加入 Gitee
与超过 1200万 开发者一起发现、参与优秀开源项目,私有仓库也完全免费 :)
functions.xiu.php 38.36 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
zeng 提交于 2017-10-22 00:08 . adjust image size
if( is_super_admin() ){
//ini_set("display_errors", 1);
// exit;
* define
* ====================================================
define( 'THEME_VERSION' , '5.4' );
function _hui( $name, $default = false ) {
$config = get_option( 'opshui' );
if ( ! isset( $config['id'] ) ) {
return $default;
$options = get_option( $config['id'] );
if ( isset( $options[$name] ) ) {
return $options[$name];
return $default;
// WordPress Emoji Delete
remove_action( 'admin_print_scripts' , 'print_emoji_detection_script');
remove_action( 'admin_print_styles' , 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_action( 'wp_head' , 'print_emoji_detection_script', 7);
remove_action( 'wp_print_styles' , 'print_emoji_styles');
remove_filter( 'the_content_feed' , 'wp_staticize_emoji');
remove_filter( 'comment_text_rss' , 'wp_staticize_emoji');
remove_filter( 'wp_mail' , 'wp_staticize_emoji_for_email');
* delete google fonts
* ====================================================
// Remove Open Sans that WP adds from frontend
if (!function_exists('remove_wp_open_sans')) :
function remove_wp_open_sans() {
wp_deregister_style( 'open-sans' );
wp_register_style( 'open-sans', false );
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'remove_wp_open_sans');
// Uncomment below to remove from admin
// add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'remove_wp_open_sans');
function remove_open_sans() {
wp_deregister_style( 'open-sans' );
wp_register_style( 'open-sans', false );
add_action( 'init', 'remove_open_sans' );
function hui_breadcrumbs(){
if( !is_single() ) return false;
$categorys = get_the_category();
$category = $categorys[0];
return '<span class="text-muted">当前位置:</span><a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.get_bloginfo('name').'</a> <small>></small> '.get_category_parents($category->term_id, true, ' <small>></small> ').'<span class="text-muted">'.(!_hui('breadcrumbs_single_text')?get_the_title():'正文').'</span>';
* open link manager
* v4.1 at 2015-08-17
* @author http://themebetter.com/theme/xiu
* ====================================================================================================
add_filter( 'pre_option_link_manager_enabled', '__return_true' );
* languages
* ====================================================
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'hui_languages');
function hui_languages(){
load_theme_textdomain('haoui', get_template_directory() . '/languages');
if( is_admin() ){
require_once get_template_directory() . '/functions.admin.php';
* no categoty
* ====================================================
if( _hui('no_categoty') ) require_once get_template_directory() . '/modules/no-category.php';
if( !_hui('gravatar_url') || _hui('gravatar_url') == 'ssl' ){
add_filter('get_avatar', 'get_ssl2_avatar');
}else if( _hui('gravatar_url') == 'duoshuo' ){
add_filter('get_avatar', 'duoshuo_get_avatar', 10, 3);
function get_ssl2_avatar($avatar) {
$avatar = preg_replace('/.*\/avatar\/(.*)\?s=([\d]+)&.*/', '<img src="https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/$1" class="avatar avatar-$2" height="50" width="50">', $avatar);
return $avatar;
function duoshuo_get_avatar($avatar) {
$avatar = str_replace(array("www.gravatar.com", "0.gravatar.com", "1.gravatar.com", "2.gravatar.com"), "gravatar.duoshuo.com", $avatar);
return $avatar;
function hui_moloader($name = '', $apply = true) {
if (!function_exists($name)) {
include get_template_directory() . '/modules/' . $name . '.php';
if ($apply && function_exists($name)) {
// print_r( get_option('WPLANG') );
* widgets
* ====================================================
if( _hui('layout') !== 'ui-c2' ){
if (function_exists('register_sidebar')){
$widgets = array(
