同步操作将从 huaji/wzzdy 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
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window.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/")
} else {
window.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/")
var gamesplit_str = "?gamedata="
var gamesplit = window.url.split(gamesplit_str)
if (gamesplit) {
window.gameurl = gamesplit[0];
window.game_base64data = gamesplit[1].split("SmobaLaunch_")[1];
var zsfappsdk = "tencentmsdk1104466820://"
var tyfappsdk = "tencentmsdk1104791911://"
if (gameurl == zsfappsdk) {
window.gametype = "正式服"
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("QQ/") !== -1) {
window.gameurl = gameurl.replace(new RegExp(zsfappsdk, 'g'), 'https://h5.nes.smoba.qq.com/pvpesport.web.user/#/launch-game-mp-qq');
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<p class="mytext"></p>
<button class="button" onclick="addblue()">加入蓝方阵营</button>
<button class="button" onclick="addred()">加入红方阵营</button>
<button class="button" onclick="viewcustom()">查看自定义配置</button>
<button class="button" onclick="viewbanhero()">查看禁用英雄配置</button>
<button class="button" onclick="home()">跳转主页</button>
<script src="myjson.js"></script>
window.top.postMessage({ title: document.title, url: window.location.href }, '*');
var tipdoc = document.querySelector(".mytext")
var tiptext = "如果加入失败可尝试点击其他阵营加入"
var mapnametable = {};
var maptable = mydatajson[0]
var supporttable = []
for (const key in maptable) {
const valueArray = maptable[key];
if (key.includes("仅开房") == false) supporttable.push(key)
mapnametable[valueArray[0]] = [key, valueArray[2]];
mapnametable[20910] = ["5v5征兆0ban位", 10];
mapnametable[1010] = ["快速赛", 10]
mapnametable[20031] = ["小峡谷", 10]
mapnametable[25001] = ["1v1对抗路", 2]
mapnametable[25002] = ["1v1中路", 2]
mapnametable[25003] = ["1v1发育路", 2]
mapnametable[20009] = ["火焰山大作战", 10]
mapnametable[20012] = ["克隆模式", 10]
mapnametable[20019] = ["契约之战", 10]
mapnametable[20017] = ["无限乱斗", 10]
mapnametable[4010] = ["变身大乱斗", 10]
mapnametable[90001] = ["梦境大乱斗", 10]
mapnametable[5121] = ["觉醒之战", 10]
mapnametable[5153] = ["多重施法", 10]
mapnametable[5155] = ["双人同舞", 10]
mapnametable[99988] = ["众星峡谷", 20]
var gamejson = JSON.parse(atob(game_base64data))
var banheros = gamejson.banHerosCamp1
var mapid = gamejson.mapID
if (mapnametable[mapid]) {
var mapname = mapnametable[mapid][0]
} else {
var mapname = "地图id:" + mapid
if (supporttable.join("|").includes(mapname) == false) {
let button = document.querySelectorAll("button")
button[2].style.display = "none"
button[3].style.display = "none"
tipdoc.innerText = tiptext + "\n" + gametype + " 地图模式:" + mapname
var custom = gamejson.customDefineItems
var mycustom_json = {
"英雄属性": {
"初始等级": [
["0", "51", "56", "61", "66", "28", "71", "76", "81", "86"],
["1级", "4级", "5级", "8级", "10级", "12级", "15级"]
"法术攻击": [
["1", "52", "57", "62", "67", "29", "72", "77", "82", "87"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"物理攻击": [
["2", "53", "58", "63", "68", "30", "73", "78", "83", "88"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"CD加成": [
[["3", "21"], ["54", "91"], ["59", "92"], ["64", "93"], ["69", "94"], ["31", "47"], ["74", "95"], ["79", "96"], ["84", "97"], ["89", "98"]],
["无加成", "减25%", "减40%", "减80%", "减99%"]
"金币": [
["4", "55", "60", "65", "70", "32", "75", "80", "85", "90"],
["无加成", "1000", "2000", "5000", "12000"]
"移速": [
["106", "107", "108", "109", "110", "111", "112", "113", "114", "115"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加20%", "加30%"]
"兵线属性": {
"攻击力": [
["5", "33"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"血量": [
["6", "34"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"移动速度": [
["7", "35"],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%", "加100%"]
"刷新速度": [
["8", "36"],
["无加成", "加5%", "加10%", "加15%"]
"出兵类型": [
["9", "37"],
["普通兵线", "超级兵", "主宰先锋"]
"出兵路线": [
["10", "38"],
[["不出兵"], ["对抗路"], ["中路"], ["对抗路", "中路"], ["发育路"], ["对抗路", "发育路"], ["中路", "发育路"]],
"野怪属性": {
"攻击力": [
["11", "39"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"攻击范围": [
["12", "40"],
["无加成", "加10%", "加25%", "加50%", "加75%", "加100%"]
"防御塔属性": {
"攻击力": [
[["13", "22"], ["41", "48"]],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%", "加100%"]
