#!/usr/bin/env powershell
#requires -version 4
Executes KoreBuild commands.
Downloads korebuild if required. Then executes the KoreBuild command. To see available commands, execute with `-Command help`.
The KoreBuild command to run.
The folder to build. Defaults to the folder containing this script.
The channel of KoreBuild to download. Overrides the value from the config file.
The directory where .NET Core tools will be stored.
.PARAMETER ToolsSource
The base url where build tools can be downloaded. Overrides the value from the config file.
Updates KoreBuild to the latest version even if a lock file is present.
The path to the configuration file that stores values. Defaults to korebuild.json.
.PARAMETER ToolsSourceSuffix
The Suffix to append to the end of the ToolsSource. Useful for query strings in blob stores.
.PARAMETER Arguments
Arguments to be passed to the command
This function will create a file $PSScriptRoot/korebuild-lock.txt. This lock file can be committed to source, but does not have to be.
When the lockfile is not present, KoreBuild will create one using latest available version from $Channel.
The $ConfigFile is expected to be an JSON file. It is optional, and the configuration values in it are optional as well. Any options set
in the file are overridden by command line parameters.
Example config file:
"$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aspnet/BuildTools/dev/tools/korebuild.schema.json",
"channel": "dev",
"toolsSource": "https://aspnetcore.blob.core.windows.net/buildtools"
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[string]$Path = $PSScriptRoot,
[Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)]
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
# Functions
function Get-KoreBuild {
$lockFile = Join-Path $Path 'korebuild-lock.txt'
if (!(Test-Path $lockFile) -or $Update) {
Get-RemoteFile "$ToolsSource/korebuild/channels/$Channel/latest.txt" $lockFile $ToolsSourceSuffix
$version = Get-Content $lockFile | Where-Object { $_ -like 'version:*' } | Select-Object -first 1
if (!$version) {
Write-Error "Failed to parse version from $lockFile. Expected a line that begins with 'version:'"
$version = $version.TrimStart('version:').Trim()
$korebuildPath = Join-Paths $DotNetHome ('buildtools', 'korebuild', $version)
if (!(Test-Path $korebuildPath)) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Magenta "Downloading KoreBuild $version"
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $korebuildPath | Out-Null
$remotePath = "$ToolsSource/korebuild/artifacts/$version/korebuild.$version.zip"
try {
$tmpfile = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) "KoreBuild-$([guid]::NewGuid()).zip"
Get-RemoteFile $remotePath $tmpfile $ToolsSourceSuffix
if (Get-Command -Name 'Expand-Archive' -ErrorAction Ignore) {
# Use built-in commands where possible as they are cross-plat compatible
Expand-Archive -Path $tmpfile -DestinationPath $korebuildPath
else {
# Fallback to old approach for old installations of PowerShell
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($tmpfile, $korebuildPath)
catch {
Remove-Item -Recurse -Force $korebuildPath -ErrorAction Ignore
finally {
Remove-Item $tmpfile -ErrorAction Ignore
return $korebuildPath
function Join-Paths([string]$path, [string[]]$childPaths) {
$childPaths | ForEach-Object { $path = Join-Path $path $_ }
return $path
function Get-RemoteFile([string]$RemotePath, [string]$LocalPath, [string]$RemoteSuffix) {
if ($RemotePath -notlike 'http*') {
Copy-Item $RemotePath $LocalPath
$retries = 10
while ($retries -gt 0) {
$retries -= 1
try {
Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri $($RemotePath + $RemoteSuffix) -OutFile $LocalPath
catch {
Write-Verbose "Request failed. $retries retries remaining"
Write-Error "Download failed: '$RemotePath'."
# Main
# Load configuration or set defaults
$Path = Resolve-Path $Path
if (!$ConfigFile) { $ConfigFile = Join-Path $Path 'korebuild.json' }
if (Test-Path $ConfigFile) {
try {
$config = Get-Content -Raw -Encoding UTF8 -Path $ConfigFile | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($config) {
if (!($Channel) -and (Get-Member -Name 'channel' -InputObject $config)) { [string] $Channel = $config.channel }
if (!($ToolsSource) -and (Get-Member -Name 'toolsSource' -InputObject $config)) { [string] $ToolsSource = $config.toolsSource}
catch {
Write-Warning "$ConfigFile could not be read. Its settings will be ignored."
Write-Warning $Error[0]
if (!$DotNetHome) {
$DotNetHome = if ($env:DOTNET_HOME) { $env:DOTNET_HOME } `
elseif ($env:USERPROFILE) { Join-Path $env:USERPROFILE '.dotnet'} `
elseif ($env:HOME) {Join-Path $env:HOME '.dotnet'}`
else { Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '.dotnet'}
if (!$Channel) { $Channel = 'dev' }
if (!$ToolsSource) { $ToolsSource = 'https://aspnetcore.blob.core.windows.net/buildtools' }
# Execute
$korebuildPath = Get-KoreBuild
Import-Module -Force -Scope Local (Join-Path $korebuildPath 'KoreBuild.psd1')
try {
Set-KoreBuildSettings -ToolsSource $ToolsSource -DotNetHome $DotNetHome -RepoPath $Path -ConfigFile $ConfigFile
Invoke-KoreBuildCommand $Command @Arguments
finally {
Remove-Module 'KoreBuild' -ErrorAction Ignore
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