'sitesidebar' => __('全站侧栏', 'haoui'),
'sidebar' => __('首页侧栏', 'haoui'),
'othersidebar' => __('分类/标签/搜索页侧栏', 'haoui'),
'postsidebar' => __('文章页侧栏', 'haoui'),
'pagesidebar' => __('页面侧栏', 'haoui'),
foreach ($widgets as $key => $value) {
'name' => $value,
'id' => 'widget_'.$key,
'before_widget' => '<div class="widget %2$s">',
'after_widget' => '</div>',
'before_title' => '<h3 class="title"><strong>',
'after_title' => '</strong></h3>'
require_once get_template_directory() . '/widgets/widget-index.php';
* reg nav
* ====================================================
if (function_exists('register_nav_menus')){
register_nav_menus( array(
'nav' => __('网站导航', 'haoui')
* nav
* ====================================================
function hui_nav_menu($class='nav', $location='nav'){
echo '<ul class="'.$class.'"><li class="navmore"></li>'.str_replace("</ul></div>", "", preg_replace("/<div[^>]*><ul[^>]*>/", "", wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => $location, 'echo' => false)) )).'</ul>';
* logo
* ====================================================
function hui_logo($class='logo', $tag=array('h1', 'div')){
$tag = is_home() ? $tag[0] : $tag[1];
$src = _hui('logo_src');
if( wp_is_mobile() && _hui('logo_m_src') ){
$src = _hui('logo_m_src');
if( !empty($src) ){
$src = '<img src="'.$src.'" alt="'. get_bloginfo('name') .'">';
echo '<'.$tag.' class="logo"><a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'" title="'.get_bloginfo('name')._hui('connector').get_bloginfo('description').'">'.get_bloginfo('name').'</a></'.$tag.'>';
* from
* ====================================================
function hui_get_post_from($pid='', $prevtext='图片参考:'){
if( !$pid ) $pid = get_the_ID();
$fromname = trim(get_post_meta($pid, "fromname_value", true));
$fromurl = trim(get_post_meta($pid, "fromurl_value", true));
$from = '';
if( $fromname ){
if( $fromurl ){
$from = '<a href="'.$fromurl.'" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow">'.$fromname.'</a>';
$from = $fromname;
$from = (_hui('post_from_h1')?_hui('post_from_h1'):$prevtext).$from;
return $from;
* recent post number
* ====================================================
function hui_get_recent_posts_number($days=1) {
global $wpdb;
$today = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', time() + 3600 * 8);
$daysago = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($today) - ($days * 24 * 60 * 60) );
$post_ID = array();
$result = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_date BETWEEN '$daysago' AND '$today' AND post_status='publish' AND post_type='post' ORDER BY post_date DESC ");
foreach ($result as $Item) {
$post_ID[] = $Item->ID;
return count($post_ID);
function hui_bodyclass(){
$class = '';
if( (is_page() || is_single()) && _hui('post_p_s') ){
$class .= ' post_p_indent';
if( !_hui('search_nav') ){
$class .= ' search_not';
if( _hui('list_thumb_left') ){
$class .= ' excerpt_thumb_left';
global $paged;
if( !$paged && _hui('focusslide_s') && _hui('focusslide_s_m') ){
$class .= ' focusslide_s_m';
if( _hui('layout_mo') ){
$class .= ' uimo';
if( wp_is_mobile() && _hui('logo_m_src') ){
$class .= ' logo_m';
return trim(trim($class).' '._hui('layout'));
* post like button
* ====================================================
function hui_get_post_like($class='', $pid='', $text=''){
$pls = _hui('post_plugin');
if( !$pls || !isset($pls['like']) || !$pls['like'] ) return false;
$pid = $pid ? $pid : get_the_ID();
$text = $text ? $text : __('赞', 'haoui');
$like = get_post_meta( $pid, 'like', true );
// $event = is_user_logged_in() ? 'like' : 'login';
$event = 'like';
if( hui_is_my_like($pid) ) {
$class .= ' actived';
return '<a href="javascript:;" class="'.$class.'" data-pid="'.$pid.'" data-event="'.$event.'"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-thumbs-up"></i>'.$text.' (<span>'.($like ? $like : 0).'</span>)</a>';
* is user like ?
