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3_nested_waterflow_object.ets 5.59 KB
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Vidhya Pria 提交于 2024-06-28 13:41 . Waterfall nested repeat cases
* Test Application: Nested Repeat with Object Types
* Author: Vidhya Pria Arunkumar <vidhya.pria.arunkumar@huawei.com>
* Description:
* This test application demonstrates the use of Waterfall based nested Repeat components with objects.
* The main features include:
* - Rendering a matrix (2D array) of objects using nested Repeat components.
* - Automatic addition of elements happen onReachEnd and onReachStart of Waterfall list
* - Observing changes to objects and their properties using the @ObservedV2 and @Trace decorators.
* - Updating specific rows and cells within the matrix and observing the re-render behavior.
* Classes:
* - ObservedArray<T>: An observed array class that extends the standard Array class to enable observation of changes.
* - ClassA: A class representing an item with a unique ID and a counter property that can be traced for changes.
* - id: A unique identifier for each instance.
* - counter: A numeric property of the item.
* Components:
* - RepeatComp: A component that maintains a matrix of ClassA objects and includes buttons to update specific rows
* and cells within the matrix.
* - The matrix is displayed using nested Repeat components.
* - Button("Update Row[0] with +1"): Increments the counter of each item in the first row by 1.
* - Button("Update Row[1][1] with +1"): Increments the counter of the item at position [1][1] by 1.
* Usage:
* - Click "Update Row[0] with +1" to increment each counter in the first row by 1.
* - Click "Update Row[1][1] with +1" to increment the counter of the item at position [1][1] by 1.
* - Click "Add Row" to add a new row to the existing List
* Note:
* - This test case is used to observe the rendering behavior of nested Repeat components with observed object types
* and how changes in the data affect the rendering process.
* Author: vidhya.pria.arunkumar@huawei.com
let nextId : number = 0;
@ObservedV2 class ObservedArray<T> extends Array<T> {
@ObservedV2 class ClassA {
id : number = nextId++;
@Trace counter : number;
constructor(c : number) {
this.counter = c;
let startValue = -1;
struct RepeatComp {
@Local matrix1: ObservedArray<ObservedArray<ClassA>> = new ObservedArray<ObservedArray<ClassA>>(
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(1), new ClassA(2), new ClassA(3)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(2), new ClassA(3), new ClassA(4)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(3), new ClassA(4), new ClassA(5)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(4), new ClassA(5), new ClassA(6)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(5), new ClassA(6), new ClassA(7)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(6), new ClassA(7), new ClassA(8)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(7), new ClassA(8), new ClassA(9)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(8), new ClassA(9), new ClassA(10)),
new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(9), new ClassA(10), new ClassA(11))
@Local totalCount : number = 3; //this.matrix1.length;
scroller: Scroller = new Scroller();
footerItem() {
Column() {
build() {
Column({space:10}) {
WaterFlow({ scroller: this.scroller, footer: this.footerItem.bind(this) }) {
totalCount: this.totalCount
.each((obj) => {
FlowItem() {
Row() {
.each((cell) => {
Text(` ${(cell.item as ClassA).counter} `)
.key(cell => JSON.stringify(cell))
.key(row => JSON.stringify(row))
.onReachEnd(() => {
const lastRow = this.matrix1[this.matrix1.length - 1];
const newRow = new ObservedArray<ClassA>(
new ClassA(lastRow[0].counter + 10),
new ClassA(lastRow[1].counter + 10),
new ClassA(lastRow[2].counter + 10)
this.totalCount = this.matrix1.length;
.onReachStart(() => {
const newRow = new ObservedArray<ClassA>(
new ClassA(startValue),
new ClassA(startValue - 1),
new ClassA(startValue - 2)
startValue -= 10;
this.totalCount = this.matrix1.length;
Button("Update Row[0] with +1 ")
.onClick(() => {
console.log("Update Row called");
this.matrix1[0] = new ObservedArray<ClassA>(new ClassA(this.matrix1[0][0].counter + 1),
new ClassA(this.matrix1[0][1].counter + 1),
new ClassA(this.matrix1[0][2].counter + 1));
Button("Update Row[1][1] with +1 ")
.onClick(() => {
console.log("Update Row called");
this.matrix1[1][1] = new ClassA(this.matrix1[1][1].counter+1);
this.totalCount = this.matrix1.length;
Button("Add new Row")
.onClick(() => {
const newRow = new ObservedArray<ClassA>(
new ClassA(this.matrix1[this.matrix1.length-1][0].counter+1),
new ClassA(this.matrix1[this.matrix1.length-1][1].counter+1),
new ClassA(this.matrix1[this.matrix1.length-1][2].counter+1),
this.totalCount = this.matrix1.length;
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