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README.PlayerBot 1.24 KB
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gpn39f 提交于 2015-07-01 22:15 . upgrade playerbot step 1
=== ** Command's ** ===
* .npcbot (.npcb) - get list of possible subcommands. They are:
** add <botclass> - creates random bot of given class to selected player. Use on self
** remove (rem) - removes selected npcbot. NOTE: If you select self it will remove ALL npcbots
** command (c) ...
*** follow (fol, f) - puts all your bots to follow you (out of combat)
*** stay (st, s) - makes all your bots hold position (out of combat)
** reset (res) - recreates selected npcbot (or all of them if selected self)
** distance (dist, d) - sets bot follow distance. If used by party leader in instance will affect whole group. This parameter defines attack range and distance bots keep while following.
*** Formulas:
*** Attack distance = 0.72 * follow distance (which you set with this command);
*** Distance bots keep while following (visual) = follow distance + ((follow distance - 10) * 4); (min: 0, max: 35)
** info (in) - shows npcbots info (amount owned, classes, alive amount etc.). If used on yourself it will show each bot party member's info (including you)
* Debug Text Emote commands:
** /bonk - lists selected npcbot's stats
** /salute - lists your stats
** To add/remove npcbot you can use gossip-like menu (.npcbot helper). You can also create a macros.
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