同步操作将从 Gitee 极速下载/mysql-workbench 强制同步,此操作会覆盖自 Fork 仓库以来所做的任何修改,且无法恢复!!!
@echo off
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Check parameter
if [%1] == [] goto Usage
if [%2] == [] goto Usage
if [%3] == [] goto Usage
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Script start
echo Preparing output directory...
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Set directory variables
set LIBRARY_DIR=%1library
echo Library directory: %LIBRARY_DIR%
set RES_DIR=%1res
echo Resources directory: %RES_DIR%
set IMAGES_DIR=%1images
echo Images directory: %IMAGES_DIR%
set SCRIPTS_DIR=%1scripts
echo Scripts directory: %SCRIPTS_DIR%
set EXT_LIB_DIR=%1..\mysql-win-res\lib\%3
echo Windows resource directory: %EXT_LIB_DIR%
set EXT_BIN_DIR=%1..\mysql-win-res\redist-bin\%3\%2
echo External binary directory: %EXT_BIN_DIR%
set EXT_DATA_DIR=%1..\mysql-win-res\data
echo External data directory: %EXT_DATA_DIR%
set EXT_SRC_DIR=%1..\mysql-win-res\source
echo External source directory: %EXT_SRC_DIR%
set TARGET_DIR=%1bin\%3\%2
echo Target directory: %TARGET_DIR%
set PYTHON_COMMON_DIR=%1..\mysql-win-res\lib\Python
echo Python common library directory: %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%
set PYTHON_LIB_DIR=%EXT_LIB_DIR%\python\%2
echo Python library directory: %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Copy the files to the target directory
echo Copy Struct files ...
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\structs mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\structs
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\grt\structs*.xml %TARGET_DIR%\structs\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo Copy image files ...
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\grt\structs mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\grt\structs
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\cursors mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\cursors
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\ui mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\ui
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\home mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\home
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\images\sql mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\images\sql
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\grt\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\grt\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\grt\structs\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\grt\structs\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\icons\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\toolbar\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\changeset\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\admin\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\migration\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_DATA_DIR%\cursors\*.cur %TARGET_DIR%\images\cursors\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_DATA_DIR%\icons\MySQLWorkbench.ico %TARGET_DIR%\images\icons\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_DATA_DIR%\icons\MySQLWorkbenchDoc.ico %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_DATA_DIR%\icons\MySQLWBPlugin.ico %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\ui\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\ui\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\ui\*.xpm %TARGET_DIR%\images\ui\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\home\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\home\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %IMAGES_DIR%\sql\*.png %TARGET_DIR%\images\sql\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo Copy Resource files ..
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\data mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\data
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\grtdata\*.xml %TARGET_DIR%\data\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\wbdata\*.xml %TARGET_DIR%\data\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\wbdata\data.db %TARGET_DIR%\data\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo Copy parser grammar + support files
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\parsers\MySQL.tokens %TARGET_DIR%\data 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\parsers\MySQLSimpleParser.tokens %TARGET_DIR%\data 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\parsers\grammars\MySQL.g %TARGET_DIR%\data 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\parsers\grammars\MySQLSimpleParser.g %TARGET_DIR%\data 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\mysql.profiles mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\mysql.profiles
copy %RES_DIR%\mysql.profiles\*.xml %TARGET_DIR%\mysql.profiles\. 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\snippets mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\snippets
copy %RES_DIR%\snippets\*.txt %TARGET_DIR%\snippets\. 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\script_templates mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\script_templates
copy %RES_DIR%\scripts\script_templates\*.txt %TARGET_DIR%\script_templates\. 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\sys mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\sys
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\sys %TARGET_DIR%\sys 1> nul 2> nul
echo Copy Scripting Libraries...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\vbs\*.vbs %TARGET_DIR%\
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\python\*.py %TARGET_DIR%\
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\snippets\shell_snippets.* %TARGET_DIR%\
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\sshtunnel\sshtunnel.py %TARGET_DIR%\
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\shell\*.vbs %TARGET_DIR%\
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\firewall\ mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\firewall
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\scripts\firewall\* %TARGET_DIR%\firewall 1> nul 2> nul
echo Copy python workbench files
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\workbench mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\workbench
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\python\workbench\*.py %TARGET_DIR%\workbench
echo Copy python/mforms
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\forms\swig\mforms.py %TARGET_DIR%\
xcopy /i /s /y /d %LIBRARY_DIR%\forms\swig\cairo.py %TARGET_DIR%\
echo Copy executables ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_BIN_DIR%\mysqldump.exe %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_BIN_DIR%\mysql.exe %TARGET_DIR%\.
