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gmres.cpp 2.59 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
于要杰 提交于 2022-07-01 16:35 . debug.
#include <cmath>
#include <iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace std;
using namespace Eigen;
VectorXd gmres(MatrixXd &A, VectorXd &b, VectorXd x, int max_it, double tol) {
int n = b.size();
int m = max_it;
// use x as the initial solution
VectorXd r = b - A * x;
double bnrm2 = b.norm();
if (bnrm2 == 0.0) bnrm2 = 1.0;
double error = r.norm() / bnrm2;
if (error < tol) return x;
VectorXd sn = VectorXd::Zero(m);
VectorXd cs = VectorXd::Zero(m);
VectorXd beta = VectorXd::Zero(m + 1);
beta(0) = r.norm();
MatrixXd H = MatrixXd::Zero(m + 1, m);
MatrixXd Q = MatrixXd::Zero(n, m + 1);
Q.col(0) = r / r.norm();
int j = 0;
while (j < m) {
// Arnoldi process
Q.col(j + 1) = A * Q.col(j);
for (int i = 0; i <= j; i++) {
H(i, j) = Q.col(j + 1).dot(Q.col(i));
Q.col(j + 1) -= H(i, j) * Q.col(i);
H(j + 1, j) = Q.col(j + 1).norm();
Q.col(j + 1) = Q.col(j + 1) / H(j + 1, j);
// Applying Givens Rotation to H col
for (int i = 0; i <= j - 1; i++) {
double temp = cs(i) * H(i, j) + sn(i) * H(i + 1, j);
H(i + 1, j) = -sn(i) * H(i, j) + cs(i) * H(i + 1, j);
H(i, j) = temp;
cs(j) = H(j, j) / sqrt(H(j, j) * H(j, j) + H(j + 1, j) * H(j + 1, j));
sn(j) = H(j + 1, j) / sqrt(H(j, j) * H(j, j) + H(j + 1, j) * H(j + 1, j));
H(j, j) = cs(j) * H(j, j) + sn(j) * H(j + 1, j);
H(j + 1, j) = 0.0;
// update the residual vector
beta(j + 1) = -sn(j) * beta(j);
beta(j) = cs(j) * beta(j);
error = abs(beta(j + 1)) / b.norm();
if (error <= tol) break;
VectorXd y = H.block(0, 0, j, j).inverse() * beta.segment(0, j);
x = x + Q.block(0, 0, n, j) * y;
return x;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int N = 500;
MatrixXd A = MatrixXd::Random(N, N);
// MatrixXd A(N,N);
// A << 1, 0, 2, 3, 0,
// 0, 4, 0, 5, 0,
// 2, 0, 6, 0, 7,
// 3, 5, 0, 8, 0,
// 0, 0, 7, 0, 9;
cout << "A =" << endl << A << endl;
VectorXd b = VectorXd::Random(N);
// VectorXd b(N);
// b << 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;
cout << "b =" << endl << b << endl;
VectorXd sol = A.inverse() * b;
cout << "sol =" << endl << sol << endl;
VectorXd x0 = VectorXd::Zero(N);
int max_it = 100;
double tol = 1e-12;
VectorXd sol1 = gmres(A, b, x0, max_it, tol);
cout << "sol1 =" << endl << sol1 << endl;
VectorXd error = sol-sol1;
cout << "error = " << error.norm() <<endl;
return 0;
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