#!/usr/bin/env php
| Copyright (C) 2004-2021 The Cacti Group |
| |
| This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
| modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License |
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 |
| of the License, or (at your option) any later version. |
| |
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
| but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
| GNU General Public License for more details. |
| Cacti: The Complete RRDtool-based Graphing Solution |
| This code is designed, written, and maintained by the Cacti Group. See |
| about.php and/or the AUTHORS file for specific developer information. |
| http://www.cacti.net/ |
if (function_exists('pcntl_async_signals')) {
} else {
declare(ticks = 100);
ini_set('output_buffering', 'Off');
require(__DIR__ . '/include/cli_check.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/poller.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/data_query.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/rrd.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/dsstats.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/dsdebug.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/boost.php');
require_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/reports.php');
global $poller_db_cnn_id, $remote_db_cnn_id, $logged;
if ($config['poller_id'] > 1 && $config['connection'] == 'online') {
$poller_db_cnn_id = $remote_db_cnn_id;
} else {
$poller_db_cnn_id = false;
function sig_handler($signo) {
global $poller_db_cnn_id;
switch ($signo) {
case SIGINT:
cacti_log('WARNING: Cacti Master Poller process terminated by user', true, 'POLLER', POLLER_VERBOSITY_LOW);
$running_processes = db_fetch_assoc('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' *
FROM poller_time
WHERE end_time=\'0000-00-00 00:00:00\'', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
if (cacti_sizeof($running_processes)) {
foreach($running_processes as $process) {
if (function_exists('posix_kill')) {
cacti_log("WARNING: Termination poller process with pid '" . $process['pid'] . "'", true, 'POLLER', POLLER_VERBOSITY_LOW);
posix_kill($process['pid'], SIGTERM);
db_execute('TRUNCATE TABLE poller_time', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// ignore all other signals
// initialize some variables
$force = false;
$debug = false;
$mibs = false;
$logged = false;
// set the poller_id
$poller_id = $config['poller_id'];
$hostname = php_uname('n');
// requires for remote poller stage out
// process calling arguments
$parms = $_SERVER['argv'];
if (cacti_sizeof($parms)) {
foreach($parms as $parameter) {
if (strpos($parameter, '=')) {
list($arg, $value) = explode('=', $parameter);
} else {
$arg = $parameter;
$value = '';
switch ($arg) {
case '-p':
case '--poller':
$poller_id = $value;
case '-d':
case '--debug':
$debug = true;
case '--force':
$force = true;
case '--version':
case '-V':
case '-v':
case '-H':
case '-h':
case '--help':
print "ERROR: Invalid Argument: ($arg)\n\n";
// catch upgrade case
if (!db_column_exists('poller', 'dbhost')) {
cacti_log('Poller is upgrading from pre Cacti 1.0, exiting till upgraded.', false, 'POLLER');
$phostname = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT hostname
FROM poller
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// update the pollers hostname if it is blank, otherwise allow the user to edit it
if ($phostname == '' || $phostname == 'localhost' || $phostname == '') {
db_execute_prepared('UPDATE poller
SET hostname = ?
WHERE id = ?',
array($hostname, $poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
$dbhostname = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT dbhost
FROM poller
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// update the database hostname based upon the entry
if ($dbhostname == '' || $dbhostname == 'localhost' || $dbhostname == '') {
if ($database_hostname != 'localhost' && $database_hostname != '') {
$hostname = $database_hostname;
db_execute_prepared('UPDATE poller
SET dbhost = ?