* ====================================================
function hui_is_my_like($pid=''){
if( !is_user_logged_in() ) return false;
$pid = $pid ? $pid : get_the_ID();
$likes = get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'like-posts', true );
$likes = $likes ? unserialize($likes) : array();
return in_array($pid, $likes) ? true : false;
* remove head
* ====================================================
remove_action( 'wp_head', 'wp_generator' );
// add_filter('show_admin_bar','hide_admin_bar');
function hide_admin_bar($flag) {
return false;
* editor style
* ====================================================
* post thumbnail
* ====================================================
// set_post_thumbnail_size(240, 180, false);
function hui_target_blank(){
return _hui('target_blank') ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
* paging
* ====================================================
if ( ! function_exists( 'hui_paging' ) ) :
function hui_paging() {
$p = 3;
if ( is_singular() ) return;
global $wp_query, $paged;
$max_page = $wp_query->max_num_pages;
if ( $max_page == 1 ) return;
echo '<div class="pagination'.(_hui('paging_type') == 'multi'?' pagination-multi':'').'"><ul>';
if ( empty( $paged ) ) $paged = 1;
if( _hui('paging_type') == 'multi' && $paged !== 1 ) p_link(0);
// echo '<span class="pages">Page: ' . $paged . ' of ' . $max_page . ' </span> ';
echo '<li class="prev-page">'; previous_posts_link(__('上一页', 'haoui')); echo '</li>';
if( _hui('paging_type') == 'multi' ){
if ( $paged > $p + 1 ) p_link( 1, '<li>'.__('第一页', 'haoui').'</li>' );
if ( $paged > $p + 2 ) echo "<li><span>···</span></li>";
for( $i = $paged - $p; $i <= $paged + $p; $i++ ) {
if ( $i > 0 && $i <= $max_page ) $i == $paged ? print "<li class=\"active\"><span>{$i}</span></li>" : p_link( $i );
if ( $paged < $max_page - $p - 1 ) echo "<li><span> ... </span></li>";
//if ( $paged < $max_page - $p ) p_link( $max_page, '&raquo;' );
echo '<li class="next-page">'; next_posts_link(__('下一页', 'haoui')); echo '</li>';
if( _hui('paging_type') == 'multi' && $paged < $max_page ) p_link($max_page, '', 1);
if( _hui('paging_type') == 'multi' ) echo '<li><span>'.__('共', 'haoui').' '.$max_page.' '.__('页', 'haoui').'</span></li>';
echo '</ul></div>';
function p_link( $i, $title = '', $w='' ) {
if ( $title == '' ) $title = __('页', 'haoui')." {$i}";
$itext = $i;
if( $i == 0 ){
$itext = __('首页', 'haoui');
if( $w ){
$itext = __('尾页', 'haoui');
echo "<li><a href='", esc_html( get_pagenum_link( $i ) ), "'>{$itext}</a></li>";
* custom code
* ====================================================
add_action('wp_head', 'hui_wp_head');
function hui_wp_head() {
if( _hui('site_keywords_description_s') ){
if( _hui('headcode') ) echo "<!--ADD_CODE_HEADER_START-->\n"._hui('headcode')."\n<!--ADD_CODE_HEADER_END-->\n";
add_action('wp_footer', 'hui_wp_footer');
function hui_wp_footer() {
if( _hui('footcode') ) echo "<!--ADD_CODE_FOOTER_START-->\n"._hui('footcode')."\n<!--ADD_CODE_FOOTER_END-->\n";
function get_the_subtitle(){
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
$subtitle = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'subtitle', true);
if( !empty($subtitle) ){
return ' <span>'.$subtitle.'</span>';
return false;
function hui_post_link(){
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
$link = get_post_meta($post_ID, 'link', true);
if( $link ){
echo '<a class="post-linkto'. (is_single()?' action':'') .'" href="'. $link .'"'. (_hui('post_link_blank_s')?' target="_blank"':'') . (_hui('post_link_nofollow_s')?' rel="external nofollow"':'') .'>'. (is_single()?'<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-share-alt"></i>':'') ._hui('post_link_h1') .'</a>';
function hui_get_share(){
$shares = array(
$html = '';
foreach ($shares as $value) {
$html .= '<a class="bds_'.$value.'" data-cmd="'.$value.'"></a>';
return __('分享到:', 'haoui').$html.'<a class="bds_more" data-cmd="more">'.__('更多', 'haoui').'</a> (<a class="bds_count" data-cmd="count"></a>)';
* post views
* ====================================================
function hui_record_visitors(){
if (is_singular()){
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
$post_views = (int)get_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', true);
if(!update_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', ($post_views+1))){
add_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', 1, true);