rem Do not remove
rem Python executable needed by MSI Custom Action (to precompile Python files) and maybe some externally executed scripts...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_BIN_DIR%\python*.exe %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * MySQL client library ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\mysql\%2\libmysql*.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
rem xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\mysql\%2\libmysql*.pdb %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo * MySQL cdbc driver ...
rem copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\cppconn\mysql\%2\mysqlcppconn.dll %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo * glib libraries ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\glib\glib.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\glib\gmodule.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\glib\gobject.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\glib\gthread.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\glib\libintl-8.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * libxml2 libraries ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\libxml\libxml2.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\libxml\libiconv.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * zlib + libzip libraries ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\zlib\%2\zlib.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\libzip\%2\libzip.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
rem =========== Python ============================
echo * Python libraries ...
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\python mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\python 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\python\DLLs mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\python\DLLs 1> nul 2> nul
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages 1> nul 2> nul
rem the shared python files
xcopy /i /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\*.py %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\multiprocessing %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\multiprocessing 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\email %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\email 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\encodings %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\encodings 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\logging %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\logging 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\json %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\json 1> nul 2> nul
rem xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\unittest %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\unittest 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\ctypes %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\ctypes 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\sqlite3 %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\sqlite3 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\xml %TARGET_DIR%\python\lib\xml 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /y /d %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%\*.dll %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /y /d %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%\DLLs\*.pyd %TARGET_DIR%\python\DLLs 1> nul 2> nul
rem site packages that are release type independent
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\site-packages\paramiko %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages\paramiko 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_COMMON_DIR%\site-packages\ecdsa %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages\ecdsa 1> nul 2> nul
rem site packages for debug/release types
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%\site-packages\Crypto %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages\Crypto 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%\site-packages\pysqlite2 %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages\pysqlite2 1> nul 2> nul
xcopy /i /s /y /d %PYTHON_LIB_DIR%\site-packages\*.pyd %TARGET_DIR%\python\site-packages\ 1> nul 2> nul
rem Cleanup stuff that should never or only under certain circumstances stay in the target folder.
rem if "%2"=="Release" del %TARGET_DIR%\python\*_d.* /S
rem del %TARGET_DIR%\python\*85.dll %TARGET_DIR%\python\_tkinter.* 1> nul 2> nul
rem =======================================
echo * cairo library ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\cairo\*.dll %TARGET_DIR%\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo * png library ...
xcopy /i /s /y /d %EXT_LIB_DIR%\libpng\libpng.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * ctemplate library ...
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\ctemplate\%2\libctemplate.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * cppconn library ...
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\mysqlcppconn\%2\mysqlcppconn.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * pcre library ...
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\pcre\%2\pcre.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * sqlite library ...
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\sqlite\%2\sqlite3.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * vsqlite++ library ...
copy "%EXT_LIB_DIR%\vsqlite++\%2\vsqlite++.dll" %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * gdal library + tools ...
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\gdal\%2\gdal.dll %TARGET_DIR%\.
copy %EXT_LIB_DIR%\gdal\%2\*.exe %TARGET_DIR%\.
echo * Templates
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\modules\data\sqlide mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\modules\data\sqlide
xcopy /i /s /y /d %RES_DIR%\sqlidedata\templates\*.* %TARGET_DIR%\modules\data\sqlide\. 1> nul 2> nul
echo * Copy Sample Files
if not exist %TARGET_DIR%\extras mkdir %TARGET_DIR%\extras
xcopy /i /y /d %1samples\models\* %TARGET_DIR%\extras 1> nul 2> nul
echo * README files
xcopy /i /y /d %1README %TARGET_DIR%
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Call sub-scripts
call %1\modules\PrepareOutputDir.cmd %1 %2 %3
rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem Work is done
echo Output directory preparation complete.
rem Make sure to reset error level
goto EndOfScript
echo This script sets up the output directory so that applications can be started from there and find
echo all directories and files as in the final distribution. The script takes 3 parameters, the
echo SolutionDirectory and ConfigurationName.
echo Use an ABSOLUTE PATH to the solution directory and end it with a backslash!
echo .
echo Usage:
echo %0 SolutionDirectory ConfigurationName Architecture
echo .
echo Example:
echo %0 "C:\Documents and Settings\mysqldev\My Documents\work\mysql-workbench\" Debug x64
echo .
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。