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Timetable_Operations.py 1.35 KB
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CarlosViniMSouza 提交于 2021-04-27 16:46 . Add Timetable
##Clock in pt2thon##
t1 = input("Init schedule : ") # first schedule
HH1 = int(t1[0]+t1[1])
MM1 = int(t1[3]+t1[4])
SS1 = int(t1[6]+t1[7])
t2 = input("Final schedule : ") # second schedule
HH2 = int(t2[0]+t2[1])
MM2 = int(t2[3]+t2[4])
SS2 = int(t2[6]+t2[7])
tt1 = (HH1*3600)+(MM1*60)+SS1 # total schedule 1
tt2 = (HH2*3600)+(MM2*60)+SS2 # total schedule 2
tt3 = tt2-tt1 # difference between tt2 e tt1
# Part Math
if (tt3 < 0):
# If the difference between tt2 e tt1 for negative :
a = 86400 - tt1 # 86400 is seconds in 1 day;
a2 = a + tt2 # a2 is the difference between 1 day e the <hours var>;
Ht = a2//3600 # Ht is hours calculated;
a = a2 % 3600 # Convert 'a' in seconds;
Mt = a//60 # Mt is minutes calculated;
St = a % 60 # St is seconds calculated;
# If the difference between tt2 e tt1 for positive :
Ht = tt3//3600 # Ht is hours calculated;
z = tt3 % 3600 # 'z' is tt3 converting in hours by seconds
Mt = z//60 # Mt is minutes calculated;
St = tt3 % 60 # St is seconds calculated;
# special condition below :
if (Ht < 10):
h = '0'+ str(Ht)
Ht = h
if (Mt < 10):
m = '0'+ str(Mt)
Mt = m
if (St < 10):
s = '0'+ str(St)
St = s
# add '0' to the empty spaces (caused by previous operations) in the final result!
print("final result is :", str(Ht)+":"+str(Mt)+":"+str(St)) # final result (formatted in clock)
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