The openEuler kernel is the core of the openEuler OS, serving as the foundation of system performance and stability and a bridge between processors, devices, and services.
最近更新: 23分鐘前OceanBase is an enterprise distributed relational database with high availability, high performance, horizontal scalability and compatibility with SQL standards.
最近更新: 3天前zvm is an embedded hypervisor based on Zephyr RTOS
最近更新: 4天前RISC-V Linux 内核兴趣小组协作仓库;泰晓社区已推出专用 RISC-V 实验盘和实验箱,欢迎移步泰晓科技 B 站工房选购,
最近更新: 2個月前TencentOS tiny 是腾讯面向物联网领域开发的实时操作系统,具有低功耗,低资源占用,模块化,安全可靠等特点,可有效提升物联网终端产品开发效率
最近更新: 12個月前BouffaloSDK is the IOT and MCU software development kit provided by the Bouffalo Lab Team, supports all the series of Bouffalo chips. Also it is the combination of bl_mcu_sdk and bl_iot_sdk
最近更新: 1年多前