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run.py 6.64 KB
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test201610 提交于 2021-12-12 15:24 . no message
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# AI人工智障写作 - https://github.com/BlinkDL/AI-Writer
import numpy as np
import math, json
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn import functional as F
import src.utils
from src.model import GPT, GPTConfig
# src.utils.set_seed(42) # 是否固定随机数(固定后每次运行的生成结果都一样)
print('\nAI人工智障写作 https://github.com/BlinkDL/AI-Writer')
print('请关注我的知乎 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/423646620')
# 需 pytorch 1.9.x 及以上版本
# gpu:只支持 nvidia 显卡,速度最快,需 cuda+cudnn
# dml:支持 amd / intel / nvidia 显卡,需不同模型,需 pip install onnxruntime-directml 然后在 run.py 和 server.py 设置为 dml 模式
# cpu:没显卡就选它,但也用 nvidia 卡的模型
RUN_DEVICE = 'gpu' # gpu 或 dml 或 cpu
MODEL_NAME = 'model/wangwen-2021-12-11' # 模型名
WORD_NAME = 'model/wangwen-2021-12-11' # 这个也修改
NUM_OF_RUNS = 9999 # 写多少遍
LENGTH_OF_EACH = 200 # 每次写多少字
min_p_ratio = 0.02 # 这个的范围是 0 到 1。越大,生成效果越规矩。越小,变化越多。自己试试 0 和 0.1 和 1.0 的效果就知道了
# 开头这样输入:
# context = "我"
# context = "他"
# context = "她"
# context = "魔法"
# context = "三体舰队"
context = "这是一颗"
# context = "众人一惊,没想到这林黛玉的剑法竟如此精妙,只见在那剑影下,剑尖朝着伏地魔的脖子探去,眼见避无可避,伏地魔情急,大喊"
# 多行的开头这样输入:
# context = """
# 这几天心里颇不宁静。今晚在院子里坐着乘凉,忽然想起日日走过的荷塘,在这满月的光里,总该另有一番样子吧。月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。我悄悄地披了大衫,带上门出去。
# 沿着荷塘,是一条曲折的小煤屑路。这是一条幽僻的路;白天也少人走,夜晚更加寂寞。荷塘四面,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。路的一旁,是些杨柳,和一些不知道名字的树。没有月光的晚上,这路上阴森森的,有些怕人。今晚却很好,虽然月光也还是淡淡的。
# 路上只我一个人,背着手踱着。这一
# """
ctx_len = 512
n_layer = 12
n_head = 12
n_embd = n_head * 64
n_attn = n_embd
n_ffn = n_embd
context = context.strip().split('\n')
for c in range(len(context)):
context[c] = context[c].strip().strip('\u3000')
context = '\n' + ('\n'.join(context)).strip()
print('您输入的开头有 ' + str(len(context)) + ' 个字。注意,模型只会看最后 ' + str(ctx_len) + ' 个字。')
with open(WORD_NAME + '.json', "r", encoding="utf-16") as result_file:
word_table = json.load(result_file)
vocab_size = len(word_table)
train_dataset = lambda: None
train_dataset.stoi = {v: int(k) for k, v in word_table.items()}
train_dataset.itos = {int(k): v for k, v in word_table.items()}
UNKNOWN_CHAR = train_dataset.stoi['\ue083']
print(f'\nLoading model for {RUN_DEVICE}...', end=' ')
if RUN_DEVICE == 'dml':
import onnxruntime as rt
sess_options = rt.SessionOptions()
sess_options.graph_optimization_level = rt.GraphOptimizationLevel.ORT_ENABLE_ALL
sess_options.execution_mode = rt.ExecutionMode.ORT_SEQUENTIAL
sess_options.enable_mem_pattern = False
rt_session = rt.InferenceSession(MODEL_NAME + '.onnx', sess_options=sess_options)
model = GPT(GPTConfig(vocab_size, ctx_len, n_layer=n_layer, n_head=n_head, n_embd=n_embd, n_attn=n_attn, n_ffn=n_ffn))
m2 = torch.load(MODEL_NAME + '.pth', map_location='cpu').state_dict()
for i in range(n_layer):
prefix = f'blocks.{i}.attn.'
time_w = m2[prefix + 'time_w']
time_alpha = m2[prefix + 'time_alpha']
time_beta = m2[prefix + 'time_beta']
mask = m2[prefix + 'mask']
TT = ctx_len
T = ctx_len
w = F.pad(time_w, (0, TT))
w = torch.tile(w, [TT])
w = w[:, :-TT].reshape(-1, TT, 2 * TT - 1)
w = w[:, :, TT-1:]
w = w[:, :T, :T] * time_alpha[:, :, :T] * time_beta[:, :T, :]
w = w.masked_fill(mask[:T, :T] == 0, 0)
m2[prefix + 'time_ww'] = w
del m2[prefix + 'time_w']
del m2[prefix + 'time_alpha']
del m2[prefix + 'time_beta']
del m2[prefix + 'mask']
if RUN_DEVICE == 'gpu':
model = model.cuda()
print('done:', MODEL_NAME, '&', WORD_NAME)
for run in range(NUM_OF_RUNS):
x = np.array([train_dataset.stoi.get(s, UNKNOWN_CHAR) for s in context], dtype=np.int64)
real_len = len(x)
print_begin = 0
for i in range(LENGTH_OF_EACH):
if i == 0:
print(('-' * 60) + '\n' + context.replace('\n', '\n ').strip('\n'), end = '')
print_begin = real_len
with torch.no_grad():
if RUN_DEVICE == 'dml':
if real_len < ctx_len:
xxx = np.pad(x, (0, ctx_len - real_len))
xxx = x
out = rt_session.run(None, {rt_session.get_inputs()[0].name: [xxx[-ctx_len:]]})
out = torch.tensor(out[0])
xxx = torch.tensor(x[-ctx_len:], dtype=torch.long)[None,...]
if RUN_DEVICE == 'gpu':
xxx = xxx.cuda()
out, _ = model(xxx)
out[:, :, UNKNOWN_CHAR] = -float('Inf')
pos = -1 if real_len >= ctx_len else real_len - 1
if train_dataset.itos[int(x[real_len-1])] == '\n':
char = src.utils.sample_logits(out, pos, temperature=1.0, top_p=0.995)
char = src.utils.sample_logits(out, pos, temperature=1.0, min_p_pow=2.0, min_p_ratio=min_p_ratio)
x = np.append(x, char)
real_len += 1
if i % 10 == 9 or i == LENGTH_OF_EACH-1 or i < 10 or RUN_DEVICE != 'gpu':
completion = ''.join([train_dataset.itos[int(i)] for i in x[print_begin:real_len]])
print(completion.replace('\n', '\n '), end = '', flush=True)
print_begin = real_len
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