# 开启命令补全,开启命令提示符和颜色
autoload -U compinit promptinit
autoload -U colors && colors
zstyle ':completion:*' rehash true
export CLICOLOR=1
# ohmyzsh/lib/completion.zsh
# fixme - the load process here seems a bit bizarre
zmodload -i zsh/complist
unsetopt menu_complete # do not autoselect the first completion entry
unsetopt flowcontrol
setopt auto_menu # show completion menu on successive tab press
setopt complete_in_word
setopt always_to_end
# should this be in keybindings?
bindkey -M menuselect '^o' accept-and-infer-next-history
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:*' menu select
# case insensitive (all), partial-word and substring completion
if [[ "$CASE_SENSITIVE" = true ]]; then
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
if [[ "$HYPHEN_INSENSITIVE" = true ]]; then
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z-_}={A-Za-z_-}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' 'r:|=*' 'l:|=* r:|=*'
# Complete . and .. special directories
zstyle ':completion:*' special-dirs true
zstyle ':completion:*' list-colors ''
zstyle ':completion:*:*:kill:*:processes' list-colors '=(#b) #([0-9]#) ([0-9a-z-]#)*=01;34=0=01'
if [[ "$OSTYPE" = solaris* ]]; then
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command "ps -u $USER -o pid,user,comm"
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:*:processes' command "ps -u $USER -o pid,user,comm -w -w"
# disable named-directories autocompletion
zstyle ':completion:*:cd:*' tag-order local-directories directory-stack path-directories
# Use caching so that commands like apt and dpkg complete are useable
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' use-cache 1
zstyle ':completion::complete:*' cache-path $ZSH_CACHE_DIR
# Don't complete uninteresting users
zstyle ':completion:*:*:*:users' ignored-patterns \
adm amanda apache at avahi avahi-autoipd beaglidx bin cacti canna \
clamav daemon dbus distcache dnsmasq dovecot fax ftp games gdm \
gkrellmd gopher hacluster haldaemon halt hsqldb ident junkbust kdm \
ldap lp mail mailman mailnull man messagebus mldonkey mysql nagios \
named netdump news nfsnobody nobody nscd ntp nut nx obsrun openvpn \
operator pcap polkitd postfix postgres privoxy pulse pvm quagga radvd \
rpc rpcuser rpm rtkit scard shutdown squid sshd statd svn sync tftp \
usbmux uucp vcsa wwwrun xfs '_*'
# ... unless we really want to.
zstyle '*' single-ignored show
if [[ $COMPLETION_WAITING_DOTS = true ]]; then
expand-or-complete-with-dots() {
# toggle line-wrapping off and back on again
[[ -n "$terminfo[rmam]" && -n "$terminfo[smam]" ]] && echoti rmam
print -Pn "%{%F{red}......%f%}"
[[ -n "$terminfo[rmam]" && -n "$terminfo[smam]" ]] && echoti smam
zle expand-or-complete
zle redisplay
zle -N expand-or-complete-with-dots
bindkey "^I" expand-or-complete-with-dots
# automatically load bash completion functions
autoload -U +X bashcompinit && bashcompinit
# ohmyzsh/lib/directories.zsh
# Changing/making/removing directory
setopt auto_pushd
setopt pushd_ignore_dups
setopt pushdminus
alias -g ...='../..'
alias -g ....='../../..'
alias -g .....='../../../..'
alias -g ......='../../../../..'
alias -- -='cd -'
alias 1='cd -'
alias 2='cd -2'
alias 3='cd -3'
alias 4='cd -4'
alias 5='cd -5'
alias 6='cd -6'
alias 7='cd -7'
alias 8='cd -8'
alias 9='cd -9'
alias md='mkdir -p'
alias rd=rmdir
function d () {
if [[ -n $1 ]]; then
dirs "$@"
dirs -v | head -10
compdef _dirs d
# List directory contents
alias ls='ls --color=auto'
alias lsa='ls -lah --color=auto'
alias l='ls -lah --color=auto'
alias ll='ls -lh --color=auto'
alias la='ls -lAh --color=auto'
#alias dir='dir --color=auto'
#alias vdir='vdir --color=auto'
alias grep='grep --color=auto'
alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto'
alias egrep='egrep --color=auto'
# ohmyzsh/lib/history.zsh
## History wrapper
function omz_history {
local clear list
zparseopts -E c=clear l=list
if [[ -n "$clear" ]]; then
# if -c provided, clobber the history file
echo -n >| "$HISTFILE"
echo >&2 History file deleted. Reload the session to see its effects.