function hui_get_views($class='post-views', $before='', $after=''){
$pls = _hui('post_plugin');
if( !$pls || !isset($pls['view']) || !$pls['view'] ) return false;
if( !$before ) $before = __('阅读', 'haoui').'(';
if( !$after ) $after = ')';
global $post;
$post_ID = $post->ID;
$views = (int)get_post_meta($post_ID, 'views', true);
return '<span class="'.$class.'">'.$before.$views.$after.'</span>';
* string limit
* ====================================================
function hui_strimwidth($str ,$start , $width ,$trimmarker ){
$output = preg_replace('/^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$start.'}((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$width.'}).*/s','\1',$str);
return $output.$trimmarker;
function random_str($length){
$str = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
$strlen = 62;
while($length > $strlen){
$str .= $str;
$strlen += 60;
$str = str_shuffle($str);
return substr($str, 0,$length);
* 404
* ====================================================
function hui_404(){
echo '<div class="e404"><img src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/404.png"><h1>404 . Not Found</h1><p>'.__('沒有找到你要的内容!', 'haoui').'</p><br><p><a class="btn btn-primary" href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.__('返回首页', 'haoui').'</a></p></div>';
* post excerpt
* ====================================================
function _str_cut($str ,$start , $width ,$trimmarker ){
$output = preg_replace('/^(?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$start.'}((?:[\x00-\x7F]|[\xC0-\xFF][\x80-\xBF]+){0,'.$width.'}).*/s','\1',$str);
return $output.$trimmarker;
function hui_get_excerpt_content($limit=140, $after='...'){
$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
if ( mb_strlen( $excerpt ) > $limit ) {
return _str_cut(strip_tags($excerpt), 0, $limit, $after);
return $excerpt;
function twentyeleven_excerpt_length( $length ) {
return 140;
add_filter( 'excerpt_length', 'twentyeleven_excerpt_length' );
function hui_post_images_number(){
global $post;
$content = $post->post_content;
preg_match_all('/<img.*?(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)?src=[\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?(?:(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)+.*?)?>/sim', $content, $strResult, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
return count($strResult[1]);
function hui_get_comment_number($before='',$after=''){
if( !$before ) $before = __('评论', 'haoui').'(';
if( !$after ) $after = ')';
global $wpdb, $post;
$str = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->comments WHERE comment_post_ID = $post->ID AND comment_approved = '1' AND comment_type = ''");
return $before.$str.$after;
function hui_get_adcode($name){
if( !$name ) return '';
if( wp_is_mobile() ){
return _hui($name.'_m');
return _hui($name);
* post related
* ====================================================
function hui_posts_related($title='', $limit=8, $model='thumb'){
global $post;
$exclude_id = $post->ID;
$posttags = get_the_tags();
$i = 0;
echo '<div class="relates'.' relates-model-'.$model.'"><h3 class="title"><strong>'.$title.'</strong></h3><ul>';
if ( $posttags ) {
$tags = ''; foreach ( $posttags as $tag ) $tags .= $tag->name . ',';
$args = array(
'post_status' => 'publish',
'tag_slug__in' => explode(',', $tags),
'post__not_in' => explode(',', $exclude_id),
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
'orderby' => 'comment_date',
'posts_per_page' => $limit
while( have_posts() ) { the_post();
echo '<li><a'.hui_target_blank().' href="'.get_permalink().'">';
if( $model == 'thumb' ){
echo hui_get_thumbnail();
echo get_the_title().get_the_subtitle().'</a></li>';
$exclude_id .= ',' . $post->ID; $i ++;
if ( $i < $limit ) {
$cats = ''; foreach ( get_the_category() as $cat ) $cats .= $cat->cat_ID . ',';
$args = array(
'category__in' => explode(',', $cats),
'post__not_in' => explode(',', $exclude_id),
'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1,
'orderby' => 'comment_date',
'posts_per_page' => $limit - $i
while( have_posts() ) { the_post();
echo '<li><a'.hui_target_blank().' href="'.get_permalink().'">';
if( $model == 'thumb' ){
echo hui_get_thumbnail();
echo get_the_title().get_the_subtitle().'</a></li>';
$i ++;
if ( $i == 0 ){
echo '暂无内容!';
echo '</ul></div>';
* post thumbnail
* ====================================================
function hui_get_thumbnail( $single=true, $must=true ) {
