// .commitlintrc.js
/** @type {import('cz-git').UserConfig} */
module.exports = {
// 让commitlint继承@commitlint/config-conventional配置规则
extends: ['@commitlint/config-conventional'],
rules: {
// @see: https://commitlint.js.org/#/reference-rules
prompt: {
alias: { fd: 'docs: fix typos' },
messages: {
type: '选择你要提交的类型 :',
scope: '选择一个提交范围(可选):',
customScope: '请输入自定义的提交范围 :',
subject: '填写简短精炼的变更描述 :\n',
body: '填写更加详细的变更描述(可选)。使用 "|" 换行 :\n',
breaking: '列举非兼容性重大的变更(可选)。使用 "|" 换行 :\n',
footerPrefixesSelect: '选择关联issue前缀(可选):',
customFooterPrefix: '输入自定义issue前缀 :',
footer: '列举关联issue (可选) 例如: #31, #I3244 :\n',
generatingByAI: '正在通过 AI 生成你的提交简短描述...',
generatedSelectByAI: '选择一个 AI 生成的简短描述:',
confirmCommit: '是否提交或修改commit ?',
types: [
{ value: 'feat', name: 'feat: ✨ 新增功能 | A new feature', emoji: ':sparkles:' },
{ value: 'fix', name: 'fix: 🐛 修复缺陷 | A bug fix', emoji: ':bug:' },
{ value: 'docs', name: 'docs: 📝 文档更新 | Documentation only changes', emoji: ':memo:' },
value: 'style',
name: 'style: 💄 代码格式 | Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code',
emoji: ':lipstick:',
value: 'refactor',
name: 'refactor: ♻️ 代码重构 | A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature',
emoji: ':recycle:',
{ value: 'perf', name: 'perf: ⚡️ 性能提升 | A code change that improves performance', emoji: ':zap:' },
value: 'test',
name: 'test: ✅ 测试相关 | Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests',
emoji: ':white_check_mark:',
value: 'build',
name: 'build: 📦️ 构建相关 | Changes that affect the build system or external dependencies',
emoji: ':package:',
value: 'ci',
name: 'ci: 🎡 持续集成 | Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts',
emoji: ':ferris_wheel:',
{ value: 'revert', name: 'revert: ⏪️ 回退代码 | Revert to a commit', emoji: ':rewind:' },
value: 'chore',
name: 'chore: 🔨 其他修改 | Other changes that do not modify src or test files',
emoji: ':hammer:',
useEmoji: true,
emojiAlign: 'center',
useAI: false,
aiNumber: 1,
themeColorCode: '',
scopes: [],
allowCustomScopes: true,
allowEmptyScopes: true,
customScopesAlign: 'bottom',
customScopesAlias: '以上都不是?我要自定义',
emptyScopesAlias: '跳过',
upperCaseSubject: false,
markBreakingChangeMode: false,
allowBreakingChanges: ['feat', 'fix'],
breaklineNumber: 100,
breaklineChar: '|',
skipQuestions: [],
issuePrefixes: [
// 如果使用 gitee 作为开发管理
{ value: 'link', name: 'link: 链接 ISSUES 进行中' },
{ value: 'closed', name: 'closed: 标记 ISSUES 已完成' },
customIssuePrefixAlign: 'top',
emptyIssuePrefixAlias: '跳过',
customIssuePrefixAlias: '自定义前缀',
allowCustomIssuePrefix: true,
allowEmptyIssuePrefix: true,
confirmColorize: true,
maxHeaderLength: Infinity,
maxSubjectLength: Infinity,
minSubjectLength: 0,
scopeOverrides: undefined,
defaultBody: '',
defaultIssues: '',
defaultScope: '',
defaultSubject: '',
如您确认内容无涉及 不当用语 / 纯广告导流 / 暴力 / 低俗色情 / 侵权 / 盗版 / 虚假 / 无价值内容或违法国家有关法律法规的内容,可点击提交进行申诉,我们将尽快为您处理。