elif [[ -n "$list" ]]; then
# if -l provided, run as if calling `fc' directly
builtin fc "$@"
# unless a number is provided, show all history events (starting from 1)
[[ ${@[-1]-} = *[0-9]* ]] && builtin fc -l "$@" || builtin fc -l "$@" 1
# Timestamp format
case ${HIST_STAMPS-} in
"mm/dd/yyyy") alias history='omz_history -f' ;;
"dd.mm.yyyy") alias history='omz_history -E' ;;
"yyyy-mm-dd") alias history='omz_history -i' ;;
"") alias history='omz_history' ;;
*) alias history="omz_history -t '$HIST_STAMPS'" ;;
## History file configuration
[ -z "$HISTFILE" ] && HISTFILE="$HOME/.zsh_history"
## History command configuration
setopt extended_history # record timestamp of command in HISTFILE
setopt hist_expire_dups_first # delete duplicates first when HISTFILE size exceeds HISTSIZE
setopt hist_ignore_dups # ignore duplicated commands history list
setopt hist_ignore_space # ignore commands that start with space
setopt hist_verify # show command with history expansion to user before running it
setopt inc_append_history # add commands to HISTFILE in order of execution
setopt share_history # share command history data
# ohmyzsh/lib/key-bindings.zsh
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#Zle-Builtins
# http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Zsh-Line-Editor.html#Standard-Widgets
# Make sure that the terminal is in application mode when zle is active, since
# only then values from $terminfo are valid
if (( ${+terminfo[smkx]} )) && (( ${+terminfo[rmkx]} )); then
function zle-line-init() {
echoti smkx
function zle-line-finish() {
echoti rmkx
zle -N zle-line-init
zle -N zle-line-finish
bindkey -e # Use emacs key bindings
bindkey '\ew' kill-region # [Esc-w] - Kill from the cursor to the mark
bindkey -s '\el' 'ls\n' # [Esc-l] - run command: ls
bindkey '^r' history-incremental-search-backward # [Ctrl-r] - Search backward incrementally for a specified string. The string may begin with ^ to anchor the search to the beginning of the line.
if [[ "${terminfo[kpp]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kpp]}" up-line-or-history # [PageUp] - Up a line of history
if [[ "${terminfo[knp]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[knp]}" down-line-or-history # [PageDown] - Down a line of history
# start typing + [Up-Arrow] - fuzzy find history forward
if [[ "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" != "" ]]; then
autoload -U up-line-or-beginning-search
zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey "${terminfo[kcuu1]}" up-line-or-beginning-search
# start typing + [Down-Arrow] - fuzzy find history backward
if [[ "${terminfo[kcud1]}" != "" ]]; then
autoload -U down-line-or-beginning-search
zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search
bindkey "${terminfo[kcud1]}" down-line-or-beginning-search
if [[ "${terminfo[khome]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[khome]}" beginning-of-line # [Home] - Go to beginning of line
if [[ "${terminfo[kend]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kend]}" end-of-line # [End] - Go to end of line
bindkey ' ' magic-space # [Space] - do history expansion
bindkey '^[[1;5C' forward-word # [Ctrl-RightArrow] - move forward one word
bindkey '^[[1;5D' backward-word # [Ctrl-LeftArrow] - move backward one word
if [[ "${terminfo[kcbt]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kcbt]}" reverse-menu-complete # [Shift-Tab] - move through the completion menu backwards
bindkey '^?' backward-delete-char # [Backspace] - delete backward
if [[ "${terminfo[kdch1]}" != "" ]]; then
bindkey "${terminfo[kdch1]}" delete-char # [Delete] - delete forward
bindkey "^[[3~" delete-char
bindkey "^[3;5~" delete-char
bindkey "\e[3~" delete-char
# Edit the current command line in $EDITOR
autoload -U edit-command-line
zle -N edit-command-line
bindkey '\C-x\C-e' edit-command-line
# file rename magick
bindkey "^[m" copy-prev-shell-word
# consider emacs keybindings:
#bindkey -e ## emacs key bindings
#bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-search
#bindkey '^[[B' down-line-or-search
#bindkey '^[^[[C' emacs-forward-word
#bindkey '^[^[[D' emacs-backward-word
#bindkey -s '^X^Z' '%-^M'
#bindkey '^[e' expand-cmd-path
#bindkey '^[^I' reverse-menu-complete
#bindkey '^X^N' accept-and-infer-next-history
#bindkey '^W' kill-region
#bindkey '^I' complete-word
## Fix weird sequence that rxvt produces
#bindkey -s '^[[Z' '\t'
PROMPT="%{$fg_bold[cyan]%}%T%{$fg_bold[green]%} %{$fg_bold[white]%}%n%{$fg[magenta]%}@%{$fg_bold[white]%}%m %{$fg_bold[green]%}%d
%{$fg_bold[yellow]%}%% %{$reset_color%}"
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