WHERE id = ?',
array($hostname, $poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// if you have more than one poller, boost must be enabled
$total_pollers = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM poller');
if ($total_pollers > 1) {
set_config_option('boost_rrd_update_system_enable', 'on');
set_config_option('boost_redirect', 'on');
// check to see if the poller is disabled
// install signal handlers for UNIX only
if (function_exists('pcntl_signal')) {
pcntl_signal(SIGTERM, 'sig_handler');
pcntl_signal(SIGINT, 'sig_handler');
// record the start time
$poller_start = microtime(true);
$overhead_time = 0;
$current_time = time();
// prime the poller_resource_cache for multiple pollers
if ($config['connection'] == 'online') {
// get number of polling items from the database
$poller_interval = read_config_option('poller_interval');
// retreive the last time the poller ran
$poller_lastrun = read_config_option('poller_lastrun_' . $poller_id);
// collect the system mibs every 4 hours
if ($poller_lastrun % 14440 < $current_time % 14440 || empty($poller_lastrun)) {
$mibs = true;
// get the poller data
$poller = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT *
FROM poller
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// get the current cron interval from the database
$cron_interval = read_config_option('cron_interval');
if ($cron_interval != 60) {
$cron_interval = 300;
// see if the user wishes to use process leveling
$process_leveling = read_config_option('process_leveling');
// retreive the number of concurrent process settings
if (cacti_sizeof($poller)) {
$concurrent_processes = $poller['processes'];
} else {
$concurrent_processes = read_config_option('concurrent_processes');
if (!isset($concurrent_processes) || intval($concurrent_processes) < 1) {
$concurrent_processes = 1;
// correct for possible poller output not empty occurances
$ds_needing_fixes = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT local_data_id,
MIN(rrd_next_step) AS next_step,
COUNT(DISTINCT rrd_next_step) AS instances
FROM poller_item
WHERE poller_id = ?
AND rrd_num > 1
GROUP BY local_data_id
HAVING instances > 1',
if (cacti_sizeof($ds_needing_fixes)) {
foreach($ds_needing_fixes as $ds) {
db_execute_prepared('UPDATE poller_item
SET rrd_next_step = ?
WHERE local_data_id = ?',
array($ds['next_step'], $ds['local_data_id']));
/* determine the number of active profiles to improve poller performance
* under some circumstances. Save this data for spine and cmd.php.
$active_profiles = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT data_source_profile_id)
FROM data_template_data
WHERE local_data_id > 0');
set_config_option('active_profiles', $active_profiles);
/* assume a scheduled task of either 60 or 300 seconds */
if (!empty($poller_interval)) {
$poller_runs = intval($cron_interval / $poller_interval);
if ($active_profiles != 1) {
$sql_where = "WHERE rrd_next_step - $poller_interval <= 0 AND poller_id = $poller_id";
} else {
$sql_where = "WHERE poller_id = $poller_id";
define('MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME', $poller_runs * $poller_interval - 2);
} else {
$sql_where = "WHERE poller_id = $poller_id";
$poller_runs = 1;
$poller_interval = 300;
define('MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME', 298);
$num_polling_items = db_fetch_cell('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' COUNT(*)
FROM poller_item ' . $sql_where);
if (isset($concurrent_processes) && $concurrent_processes > 1) {
$items_perhost = array_rekey(db_fetch_assoc("SELECT " . SQL_NO_CACHE . " host_id,
COUNT(local_data_id) AS data_sources
FROM poller_item
GROUP BY host_id
ORDER BY host_id"), 'host_id', 'data_sources');
if (isset($items_perhost) && cacti_sizeof($items_perhost)) {
$items_per_process = floor($num_polling_items / $concurrent_processes);
if ($items_per_process == 0) {
$process_leveling = 'off';
} else {
$process_leveling = 'off';
// some text formatting for platform specific vocabulary
if ($config['cacti_server_os'] == 'unix') {
$task_type = 'Cron';
} else {
$task_type = 'Scheduled Task';
if ($debug) {
} else {
$poller_seconds_sincerun = 'Never';
if (isset($poller_lastrun)) {
$poller_seconds_sincerun = round($poller_start - $poller_lastrun, 2);
cacti_log("NOTE: Poller Int: '$poller_interval', $task_type Int: '$cron_interval', Time Since Last: '$poller_seconds_sincerun', Max Runtime '" . MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME. "', Poller Runs: '$poller_runs'", true, 'POLLER', $level);
// our cron can run at either 1 or 5 minute intervals
if ($poller_interval <= 60) {