"攻击范围": [
[["15", "24"], ["43", "50"]],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%"]
"血量": [
[["14", "23"], ["42", "49"]],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%", "加100%"]
"水晶属性": {
"攻击力": [
["16", "44"],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%", "加100%"]
"血量": [
["17", "45"],
["无加成", "加25%", "加50%", "加100%"]
"胜利条件": {
"胜利条件": [
["19:1", "103:1"],
["19:1", "103:2"],
["19:2", "20:1"],
["19:2", "20:2"],
["19:2", "20:3"],
["19:2", "105:1"],
["19:2", "105:1", "104:1"],
["19:2", "105:1", "104:2"],
["摧毁任意一个一塔", "摧毁任意一个二塔", "摧毁任意一个三塔", "3个总击败", "20个总击败", "30个总击败", "40个总击败", "1个助攻", "5个助攻", "10个助攻"]
function seturl(campid) {
var gamejson = JSON.parse(atob(game_base64data))
delete gamejson.AddPos
gamejson.AddType = "0"
gamejson.campid = campid.toString()
var gamedata = JSON.stringify(gamejson)
var url = gameurl + gamesplit_str + "SmobaLaunch_" + btoa(gamedata)
return url
function addblue() {
var url = seturl(1)
window.top.location.href = url
function addred() {
var url = seturl(2)
window.top.location.href = url
function checkArrayValue(sourceArray, targetArray) {
let keys = []
for (const item of sourceArray) {
if (targetArray.includes(item.toString())) {
if (keys.length == 0) {
return false
return keys;
function getTargetArrayValue(sourceArray, targetArray) {
if (Array.isArray(sourceArray) == false) {
const [side, attribute] = sourceArray.split(":");
var return_value
if (attribute) {
return_value = targetArray[side] == attribute
} else {
return_value = targetArray[parseInt(sourceArray)]
if (typeof return_value == "undefined") {
return false
return return_value;
var return_value
if (typeof sourceArray[0].split(":")[1] != "undefined") {
for (const item of sourceArray) {
const [side, attribute] = item.split(":");
if (attribute) {
return_value = targetArray[side] == attribute
} else {
return false
if (typeof return_value == "undefined") {
return false;
return return_value;
for (const item of sourceArray) {
return_value = targetArray[item]
if (typeof return_value == "undefined") {
return false;
return return_value;
function viewcustom() {
if (custom.length == 0) {
const keyValuePairs = {};
custom.forEach(item => {
const [key, value] = item.split(':');
keyValuePairs[key] = value;
const allcustom_str = []
for (const key in mycustom_json) {
allcustom_str[key] = {}
const elements = mycustom_json[key];
const allcustom_str_table = allcustom_str[key]
for (const mkey in elements) {
const element = elements[mkey];
const keytable = element[0]
const valuetable = element[1]
const allcustom_str_mkey_table = []
let finalTrueResult = null;
for (let i = 0; i < keytable.length; i++) {
const element = keytable[i];
const result = getTargetArrayValue(element, keyValuePairs);
//i代表当前循环次数 可以通过i判断蓝红方
if (result === true) {
finalTrueResult = i + ":" + valuetable[i];
} else if (result !== false) {
const foundElement = i + ":" + valuetable[result];
if (finalTrueResult !== null) {
if (allcustom_str_mkey_table.length > 0) {
allcustom_str_table[mkey] = allcustom_str_mkey_table
alert(parseJsonData(allcustom_str, mapnametable[mapid][1] / 2));
function parseJsonData(json, param) {
const result = {};
// 解析英雄属性
const heroAttributes = json["英雄属性"];
let blueIndices = [];
let redIndices = [];
if (typeof param === 'undefined') {
param = 5
blueIndices = Array.from({ length: param }, (_, i) => i + 1);
redIndices = Array.from({ length: param }, (_, i) => i + 1 + param);
if (param != 5) {
for (const mkey in heroAttributes) {
const heroAttributes_element = heroAttributes[mkey]
for (let i = 0; i < heroAttributes_element.length; i++) {
const attribute = heroAttributes_element[i];
const colonIndex = attribute.indexOf(':');
if (colonIndex !== -1) {
const numberStr = attribute.substring(0, colonIndex);
const number = parseInt(numberStr, 10);
const prefix = attribute.substring(colonIndex + 1);
if (!isNaN(number)) {
if (number < param) {
if (number < param * 2 - 1) {
heroAttributes_element.splice(i, 1);
if (number > 5 + param - 1) {
heroAttributes_element.splice(i, 1);
const newNumber = number - param + 1;
heroAttributes_element[i] = `${newNumber}:${prefix}`;
const heroData = {};
for (const [key, values] of Object.entries(heroAttributes)) {
