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Makefile 3.41 KB
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ZipCPU 提交于 2023-07-19 14:54 . Master make target test now works
## Filename: Makefile
## {{{
## Project: Zip CPU -- a small, lightweight, RISC CPU soft core
## Purpose: This is a grand makefile for the entire project. It will
## build the assembler, and a Verilog testbench, and then
## even test the CPU via that test bench.
## Targets include:
## bench Build the CPP test bench/debugger facility.
## doc Build the ZipCPU chip specification and the GPL
## license. These should be distributed pre-built, but
## you are welcome to rebuild them if you would like.
## rtl Run Verilator on the RTL
## sw Build the obsolete assembler, binutils, and GCC. By
## default, this also 'install's the compiler into the
## sw/install/ subdirectory as well.
## test Run the test bench on the assembler test file.
## Creator: Dan Gisselquist, Ph.D.
## Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## }}}
## Copyright (C) 2015-2022, Gisselquist Technology, LLC
## {{{
## This program is free software (firmware): you can redistribute it and/or
## modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
## by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTIBILITY or
## FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
## for more details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
## with this program. (It's in the $(ROOT)/doc directory. Run make with no
## target there if the PDF file isn't present.) If not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for a copy.
## }}}
## License: GPL, v3, as defined and found on www.gnu.org,
## {{{
## http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
## }}}
.PHONY: all
all: rtl sw sim
MAKE := make # Was `which make`
SUBMAKE := $(MAKE) --no-print-directory -C
.PHONY: doc
## {{{
@echo "Building docs"; cd doc;
+@$(SUBMAKE) doc/
## }}}
.PHONY: formal
## {{{
@echo "Running formal proofs";
+@$(SUBMAKE) bench/formal/
+@$(SUBMAKE) bench/formal/ report
## }}}
.PHONY: rtl
## {{{
@echo "Building rtl for Verilator";
+@$(SUBMAKE) rtl/
## }}}
.PHONY: sw
## {{{
@echo "Building toolchain";
+@$(SUBMAKE) sw/
## }}}
.PHONY: sim
## {{{
sim: cppsim vsim
@echo "Building in C++ simulator";
+@$(SUBMAKE) sim/cpp
vsim: rtl
@echo "Building Verilator simulator";
+@$(SUBMAKE) sim/verilator
## }}}
.PHONY: clean
## {{{
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=rtl clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=sw clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=sim/cpp clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=sim/verilator clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=bench/asm clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=bench/cpp clean
+@$(SUBMAKE) --directory=bench/formal clean
## }}}
.PHONY: bench
## {{{
bench: rtl sw
@echo "Building in bench/asm"; $(SUBMAKE) bench/asm
## }}}
.PHONY: test
## {{{
test: bench sim formal
@echo "Running simulation test suite"; $(SUBMAKE) sim/ test
## }}}
# .PHONY: dhrystone
# dhrystone: sw bench
# @echo "Building Asm Dhrystone"; $(SUBMAKE) zipdhry.z --no-print-directory
# @echo "Running Dhrystone"; $(SUBMAKE) sim/verilator dhrystone
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