$min_period = '60';
} else {
$min_period = '300';
// get to see if we are polling faster than reported by the settings, if so, exit
if ((isset($poller_lastrun) && isset($poller_interval) && $poller_lastrun > 0) && (!$force)) {
// give the user some flexibility to run a little moe often
if ((($poller_start - $poller_lastrun)*1.3) < MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME) {
cacti_log("NOTE: $task_type is configured to run too often! The Poller Interval is '$poller_interval' seconds, with a minimum $task_type period of '$min_period' seconds, but only " . number_format_i18n($poller_start - $poller_lastrun, 1) . ' seconds have passed since the poller last ran.', true, 'POLLER', $level);
/* check to see whether we have the poller interval set lower than
* the poller is actually ran, if so, issue a warning
if ((($poller_start - $poller_lastrun - 5) > MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME) && ($poller_lastrun > 0)) {
cacti_log("WARNING: $task_type is out of sync with the Poller Interval! The Poller Interval is '$poller_interval' seconds, with a maximum of a '$min_period' second $task_type, but " . number_format_i18n($poller_start - $poller_lastrun, 1) . ' seconds have passed since the last poll!', true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for poller id %d! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll!', $task_type, $poller_id, $poller_interval, $min_period, number_format_i18n($poller_start - $poller_lastrun, 1)));
set_config_option('poller_lastrun_' . $poller_id, (int)$poller_start);
/* let PHP only run 1 second longer than the max runtime,
* plus the poller needs lot's of memory
ini_set('max_execution_time', MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME + 1);
ini_set('memory_limit', '-1');
$poller_runs_completed = 0;
$poller_items_total = 0;
while ($poller_runs_completed < $poller_runs) {
// record the start time for this loop
$loop_start = microtime(true);
$num_polling_items = db_fetch_cell('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' COUNT(*)
FROM poller_item ' . $sql_where);
$polling_hosts = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' h.id
FROM host h
LEFT JOIN sites s
ON s.id = h.site_id
WHERE poller_id = ?
AND h.deleted=""
AND IFNULL(h.disabled,"") != "on"
AND IFNULL(s.disabled,"") != "on"
if ($poller_id == '1') {
if (cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)) {
$polling_hosts = array_merge(array(0 => array('id' => '0')), $polling_hosts);
} else {
$polling_hosts = array(0 => array('id' => '0'));
$hosts_per_process = 0;
$method = 'disabled';
$script = $server = $snmp = 0;
$totals = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT action, COUNT(*) AS totals
FROM poller_item
WHERE poller_id = ?
GROUP BY action',
if (cacti_sizeof($totals)) {
foreach($totals as $value) {
switch($value['action']) {
case '0': // SNMP
$snmp = $value['totals'];
case '1': // Script
$script = $value['totals'];
case '2': // Server
$server = $value['totals'];
// update statistics
db_execute_prepared('INSERT INTO poller (id, snmp, script, server, last_status, status)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), 1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE snmp=VALUES(snmp), script=VALUES(script),
server=VALUES(server), last_status=VALUES(last_status), status=VALUES(status)',
array($poller_id, $snmp, $script, $server), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// calculate overhead time
if ($overhead_time == 0) {
$overhead_time = $loop_start - $poller_start;
// initialize counters for script file handling
$host_count = 1;
// initialize file creation flags
$change_proc = false;
// initialize file and host count pointers
$started_processes = 0;
$first_host = 0;
$last_host = 0;
$rrds_processed = 0;
$webroot = addslashes(($config['cacti_server_os'] == 'win32') ? strtr(strtolower(substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, 1)) . substr(dirname(__FILE__), 1),"\\", '/') : dirname(__FILE__));
// update web paths for the poller
set_config_option('path_webroot', $webroot);
// obtain some defaults from the database
$poller_type = read_config_option('poller_type');
if (cacti_sizeof($poller) && isset($poller['threads'])) {
$max_threads = $poller['threads'];
} else {
$max_threads = read_config_option('max_threads');
if (!isset($max_threads) || intval($max_threads) < 1) {
$max_threads = 1;
/* initialize poller_time and poller_output tables,
* check poller_output for issues
$running_processes = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' COUNT(*)
FROM poller_time
WHERE poller_id = ?
