
TA 关注的仓库 (7)

    Watch zhouyunsheng/dim-sum
    forked from baoyou.xie/dim-sum

    DIM-SUM自研操作系统源码。 建议配合《自研操作系统DIM-SUM设计与实现》一书阅读DIM-SUM操作系统源码。

    最近更新: 7个月前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/memory-scan forked from openEuler/memory-scan

    A kernel module for scaning page table of process/VMs

    最近更新: 1年前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/Preempt_RT forked from openEuler/Preempt_RT

    Linux in itself is not real time capable. With the additional PREEMPT_RT patch it gains real-time capabilities. The key point of the PREEMPT_RT patch is to minimize the amount of kernel code that is non-preemptible, while also minimizing the amount of code that must be changed in order to provide this added preemptibility. In particular, critical sections, interrupt handlers, and interrupt-disable code sequences are normally preemptible. The PREEMPT_RT patch leverages the SMP capabilities of the Linux kernel to add this extra preemptibility without requiring a complete kernel rewrite.

    最近更新: 1年前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/sysmonitor forked from openEuler/sysmonitor

    System Monitor Daemon

    最近更新: 1年前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/sysak-module forked from anolis/sysak-module


    最近更新: 1年多前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/SysAK forked from anolis/SysAK

    SysAK(System Analyse Kit)是龙蜥社区系统运维 SIG,通过对过往百万服务器运维经验进行抽象总结,而提供的一个全方位的系统运维工具集,可以覆盖系统的日常监控、线上问题诊断和系统故障修复等常见运维场景。工具的整体设计上,力图让运维工作回归简单,让系统运维人员不需要深入了解内核就能找出问题的所在。 问题讨论钉钉群1:31987277,群2:12640034551

    最近更新: 1年多前

    Watch zhouyunsheng/Linux 2.6.12代码注释
    forked from baoyou.xie/Linux 2.6.12代码注释


    最近更新: 1年多前