global $post;
$html = '';
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
/*$domsxe = simplexml_load_string(get_the_post_thumbnail());
$src = $domsxe->attributes()->src;
$src_array = wp_get_attachment_image_src(hui_get_attachment_id_from_src($src), 'thumbnail');
$html = sprintf('<span><img data-original="%s" class="thumb"/></span>', $src_array[0]);*/
$domsxe = get_the_post_thumbnail();
preg_match_all('/<img.*?(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)?src=[\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?(?:(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)+.*?)?>/sim', $domsxe, $strResult, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$images = $strResult[1];
foreach($images as $src){
$html = sprintf('<span><img src="%s"/></span>', $src);
} else {
$content = $post->post_content;
preg_match_all('/<img.*?(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)?src=[\'"]?(.+?)[\'"]?(?:(?: |\\t|\\r|\\n)+.*?)?>/sim', $content, $strResult, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$images = $strResult[1];
$counter = count($strResult[1]);
if( !$counter && $single && $must ){
return '<span><img data-original="'. get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/thumbnail.png' .'" class="thumb"/></span>';
$etype = _hui('list_type');
$i = 0;
foreach($images as $src){
$src2 = wp_get_attachment_image_src(hui_get_attachment_id_from_src($src), 'thumbnail');
$src2 = $src2[0];
if( !$src2 && _hui('list_thumb_out') ){
$src = $src;
$src = $src2;
// v4.1
// http://themebetter.com/theme/xiu
if( _hui('list_thumb_out') && _hui('list_thumb_out_text') ){
$filetype = hui_get_filetype($src);
$src = rtrim($src, '.'.$filetype)._hui('list_thumb_out_text').'.'.$filetype;
$item = sprintf('<img data-original="%s" class="thumb"/>', $src);
if( $single){
return $item;
$html .= '<span class="item"><span class="thumb-span">'.$item.'</span></span>';
/*( $etype == 'more' && $counter >= 12 && $i >= 12 ) ||
( $etype == 'multi' && ($counter >= 8 && $i >= 8) || ($counter >= 4 && $i >= 4) || ($counter > 0 && $counter < 4 && $i >= 1) ) ||
( $etype == 'four' && $counter >= 4 && $i >= 4 ) ||
( $etype == 'thumb' && $counter >= 1 && $i >= 1 )*/
($etype == 'more' && $counter >= 12 && $i >= 12) ||
($etype == 'multi' && $counter >= 8 && $i >= 8) ||
($etype == 'four' && $counter >= 4 && $i >= 4) ||
($counter >= 12 && $i >= 12) ||
($counter >= 8 && $counter < 12 && $i >= 8) ||
($counter >= 4 && $counter < 8 && $i >= 4) ||
($counter > 0 && $counter < 4 && $i >= 1)
return $html;
function hui_get_attachment_id_from_src ($link) {
global $wpdb;
$link = preg_replace('/-\d+x\d+(?=\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$)/i', '', $link);
return $wpdb->get_var("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE guid='$link'");
* avatar cache
* ====================================================
// add_filter('get_avatar','hui_avatar');
function hui_avatar($avatar) {
$tmp = strpos($avatar, 'http');
$g = substr($avatar, $tmp, strpos($avatar, "'", $tmp) - $tmp);
$tmp = strpos($g, 'avatar/') + 7;
$f = substr($g, $tmp, strpos($g, "?", $tmp) - $tmp);
$w = get_bloginfo('wpurl');
$e = ABSPATH .'avatar/'. $f .'.png';
$t = 15*24*60*60;
if ( !is_file($e) || (time() - filemtime($e)) > $t )
copy(htmlspecialchars_decode($g), $e);
$avatar = strtr($avatar, array($g => $w.'/avatar/'.$f.'.png'));
if ( filesize($e) < 500 )
copy(get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/avatar-default.png', $e);
return $avatar;
* avatar
* ====================================================
function hui_get_avatar( $user_id='', $user_email='', $src=false, $size=50 ){
$user_avtar = hui_user_avatar($user_id);
if( $user_avtar ){
$attr = 'data-original';
if( $src ) $attr = 'src';
return '<img class="avatar avatar-'.$size.' photo" width="'.$size.'" height="'.$size.'" '.$attr.'="'.$user_avtar.'">';
$avatar = get_avatar( $user_email, $size , get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/avatar-default.png');
if( $src ){
return $avatar;
return str_replace(' src=', ' data-original=', $avatar);
* keywords
* ====================================================
function hui_keywords() {
global $s, $post;
$keywords = '';
if ( is_singular() ) {
if ( get_the_tags( $post->ID ) ) {
foreach ( get_the_tags( $post->ID ) as $tag ) $keywords .= $tag->name . ', ';
foreach ( get_the_category( $post->ID ) as $category ) $keywords .= $category->cat_name . ', ';
