,
allowing them to use it to tokenize or transform their own external content. It is recommended to use such Pipelines.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/83
Part of Speech training has been improved in both performance and quality, and now better makes use of the input corpus provided.
New params have been extended in order to have more control of its training, through corpusFormat and corpusLimit, allowing
whether to read training data as Dataset or raw text files, and the number of limit files if a folder is provided
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/84
Thanks to @lambdaofgod to allow Normalizer to optionally lower case tokens
* Thanks to Lorenz Bernauer, Normalizer default pattern now becomes language agnostic by not breaking unicode characters such as Spanish or German letters
* Features now have appropriate default values which are lazy by nature and executed only once upon request. This improves by side effect to the Lemmatizer performance.
* RuleFactory (A regex rule factory) performance has been improved due to set to use a Factory pattern and not re-check it's strategy on every transformation in run-time.
This might have positive side effects in SentenceDetector, DateMatcher and RegexMatcher which extensively use this class.
Class Renames
RegexTokenizer -> Tokenizer (it is not just regex anymore)
SentenceDetectorModel -> SentenceDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)
SentimentDetectorModel -> SentimentDetector (it is not a model, it is a rule-based algorithm)
User Utilities
* ResourceHelper has a function createDatasetFromText which allows the user to more
easily read one or multiple text files from path into a dataset with various options,
including filename by row or by file aggregation. This class should be more widely
used since it helps dealing with local files parsing. It shall be better documented.
* com.johnsnowlabs.util now contains a Benchmark class which allows measuring the time of
any function easily, by using it as Benchmark.time("Description of measured") {someFunction()}
Developer API
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/89/files
Word embedding traits have been generalized. Now any annotator who might want to use them can easily access their properties
* Recursive pipelines now allow injecting PipelineModel object into train() stage. It is an optional parameter. If the user
utilizes RecursivePipeline, the annotator might use this pipeline for transforming secondary data inputs.
* Annotator abstract class has been divided into a previous RawAnnotator class which contains all annotator properties
and validations, but does not make use of the annotate() function. This allows annotators that need to work directly with
the transform() call, but also participate between other annotators in the pipeline
* Fixed a bug in annotators with word embeddings not correctly serializing into disk
* Fixed a bug creating temporary folders in home folder
* Fixed a broken geospatial pattern in sentence detection
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/82
Vivekn Sentiment Analysis improved memory consumption and training performance
Parameter pruneCorpus is an adjustable value now, defaults to 1. Higher values lead to better performance
but are meant on larger corpora. tokenPattern params are meant to allow different tokenization regex
within the corpora provided on Vivekn and Norvig models.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/81
Serialization improvements. New default format (parquet lasted little) is RDD objects. Proved to be lighter on
heap memory. Also added lazier default values for Feature containers. New application.conf performance tunning
settings allow to customize whether we want to Feature broadcast or not, and use parquet or objects in serialization.
IMPORTANT: Pipelines from 1.2.4 or older cannot be loaded from 1.2.5
New features
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/70
Word embeddings parameter for CRF NER annotator
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/78
Annotator features replace params and are now serialized using KRYO and partitioned files, increases performance and smaller
memory consumption in Driver for saving and loading pipelines with large corpora. Such features are now also broadcasted
for better performance in distributed environments. This enhancement is a breaking change, does not allow to load older pipelines
Bug fixes
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/cb9aa4366f3e2c9863482df39e07b7bacff13049
Stemmer was not capable of being deserialized (Implements DefaultParamsReadable)
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/75
Sentence Boundary detector was not properly setting bounds
Documentation (thanks @maziyarpanahi)
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/79
Typo in code
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/74
Bad description
New features
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/c17ddac7a5a9e775cddc18d672e80e60f0040e38
ResourceHelper now allows input files to be read in the shape of Spark Dataset, implicitly enabling HDFS paths, allowing larger annotator input files. Needs to set 'TXTDS' as input format Param to let annotators read this way. Allowed in: Lemmatizer, EntityExtractor, RegexMatcher, Sentiment Analysis models, Spell Checker and Dependency Parser.
Enhancements and progress
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/4920e5ce394b25937969cc4cab1d81172be722a3
CRF NER Benchmarking progress
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/pull/64
EntityExtractor refactored. This annotator uses an input file containing a list of entities to look for inside target text. This annotator has been refactored to be of better use and specifically faster, by using a Trie search algorithm. Proper examples included in python notebooks.
Bug fixes
* Issue https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/41 <> https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/d3b9086e834233f3281621d7c82e32195479fc82
Fixed default resources not being loaded properly when using the library through --spark-packages. Improved input reading from resources and folder resources, and falling back to disk, with better error handling.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/08405858c6186e6c3e8b668233e30df12fa50374
Corrected param names in DocumentAssembler
* Issue https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/58 <> https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/5a533952cdacf67970c5a8042340c8a4c9416b13
Deleted a left-over deprecated function which was misleading.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/c02591bd683db3f615150d7b1d121ffe5d9e4535
Added a filtering to ensure no empty sentences arrive to unnormalized Vivekn Sentiment Analysis
Documentation and examples
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/b81e95ce37ed3c4bd7b05e9f9c7b63b31d57e660
Added additional resources into FAQ page.
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/0c3f43c0d3e210f3940f7266fe84426900a6294e
Added Spark Summit example notebook with full Pipeline use case
* Issue https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/issues/53 <> https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/20efe4a3a5ffbceedac7bf775466b7a8cde5044f
Fixed scala python documentation mistakes
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/782eb8dce171b69a615887b3defaf8b729b735f2
Typos fix
* https://github.com/JohnSnowLabs/spark-nlp/commit/91d8acb1f0f4840dad86db3319d0b062bd63b8c6
Removed Regex NER due to slowness and little use. CRF NER to replace NER.
Removed Regex NER due to slowness and little use. CRF NER to replace NER.
* Sentence detection not properly bounding punctuation marks
* Sentence detection abbreviations feature disabled by default, since it is a slow feature and not necessary benefitial
* Sentence detection punctuation bounds improved algorithm performance by removing redundant formatting
* Fixed a bug causing sentiment analysis not to work when using normalized tokens that may cause tokens to be deleted from sentence
* Fixed Resource Helper text reading missing first line from text stream. More improvements to come later.
CRF NER progress, word embeddings support. Not yet officially released.
New features
* Finisher parameter to export output as Array
* Finisher not properly deleting annotation columns even when set to true explicitly
New features
* New annotator: CRF NER
* New transformer: Token Assembler
* Added custom bounds parameter in sentence detector
* Added custom pattern parameter in Normalizer
* SpellChecker able to train from text files as dataset
* Typesafe configuration may now be read from disk at runtime
Performance improvements
* Enabled and suggested KRYO Serializer for better pipeline write-read
Code improvements
* Pack/Unpack in annotators leads to better code reutilization
* ResourceHelper reduced io responsibility
* Annotations centralized main result and Finisher improvements
* RegexMatcher fixed to read from input files properly
* DocumentAssembler fixed relative positioning
Release framework
* Better package release readiness for different repositories
* Organization package name change due to central's standards
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