AND end_time="0000-00-00 00:00:00"',
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
if ($running_processes) {
cacti_log("WARNING: There are $running_processes processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle, please investigate", true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for poller id %d, please investigate.', $running_processes, $poller_id));
db_execute_prepared('DELETE FROM poller_time
WHERE poller_id = ?',
array($poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
/* only report issues for the main poller or from bad local
* data ids, other pollers may insert somewhat asynchornously
$issues = [];
$issues_limit = 20;
$issues_check = ( $poller_id == 1 || $config['connection'] == 'online');
$issues_param = [ $current_time, $poller_id, $poller_id ];
$issues_sql = '
FROM poller_output AS po
LEFT JOIN data_local AS dl
ON po.local_data_id = dl.id
ON dl.host_id = h.id
WHERE time < FROM_UNIXTIME(? - 600)
AND (h.poller_id = ? OR h.id IS NULL or ? = 1)';
if ($issues_check) {
$issues = db_fetch_assoc_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . '
local_data_id, rrd_name' . $issues_sql . '
LIMIT ' . $issues_limit,
if (cacti_sizeof($issues)) {
$count = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . '
COUNT(*)' . $issues_sql,
$issues_list = [];
foreach($issues as $issue) {
$issues_list []= $issue['local_data_id'];
$issue_list = 'DS[' . implode(', ', $issues_list) . ']';
if ($count > $issues_limit) {
$issue_list .= ", Additional Issues Remain. Only showing first $issues_limit";
cacti_log("WARNING: Poller Output Table not Empty. Issues: $count, $issue_list", true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: Poller Output Table not empty for poller id %d. Issues: %d, %s.', $poller_id, $count, $issue_list));
db_execute_prepared('DELETE po ' . $issues_sql, $issues_param);
// mainline
if (read_config_option('poller_enabled') == 'on') {
// determine the number of hosts to process per file
$hosts_per_process = ceil(($poller_id == '1' ? cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)-1 : cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)) / $concurrent_processes );
$items_launched = 0;
// exit poller if spine is selected and file does not exist
if (($poller_type == '2') && (!file_exists(read_config_option('path_spine')))) {
cacti_log('ERROR: The spine path: ' . read_config_option('path_spine') . ' is invalid. Poller can not continue!', true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('ERROR: The spine path: %s is invalid for poller id %d. Poller can not continue!', read_config_option('path_spine'), $poller_id));
// determine command name
if ($poller_type == '2') {
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_spine'));
if (read_config_option('path_spine_config') != '' && file_exists(read_config_option('path_spine_config'))) {
$extra_args = ' -C ' . cacti_escapeshellarg(read_config_option('path_spine_config'));
} else {
$extra_args = '';
$method = 'spine';
$total_procs = $concurrent_processes * $max_threads;
} elseif ($config['cacti_server_os'] == 'unix') {
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_php_binary'));
$extra_args = '-q ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($config['base_path'] . '/cmd.php');
$method = 'cmd.php';
$total_procs = $concurrent_processes;
} else {
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_php_binary'));
$extra_args = '-q ' . cacti_escapeshellarg(strtolower($config['base_path'] . '/cmd.php'));
$method = 'cmd.php';
$total_procs = $concurrent_processes;
if (read_config_option('path_stderrlog') != '' && $config['cacti_server_os'] != 'win32') {
$extra_parms = '>> ' . read_config_option('path_stderrlog') . ' 2>&1';
} else {
$extra_parms = '';
if ($poller_id > 1) {
$extra_args .= ' --mode=' . $config['connection'];
/* Populate each execution file with appropriate information */
if (cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)) {
foreach ($polling_hosts as $item) {
if ($host_count == 1) {
$first_host = $item['id'];
if ($process_leveling != 'on') {
