
TA Star 的仓库 (3)

    Star OpenHarmony/device_qemu

    Hardware platforms emulation by QEMU | QEMU模拟不同的硬件单板

    最近更新: 4天前

    Star src-openEuler/secGear

    secGaer is an SDK to develop confidential computing apps based on hardware enclave features. The target is to use single source code for developers to develop apps running on different hardware.Currently secGear support Intel SGX and iTrustee running in ARM Trustzone.

    最近更新: 15天前

    Star Huawei LiteOS/LiteOS_Studio

    LiteOS Studio是基于LiteOS轻量级操作系统开发的工具。它提供了代码编辑、编译、烧录、调试及Trace跟踪等功能,可以对系统关键数据进行实时跟踪及保存与回放。

    最近更新: 1年多前