if( _hui('post_keywords_description_s') ) {
$the = trim(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'keywords', true));
if( $the ) $keywords = $the;
$keywords = substr_replace( $keywords , '' , -2);
} elseif ( is_home () ) { $keywords = _hui('keywords');
} elseif ( is_tag() ) { $keywords = single_tag_title('', false);
} elseif ( is_category() ) { $keywords = single_cat_title('', false);
if( _hui('cat_keyworks_s') ){
$description = trim(strip_tags(category_description()));
if( $description && strstr($description, '::::::') ){
$desc = explode('::::::', $description);
if( $desc[0] && !empty($desc[0]) ) {
$keywords = trim($desc[0]);
} elseif ( is_search() ) { $keywords = esc_html( $s, 1 );
} else { $keywords = trim( wp_title('', false) );
if ( $keywords ) {
echo "<meta name=\"keywords\" content=\"$keywords\">\n";
* description
* ====================================================
function hui_description() {
global $s, $post;
$description = '';
$blog_name = get_bloginfo('name');
if ( is_singular() ) {
if( !empty( $post->post_excerpt ) ) {
$text = $post->post_excerpt;
} else {
$text = $post->post_content;
$description = trim( str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n", " ", " "), " ", str_replace( "\"", "'", strip_tags( $text ) ) ) );
if ( !( $description ) ) $description = $blog_name . "-" . trim( wp_title('', false) );
if( _hui('post_keywords_description_s') ) {
$the = trim(get_post_meta($post->ID, 'description', true));
if( $the ) $description = $the;
} elseif ( is_home () ) { $description = _hui('description');
} elseif ( is_tag() ) { $description = $blog_name . "'" . single_tag_title('', false) . "'";
} elseif ( is_category() ) {
$description = trim(strip_tags(category_description()));
if( _hui('cat_keyworks_s') && $description && strstr($description, '::::::') ){
$desc = explode('::::::', $description);
$description = trim($desc[1]);
} elseif ( is_archive() ) { $description = $blog_name . "'" . trim( wp_title('', false) ) . "'";
} elseif ( is_search() ) { $description = $blog_name . ": '" . esc_html( $s, 1 ) . "' ".__('的搜索結果', 'haoui');
} else { $description = $blog_name . "'" . trim( wp_title('', false) ) . "'";
$description = mb_substr( $description, 0, 80, 'utf-8' );
echo "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"$description\">\n";
* smiliea src
* ====================================================
function hui_smilies_src ($img_src, $img, $siteurl){
return get_template_directory_uri().'/images/smilies/'.$img;
* noself ping
* ====================================================
function hui_noself_ping( &$links ) {
$home = get_option( 'home' );
foreach ( $links as $l => $link )
if ( 0 === strpos( $link, $home ) )
* mail from & name
* ====================================================
add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'hui_res_from_email');
function hui_res_from_email($email) {
$wp_from_email = get_option('admin_email');
return $wp_from_email;
add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'hui_res_from_name');
function hui_res_from_name($email){
$wp_from_name = get_option('blogname');
return $wp_from_name;
* comment notify
* ====================================================
function comment_mail_notify($comment_id) {
$admin_notify = '1';
$admin_email = get_bloginfo ('admin_email');
$comment = get_comment($comment_id);
$comment_author_email = trim($comment->comment_author_email);
$parent_id = $comment->comment_parent ? $comment->comment_parent : '';
global $wpdb;
if ($wpdb->query("Describe {$wpdb->comments} comment_mail_notify") == '')
$wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE {$wpdb->comments} ADD COLUMN comment_mail_notify TINYINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;");
if (($comment_author_email != $admin_email && isset($_POST['comment_mail_notify'])) || ($comment_author_email == $admin_email && $admin_notify == '1'))
$wpdb->query("UPDATE {$wpdb->comments} SET comment_mail_notify='1' WHERE comment_ID='$comment_id'");
$notify = $parent_id ? get_comment($parent_id)->comment_mail_notify : '0';
$spam_confirmed = $comment->comment_approved;
if ($parent_id != '' && $spam_confirmed != 'spam' && $notify == '1') {
$wp_email = 'no-reply@' . preg_replace('#^www\.#', '', strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']));
$to = trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author_email);
$subject = 'Hi,您在 [' . get_option("blogname") . '] 的留言有人回复啦!';