if ($host_count == $hosts_per_process) {
$last_host = $item['id'];
$change_proc = true;
} else {
if (isset($items_perhost[$item['id']])) {
$items_launched += $items_perhost[$item['id']];
if (($items_launched >= $items_per_process) ||
(cacti_sizeof($items_perhost) == $concurrent_processes)) {
$last_host = $item['id'];
/* if this is the dummy entry for externally updated data sources
* that are not related to any host (host id = 0), do NOT change_proc */
$change_proc = ($item['id'] == 0 ? false : true);
$items_launched = 0;
$host_count ++;
if ($change_proc) {
exec_background($command_string, "$extra_args --poller=$poller_id --first=$first_host --last=$last_host" . ($mibs ? ' --mibs':''), $extra_parms);
$host_count = 1;
$change_proc = false;
$first_host = 0;
$last_host = 0;
// launch the last process
if ($host_count > 1) {
$last_host = $item['id'];
exec_background($command_string, "$extra_args --poller=$poller_id --first=$first_host --last=$last_host" . ($mibs ? ' --mibs':''), $extra_parms);
if ($poller_id == 1) {
// insert the current date/time for graphs
set_config_option('date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
// open a pipe to rrdtool for writing
$rrdtool_pipe = rrd_init();
if ($poller_type == '1') {
$max_threads = '1';
$rrds_processed = 0;
$poller_finishing_dispatched = false;
while (1) {
$finished_processes = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . " count(*)
FROM poller_time
WHERE poller_id = ?
AND end_time >'0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
if ($finished_processes >= $started_processes) {
// all scheduled pollers are finished
if ($poller_finishing_dispatched === false) {
$poller_finishing_dispatched = true;
if ($poller_id == 1) {
$rrds_processed = $rrds_processed + process_poller_output($rrdtool_pipe, true);
} elseif ($config['connection'] != 'online') {
/* truncate until formal remote management is supported */
db_execute('TRUNCATE poller_output');
log_cacti_stats($loop_start, $method, $concurrent_processes, $max_threads,
($poller_id == '1' ? cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts) - 1 : cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)), $hosts_per_process, $num_polling_items, $rrds_processed);
} else {
if (read_config_option('log_verbosity') >= POLLER_VERBOSITY_MEDIUM || $debug) {
print 'Waiting on ' . ($started_processes - $finished_processes) . ' of ' . $started_processes . " pollers.\n";
$mtb = microtime(true);
if ($poller_id == 1) {
$rrds_processed = $rrds_processed + process_poller_output($rrdtool_pipe);
} elseif ($config['connection'] != 'online') {
/* truncate until formal remote management is supported */
db_execute('TRUNCATE poller_output');
// end the process if the runtime exceeds MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME
if (($poller_start + MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME) < time()) {
cacti_log('Maximum runtime of ' . MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME . ' seconds exceeded. Exiting.', true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('Maximum runtime of %d seconds exceeded for poller id %d. Exiting.', MAX_POLLER_RUNTIME, $poller_id));
// generate a snmp notification
log_cacti_stats($loop_start, $method, $concurrent_processes, $max_threads,
($poller_id == '1' ? cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts) - 1 : cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)), $hosts_per_process, $num_polling_items, $rrds_processed);
} elseif (microtime(true) - $mtb < 1) {
if ($poller_id == 1) {
// process poller commands
$commands = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT ' . SQL_NO_CACHE . ' COUNT(*)
FROM poller_command
WHERE poller_id = ?',
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
if ($commands > 0) {
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_php_binary'));
$extra_args = '-q ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($config['base_path'] . '/poller_commands.php') . ' --poller=' . $poller_id;
exec_background($command_string, $extra_args);
