# HTML code is incorrectly calculated into statistics, so ignore them
*.html linguist-detectable=false
# Auto detect text files and perform LF normalization
* text=auto eol=lf
# Ensure shell scripts use LF (Linux style) line endings on Windows
*.sh text eol=lf
# Treat specific binary files as binary and prevent line ending conversion
*.png binary
*.jpg binary
*.gif binary
*.ico binary
*.jpeg binary
*.mp3 binary
*.zip binary
*.bin binary
# Preserve original line endings for specific document files
*.doc text eol=crlf
*.docx text eol=crlf
*.pdf binary
# Ensure source code and script files use LF line endings
*.py text eol=lf
*.js text eol=lf
*.html text eol=lf
*.css text eol=lf
# Specify custom diff driver for specific file types
*.md diff=markdown
*.json diff=json
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