values.forEach((value, index) => {
const [side, attribute] = value.split(":");
const heroIndex = parseInt(side) + 1;
if (!heroData[heroIndex]) {
heroData[heroIndex] = {};
if (!heroData[heroIndex][key]) {
heroData[heroIndex][key] = [];
// 合并完全相等的数据
const mergedHeroData = {};
for (const heroIndex in heroData) {
const attributes = heroData[heroIndex];
const attrString = JSON.stringify(attributes);
if (!mergedHeroData[attrString]) {
mergedHeroData[attrString] = [];
let SideOutput = "";
for (const attributes in mergedHeroData) {
const attrObj = JSON.parse(attributes);
let customSideOutput = "";
for (const key in attrObj) {
customSideOutput += `${key}·${attrObj[key].join(', ')} `;
const allpostr = checkArrayValue([...blueIndices, ...redIndices], mergedHeroData[attributes])
if (allpostr) {
if (allpostr.length == param * 2) {
SideOutput += `全部阵营: `;
SideOutput += customSideOutput.trim() + "\n";
const bluepostr = checkArrayValue(blueIndices, mergedHeroData[attributes])
if (bluepostr) {
if (bluepostr.length == param) {
SideOutput += `蓝方全部位置: `;
SideOutput += customSideOutput.trim() + "\n";
} else {
SideOutput += `蓝方位置 ${bluepostr.join(' ')} : `;
SideOutput += customSideOutput.trim() + "\n";
const redpostr = checkArrayValue(redIndices, mergedHeroData[attributes]);
if (redpostr) {
if (redpostr.length == param) {
SideOutput += `红方全部位置: `;
SideOutput += customSideOutput.trim() + "\n";
} else {
//重设位置 从1开始
SideOutput += `红方位置 ${redpostr.map(num => num - param).join(' ')} : `;
SideOutput += customSideOutput.trim() + "\n";
if (Object.keys(heroAttributes).length > 0) {
if (SideOutput.includes("全部阵营") == false) {
// 提取行并去除空行
const lines = SideOutput.trim().split('\n').filter(line => line);
// 解析每一行,提取信息
const parsedData = lines.map(line => {
const position = line.split(': ')[0];
const positionNumbers = position.match(/\d+/g); // 提取所有数字
let lastNumber
if (line.includes("全部位置")) {
lastNumber = 9999
} else {
lastNumber = parseInt(positionNumbers[positionNumbers.length - 1]); // 选择最后一个数字
const side = position.split('位置')[0]; // 蓝方或红方
return {
location: lastNumber,
line: line,
// 先按蓝方和红方排序,然后按位置数字排序
const sortedData = parsedData.sort((a, b) => {
if (a.side.includes('蓝方') && b.side.includes('红方')) {
return -1; // 蓝方在红方前面
if (a.side.includes('红方') && b.side.includes('蓝方')) {
return 1; // 红方在蓝方后面
// 如果相同方,则按位置数字排序
return a.location - b.location;
SideOutput = sortedData.map(item => `${item.line}`).join('\n');
result["英雄属性"] = `英雄属性配置\n${SideOutput.trim()}`;
// 解析其他属性(兵线、水晶、防御塔、野怪)
const otherAttributes = ["兵线属性", "水晶属性", "防御塔属性", "野怪属性"];
otherAttributes.forEach(attr => {
const attrValue = json[attr];
const entries = Object.entries(attrValue);
if (entries.length == 0) {
// 检查相同属性
const mergedAttrData = {};
entries.forEach(([key, value]) => {
const valueStr = JSON.stringify(value);
if (!mergedAttrData[valueStr]) {
mergedAttrData[valueStr] = [];
// 输出属性
let blueLineOutput = ""
let redLineOutput = "";
for (const attrData in mergedAttrData) {
const attrKeys = mergedAttrData[attrData].join(', ');
const attrObj = JSON.parse(attrData);
for (const side in attrObj) {
if (side === "0") {
blueLineOutput += `${attrKeys}: ${attrObj[side].split(":")[1]} `
} else {
redLineOutput += `${attrKeys}: ${attrObj[side].split(":")[1]} `
let Output = `${attr}配置\n`;
if (blueLineOutput != redLineOutput) {
Output += `蓝方: ${blueLineOutput.trim()}\n`;
Output += `红方: ${redLineOutput.trim()}`;
} else {
Output += `全部阵营: ${blueLineOutput}`;
result[attr] = Output.trim();
// 解析胜利条件
const victoryCondition = json["胜利条件"];
let victoryCondOutput = "胜利条件: ";
if (victoryCondition["胜利条件"]) {
victoryCondOutput += `${victoryCondition["胜利条件"][0].split(":")[1]}\n`;
result["胜利条件"] = victoryCondOutput.trim();
// 将结果合并为一个字符串
let finalOutput = "";
for (const key in result) {
finalOutput += result[key] + "\n";
return finalOutput.trim();
function viewbanhero() {
if (banheros.length == 0) {
let allheros = mydatajson[1]
const banheros_name = []
for (let key in allheros) {
const element = allheros[key];
const myvalue = element.split('|', 1)[0];
if (banheros.includes(myvalue)) {
alert(banheros_name.join(' '))
function home() {
window.top.location.replace(window.location.origin + "/")
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