} else {
/* no re-index or Rechache present on this run
* in case, we have more PCOMMANDS than recaching, this has to be moved to poller_commands.php
* but then we'll have to call it each time to make sure, stats are updated */
set_config_option('stats_recache_' . $poller_id, 'Poller:' . $poller_id . ' RecacheTime:0.0 DevicesRecached:0');
if ($method == 'spine') {
$webroot = read_config_option('path_webroot');
if (is_dir($webroot)) {
} else {
cacti_log('WARNING: The Cacti Data Collector is currently disabled!', true, 'POLLER');
// push records updates to the main poller
// record the start time for this loop
$loop_end = microtime(true);
$loop_time = $loop_end - $loop_start;
if ($loop_time < $poller_interval) {
// sleep the appripriate amount of time
if ($poller_runs_completed < $poller_runs) {
$plugin_start = microtime(true);
// all plugins moved to core
if ($poller_id == 1) {
// record the start time for this loop
$loop_end = microtime(true);
$cur_loop_time = $loop_end - $loop_start;
if ($poller_runs_completed == 1) {
$sleep_time = $poller_interval - $cur_loop_time - $overhead_time;
} else {
$sleep_time = $poller_interval - $cur_loop_time;
// log some nice debug information
if ($debug) {
print 'Loop Time is: ' . round($loop_time, 2) . "\n";
print 'Sleep Time is: ' . round($sleep_time, 2) . "\n";
print 'Total Time is: ' . round($loop_end - $poller_start, 2) . "\n";
$plugin_end = microtime(true);
if ($sleep_time > 0) {
usleep($sleep_time * 1000000);
} else {
cacti_log('WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by ' . ($loop_end-$loop_start-$poller_interval) . ' seconds', true, 'POLLER', $level);
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by ' . ($loop_end-$loop_start-$poller_interval) . ' seconds', true, 'POLLER', $level));
if (!$logged) {
log_cacti_stats($loop_start, $method, $concurrent_processes, $max_threads,
($poller_id == '1' ? cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts) - 1 : cacti_sizeof($polling_hosts)), $hosts_per_process, $num_polling_items, $rrds_processed);
/* start post data processing */
if ($poller_id == 1) {
} else {
// flush the boost table if in recovery mode
if ($poller_id > 1 && $config['connection'] == 'recovery') {
cacti_log('NOTE: Remote Data Collection to force processing of boost records.', true, 'POLLER');
function bad_index_check($mibs) {
if ($mibs == true) {
$bad_index_devices = db_fetch_cell('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT dl.host_id)
FROM data_local dl
LEFT JOIN data_template_data dtd
ON dtd.local_data_id = dl.id
WHERE dl.snmp_query_id > 0
AND dl.snmp_index = ""
AND dtd.active != ""');
if ($bad_index_devices != '') {
$bad_indexes = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(*)
FROM data_local dl
LEFT JOIN data_template_data dtd
ON dtd.local_data_id = dl.id
WHERE dl.snmp_query_id > 0
AND dl.snmp_index = ""
AND dtd.active != ""');
$devices = explode(',', $bad_index_devices);
$device_str = 'Device[' . implode('], Device[', $devices) . ']';
cacti_log('WARNING: You have ' . cacti_sizeof($devices) . ' Devices with bad SNMP Indexes. Devices: ' . $device_str . ' totalling ' . $bad_indexes . ' Data Sources. Please Either Re-Index, Delete or Disable these Data Sources.', false, 'POLLER');
function poller_table_maintenance() {
// catch the unlikely event that the poller_output_boost is missing
if (!db_table_exists('poller_output_boost')) {
db_execute('CREATE TABLE poller_output_boost LIKE poller_output');
db_execute('ALTER TABLE poller_output_boost ENGINE=InnoDB');
// catch the unlikely event that the poller_output_boost_processes is missing
if (!db_table_exists('poller_output_boost_processes')) {
db_execute('CREATE TABLE `poller_output_boost_processes` (
`sock_int_value` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
`status` varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`sock_int_value`))
// catch the unlikely event that the poller_output_realtime is missing
if (!db_table_exists('poller_output_realtime')) {
db_execute('CREATE TABLE poller_output_realtime (
