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python-wheel.spec 2.83 KB
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shixuantong 提交于 2021-11-29 19:41 . update version to 0.37.0
%bcond_without bootstrap
%if %{with bootstrap}
%bcond_with tests
%bcond_without tests
Name: python-wheel
Version: 0.37.0
Release: 1
Epoch: 1
Summary: Built-package format for Python
License: MIT
URL: https://github.com/pypa/wheel
Source0: %{url}/archive/%{version}/wheel-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
A built-package format for Python.
A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the
.whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376
compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk format.
%package -n python3-wheel
Summary: Built-package format for Python
BuildRequires: python3-devel python3-setuptools
%if %{with tests}
BuildRequires: python3-pytest python3-pyxdg
%{?python_provide:%python_provide python3-wheel}
%description -n python3-wheel
A built-package format for Python.
A wheel is a ZIP-format archive with a specially formatted filename and the
.whl extension. It is designed to contain all the files for a PEP 376
compatible install in a way that is very close to the on-disk format.
Python 3 version.
%if %{without bootstrap}
%package wheel
Summary: The Python wheel module packaged as a wheel
%description wheel
A Python wheel of wheel to use with virtualenv.
%autosetup -n wheel-%{version} -p1
mv %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wheel{,-%{python3_version}}
ln -s wheel-%{python3_version} %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/wheel-3
%if %{without bootstrap}
# We can only use bdist_wheel when wheel is installed, hence we don't build the wheel in %%build
export PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib}
install -d %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/python-wheels
install -p dist/wheel-%{version}-py2.py3-none-any.whl -t %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/python-wheels
%if %{with tests}
rm setup.cfg
PYTHONPATH=%{buildroot}%{python3_sitelib} py.test-3 -v --ignore build
%files -n python3-wheel
%license LICENSE.txt
%doc README.rst
%if %{without bootstrap}
%files wheel
%license LICENSE.txt
%dir %{_datadir}/python-wheels/
* Mon Nov 29 2021 shixuantong<shixuantong@huawei.com> - 0.37.0-1
- update version to 0.37.0
* Fri Nov 26 2021 shixuantong<shixuantong@huawei.com> - 0.36.2-3
- disable tests when bootstrapping
* Tue Jul 27 2021 shixuantong<shixuantong@huawei.com> - 0.36.2-2
- remove useless BuildRequires
* Wed Feb 03 2021 shixuantong<shixuantong@huawei.com> - 0.36.2-1
- upgrade version to 0.36.2
* Mon Nov 2 2020 wangjie<wangjie294@huawei.com> -0.31.1-5
- Type:NA
- DESC:remove python2
* Mon Dec 2 2019 yangjian<yangjian79@huawei.com> - 1:0.31.1-4
- Package init
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