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Palindrome_Checker.py 1.60 KB
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# AUTHOR: ekbalba
# DESCRIPTION: A simple script which checks if a given phrase is a Palindrome
# PALINDROME: A word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward
samplePhrase = "A man, a plan, a cat, a ham, a yak, a yam, a hat, a canal-Panama!"
# givenPhrase = ""
# phrase = ""
givenPhrase = input("\nPlease input a phrase:(Press ENTER to use the sample phrase) ") #takes a phrase for input
#if nothing in given as input then the sample phrase is stored in the variable phrase otherwise the given phrase if stored
if givenPhrase == "":
print("\nThe sample phrase is: {0}".format(samplePhrase))
phrase = samplePhrase
phrase = givenPhrase
phrase = phrase.lower() #converting all the characters of the phrase to the lowercase
length_ = len(phrase) #returns the length of string
bol_ = True
# check using two pointers, one at beginning
# other at the end. Use only half of the list.
for items in range(length_ // 2):
if phrase[items] != phrase[length_ - 1 - items]:
print("\nSorry, The given phrase is not a Palindrome.")
bol_ = False
if bol_ == True:
print("\nWow!, The phrase is a Palindrome!")
Method #2:
A simple mmethod is , to reverse the string and and compare with original string.
If both are same that's means string is pelindrome otherwise else.
if phrase==phrase[::-1]:#slicing technique
"""phrase[::-1] this code is for reverse a string very smartly """
print("\nBy Method 2: Wow!, The phrase is a Palindrome!")
print("\nBy Method 2: Sorry, The given phrase is not a Palindrome.")
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