local_data_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default "0",
rrd_name varchar(19) NOT NULL default "",
`time` timestamp NOT NULL default "0000-00-00 00:00:00",
output text NOT NULL,
poller_id varchar(256) NOT NULL default "1",
PRIMARY KEY (local_data_id, rrd_name, time, poller_id),
KEY poller_id (poller_id),
KEY `time` (`time`))
function poller_replicate_check() {
global $config;
include_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/poller.php');
$sync_interval = read_config_option('poller_sync_interval');
if ($sync_interval == '') {
$sync_interval = 7200;
$pollers = db_fetch_assoc("SELECT id
FROM poller
WHERE id > 1
AND dbhost NOT IN ('localhost', '', '')
AND disabled = ''
AND sync_interval != 0
AND (last_sync = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR requires_sync = 'on'
OR (UNIX_TIMESTAMP()-UNIX_TIMESTAMP(last_sync) >= IFNULL(sync_interval, $sync_interval)))");
if (cacti_sizeof($pollers)) {
foreach($pollers as $poller) {
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_php_binary'));
$extra_args = '-q ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($config['base_path'] . '/cli/poller_replicate.php') . ' --poller=' . $poller['id'];
exec_background($command_string, $extra_args);
function poller_enabled_check($poller_id) {
global $poller_db_cnn_id;
$poller_disabled = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT disabled
FROM poller
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), '', true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
$system_enabled = read_config_option('poller_enabled');
$should_exit = false;
if ($system_enabled == '') {
cacti_log('WARNING: System Polling is Disabled! Therefore, data collection from the poller will be suspended till re-enabled.', true, 'SYSTEM');
$should_exit = true;
if ($poller_disabled == 'on') {
cacti_log('WARNING: Poller ' . $poller_id . ' is Disabled. Therefore, data collection for this Poller will be suspended till it\'s re-enabled.', true, 'SYSTEM');
$should_exit = true;
if ($should_exit) {
db_execute_prepared('UPDATE poller
SET last_status=NOW()
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
function log_cacti_stats($loop_start, $method, $concurrent_processes, $max_threads, $num_hosts,
$hosts_per_process, $num_polling_items, $rrds_processed) {
global $poller_id, $poller_db_cnn_id, $logged;
// get the poller data
$poller = db_fetch_row_prepared('SELECT *
FROM poller
WHERE id = ?',
array($poller_id), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// take time and log performance data
$loop_end = microtime(true);
$perf_data = array(
$cacti_stats = vsprintf('Time:%01.4f Method:%s Processes:%s Threads:%s Hosts:%s HostsPerProcess:%s DataSources:%s RRDsProcessed:%s', $perf_data);
cacti_log('STATS: ' . $cacti_stats , true, 'SYSTEM');
// insert poller stats into the settings table
if ($poller_id > 1) {
set_config_option('stats_poller_' . $poller_id, $cacti_stats);
} else {
set_config_option('stats_poller', $cacti_stats);
if (is_array($poller) && array_key_exists('min_time', $poller)) {
// calculate min/max/average timings
$total_time = $loop_end-$loop_start;
$total_polls = $poller['total_polls'];
if ($total_time < $poller['min_time'] || $poller['min_time'] == '') {
$min_time = $total_time;
} else {
$min_time = $poller['min_time'];
if ($total_time > $poller['max_time'] || $poller['max_time'] == '') {
$max_time = $total_time;
} else {
$max_time = $poller['max_time'];
$avg_time = (($total_polls * $poller['avg_time']) + $total_time) / ($total_polls + 1);
// insert poller stats into the poller table
db_execute_prepared('INSERT INTO poller
(id, total_time, min_time, max_time, avg_time, total_polls, last_update, last_status, status)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW(), 2)
last_status=VALUES(last_status), status=VALUES(status)',
array($poller_id, round($total_time, 4), $min_time, $max_time, $avg_time, $total_polls + 1), true, $poller_db_cnn_id);
// update snmpcache
api_plugin_hook_function('cacti_stats_update', $perf_data);
$logged = true;