$message = '
<div style="color:#333;font:100 14px/24px microsoft yahei;">
<p>' . trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_author) . ', 您好!</p>
<p>您曾在《' . get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID) . '》的留言:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '
. trim(get_comment($parent_id)->comment_content) . '</p>
<p>' . trim($comment->comment_author) . ' 给您的回应:<br /> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; '
. trim($comment->comment_content) . '<br /></p>
<p>点击 <a href="' . htmlspecialchars(get_comment_link($parent_id)) . '">查看回应完整內容</a></p>
<p>欢迎再次光临 <a href="' . get_option('home') . '">' . get_option('blogname') . '</a></p>
<p style="color:#999">(此邮件由系统自动发出,请勿回复.)</p>
$from = "From: \"" . get_option('blogname') . "\" <$wp_email>";
$headers = "$from\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=" . get_option('blog_charset') . "\n";
wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
* comment mail notify checked
* ====================================================
function hui_add_checkbox() {
echo '<label for="comment_mail_notify" class="checkbox inline hide" style="padding-top:0"><input type="checkbox" name="comment_mail_notify" id="comment_mail_notify" value="comment_mail_notify" checked="checked"/>'.__('有人回复时邮件通知我', 'haoui').'</label>';
* post copyright
* ====================================================
if( _hui('post_copyright_s') ){
// add_filter('the_content','hui_copyright');
function hui_copyright($content) {
// $content .= '<p>'.(_hui('post_from_s')?hui_get_post_from():'').'</p>';
if( !is_page() ){
$content.= '<p class="post-copyright">'._hui('post_copyright').':<a href="'.get_bloginfo('url').'">'.get_bloginfo('name').'</a> &raquo; <a href="'.get_permalink().'">'.get_the_title().get_the_subtitle().'</a></p>';
return $content;
* timeago
* ====================================================
function timeago( $ptime ) {
date_default_timezone_set( "UTC" );
$ptime = strtotime($ptime);
$etime = time() - $ptime;
if($etime < 1) return __('刚刚', 'haoui');
$interval = array (
12 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => __('年前', 'haoui').' ('.date('Y-m-d', $ptime).')',
30 * 24 * 60 * 60 => __('个月前', 'haoui').' ('.date('m-d', $ptime).')',
7 * 24 * 60 * 60 => __('周前', 'haoui').' ('.date('m-d', $ptime).')',
24 * 60 * 60 => __('天前', 'haoui'),
60 * 60 => __('小时前', 'haoui'),
60 => __('分钟前', 'haoui'),
1 => __('秒前', 'haoui')
foreach ($interval as $secs => $str) {
$d = $etime / $secs;
if ($d >= 1) {
$r = round($d);
return $r . $str;
* admin comment Ctrl+Enter
* ====================================================
add_action('admin_footer', 'hui_admin_comment_ctrlenter');
function hui_admin_comment_ctrlenter(){
echo '<script type="text/javascript">
* oauth
* ====================================================
$oauthArr = array(
'qq' => 'QQ',
'weibo' => '微博'
function hui_current_oauth($user_id=''){
if( !$user_id ) $user_id = get_current_user_id();
$oauth = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'is_oauth', true );
if( $oauth ){
global $oauthArr;
return $oauthArr[$oauth];
return get_bloginfo('name').__('账号', 'haoui');
function hui_user_avatar($user_id=''){
if( !$user_id ) return false;
$avatar = get_user_meta( $user_id, 'avatar', true );
if( $avatar ){
return $avatar;
return false;
* comment list
* ====================================================
function hui_comment_list($comment, $args, $depth) {
echo '<li '; comment_class(); echo ' id="comment-'.get_comment_ID().'">';
echo '<div class="c-avatar">'.hui_get_avatar( $comment->user_id, $comment->comment_author_email ).'</div>';
echo '<div class="c-main" id="div-comment-'.get_comment_ID().'">';
echo '<span class="c-author">'.get_comment_author_link().'</span>';
echo str_replace(' src=', ' data-original=', convert_smilies(get_comment_text()));
if ($comment->comment_approved == '0'){
echo '<span class="c-approved">'.__('待审核', 'haoui').'</span>';
echo '<time class="c-time">'.timeago($comment->comment_date).'</time>';
if ($comment->comment_approved !== '0')
echo comment_reply_link( array_merge( $args, array('add_below' => 'div-comment', 'depth' => $depth, 'max_depth' => $args['max_depth'] ) ) );
echo '</div>';
* import javascript & css
* ====================================================
add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'hui_load_scripts');
function hui_load_scripts() {
