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agent.py 6.41 KB
一键复制 编辑 原始数据 按行查看 历史
鬼&泣 提交于 2021-06-20 21:00 . annotate revised
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import division
import os
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import optim
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_
from model import DQN
class Agent():
def __init__(self, args, env):
self.action_space = env.action_space()
self.atoms = args.atoms
self.Vmin = args.V_min
self.Vmax = args.V_max
self.support = torch.linspace(args.V_min, args.V_max, self.atoms).to(device=args.device) # Support (range) of z
self.delta_z = (args.V_max - args.V_min) / (self.atoms - 1)
self.batch_size = args.batch_size
self.n = args.multi_step
self.discount = args.discount
self.norm_clip = args.norm_clip
self.online_net = DQN(args, self.action_space).to(device=args.device)
if args.model: # Load pretrained model if provided
if os.path.isfile(args.model):
state_dict = torch.load(args.model,
map_location='cpu') # Always load tensors onto CPU by default, will shift to GPU if necessary
if 'conv1.weight' in state_dict.keys():
for old_key, new_key in (('conv1.weight', 'convs.0.weight'), ('conv1.bias', 'convs.0.bias'),
('conv2.weight', 'convs.2.weight'), ('conv2.bias', 'convs.2.bias'),
('conv3.weight', 'convs.4.weight'), ('conv3.bias', 'convs.4.bias')):
state_dict[new_key] = state_dict[old_key] # Re-map state dict for old pretrained models
del state_dict[old_key] # Delete old keys for strict load_state_dict
print("Loading pretrained model: " + args.model)
else: # Raise error if incorrect model path provided
raise FileNotFoundError(args.model)
self.target_net = DQN(args, self.action_space).to(device=args.device)
# set the training mode
for param in self.target_net.parameters():
param.requires_grad = False
self.optimiser = optim.Adam(self.online_net.parameters(), lr=args.learning_rate, eps=args.adam_eps)
# Resets noisy weights in all linear layers (of online net only)
def reset_noise(self):
# Acts based on single state (no batch)
def act(self, state):
with torch.no_grad():
return (self.online_net(state.unsqueeze(0)) * self.support).sum(2).argmax(1).item()
# Acts with an ε-greedy policy (used for evaluation only)
def act_e_greedy(self, state, epsilon=0.001): # High ε can reduce evaluation scores drastically
return np.random.randint(0, self.action_space) if np.random.random() < epsilon else self.act(state)
def learn(self, mem):
# Sample transitions
idxs, states, actions, returns, next_states, nonterminals, weights = mem.sample(self.batch_size)
# Calculate current state probabilities (online network noise already sampled)
log_ps = self.online_net(states, log=True) # Log probabilities log p(s_t, ·; θonline)
log_ps_a = log_ps[range(self.batch_size), actions] # log p(s_t, a_t; θonline)
with torch.no_grad():
# Calculate nth next state probabilities
pns = self.online_net(next_states) # Probabilities p(s_t+n, ·; θonline)
dns = self.support.expand_as(pns) * pns # Distribution d_t+n = (z, p(s_t+n, ·; θonline))
argmax_indices_ns = dns.sum(2).argmax(
1) # Perform argmax action selection using online network: argmax_a[(z, p(s_t+n, a; θonline))]
self.target_net.reset_noise() # Sample new target net noise
pns = self.target_net(next_states) # Probabilities p(s_t+n, ·; θtarget)
pns_a = pns[range(
self.batch_size), argmax_indices_ns] # Double-Q probabilities p(s_t+n, argmax_a[(z, p(s_t+n, a; θonline))]; θtarget)
# Compute Tz (Bellman operator T applied to z)
Tz = returns.unsqueeze(1) + nonterminals * (self.discount ** self.n) * self.support.unsqueeze(
0) # Tz = R^n + (γ^n)z (accounting for terminal states)
Tz = Tz.clamp(min=self.Vmin, max=self.Vmax) # Clamp between supported values
# Compute L2 projection of Tz onto fixed support z
b = (Tz - self.Vmin) / self.delta_z # b = (Tz - Vmin) / Δz
l, u = b.floor().to(torch.int64), b.ceil().to(torch.int64)
# Fix disappearing probability mass when l = b = u (b is int)
l[(u > 0) * (l == u)] -= 1
u[(l < (self.atoms - 1)) * (l == u)] += 1
# Distribute probability of Tz
m = states.new_zeros(self.batch_size, self.atoms)
offset = torch.linspace(0, ((self.batch_size - 1) * self.atoms), self.batch_size).unsqueeze(1).expand(
self.batch_size, self.atoms).to(actions)
m.view(-1).index_add_(0, (l + offset).view(-1),
(pns_a * (u.float() - b)).view(-1)) # m_l = m_l + p(s_t+n, a*)(u - b)
m.view(-1).index_add_(0, (u + offset).view(-1),
(pns_a * (b - l.float())).view(-1)) # m_u = m_u + p(s_t+n, a*)(b - l)
loss = -torch.sum(m * log_ps_a, 1) # Cross-entropy loss (minimises DKL(m||p(s_t, a_t)))
(weights * loss).mean().backward() # Backpropagate importance-weighted minibatch loss
clip_grad_norm_(self.online_net.parameters(), self.norm_clip) # Clip gradients by L2 norm
mem.update_priorities(idxs, loss.detach().cpu().numpy()) # Update priorities of sampled transitions
def update_target_net(self):
# Save model parameters on current device (don't move model between devices)
def save(self, path, name='model.pth'):
torch.save(self.online_net.state_dict(), os.path.join(path, name))
# Evaluates Q-value based on single state (no batch)
def evaluate_q(self, state):
with torch.no_grad():
return (self.online_net(state.unsqueeze(0)) * self.support).sum(2).max(1)[0].item()
def train(self):
def eval(self):
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