function poller_run_stats ($loop_start) {
global $poller_id, $poller_interval, $poller_lastrun;
$threshold_1h = read_config_option('poller_warning_1h_ratio');
$threshold_1h_count = read_config_option('poller_warning_1h_count');
$threshold_24h = read_config_option('poller_warning_24h_ratio');
$loop_end = microtime(true);
$total_time = $loop_end-$loop_start;
// last day stats
if (date('j', $poller_lastrun) != date('j')) {
$min = db_fetch_cell('SELECT IFNULL(MIN(total_time),0) FROM poller_time_stats');
$max = db_fetch_cell('SELECT IFNULL(MAX(total_time),0) FROM poller_time_stats');
$sum = db_fetch_cell('SELECT IFNULL(SUM(total_time),0) FROM poller_time_stats');
$count = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(total_time) FROM poller_time_stats');
if ($count > 0) {
$ratio = round($sum / $count, 2);
cacti_log(__("24 hours avg. poller run time is $ratio seconds, min: $min, max: $max"), true, 'POLLER');
if ($ratio / $poller_interval > $threshold_24h / 100 && $threshold_24h > 0) {
cacti_log(__("WARNING: 24 hours poller avg. run time reached more than $threshold_24h% of time limit"), true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: 24 hours poller (id %d) avg. run time is %f seconds (more than %d % of time limit)', $poller_id, $ratio, $threshold_24h));
// last hour stats
if (date('G', $poller_lastrun) != date('G')) {
$count = db_fetch_cell_prepared('SELECT COUNT(total_time)
FROM poller_time_stats WHERE time > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 60 minute)
AND (total_time / ?) > (? / 100)',
array($poller_interval, $threshold_1h));
if ($count > $threshold_1h_count && $threshold_1h_count > 0) {
cacti_log(__("WARNING: In last hour poller run time $count times (limit $threshold_1h_count) reached more than $threshold_1h% of time limit"), true, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Warning'), __('WARNING: In last hour poller (id %d) run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit', $poller_id, $threshold_1h_count, $threshold_1h));
// poller time statistics for last day
db_execute_prepared('INSERT INTO poller_time_stats
VALUES (?, ?, NOW())',
array($poller_id, round($total_time, 4)));
// delete old stats
db_execute('DELETE FROM poller_time_stats WHERE `time` < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR)');
function multiple_poller_boost_check() {
$pollers = db_fetch_cell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM poller WHERE disabled="" AND id > 1');
if ($pollers > 0 && read_config_option('boost_rrd_update_enable') == '') {
cacti_log('NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therfore, enabling boost automatically!', false, 'POLLER');
admin_email(__('Cacti System Notification'), __('NOTE: A second Cacti data collector has been added. Therfore, enabling boost automatically!'));
set_config_option('boost_rrd_update_enable', 'on');
set_config_option('boost_rrd_update_system_enable', 'on');
* function for bulk spikekill that only runs on the main cacti server
function spikekill_poller_bottom () {
global $config;
include_once($config['base_path'] . '/lib/poller.php');
$command_string = cacti_escapeshellcmd(read_config_option('path_php_binary'));
$extra_args = '-q ' . cacti_escapeshellarg($config['base_path'] . '/poller_spikekill.php');
exec_background($command_string, $extra_args);
/* display_version - displays version information */
function display_version() {
print "Cacti Main Poller, Version $version, " . COPYRIGHT_YEARS . "\n";
function display_help() {
print "\nusage: poller.php [--poller=ID] [--force] [--debug]\n\n";
print "Cacti's main poller. This poller is the launcher of cmd.php, spine, and all other\n";
print "background processes. It is the heart of Cacti's data collection engine.\n\n";
print "Optional:\n";
print " --poller=ID Run as the poller indicated and not the default poller.\n";
print " --force Override poller overrun detection and force a poller run.\n";
print " --debug|-d Output debug information. Similar to cacti's DEBUG logging level.\n\n";
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