if (!is_admin()) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'main', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/style.css', array(), THEME_VERSION, 'all' );
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
wp_deregister_script( 'l10n' );
$jss = array(
'no' => array(
'jquery' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/jquery.js',
'bootstrap' => get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/bootstrap.js'
'baidu' => array(
'jquery' => 'http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js',
'bootstrap' => 'http://apps.bdimg.com/libs/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js'
'360' => array(
'jquery' => 'http://libs.useso.com/js/jquery/2.0.0/jquery.min.js',
'bootstrap' => 'http://libs.useso.com/js/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js'
'he' => array(
'jquery' => '//code.jquery.com/jquery-2.0.0.min.js',
'bootstrap' => '//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/js/bootstrap.min.js'
wp_register_script( 'jquery', _hui('js_outlink') ? $jss[_hui('js_outlink')]['jquery'] : get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/jquery.js', false, THEME_VERSION, (_hui('jquery_bom')?true:false) );
wp_enqueue_script( '_bootstrap', _hui('js_outlink') ? $jss[_hui('js_outlink')]['bootstrap'] : get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/bootstrap.js', array('jquery'), THEME_VERSION, true );
global $paged;
if( !$paged && _hui('focusslide_s') && _hui('focusslide_s_m') ){
wp_enqueue_script( '_hammer', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/hammer.min.js', array(), THEME_VERSION, true );
wp_enqueue_script( '_custom', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js', array(), THEME_VERSION, true );
* import style
* ====================================================
function hui_head_css() {
$styles = '';
$site_width = _hui('site_width');
if( $site_width && $site_width !== '1280' ){
$styles .= ".container{max-width:{$site_width}px}";
if( _hui('site_gray') ){
$styles .= "html{overflow-y:scroll;filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=1);-webkit-filter: grayscale(100%);}";
if( _hui('theme_skin_custom') ){
$skin_option = _hui('theme_skin_custom');
$skc = $skin_option;
$skin_option = _hui('theme_skin');
$skc = '#'.$skin_option;
if( $skin_option && $skin_option !== 'FF5E52' ){
$styles .= "a:hover, a:focus,.post-like.actived,.excerpt h2 a:hover,.user-welcome strong,.article-title a:hover,#comments b,.text-muted a:hover,.relates a:hover,.archives .item:hover h3,.linkcat h2,.sticky a:hover,.article-content a:hover,.nav li.current-menu-item > a, .nav li.current-menu-parent > a, .nav li.current_page_item > a, .nav li.current-posa,.article-meta a:hover,.excerpt h2 a span,.article-title a span,.most-comment-posts li > a span,.widget_postlist .items-01 .text span{color:{$skc};}.logo a,.article-tags a,.search-form .btn,#bdcs .bdcs-search-form-submit,.widget_tags_inner a:hover:hover,.focusmo a:hover h4,.tagslist .tagname:hover,.pagination ul > li.next-page > a{background-color:{$skc};}.label-important,.badge-important{background-color:{$skc};}.label-important .label-arrow,.badge-important .label-arrow{border-left-color:{$skc};}.title strong{border-bottom-color:{$skc};}#submit{background: {$skc};border-right: 2px solid {$skc};border-bottom: 2px solid {$skc};}@media (max-width:720px){.ui-navtop .logo, .logo{background-color:{$skc};}.nav li.current-menu-item > a, .nav li.current-menu-parent > a, .nav li.current_page_item > a, .nav li.current-post-ancestor > a{border-bottom-color:$skc;}}";
$styles .= _hui('csscode');
if( $styles ) echo '<style>'.$styles.'</style>';
* hui_get_post_date function
* v4.1 at 2015-08-13
* @return date
* @author http://themebetter.com/theme/xiu
* ====================================================================================================
function hui_get_post_date($ptime='')
if( empty($ptime) ){
return false;
if( _hui('post_date_ago') ){
return timeago($ptime);
$format = _hui('post_date_format');
if( !$format ){
$format = 'Y-m-d';
return date($format, strtotime($ptime));
* hui_get_filetype function
* v4.1 at 2015-08-17
* @return date
* @author http://themebetter.com/theme/xiu
* ====================================================================================================
function hui_get_filetype($filename) {
$exten = explode('.', $filename);
return end($exten);
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