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housing.names 2.03 KB
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NamanPatidar 提交于 2020-10-04 23:24 . Add files via upload
1. Title: Boston Housing Data
2. Sources:
(a) Origin: This dataset was taken from the StatLib library which is
maintained at Carnegie Mellon University.
(b) Creator: Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L. 'Hedonic prices and the
demand for clean air', J. Environ. Economics & Management,
vol.5, 81-102, 1978.
(c) Date: July 7, 1993
3. Past Usage:
- Used in Belsley, Kuh & Welsch, 'Regression diagnostics ...', Wiley,
1980. N.B. Various transformations are used in the table on
pages 244-261.
- Quinlan,R. (1993). Combining Instance-Based and Model-Based Learning.
In Proceedings on the Tenth International Conference of Machine
Learning, 236-243, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Morgan
4. Relevant Information:
Concerns housing values in suburbs of Boston.
5. Number of Instances: 506
6. Number of Attributes: 13 continuous attributes (including "class"
attribute "MEDV"), 1 binary-valued attribute.
7. Attribute Information:
1. CRIM per capita crime rate by town
2. ZN proportion of residential land zoned for lots over
25,000 sq.ft.
3. INDUS proportion of non-retail business acres per town
4. CHAS Charles River dummy variable (= 1 if tract bounds
river; 0 otherwise)
5. NOX nitric oxides concentration (parts per 10 million)
6. RM average number of rooms per dwelling
7. AGE proportion of owner-occupied units built prior to 1940
8. DIS weighted distances to five Boston employment centres
9. RAD index of accessibility to radial highways
10. TAX full-value property-tax rate per $10,000
11. PTRATIO pupil-teacher ratio by town
12. B 1000(Bk - 0.63)^2 where Bk is the proportion of blacks
by town
13. LSTAT % lower status of the population
14. MEDV Median value of owner-occupied homes in $1000's
8. Missing Attribute Values: None.
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